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| N A M E |


| G E N D E R |


| P R O N O U N S |


| A G E |

eighteen in human

| S E X U A L I T Y |


| T R I B E |


| A B I L I T I E S |

- fire

- good hearing & smell

- can live off of little food & water

- radiates warmth

| P L A C E O F R E S I D E N C E |

Sandwing Kingdom

| O C C U P A T I O N |

fortune teller

| A P P E A R A N C E |

Hyena is a dark tannish colored sandwing with a paler colored tan underside. She has noticeable brown speckles covering her whole body. There small freckles that same color on her snout, and small clusters on her wing joints. Her ruff is a golden-brown color, and her wing undersides have small dotted white specks, similar to that of a nightwings.

| P E R S O N A L I T Y |

While not hyper, Hyena is certainly chock-ful of energy. She can be desribed as boisterious even, with how loud and rowdy she can sometimes be. She's not 'bounce off the walls' happy, but is more so the talkactive type, where she could go for hours and hours on things that interest her, or simply talk a dragons head off. Hyena is usually all smiles and a generally positive attitude, though by no means is she the happy but naive type. She simple prefers to joke around, and enjoy life at a light-hearted pace, as opposed to taking it seriously. She herself is very light-hearted, full of teasing remarks and playful banter. She usually gets along with most because many don't perceieve her as a threat, she doesn't really give off threathening vibes. Of course, it's not like Hyena is totally harmless. Considering the fact she's got talons, teeth and fire; one shouldn't underestimate her.

| S T R E N G T H S |

Hyena is very quick on her feet, and moves really fast when she needs to. She's also a good guesser.

| W E A K N E S S E S |

She's not used to colder climates, and would move slower/lose energy alot faster.

| L I K E S |

festivals, fortune telling, cactus juice, nighttime, music, fried lizard

| D I S L I K E S |

cold, damp or muddy places, thieves, bad weather, raw anything

| B A C K S T O R Y |

Hyena was born to Antelope and Sting, who she has little memory of. Her mother was assassinated, and her father ran off to protect himself. Hyena was pretty much raised by Coyote, her older brother, who also took care of Dingo(younger brother). The three are very close and despite not having the best living conditions; make due with what they have.

| S C E N A R I O |

As every-dragon knows, sandwings enjoy having parties. To celebrate, it's always so interesting to see dragons come together. Today is another example of this, where the queen has arranged a big party. There's drinks, food and games. Everyones having fun, and are smiling and laughing.

 There's also various stands selling trinkets, probably by dragons hoping to make a quick buck. One such stand is especially lively, and you notice there's a long line. You step in the back of the line, though dragons notice you and suddenly, you're ushered to the front. Considering your royal status, that doesn't surprise you.

You look at the stand, and see 'Fortune Teller: See your Future!' in bold letters. There's a dragon sitting in the front, probably a few years older then you. Is he running the stand? You drop a few coins into the jar and are ushered towards a small tent behind the stand. 

You enter and see the place decorated simply. Pretty white stones, a drawing of a dazzling night sky, and little trinkets. 

"Why hello, I knew you'd come" There's a dragon around your age there, sitting at a table. She motions for you to sit across from her, a small lamp lighting up her face. You see dark brown freckles on her snout, though she's wearing a fancy looking cape that really fits the whole fortune teller vibe. 

"I sense that you're here for a reason, one that I can assist you with. You may ask whatever questions you have about the future. The first three are free but afterwards, each one costs an additional fee. Or, perhaps you'd like a talon reading? Maybe a spiritual aura test?" She offers a pleasant smile, motioning to her mini sign which reads the information she just said outloud. [your response?]

| R E Q U I R E M E N T S |

- oc must be a sandwing

- oc is royalty. Not queen/king though(prince/princess is acceptable)

- oc must be at least eighteen

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