❤Rou Kingsten❤

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" How could you not know?!! "
( Rou Kingsten)

" None,ew! "
( Whatever your oc wants)

" Well what do I look like ? " Rou crossed his arms

" You really dont know? Dummy" He shook his head
( 18)

" I like dudes only. Cute ones "
( openly homosexual )

" Helllloo! " Rou leaned forward,a pout present in his lips. " I'm right here! "
( Rou is a rather pale skinned male with scruffy white hair and golden yellow eyes)

Clothing Style:

" Uh? " He glanced down at his attire. " comfy stuff ? "
( Rou tends to wear clothing that flexes on the fact he has a large amount of money while also wearing a style that he finds comfortable and easy to move in)

" Most scars I got are from like.. Other people. Uh,I have earrings and a tattoo of the White Foxes! " He motioned to himself
( Rou has a few scars on his back,and arms,none of which are from self harm but from weapons. He has a tattoo of the letters ' W' and 'F' on his neck with a fox head. He also has earrings)

" Well most people say I'm uncomfortably pleasant! Not too sure why though.. " He trailed off
( Oddly cheerful despite everything. He's very bright and optimistic , but is no where near oblivious. He finds it enjoyable to creep people out, because why would someone so bright be in a gang? Rou's a tad childish , flirty and clingy to match. However when it comes to his gang his personality does a 180. His cheery demeanor and kind personality is used to throw people off while he uses his silver tongue to get his way, making him a important asset in the gang.)

" Candy! " He grinned,eyes sparkling
( Candyyy,he absolutely adores sweets,kitkats being his favorite. Dangerous things like breaking the law for the thrill of being caught and affection since he's attention deprived)

" Annoying people! Their the worst" He sighed,shaking his head
( Homophobes,his past being brought up and rival gangs)

" Uhh..well I like video games? " Rou shrugged
(When he's not doing something illegal,he's usually playing video games or exploring some 'haunted' place or bein off alone .)

" Eh,I guess I but my lip alot? "
( tapping his foot,bouncing his leg,biting his lip to the point of bleeds. He smokes and drinks as well at timese)

Pet Peeves:
" Ahh, I really hate when people try and touch my mask! It bugs me" He groaned
(People trying to scare him since they'll most likely get a gun to the head ,trying to take his mask off or grabbing his pet fox.)

Rou looked away,frowning. " Can we not talk about it? "
( He grew up with a abusive father ,who would tend to beat everyone in the house when drunk(often). It soon became too much,and when he was about 6,his mother took him,and his older brother Zeke and left. They moved into a pretty hectic neighborhood ,where gang violence was frequent. Their mother began to slowly become abusive ,and would get angry easily ,punishing them for little things but soon apologizing after .Eventually ,when Rou was about 11, she completely shut down,and just left her children to fend for themselves. This causes the brothers to turn to the streets for a family,a place to belong and feel wanted. After a year or so they established a gang,called the ' White Foxes'. (Rou being the second in command,Zeke the leader). Even though new,the gang quickly rose the ranks,becoming widely known for their crimes.)

​​​​​​Scenario: You and Rou had grown up together. He had been so sweet,innocent and kind,and always was there for you,no matter what. One day he had to move away,and after a tearful goodbye,that was the last you saw of him. For a few years anyway. Until your family moved away, but unbeknownst to you the exact same town Rou moved to all those years ago. You moved there,and sent to a new school. Nervous but excited. For the first few hours you met new classmates,who all warned you about ' them'. Apparently they were in a gang,the white foxes and were really dangerous. It was lunchtime when ' they' walked in the cafeteria,and a hushed whisper fell across the place,students looking down or away. You snuck a glance at these fearsome people,only to spot Rou! You... 

scenario two: You and Rou have been happily dating for awhile,though you didn't know that he was in a gang. Though lately Rous been acting odd. He leaves during the night,saying he'll.be back quickly,only to come back in the late morning. One day you decide to visit him and walk in house,hearing voices coming from his room. You hear upstairs quietly,hearing two voices talking. One is Rou,and the other is someone you don't know. " It'll be fine " The voice you don't know says. " (y/n) won't find out " " I hope so" Rou replied. Is...he cheating on you? You....

​​​​❤scenario three❤: You work for the police ( detective/ cop/something) and have been stumped on a case involving the White Foxes. Specifically the second-in-command,known as Rou if the research you've done is right. You've met him actually,when he was fleeing from cops you happened to be with. And one day in a alley,where he leapt up the ladder on the side of a building, and bolted. Lately you keep having him just within reach,and he manages to escape everytime. Its frustrating ,but oddly normal now to exchange jabs at the other which went from serious to flirty . Today however,starts off the same. You walk home from work,expecting you're little thief to make a apperance. He pops up normally,sitting on a escape ladder with a grin. You two exchange playful insults and small flirty remarks. Todays a little different as someone from you're department has been following you with some paperwork you forgot. They promply shoot Rou in the leg,who howls in pain and flees. You quickly assure them you got it,leaving your body there as you chase after Rou. He's sitting in a alley,holding his leg. " Well,guess I'm done for huh?" He muttered. You..

​​​​​​❤scenario four❤: "Heeyyyy" While doing paperwork, your concentration was broken. "I knoooww you're there. Stop ignoring me, I have feelings" The voice carried on. "I'm bored, and this sucks" The voice belonged to the person you were in charge of watching while taking over the night shift, Rou. The police had captured him, and kinda just...tossed him in the holding cell. No one was too worried about him leaving, since one of the officers had shot him in the leg. The cell he was in was in a back room, but you could hear him from your desk. "My leg huurrtts! And o-" There was a flash of lightening, and the lights went out. Oh god, don't tell me your stuck alone with a criminal, lights out from the storm that was going on outside. Neat. "I can't seeee" Rou called again, and while you planned on ignoring him, you really couldn't now. You....

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