Chapter 5

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A/N: I'm back with the fifth chapter of Desert Rose! If you recognize it from the Aladdin franchise or Disney in general, I don't own it. The only exception is Abbas, who belongs to hello-mintblooms. Anyway, I took inspiration from amagnificentgardenparty on TUMBLR when she was reblogging someone's Jafar/Jasmine headcanon when writing the dance scene and hello_mintblooms and her story Red about giving Jasmine a book as a gift, who I forgot to thank for that in my last chapter.

* * *

"Harley: It took nearly three months of pleading before Dr. Leland finally gave in and let me do a session with The Joker. She told me he was an animal, plain and simple. A fiend who enjoyed twisting the minds of those stupid enough to trust him. I was determined not to be taken unaware, and studied up on all his jokes, tricks and gimmicks. Then I went in, ready for anything.

The Joker: You know, my father used to beat me up pretty bad.

Harley: Anything except that."

-The Batman Adventures #1 Mad Love

Amana put a silver circle around her head with a pink veil in the back, gazing at her pink dress with silver decorations and the necklace and earring set Jafar bought for her with the snake bracelet on her right arm and the blue rose in her hair. Today was the princess's birthday and she would be in the palace, on the arms of the Grand Vizier. Not only would that make Amana an unofficial member of the Royal Court, her presence as the Grand Vizier's guest would make her more desirable among citizens and foreigners alike. A knock on the door interrupted Amana's thoughts.

"Come in," she said.

Amana heard the door open and saw Heydar walk through the drapes in her mirror. "Ready to go?" she asked.

"Actually, I won't be going," Heydar informed her. "I've been assigned to guard Jamila on her nightly visit with the duke."

"He's still in the city?"

"Yep," Heydar answered. "And she never shuts up about him."

"Sounds like Jamila's infatuated with this man," Amana said with a smirk. "It would be a real shame if she fell in love with him."

"I'd hate to disappoint you, but I don't see that happening," Heydar pointed out. "Jamila loves being adored and I don't see her giving that up for anyone, no matter how exotic his appearance is."

"And while you're keeping Jamila safe on her journey to meet with her lover, I'll be going to the palace unguarded."

"Actually, I think I can find a replacement in a moment's notice."

"It's all right," Amana reassured Heydar. "I don't mind going without a bodyguard."

"Well I do," Heydar told her. "There will be many important men there and some of them won't take no for an answer."

"Once again, you underestimate me."

"No, it's not that," Heydar clarified. "It's just that these aren't random hooligans off the streets. Even if you did hold your own against them, you could still get in trouble for attacking a powerful man."

"I will be on the arms of a Grand Vizier," Amana pointed out. "And we both know how feared he is among Agraban citizens, rich and poor alike."

"That's another thing I'm worried about," Heydar admitted.

Amana sighed, getting up from her chair. "Heydar, once again, I'm really sorry about Iago," she said. "But Jafar felt that he'd be the best way to distract you and Iago does get carried away."

"It's not Iago I'm worried about," Heydar explained. "It's his owner."

Amana rolled her eyes. "Oh please, Heydar. Not this again," she said exasperated. "How many times do I have to tell you that Jafar is not a threat?"

"You didn't hear what Jafar said when you left to pick up the bird perch," Heydar defended. "He taunted me for losing my fortune, accused me of being in love with you and thought he was insulting me when he said that you think of me as a brother." Heydar paused as if he just had an epiphany. "It was like I was talking to the Minister."

Amana turned around to face Heydar as if he just told her Jamila replaced her as the most favored lady of the court. "Jafar is nothing like that miserable snake!"

"Jafar might be young, handsome and charming but, inside all of that, is a skinny old goateed man clawing to get out!" Heydar warned. "The man looked at me like he would kill me if he thought he would get away with it and I wouldn't be surprised to learn that he actually has!"

"Do you have any evidence to support your claim?" Amana demanded to know. "Or are you basing this on a mere feeling?"

"Lady Amana," a feminine voice said from the doorway. "Forgive my interruption but the Grand Vizier wished to see you."

"Thank you," Amana said, and then turned to Heydar as she walked toward the doorway. "That will be my patron." Amana left, not even bothering to give Heydar one last look. "Have fun with Jamila."

"Be careful," Heydar told Amana's retreating back.

* * *

"I am rather bemused," Amana admitted as the line moved forward. "I believe this is the princess's birthday, not the receiving line for a wedding."

"I take it you've never been invited to the Princess's birthday before," Jafar acknowledged.

"This is not my first time inside the palace," Amana informed him as the line continued to move forward. "However, this is my first invitation to the Princess's birthday."

There were only two people ahead of them and one of them looked to be a Sultan as he presented the princess with a beautiful extravagant necklace. "My congratulations to the princess," he said, bowing to the Sultan who smiled generously while the princess looked as bored as Amana felt.

"Thank you," the Sultan said, about to send the man away and receive the next person but the man was hesitant to leave.

"Actually, there is a matter I would like to discuss with you," the man said. "Your daughter appears to be the same age as my ninth born son."

"Perhaps we can discuss this later?" The Sultan suggested, but the man was not about to be put off.

"I would like to discuss this now," the man insisted. "Unless you have an objection to marrying our children and forming an alliance."

Seriously, you're bringing this up now? Amana thought as the man rambled on about why his son should marry the princess. While there's a huge line behind you?

Amana looked for Heydar nearby, hoping to share a "can you believe this guy?" glance only to see that he was nowhere in sight. She gave a sad sigh, which didn't go unnoticed.

"I understand that you find the man rather irritating," Jafar told her. "But it's hardly cause to be sad."

"What saddens me is that the man seems bereft of intelligence," she whispered to Jafar. "If he was really that determined to marry his son to the princess of Agrabah, he'd discuss this casually as everyone mingles rather than forcing this on the Sultan in the receiving line."

"I thought you had little knowledge of politics," Jafar challenged.

"And, yet, even I know this is the wrong method," Amana pointed out, causing Jafar to smile.

"Can't I at least meet this boy before I marry him?" Jasmine asked.

"An excellent suggestion," the Sultan told his daughter and then said to the man in line. "Let us have our children meet before we discuss arranging a marriage."

Then the man left and the next one in line just gave Jasmine his gift. Now it was Jafar's turn.

"Jafar," the Sultan greeted with a genuine smile. "I see that you've brought a guest with you this time."

"This is Amana, one of Madam Ishtar's ladies."

Amana curtsied to the Sultan and Princess Jasmine, giving a small glance to the handmaiden next to her who refused to meet Amana's eyes. "A pleasure to meet you, my Sultan." Then turned to face Jasmine. "My princess."

Jasmine gazed into Amana's eyes. "Why are your eyes green?" she asked

"Jasmine," the handmaiden warned her.

"That's quite all right," Amana reassured them with a pleasant smile. "My eyes are green because my mother is from Arendelle."

This perked the young Princess right up. "What is Arendelle like?" she asked. "I've only read about it in books."

"Unfortunately, my knowledge of the land of my birth also comes from books," Amana admitted. "However, I am pleased to hear that you like to read."

"I love to read!" Jasmine exclaimed and then calmed herself at the handmaiden's disapproving look. "It's my only link to the outside world."

"Here is our gift to you, Princess," Jafar said, presenting Jasmine with the book of Shirabad fairy tales.

Jasmine took the book and gazed at it with wonder. "Thank you so much!" she said, momentarily forgetting her composure until the handmaiden beside her sent her a warning glance. "I mean... this is certainly a lovely gift. I will treasure it."

"I am happy you enjoy it," Amana told the young princess.

"Now we must take our leave," Jafar said, wasting no time taking Amana away from the line and back to the party.

"She seems very..." Amana began

"Rambunctious," Jafar finished for her.

"I was going to say passionate," Amana corrected. "But I suppose rambunctious can mean the same thing, though in a more negative way."

"Hopefully, she'll grow out of it."

"I hope not," Amana admitted. "She seems much more interesting this way."

"What you find interesting future suitors will find repulsive," Jafar pointed out. "And Agrabah may never have an heir."

"Perhaps future suitors might be intrigued by the challenge the young princess presents," Amana suggested. "Though I doubt there are many men who will meet her standards." Then the music started and the couples were gathering around the dance floor. "I suppose the two of us will be standing near the refreshments table again."

Instead, Jafar surprised Amana by holding out his hand. "Would you care to dance?"

"Quite a sudden change of heart," Amana said, keeping her guard up. "Should I be worried?"

"I will dance with you if you agree to see the rest of the palace," Jafar told her.

Amana smirked. "I get to dance with you and see the palace," she said, taking his hand. "I fail to see what it is I sacrifice."

Jafar led Amana to the dance floor, taking her place across from Jafar and letting her hips sway to the music as she clasped her hands together, moving them horizontally and vertically as if she were on stage performing for a crowd. She kept her eyes locked with Jafar's, taking his arm and twirling into his body. Amana put her hand on his cheek and went back to the center with the other women, beckoning to him with a slight motion of her hand. Amana and Jafar twirled around each other, their moves in perfect sync. While Amana kept her eyes on Jafar, his eyes wandered around as if he were looking for someone to strike them. Amana paid no heed, moving her body to the music as if she and Jafar were the only two people in the palace... the only two people in the world. She turned around and stepped forward slowly, knowing Jafar was right behind her. Amana twirled in a circle and then stepped side to side, letting her body sway to the music. Then Jafar took her arm and brought her back to him as the music ended, Amana's head laying near Jafar's strong chest, his beckoning lips only inches away from hers.

"For a man who doesn't care to dance, you are rather talented," Amana told him, letting the appreciation show in her voice. "However, next time, you might want to focus more on your partner and less on the surroundings."

"Considering the absence of your bodyguard, I'd think you would appreciate my constant vigilance."

"If anyone were to attack me, I doubt that they would do so out in the open," Amana pointed out, pulling herself from his grasp. "Now how about that tour you promised me?"

* * *

Jafar led Amana through the palace, noticing some of the serving girls sneaking glances at Jafar and giving Amana looks that said "Of course." Jafar paid no heed to them as he led Amana to the garden, treating her eyes to the sight of beautiful flowers such as daisies, jasmines, tulips and roses growing in the green grass with a white cage filled with doves and a fountain in the center.

"It's beautiful," Amana said, enraptured by the sight and the sound of the singing birds.

"Beautiful," Iago repeated.

"First the dance and now you take me to the garden," Amana said, taking in the smell of the flowers. "One might think you have an agenda."

"I only thought that, since this is your first time visiting the palace, it should be a memorable one," Jafar insisted. "Which is much easier without your bodyguard."

"Don't pretend you didn't enjoy avoiding him on our last excursion," Amana said, scooting closer to Jafar.

Jafar put his arm around Amana's waist. "The time you managed to arrange," he accused.

"And how would I be able to do that?"

Before Jafar could answer, one of the guards arrived in the garden. "What?" he said, turning to the guard sharply.

"Forgive the interruption, my vizier," the guard said, refusing to look Jafar in the eye. "The Sultan requests your presence."

"Tell him I'm busy!" Jafar snapped.

"It's all right," Amana reassured him. "I can survive without your presence for a few moments."

Jafar stayed silent, looking between the guard and Amana. "Very well," he said, turning to Iago on his shoulder. "Keep watch over her while I'm gone."

Iago flew to Amana, perching himself on her shoulder as Jafar was about to leave with the guard. "Wait," Amana said, going up to Jafar and wrapping her arms around his neck.

She enveloped his lips in a fiery kiss, which he gladly returned as he wrapped his arms around her waist. Jafar's tongue smoothed over Amana's lips, asking for entry which she instantly granted. She massaged his tongue with her own, moaning into his mouth. Then pulled away from him with a seductive smile.

"Hurry back, darling," Amana said as Jafar turned to leave.

The palace guard blinked, looking at Amana as if she were sent by Allah.

"Come along!" Jafar barked at the guard, taking him out of his dreamlike state.

"Yes, my vizier!" the guard squeaked, picking up his pace and following Jafar out of the garden.

Amana took a seat on the fountain's edge, gazing at her reflection and moving her hand lightly in the water, humming as she recalled one of her patrons, a prince from a faraway land. How he told her a story about a young princess who dreamed every night of the prince she would fall in love with. Then tried to seduce her by saying that he remembered her, claiming that they met in a dream. Amana had scoffed inwardly at this claim but, outwardly, pretended to be slightly skeptical yet flattered. She remembered the man from before and realized that it wouldn't be long until the young princess would have to put up with such ridiculous claims from suitors and, unlike Amana, she wasn't trained in how to spin them to her advantage.

"What's a beautiful desert bloom like yourself doing all alone?" an unwelcoming voice said.

Amana turned around to see that it belonged to Abbas. "Iago, get Jafar," she whispered to the parrot who quickly flew away and then stood up to face the Minister. "What do you want?"

"Just your company," Abbas said, getting a little too close for Amana's comfort.

"Something you have been deemed unworthy of," Amana responded, taking a step away from the man.

"Yet Jafar is?" Abbas said with an angry glare.

"Jafar treats me with respect," Amana said, becoming more aware of the knife resting on her thigh. "Unlike you, who compared me to a common whore."

"Is this the same Jafar who left you with no protection?" Abbas asked, scooting closer to Amana.

"Jafar left for official business with the Sultan," Amana explained, her hand itching to pull her knife out. "He should return any moment." She scooted away from him with a glare. "And he will not be pleased to find you harassing me."

"Then he shouldn't have left you here without protection," Abbas said with a lustful grin. "If you were on my arms, I would never let you out of my sight."

"All the more reason I will never be on your arms," Amana said, not even bothering to hide the defiance in her voice.

"Then why do you willingly allow yourself to be on the arms of a street rat?" Abbas demanded to know. "Yet you refuse to be in the same room as me."

Amana laughed. "I believe your old age has made you senile," she mocked. "A street rat could not afford to be seen with me."

It was Abbas's turn to laugh. "Tell me, my dear," he asked in a condescending tone. "What has Jafar told you about his past?"

"That he comes from a noble family," Amana answered, not wanting to tell Abbas anything personal. "And he worked his way up to Grand Vizier."

This only made Abbas laugh harder, confusing Amana. "You poor naive girl, being mislead by Jafar's lies," he mocked. "Allow me to enlighten you, my sweet."

Amana felt something rise up in her throat but managed to keep it down. "And what could you possibly have to say that would interest me?"

"Only that your precious vizier spent his childhood stealing food and running from palace guards," Abbas explained with an air of superiority, catching Amana off guard.

"You mean to tell me that Jafar began life as a..." she said in disbelief.

"A street rat," Abbas finished for her. "Hardly worthy of a woman like you."

"And how could a street rat become the Grand Vizier of Agrabah?"

"The Sultan took pity on the worthless boy and offered him a spot on Agrabah's court," Abbas said, as if such an act should be a crime. "The title of Grand Vizier is wasted on that street rat." Abbas moved closer to Amana, backing her up against a wall. "And so is a woman like you."

Amana felt even more tempted to pull her dagger out and slit this man's throat.

If the guards find you standing next to his corpse, you'll be in serious trouble with the Sultan, Amana reminded herself. Not even Jafar will be able to save you.

"I hardly believe a man who was blacklisted by Lady Ishtar has any right to instruct me on who I should spend my time with," Amana shot back, scooting sideways.

Abbas grabbed her arm. "Unlike Jafar, I come from a long line of nobility!" he hissed. "I have my own estate, yet he's the one with the title of Grand Vizier!"

"A title you feel belongs to you?" Amana asked, trying to remove her arm from his grip.

Keep him talking, Amana thought to herself. If you're lucky, he'll get so distracted by his own fantasies, he'll forget all about you.

"Yes!" Abbas said gleefully, tightening his grip on Amana's arm. "Picture it, me as the Grand Vizier!" Amana struggled to break free, but discovered that the Minister was much stronger than he looked. "That worthless street rat tossed out of the palace!" Amana kept trying to shake her arm free, feeling the Minister's grip somewhat loosening. "And you as my exotic paramour." He put his finger under her chin and leaned in to kiss her.

Amana's eyes widened and she gasped as the image of Abbas was replaced by a fat bald man with a twisted goatee. "A lovely addition to my harem."

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" Amana screamed as she yanked her arm out of his grip with strength she didn't even know she had. Then she pulled her dress up and took her knife out, causing Abbas to draw back. Amana saw her knife at Abbas's throat, only a few inches away from his skin and calmed her heart. "Consider this a warning, Minister."

"You so much as scratch me with that dagger, the Sultan will have you thrown out on the streets!"

As much as Amana hated to admit it, Abbas was right. She could charm her way out of this but, if someone saw her use her wiles on another man while she was on the arms of the Grand Vizier, they could easily spread rumors about her that would have the same result. Fortunately, Amana saw Jafar come in behind Abbas with Iago on his shoulder.

"And I wonder what the Sultan will say when I tell him that you harassed my lady friend," Jafar threatened, grabbing Abbas by the arm and throwing him to the side.

Amana put her knife away and ran to Jafar, burying her face in his chest.

"Get Jafar!" Iago squawked.

"It's too late, Jafar!" Abbas yelled as Jafar wrapped his arms around Amana, holding her to him. "She already knows what you are!"

Amana turned to Abbas with a hateful glare. "Jafar could be a beggar on the streets and still be worth far more than you!"

* * *

"Forgive me," Jafar said, holding her close to him in the hallway. "I should not have left you alone." Amana said nothing, gazing at the man in front of her. "Amana, are you all right?" Then he pulled her closer with a fierce protectiveness. "Did he hurt you?"

"I'm fine," Amana said, looking at Jafar with newfound admiration. "Is what Abbas said true?"

"It's all right," Jafar reassured her, running his fingers through her hair. "I will not let you be thrown out on the streets."

"No, not that," Amana corrected. "Is it true that you...?"

Jafar gazed at Amana, as if he knew what her next words were going to be. "Come with me," he said, pulling away from her and leading her through the palace.

Amana followed Jafar until he led her to his bedchamber. She found herself greeted to a black room with red drapes, a black armoire on the left side, a long red chaise to the right, a bird perch in the corner where Iago flew straight to and a large black bed with red sheets leaning on the far wall.

"I was hoping to never reveal this to you," Jafar said, taking his turban off revealing short black hair and placing it on the chaise. "But what Abbas says is true." Jafar hesitated before finally revealing the truth. "I did start out as a street rat."

Amana sat down on the bed, gazing at the man in front of her. "So, that story you told me was just that," she stated. "A story."

"Not entirely," Jafar said, sitting next to her. "My mother did die in childbirth, my father did hate me for it and I did fight in the war."

"But you weren't born a noble."

"No," Jafar admitted, leaning closer to Amana. "While you were raised in the luxury of your father's estate, I spent my childhood stealing to survive." Amana flinched a bit at this statement. "I know a former street rat is hardly worthy of a woman such as yourself."

"That's not what bothers me," Amana admitted. "What bothers me is the image of a young boy starving on the streets."

"Forgive me, I never meant to upset you," Jafar said, brushing Amana's hair back.

"Tell me, Jafar," Amana asked, scooting closer to him. "How did such a powerless young boy rise up to become the Grand Vizier of Agrabah?"

"I suppose it all started when I fell in love with the Princess of Shirabad."

"You were in love with the Sultan's wife?"

"No, her younger sister," Jafar elaborated. "She was beautiful, cultured, seductive, much like you." This brought a smile to Amana's face, which disappeared when Jafar scowled. "She was also a vixen, making me believe she actually loved me." Jafar's voice turned bitter. "She sold me stories about how devastated she was about how she could never marry me and how much she wish she could change the rules. Then, when her father caught us together, she accused me of trying to rape her and I was sent to a Shiribad prison!" Amana felt her eyes water at Jafar's rage. "I gave my heart to the wrong woman and spent five years paying for it until the Sultan finally released me, but only if I agreed to fight in their war."

"That hardly sounds like much of a choice," Amana remarked.

"You're right, it wasn't," Jafar agreed. "I spent months training for battle under seasoned soldiers. I was even one of the few who qualified to train under a skilled sorcerer." Amana couldn't help looking at the man in front of her with awe. "I met the Sultan on the battlefield, who was promised to his future Queen in exchange for an alliance." Jafar smiled. "I even saved his life."

"Then he rewarded you with the position of Grand Vizier," Amana said in awe.

"Actually, he rewarded me with my own estate and title," Jafar explained. "What I said about having to work my way up to Grand Vizier was truthful." Amana gazed at Jafar as if she were seeing him for the first time. "Now that you know who I truly am, what do you see?"

"I see a man who started out with humble beginnings fighting tooth and nail to become something greater than he was born into," Amana said, caressing his cheek. "One who kept his word to protect me from that awful snake." Amana put her arms around Jafar's neck with a seductive smile. "And believe me when I say that I..." Amana pulled Jafar's face closer to hers. "Am very..." Jafar wrapped his arms around Amana's waist, inching closer to her lips. "Grateful."

The distanced between their lips closed, enveloping each other in a deep kiss as Amana unlatched his armor, leaving him in only his cape and robes. Amana felt his tongue enter her mouth as she removed his cape. Amana started removing his robes, getting them halfway off and finding herself treated to a nice view of his strong chest and arms with rock hard abs. It was a beauty tarnished only by the red scars on his body. Amana broke the kiss, gasping at the sight while Jafar removed his robes, leaving himself in nothing but a pair of linen pants.

"A memento of my time in Shiribad," Jafar explained as Amana gently stroked his scars, lowering her head to his body and kissing each one of his blood red marks as Jafar lowered Amana's dress enough to expose her large and supple breasts. Amana raised herself to sit straight up, letting her dress fall to the floor. She took her circlet off and was about to remove her necklace.

"No," Jafar said, raising his arm to stop her. "Keep that on."

Amana laughed, removing her hands from her necklace. "Your wish is my command," Amana said in a husky tone. "My vizier."

Jafar pinned Amana down on the bed, his onyx eyes burning with passion. Yet he froze, as if he were studying Amana wearing nothing except her emerald necklace and earrings, the blue rose in her hair, the snake bracelet on her arm and the knife held by a garter on her thigh. Amana was about to remove the knife when it disappeared right before her eyes. Jafar held the knife out with an arrogant smirk.

"Is that more magic?" Amana said, amazed.

"Just my natural talent," Jafar told her, throwing the knife to the side.

Jafar laid soft kisses all over Amana's neck as she grabbed his bare shoulders, enjoying the feel of his soft lips on her neck as his beard lightly graced her skin. Jafar moved his hand to play with Amana's nipple, moaning as his finger worked it's magic. No, it's natural talent. Then he moved his lips to Amana's other nipple, her moans getting louder at the combined attention of Jafar's wet tongue caressing her nipple while his finger played with the other. Then he removed his hand, slowly running it down her body as if she were a fragile vase and then finding her jewel, rolling it around. Amana felt her entrance moistened as she moaned, "Jafar," as her entrance tighten, begging to be filled. Jafar answered her plea as she felt his fingers inside of her, exploring every inch of her wetness and then pumping inside of her as her hips rocked to his thrusts. No, Jafar did not need her direction. He continued flicking Amana's nipple with his tongue as his fingers pumped inside of her, her moans getting louder and louder as she released. Jafar removed his tongue from Amana's nipple and his fingers from her wetness. He licked her residue off with a satisfied smile. "You have no idea how wonderful you taste," he told her.

"Then let me have a taste," Amana suggested, reaching out to grab his wrist only for him to pull it away.

Then he lowered his finger to Amana's lips, letting her lick her bittersweet taste off of it. Jafar opened Amana's legs only for her to close them with a teasing smile and earning an impatient glare from the vizier. "Open up, woman!" he demanded.

Amana laughed, opening her legs up. "As you wish."

Amana felt Jafar's beard tickle her thighs as his tongue explored every inch of her wetness while his finger played with her nub, sending ecstasy rushing through her body like waves forming on the ocean surface. She closed her eyes, screaming, "Yes! Allah! Yes!" Jafar removed his finger, his tongue tending to her jewel as he grabbed Amana's thighs. Amana grabbed the covers, her grip tightening as she felt the waves rush throughout her entire body, her screams getting louder and louder. Amana felt her second release approaching but, before it came, Jafar stopped. He positioned himself back on top of her, taking his pants off and exposing his hard arousal ready to enter her.

"How much do you want this?" he tempted her.

"Darling," Amana said, stroking his beard with a seductive smile. "Would you really deny me?"

Jafar only put his mouth near her ear. "How much?" he whispered.

Amana felt the tip of his arousal inching closer to her entrance. "More than anything," she admitted.

Amana gasped as she felt Jafar's throbbing member thrusting inside of her. She put her arms on his back, rocking her hips as her bracelet glowed. "How good do I make you feel?" he asked Amana through his own moans and grunts as he slowly rode her. "Amazing!" Amana answered as she wrapped her legs around his waist, her bracelet growing brighter. "Better than you've ever felt before?" Jafar demanded, speeding up his pace. "The best!" Amana admitted, her fingernails digging into his skin as Jafar moaned in a mixture of pain and pleasure. "I swear to Allah, you are the absolute best!" Jafar's pace got harder and faster as Amana's bracelet shined with the light of a thousand suns. "Tell me who you belong to!" he ordered. "I belong to you!" Amana shouted, her bracelet glowing as she felt the final wave rush through her body. Jafar continued thrusting inside of Amana, feeling his throbbing member thrust inside of her as he shouted. "Mine!" He grabbed Amana's hips for one final thrust, releasing himself inside of her. "All mine!"

Jafar collapsed on top of Amana as the glow from her bracelet dimmed. Their bodies drenched in sweat as they tried to catch their breath. Jafar gave Amana a satisfied smirk. "Am I really the best?" he asked her.

"Well, you certainly know your way around a woman's body," Amana admitted, putting her palm on his sweaty cheek. "Much more than any other man I've been with."

Amana saw a brief flash of anger in Jafar's eyes as he rolled off of her. Amana was about to remove herself from the bed when she felt Jafar grab her arm. "Stay," he commanded.

"I'm afraid that I can't," Amana explained. "I am sure that the party's over and Ishtar will be expecting me back."

"You're mine," Jafar told her, the venom in his voice unmistakable. Amana turned around and looked at the man lying next to her as if he'd gone insane. "For as long as I'm willing to have you."

Amana let out a breath that she didn't even know she was holding. "I believe you're starting to spend frivolously," she joked, easing her tension.

"I am rather fatigued," Jafar explained, softening his voice. "It would be better if you just stayed here for the night."

Amana yawned, her eyelids feeling heavier as her head started to pound. "After our little activity, I certainly don't blame you."

Amana got under the covers, closing her eyes as she laid on her side. She felt Jafar put his strong arms around her, giving her a soft kiss on the back of her neck. Amana nuzzled closer to Jafar, feeling safe in his arms as she drifted off to sleep.

* * *

A/N: So, what did you think? I got a request on TUMBLR to write a Sleeping Beauty fanfic, so it ended up getting referenced in this chapter. I'd also like to thank hello_mintblooms who gave me the idea to give Jafar linen pants underneath his robes. Anyway, looks like Amana finally knows Jafar's true past. How will this affect her relationship with him? For that matter, has Jafar finally got Amana where he wants her? Let me know what you think in the comments. I have to say, coming up with Jafar's back-story gave me an idea for a Jafar/Reader fanfic. Unfortunately, NaNoWriMo is here and I'm participating. So I might not be able to devote as much time to this fanfic, or new fanfics.

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