2+2 equals Death

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(3rd Person PoV)

"I'll go first," Aki drew a card and looked at her hand.

"I start off by summoning Twilight Rose Knight (ATK: 1000. DF: 1000). When he is normal summoned, I can special summon a level 4 or lower plant monster from my hand. Come out, Lord Poison (ATK: 1500. DF: 1000)," she said.

Two monsters appeared on her side of the field.

"I tune level 3 Twilight Rose Knight with level 4 Lord Poison! The cold flame envelops the entire world. Black Flower, bloom! Synchro Summon! Appear, Black Rose Dragon(ATK: 2400. DF: 1800)!" Aki shouted.

A large dragon with petal like wings appeared on her side.

"I set down three cards and end my turns," Aki finished.

"Black Rose Dragon...that dragon there is proof that you are a Signer," Misty stated.

Aki said nothing to this.

"My turn. From my hand, I activate the field spell Savage Colosseum. Every monster in attack mode must attack and when they do attack, the controller is able to gain 300 life points," Misty started.

"Then I activate Field Barrier. Savage Colosseum cannot be destroyed but also a new field spell cannot be added on!" She added on.

At this, Aki flinched. So looks like Misty has the upper hand already with her spell cards.

No worries. I got a plan with my three set cards, she thought.

"Then I summon Reptillianne Gorgon (ATK: 1400. DF: 1400) and now I activate the Continuous Spell, Attack Pheromones. If a monster that I control attacks a defense position monster, I can change that position to attack mode at the end of the turn if my monster is a reptile type," Misty explained.

Her monster seemed to have snakes as a hat or was it hair?

"I then use the Equip Spell, Molting Escape and equip it to Reptillianne Gorgon. She will gain 300 attack points at the end of the Damage step," Misty added on.

"Battle! Venomous Stare!" She shouted.

"What? That's s*ic*de! Your monster has 1400 attack points while Black Rose Dragon has 2400! You'll lose life points!" Aki shouted.

The two monsters battled and she was right.

4000 —> 3000 LPS

"..." Misty winced a little before the smoke cleared and her monster was fine.

"What?" Aki was confused.

"Molting Escape prevents my monster from being destroyed if I incite an attack that would destroy them. And now, Savage Colosseum's effect activates because I made my monster incite battle. I gain 300 life points. With that, I end my turn," Misty explained.

3000 —> 3300 LPS

"And now...Black Rose Dragon is done for," Misty said.

"What?" Aki then heard a crackling noise. She turned around to see something happening to her dragon.

Black Rose Dragon seemed to be turning into a grayish beige color and had stopped moving entirely.

"Black Rose Dragon has turned to stone?!" Aki cried, shocked.

"When a monster battles against Reptillianne Gorgon, their attack points are then turned to 0 and are unable to move," Misty explained.

"Fitting really," she added on.

"Fitting how?" Aki asked.

"You have done nothing but bring other people pain. You have made other people helpless, like you made me feel helpless but now, it's your turn to feel that way. Black Rose Witch," Misty explained with bitterness in her voice.

"And now, I destroy your Black Rose Dragon with my now powered up Reptillianne Gorgon! Venomous Stare!" She shouted.

1400 —> 1700 ATK

Reptillianne Gorgon attacked and Black Rose Dragon crumbled to dust right in front of Aki's eyes.

4000 —> 2500 LPS

Meanwhile, Ruka was running down the stairs while following her brother, Himoro and Yanagi when she suddenly stopped after feeling her Signer mark pulsed.

Is the battle close by? She thought and closed her eyes to feel the spirit of the deck that was battling right now.

Aki? She then ran the other direction to where the duel was taking place.

"Huh? Ruka? Ruka, where are you going?" Rua ran after her with the two adults behind him.

Back at the duel, Aki flinched when she saw her Ace monster crumble to pieces.

"When a monster battles, the controller gets 300 life points right?" She asked.

"Yes that is correct. However, I doubt that will be useful for you in the long run," Misty replied.

2500 —> 2800 LPS

"Ok then," Aki murmured and drew a card.

She then look at Misty.

"I may not know what you intend to do but I know one thing for certain. You want to kill me and destroy my home. But I won't let that happen. I will protect my home with everything I got," Aki said, determined.

"I activate my trap, Synchro Spirits! I target a Synchro Monster in my graveyard and I banish it in order to bring back the monsters used to summon it!" She shouted.

Twilight Rose Knight and Lore Poison came back.

"Then I activate Dimension Reversion! All banished monsters come back to the decks so Black Rose Dragon returns again," Aki added on.

"So, your dragon is going to return again," Misty stated.

"That's right. I also use the trap card, Urgent Tuning which for the battle phase, I can synchro summon a monster with the monsters that I currently control. Level 3 Twilight Rose Knight tunes Level 4 Lord Poison. The cold flames envelops the entire world. Black Flower, bloom! Synchro Summon! Appear, Black Rose Dragon!" Aki shouted.

Her dragon appeared again, brand new like being turned to stone hasn't affected her.

"Black Rose Dragon's effect now activates! When she is synchro summoned, all cards on the field are destroyed!" Aki exclaimed.

Black Rose Dragon roared and a whirlwind of roses appeared, destroying the cards on Misty's field and on Ali's field.

Black Rose Dragon also got destroyed.

"Nngh...I see. You're willing to destroy your own monster in order to get rid of my field. I'm flattered that the Black Rose Witch is taking me serious," Misty noted.

"If you're willing to destroy my home and kill me, then I have to take you seriously. I end my turn after setting one card down," Aki explained.

"Heh, that so like you. You're willing to take your duels seriously even if it means hurting other people like you did to him!" Misty snapped.

"What? What are you talking about? Who are you talking about?" Aki asked.

"Of course he's no importance to you. I will never forgive you or the Arcadia. You all killed my little brother!" Misty shouted and to this, Aki froze.

She was in shock. Unable to string out words after hearing about this.

"Wha...," was all she could muster out.

How can that be?! She knows that Divine does cause injuries while testing out Psychic Duelists but never kill?

He wouldn't kill...would he? She thought.

"He looked up to you. He went to see you at Daimon Arena and went missing after. A couple days later, he was found dead! You killed him!" Misty snapped.

"No...no you got it all wrong! I never met a little boy at that stadium," Aki pleaded.

"I will get my revenge on you. I resurrected just for this moment," Misty said.

"Resurrected?" Aki asked.

"I was on the verge of death when they found me. I died on the way to the hospital even if the doctors didn't realize until they tried to save me. But then, something went inside me and whispered, "kill the Black Rose, servant to the Crimson Dragon," and brought me back to life. And now I will repay that debt," Misty explained.

Ruka and the others came in.

"Whoa is that Aki?" Rua asked.

"Yes it is but who's her opponent?" Ruka asked, mainly asking to herself.

"Is that a Dark Signer that Yusei warned us about?" Himuro asked.

"She must be!" Rua concluded.

"Wait what? But isn't that Misty? The top model in the world?" Yanagi asked.

"Whaaaat?!" They all cried.

"It's my turn now and I draw! I activate the Spell card, Reptillianne Spawn. By banishing a Reptillianne monster from my graveyard, I can summon two Reptillianne tokens!" Misty shouted.

Two tokens? What is she planning? Aki thought.

"I release my two token to tribute summon the god that resurrected me. Arise from your slumber, Earthbound Immortal Ccarayhua (ATK: 2800. DF: 1800)!" Misty shouted.

The ground began to shake again and outside of the building, a shell heart appeared and began to pump, waiting for something to fill it up.

People down below were screaming as their souls got sucked out towards the shell heart.

The two Sector Security officers were also screaming and got turned to energy as their souls got sucked out.

The prisoner however, didn't get his soul sucked out and he was confused on why he was the only one.

Women, children and men alike got their soul sucked.

Back inside the building, Ruka's Signer mark began to glow and a shield surrounded the four of them which protected them from having their soul sucked out.

Aki kept her balance this time but even she was starting to feel fear.

"Don't worry. An Earthbound Immortal can't take a Signer's soul...until the duel is over," Misty explained.

"Where is it? Where's the monster that you summoned?" Aki demanded.

Misty tilted her head and smiled.

"Why don't you look outside and see?"

"Outside?" Aki turned around to see the window but it was covered by something.


An eye flew open and Aki took a step back, her eyes widened with horror and her hand flying up to her mouth.

Outside and clutching onto the building, OH MY GOD A LIZARD!

A lizard like monster was clutching onto the building, King Kong style and it roared, making the ground shake again.

"I suppose the other duel is just about finished," Misty noted.

"Other duel?" Aki asked but then she heard a scream.


Back at the duel with Divine and Carly, it was now Divine's turn.

"I'll give you a chance for mercy but only one turn," Carly said.

"Tch! No matter what you say, you're still a third rate duelist!" Divine snapped.

"Oh? Well then, Divine, show me what a first rate duelist is. Entertain me," Carly taunted.

"Yeah, I will! And I'll start off by activating the Spell Card, Teleport! By paying 800 life points, I'm able to special summon a Psychic monster from my hand!" Divine shouted.

1800 —> 1000 LPS

"I special summon Storm Caller (ATK: 2300. DF: 2000) and then I pay another 800 life points to special summon a monster from my graveyard. Appear again, Magical Android!" Divine added on.

1000 —> 200 LPS

Two monsters appeared.

"Now I attack your Fortune Lady Fire with Storm Caller!" Divine shouted.

"Trap card, Slip of Fortune! Not only do I get to negate your attack but I can also banish the attacking monster from play," Carly pointed out.

"Tch! Then I normal summon Psychic Commander (ATK: 1400. DF: 800)," Divine said after his monster got banished.

Psychic Commander appeared and then disappeared due to the effect of Future Visions which sends monsters that were normal summoned to the future.

"I then end my turn which activates Magical Android's effect which she grants me 600 life points," Divine added on.

200 —> 800 LPS

Psychic Commander may be gone for now but when my next turn comes, I can tune him with Magical Android which will summon the most strongest monster in my deck. Thought Ruler Archfiend, he thought.

"That was a rather disappointing one turn. Should have taken it when you had the chance," Carly sighed.

The hell does she mean? Divine thought.

"It's my turn now and Fortune Lady Light returns to my field. I now have two monsters on my field and I release them both to tribute summon this powerful god that resurrected me in order to defeat you!Earthbound Immortal Aslla Piscu (ATK: 2500. DF: 2500)!" Carly shouted.

Outside of the building, another shell heart appeared and began to pump as well.

"Where is that monster that you summoned?" Divine asked.

Carly didn't say anything but smiled.

Then he heard it.

A piercing bird screech and he turned around to see a hummingbird like monster, its wings clutching onto the side of the building.

"What the...but how?! Isn't Future Visions supposed to send that monster away if it wasn't special summoned?" Divine asked.

"When Aslla Piscu will be removed from the field by anything but its own effect, I can destroy all the monsters that you have and inflict 800 points of damage for each of them!" Carly shouted, sounding dead serious.

Aslla Piscu dug its beak into the building which made the front end of it crumbled and took Divine down with the fallen rubble.

As he fell, Aki took sight of him and she watched helplessly as her mentor (manipulative mentor) fell from who knows how many feet.

"Divine!" She shouted.

"Our duel will be put to a halt so consider this mercy. I will come back and finish this. Until then...Black Rose Witch," Misty said and left.

Outside, both monsters disappeared and a helicopter came down slowly and stopped at the Sector Security truck where the prisoner was.

The door opened and a large man with a robe/cloak appeared.

"Bommer," he said and tossed a card at him which freed Bommer from the handcuffs.

Bommer looked at him confused.

"I am Dimark. If the fires of revenge still lay in your heart, then come with me for we have a plan for you," Dimark explained.

Meanwhile back inside the building, it was still crumbling down.

"Come on, we got to go!" Himuro picked up the twins and hurried them to safety.

"But what about Aki?" Rua asked.

"Damn it! Izayoi, get out of there!" Himuro shouted.

She didn't move from her spot.

"We also need to get out of here!" Yanagi cried.

"Damn...," the four of them got to safely and went outside.

Jack, who had drove and jumped on many roofs of buildings, greeted them there.

"Oi! What the hell happened?" He asked.

"Jack, you must have felt it too! A Signer was fighting against a Dark Signer!" Ruka said, quickly.

"I know that but why is the building like that?" Jack asked.

"We don't know but we know that someone is still in there!" Himuro urged.

"What?" Jack then drove in there. Don't try that at home kids.

He drove up to where they were all previously at.

"Hey! Is anyone in there? Shout if you can hear me!" He shouted.

Among the rubble, he noticed something glittering and he approached it to see that it was a pair of swirly glasses, one side was broken.

What? This is...? Jack remembered a particular girl with those same swirly glasses. The one who allow him to take refuged in her home.

"Carly? Carly!" He shouted for her.

If her glasses are here then that means she must here! But why?

Jack heard a small groan and he turned around to see Aki lying there, not moving.

"Izayoi! Hang in there, Izayoi," he said and picked her up.

He continued to shout for Carly only stopping when the building threatened to collapse.

"Damn it!" He hissed under his breath. He just hoped that Carly was safe.

Meanwhile, on the rooftop of another building, Carly was there in a daze.

What just happened?

"What...what did I do?" She asked, her eyes were back to normal.

She then remembered her duel...her second duel against Divine. And how after his defeat, seemingly fell to his death.

Her eyes widen.

"Did I...did I really do such a horrible thing?" Carly asked and for the first time, actually noticed the duel disk. And then her clothes. And then the mark.

"Did I actually kill someone!? No no, this is all wrong!" She cried and collapsed to her knees.

"Someone help me! Jack! Jack, help!" She cried, tears running down her face.

"Carly," a familiar voice said and Carly looked up to see Misty standing there.

"M-Misty?" Carly asked.

"Yes it is me," Misty nodded.

"What happened to me? Did I really...?" Carly couldn't say anything without her bursting into tears again.

"We were both chosen. Chosen by the gods of death. Sad to say that we are no longer inhabitants of this world," Misty explained and got down to Carly's level and placed her hand on her shoulder

Carly shook like a leaf before hugging Misty, crying her eyes out.

"Shh, it's alright. I'll help you cope with this," Misty assured her in an almost motherly or sisterly manner.

A helicopter above was flying down and it was the same one that picked Bommer up.

A/N: oh sh*t got real.

It got real alright!

I don't really have anything else to say so I'll just end it here.

Cya in the next one -Flare

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