The disrespect mah boi gets (also lore again)

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[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(3rd Person PoV)

"Heh, suffer! Shiver in terror and be consumed by the inferno of terror!"


The Duel Runner crashed and the rider fell off of it, rolling on the ground, injured.

A large monster with blue lines loomed over and looked like it was about to crush the rider...

Yusei woke up, yelling.

When he realized that it was a dream and that he was inside, he sat up and realized that not only was he was shirtless but also his side was wrapped in bandages.

What happened?

"You're finally awake, Yusei," someone said and Yusei looked over at his side.


"Geez, kids these days. Always doing something dangerous. From the moment you could walk and talk, you went over to the machines and went on dangerous paths and didn't even send a letter," Martha sighed and even though her tone was more or less teasing, there were some worries in there as well.

She then asked, "What were you doing anyway?"

"..." Yusei looked down and told her the whole story about the Dark Signers and his duel with Kiryu.

He then looked out the window and saw that his Duel Runner was there.

Surrounded by curious kids but still there.

"Rally and the others brought it back here, risking their dignity to bring it back. You have some strong friends, Yusei," Martha noted.

"..." Yusei didn't respond which worried Martha more.

"Crow also brought you here, along with new friends I suppose. The four of them are outside by the way," Martha added on and turned away to grab an apple and a knife.

"...yeah," Yusei said.

He held one hand over his side and winced, still remembering last night.

The pain and fear was still too raw to think about.

"So...Dark Signers huh? Sounds dangerous to take one alone," Martha noted.

"Yeah...," Yusei agreed.

"Then why go there alone if you knew it was dangerous. Doesn't seem like the Yusei I know," Martha pointed out as she cut the apple into two before cutting the two parts into two apple slices.

She added on, "The Yusei I know would trust on his friends and relies on them in his time of need. They open up the door to your heart, you know."

Martha then approached him with the plate of apple slices. "Here."

"Thanks," Yusei said and took the plate.

Meanwhile outside, Joel and Scar were dueling.

"I now attack your Big Eye (ATK: 1200. DF: 1000) with my Naturia Cliff (ATK: 1500. DF: 1000). Rumbling Earth!" Scar shouted.

"Not so fast, Scar! I activate my trap, Defense Draw! During your turn in the damage calculation, I can make the damage I would have taken, zero and when I do, I get to draw a card!" Joel exclaimed.

While the attack hit and destroyed Joel's monster, he didn't take any damage and he drew a card.

"Aww man. Well I got to keep trying and I'll win for sure," Scar said, enthusiastically.

"Yeah sure," Joel said.

While they were dueling, Grian was sitting on the grass and drawing.

He was staring intensely at the paper and had a firm grip on the pencil.

Stardust Dragon...Red Dragon Archfiend...and the other three whom I don't know the name of. I'll have to ask Yusei when he gets better. These are the dragons that the Signers use but there are only four known Signers. Who is the fifth and what dragon is missing over all? He thought.

Rally told him the name of Jack's dragon, he just needs to know the names of Aki Izayoi's dragon and the little girl, Luca's, dragon.

He sighed. This was getting frustrating.

"Yes! I finally won!" Scar's cheering snapped Grian out of his thoughts.

He turned his head around to see Scar jumping around happily.

Etho and Joel were watching this as well.

"You let him win did you?" Etho asked Joel.

"I don't even know myself," Joel shrugged and gave him a cheeky smile.

"Alright, Scar. Let's see if you're up to the test to duel me," Etho said and placed his deck in his Duel Disk.

"You got it, Etho!" Scar exclaimed.

"Scar, you're going to lose!" Grian called out.

"Have some faith in me, will ya G?" Scar called back.

Grian rolled his eyes before not before noticing Joel's tired look on his face.

He seemed to be holding a card and was staring down at it, muttering to himself.

When the BoatBoys arrived back, they were holding onto the cards that the four friends sacrificed in order to keep on going with Yusei's Duel Runner.

Not many details were shared other than Etho pulling Scar and Grian aside and told them that not only did Joel summoned a new monster but he seemed to freeze up for a couple of seconds before drawing a card stiffly.

This concerned Grian. Something is up with Joel and it may have to do with that new monster that he summoned.

If only he could see it...

He then turned back to his drawings of the Signer dragons and picked up the pencil again.

He doodled some random stuff around the dragons while Scar and Etho dueled.


"I got you now!" Scar shouted.

"I activate my tra-," Etho said but was cut off by intense scribbling and erasing.

The two of them turned around to see Grian, crouched over and intensely drawing.

"Uhh G?" Scar asked.

Grian stopped and his eyes widen.

He let out a shocked gasped and got up quickly, the sketchbook was left on the ground.

"Grian?" Scar asked and raced towards him, Etho behind and their duel abandoned.

He picked up the drawing.

"Grian, are you ok?" Etho asked.

"What did I do?" Grian asked, shakily.

"Did what? There's nothing wrong with the drawing if that's what you're worried about," Scar said, trying to reassure him.

"It's the drawing itself, this was a completely different dragon," Grian pointed and Scar looked at it again.

It seemed like Grian had rushed erasing one of the dragons and drew over it but it was a different design.

"What was the original design?" Scar asked.

"Not without the tools," Grian admitted.

"What?" Etho and Scar looked at each other and then the drawing.



"Thought Ruler Archfiend (ATK: 2700. DF: 2300) now attacks you directly!" A man shouted and his monster shot an attack a little boy with cyan hair who was dueling against him.

This attack was real and made the boy lose the duel, also causing him to get tossed to the wall.

"N-no," the boy named Rua said before passing out, unconscious.

His dragon, Power Tool Dragon, looked at him and he almost had human emotions when he looked at Rua's unconscious body.

Like worried.

The two monsters disappeared and the man named Divine made a click sound with his tongue.

"This was a disappointing surprise," he noted.

He knows that Rua's twin sister, Ruka, had extraordinary powers and he wondered if her twin would have the same but turns out no.

And he calls himself the fifth of the so-called Signers. How pathetic, Divine thought.

In a separate room but one where someone can see the duel, there were two people there.

One was a little girl with cyan hair and another, a young woman with reddish hair.

"Rua! Rua!" Ruka, the little girl, cried out.

Aki, the young woman, just stared at Divine and then at Rua.

She was interested in seeing how the duel went and why did Rua's dragon seem to similar to one of the dragons in the vision that the four Signers shared.

She sighed and left the room.

Sometime later, the two twins were locked in a room with Ruka frantically pacing around, worried about her brother who was still unconscious.

Divine was waiting for Aki in the hallway and she approached him.

"I was expecting something else in that duel," he admitted.

"It seems like only Ruka has powers and not Rua," Aki noted.

"Hmmmph," Divine said and Aki tilted her head.

"What will you do with them now?" She asked.

"Once he wakes up, I'll try to convince Rua that the Arcadia Movement isn't bad and once he gets on our side, Ruka will surely come around," Divine explained.

Aki blinked before making a worried face.

"Don't hurt the child any further," she told him.

Divine looked at her and smiled.

" the way, we need to go to a meeting to discuss more about what to do for the future of the Movement. You'll come with me, this time," he said.

"Ok," Aki said.


A young woman with swirly glasses was at a card shop, trying to get information from an informant.

"I ran through all the footage and you were right, Carly. There are glowing marks on these four duelists. Yusei Fudo, Jack Atlas, a child named Ruka and Aki Izayoi," the informant told her.

"I knew it," Carly said.

The Dark Signer marks are based on the Nazca Lines but what are the Signer marks based on? She wondered.

"Hey, can you tell what the marks are based on?" She asked but to her disappointment, the informant shook his head.

"You'll have to ask them yourself," he told her.

Right, I can't ask Jack or Yusei and a child wouldn't have information on this so the only person left is...

"I'll ask Aki then!" Carly concluded.

"I knew that you'd come to that conclusion which is why I have already gathered information on the Arcadia Moment," the informant said and held up a binder of papers.

"Ah! Thank you," Carly reached for them but he held them away from her.

"I didn't say it was free. What's your payment?" He asked.

"Hah! I have this incase of this situation," Carly reached in her bag and pulled something out.


"Th-that's the super rare Dark Magician Girl figure!! Ok you got a deal," the informant told her.

Heh, knew it, Carly said.

She then went to her car with the binder and read through the papers.

Oh god! The Arcadia doesn't have a good reputation, she thought.

Carly then shook her head rapidly.

But I have to be brave! I need to figure out the mystery behind the Signers! Or else I'll lose my connection to Jack...Jack, she then blushed.

After, basically taking him in while his reputation wasn't the greatest after being outed for being born in Satellite and he needed a safe place to stay in, Carly fell for him.

And fell for him hard.

Dammit Jack! Why did you take my heart? Carly thought and she sighed as she flipped to the next paper.

"Huh?" She asked and looked at the person that was on the paper.

It was a beautiful woman with jet black hair and had blue eyes. She was very familiar to Carly.


(Time skip)

"I need to speak to Misty!" Carly said to the receptionist at the hotel.

"I'm sorry but Ms. Misty told me to turn away unexpected guests," the receptionist told her.

"But we're acquaintances!" Carly snapped.

"If you know her, then you must know how to contact her," the receptionist said in a bored tone.

"Oh...ah," Carly gulped nervously.

I can't tell her that we met once at a party! She thought but thankfully she was saved by a voice.

"Oh it's you. Carly, isn't it?" Misty appeared.

"Ms. Misty, she claims that she's your acquaintance. Is this true?" The receptionist asked.

"I just wanted to ask some questions that's all," Carly said quickly.

"It's quite alright, Carly. And yes, that is true. We'll be heading up to my room now. Thank you, Kate," Misty said.

Score! Now I can ask her what she knows about the Arcadia, Carly thought and they both went to Misty's room.

Her room caught Carly by surprise.

"Whoa!" It was a huge room and well decorated plus very much clean.

"This is an impressive room! So pretty!" Behind her swirly glasses, her eyes were shining.

"Yes but it gets very lonely at times. After all, what good is a pretty room without sharing it with the people you love. You understand me, right?" Misty asked.

"E-eh? Love?" Carly yelped, blushing.

Misty giggled at this.

"I can see it on your face. You're in love with someone," she said.

"O-oh right. You do fortune telling with faces right?" Carly asked.

"Yeah, it's not just fortune telling. It's kind of obvious, sorry," Misty said.

"Is it really?" Carly asked and Misty nodded.

"So what did you wanted to know?" She asked and Carly sat up straight.

"Yeah, I was researching the Arcadia Movement because I wanted to ask a duelist named Aki Izayoi something very important but then I saw your name on one of their papers. I was wondering if you could tell me your history with them. I-If you want to, of course," she explained.

At this, Misty frowned.

"I wasn't exactly associated with them but I did ran into them. It was mainly my younger brother though...he went to see the Black Rose Witch at Daimon Arena but when he came back...he wasn't the same," she explained.

"O-oh...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-," Carly said but Misty raised a hand up to stop her.

"It'a alright. Wounds haven't healed but it doesn't hurt to talk about him. Listen to me well, Carly. The Arcadia is dangerous. Don't go sticking your nose in situations that you can't handle. And especially, stay away from the Witch. Heed my word," Misty explained.

"...I understand," Carly said in a low voice.

She then said goodbye to Misty and left her room.

But if I stop now, I'll lose my connection to Jack. I suppose a small talk wouldn't hurt. I'll just ask her some questions and be out of her hair. That'll be it! But how to get in? Carly thought as she read through the papers to see where the Arcadia is currently located.

"I got it," she whispered to herself.

(Time skip)

Divine and Aki were talking in Divine's room.

"You'll come to the meetings from now on. It's almost time to go through with our revenge. We'll show those who thought of us as monsters for having these powers. You will be the staple of the Movement, hope for all Psychic Duelists everywhere," Divine told her.

" I'll be a billboard?" Aki asked, not very amused.

"Heh, you make it sound so terrible," Divine laughed at this.


"Come, let's go," the two of them left.

Divine noticed that there was someone else in the hallway with them.

"Hey!" He said and the person froze.

"Who are you? I don't recognize you," Divine said.

"I uhh, the u-usual custodian has a fever so I'm just filling in for him," the person said, quickly.

Divine stared her for a bit before smiling.

"Alright, keep up the good work," he said and he and Aki left to go to the elevator.

Carly sighed, trembling.

"I can't believe that work," she said before looking at the room that the two left.

Is that Divine's room? I wonder what's in there? I should check it out before speaking to Aki, she thought.

She entered in and quickly switched from a custodian's outfit to her regular one before looking around the dark room.

"Is there anything here other than statues and a desk?" Carly asked to no one in particular.

She then spotted a bookcase and went over to it.

She pulled a book and the bookcase began to move to a different passage.

"A secret room?" Carly gasped.

Unbeknownst to her, Divine had stopped by the elevator and looked in the direction where his room was.

"Divine?" Aki asked.

"Go on ahead. I have to exterminate a pest," Divine assured her.

Carly was reading through the files of people, growing more and more concerned with what she was reading.

"These people went missing after having an encounter with the Arcadia. This is insane! Have I...gotten into something dangerous? I should have listened to Misty," Carly sighed.

But she then saw something interesting.

"What? This is Director Goodwin's file? Why does Divine have it?" She began to read it and her eyes widen.

"N-no way. Goodwin is...," Carly gasped.

"I knew that I smelled a pest here," Divine suddenly said and Carly sat up immediately.

"Divine!?" She cried.

"What exactly are you doing here? You're not planning on reveal anything in the room are you?" Divine and approached her.

Carly got out of the secret room and back into Divine's room while facing him and backing off slowly.

"Hmmm, I think you were working for Goodwin but by the look on your face, it seems like I was wrong," Divine said.

Carly stood her ground and made a fist.

"Well now that you know my secret, I can't let you go that easily but I'm merciful. I'll allow you to duel for your freedom," Divine told her.

"A duel?" Carly asked and Divine tossed her a Duel Disk.

"It may up your chances of escaping here, unscathed," Divine explained.

"Hmmmm," Carly thought about it.

I may not be a good duelist but I have been practicing my hardest ever since I met Jack for the first time and I think I can beat him! Carly thought.

"I accept!" She exclaimed.

"Heh," Divine smiled.

They put on their Duel Disks and place their cards in there where they got shuffled.

"I'll allow you one turn to win this duel and escape. To make things easier for you, I'll go first," Divine added on.

ONE TURN?! Ok Carly, think of a strategy for when your turn comes, she thought.


Carly - 4000 LPS


Divine - 4000 LPS

"Draw. I summon Telekinetic Shocker (ATK: 1700. DF: 700) and since it's my first turn, I can't attack," Divine started before adding on, "I end my turn. Go on, take that one turn."

"Alright then, I draw!" Carly drew a card and look at it.

Fortune Fairy Chee? Oh no, if I drew that card, my fortune for today will be that something bad is going to happen?! But no, I can't think on that! I must win this duel, I have to! She thought.

"I'll start off with Fortune Fairy Swee (ATK: 0. DF: 0) and then I'll activate the spell card, Unacceptable Result. If I have a Spellcaster on my field, then I can special summon a Fortune Fairy from my hand. I special summon Fortune Fairy Chee (ATK: 0. DF: 0)," Carly started.

Two fairy and humanoid monsters appeared on her side.

"Then I reveal Fortune Fairy Hu (ATK: 0. DF: 0.) to special summon her onto the field," Carly added on.

"You must not know of my generosity of giving you one turn to defeat me. All of those monsters that you summoned have zero attack points," Divine said.

"You may be right but not after I activate this continuous spell, Miracle Stone! All of the spellcasters that I control gain 1000 attack and defense points for every Fortune Fairy with a different name on the field and I have three. Meaning that they gain 3000 attack and defense points! However, I can't attack once using the spell," Carly explained.

All three Fortune Fairies grew in size as they gained those life points.

"I end my turn!" Carly exclaimed.

"Hmmph! You think that you have a good defense but I'll prove you wrong. Draw!" Divine shouted and looked at his hand.

"I summon Psychic Snail (ATK: 1900. DF: 1200) and then I activate the Quick Spell, Emergency Teleport to special summon a level three or lower Psychic monster from my hand or deck. I summon Psychic Commander (ATK: 1400. DF: 800)!" Divine shouted.

Carly gulped but she didn't feel terror while facing off against Divine.

"Then I activate another spell card, Psychokinesis. If I control a Psychic monster, then I can target a card on the field and destroy it. I, of course, choose Miracle Stone," Divine explained.

As the card was destroyed, Carly's Fortune Fairies went back to their normal size and original life points which was zero.

"Uh oh...," Carly said in a low whisper.

"Attack, Telekinetic Shocker!" Divine shouted.

Electricity appeared from his monster and attacked one of Carly's monsters.

4000 —> 2300 LPS

The electricity also hit her, causing her to get thrown at the glass window, glasses falling off of her face as this happened.

Cracks appeared behind Carly and she winced.

"I actually felt that?!" She cried.

"But of course! This is a psychic duel after all! Now attack, Psychic Snail!" Divine shouted.

Electricity got shot from his monster and destroyed another fairy of Carly's.

2300 —> 400 LPS

She screamed as she felt the pain of the electricity.

More cracks appeared behind her.

She shook and had one eye open while the other was shut in pain.

"Sector Security will search you and inspect what happened here if you keep doing this," Carly said.

"Hah! Your death will be treated as an accident. You should have messed with things that don't concern you," Divine laughed at this.

"Now...Psychic Commander, destroy her last monster and finished this duel! I would say it's been nice knowing but let's not kid ourselves," Divine said.

A ball of energy shot out of Psychic Commander's cannon and destroyed Carly's last monster.

The ball of energy fit her and the window finally shattered in pieces, with Carly falling backwards to the ground, her screaming out for help.

400 —> 0 LPS

To be continued

A/N: will Carly die or will she be miraculously saved? People who have seen the anime will know what happens next though...oh let me be dramatic for once!

Anyway, this is a rush of motivation so faster update. Will this keep up? Who knows? I got school to do.

Cya in the next one -Flare

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

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