The Servant of the Trapped Dragon

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(3rd Person PoV)

Ruka was still carrying Torunka and had explained the situation to Joel.

Joel had been quiet throughout most of the explanation.

Then Ruka turned her head to Torunka and asked, "where are the captured spirits taken to?"

"I suspect into Zeman the Ape King's castle," Torunka explained.

"Zeman? Is he the leader?" Ruka asked.

"It seems that way. No one knows where he came from or what his goals are," Torunka explained.

"...Zeman eh?" Joel finally spoke up.

"I do not know who that is if that's what you are wondering," Giant Wall Life Dragon said.

I see..., Joel thought.


Shown in the distance was the stone tablet that held the carving of Ancient Fairy Dragon.

Then a voice called out, "May those sealed powers be Miniumize and come to me!"

A staff appeared and then the little hands that look like clock hands turned slightly to the right.

However, a lightning bolt appeared and struck down at the staff. That made it disappear.

In a tall and dark castle, a primate like creature wearing robes and held a staff had noticed that the dark aura that surrounded his staff had disappeared and he cursed out loud at this.

"Damn it! In order to completely turned Ancient Fairy Dragon into Minus, we must have Regulus here!" Zeman the Ape King shouted and tossed aside his staff in anger to where the spirits were being held in stone tablets.

They all cooed in fear. They were terrified being in there and who wouldn't?

(Back in the real world)

"This just makes me laugh. A minor duelist doing so well in a battle determined by fate," Dimark laughed.

"Well this "minor" duelist is kicking your butt! I'm risking my life here!" Rua shouted.

"This will be an entertaining duel for my god. It is now my turn," Dimark stated.

"I summon the Dark Tuner monster, Dark Ape (ATK: 0. DF: 0)," he started.

Rua made a small noise at this while Ushio said, "he summoned a dark tuner."

"He might summon a Dark Synchro monster," Etho added on.

"Rua...," Yusei said, concerned.

"I then use the spell card Dark Wave to subtract Fighter Ape's level all the way to -5," Dimark said.

"-5?! Can a monster go that low in levels?" Rua asked.

"I now dark tune my monsters! Level 2 Dark Ape tunes -5 Fighter Ape. The one chosen darkness, I invite you to this world to become its ruler. Dark Synchro! Show yourself, Zeman the Ape King (ATK: 2500. DF: 1800)!" Dimark shouted.

An ape wearing blueish green robes appeared on his field.

"I'm not afraid of a Dark Synchro monster. Not when I have Power Tool Dragon on my side!" Rua shouted with determination.

"Heh, such naïveté. I draw one card thanks to the effect of Dark Ape. I now activate the field spell, Closer Forest. Now all beast type monsters on my field gain 100 attack points for every monster that I have in my graveyard," Dimark explained.

"Oh no, he now has a Field Spell in play. Now he can summon an Earthbound Immortal. Rua, be careful!" Yusei called out.

The field spell then produced a dark forest around the two duelists.

(Back in the Spirit World)

Ruka, Torunka, and Joel had found themselves in a dark forest with the fog being heavier and heavier. Ruka was no longer giving Torunka a piggyback ride.

"This must be the forest of Pojar," Ruka said and noticed a leaf flying upwards towards a branch.

"Looks like even here, things are moving negatively," Joel noted as he also saw the leaf.

"You two, you need to be on your guard. Regulus has gotten crazy lately so we don't know what he might do," Torunka warned.

"Regulus! Come out, we need to talk!" Ruka shouted.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Torunka ran in front of her and spread his arms out.

"Shhh, didn't you hear what I just told you? We might get attacked by him," he said in a harsh whisper.

"It'll be alright. Once we talk to him, he'll understand. Regulus! We're not your enemy!" Ruka shouted.

Then, from the shadows, a large armored lion with a horn on his forehead jumped out and landed in front of them while growling.

"Th-that's Master Regulus!" Torunka cried while cowering behind Ruka.

"This...this is Regulus?" Ruka asked.

(Back in Satellite, again)

"The conditions to summon an Earthbound Immortal are complete now that a Field Spell is in play," Yusei started.

"Rua has to defeat him in order to not have an Earthbound Immortal get summoned on him. Who knows what would happen," Etho added on.

"Rua!" Ushio called out, worried.

"Since I have 5 monsters in my graveyard, Zeman gains 500 attack points," Dimark explained.

2500 —> 3000 ATK

"3000?! That's more than Power Tool Dragon's attack points!" Rua cried.

"Indeed," Dimark said with a smirk.

(Back in the Spirit World; we're going to keep jumping around places until idk when)

Regulus continued to growl and shake as he had multiple wounds on him.

"You fought hard all by yourself until you got badly hurt. Please don't be afraid, we're here to help you not hurt you," Ruka assured him.

This only got him angry so he roared while baring his fangs.

Ruka screamed out in fear and both her and Torunka got behind Joel for protection.

"That's enough! When someone is trying to help you, you don't bare your fangs like that!" Joel snapped.

"Y-yeah, this child here," Torunka pointed to Ruka as he poked his head from behind Joel, "has came from another world to save Ancient Fairy Dragon!"

Regulus narrowed his eyes and asked, "what was that?"

"He's right. So please, relax. We're not the enemy," Ruka told him.

"Don't toy with me!" Regulus crouched down and Joel realized what he was going to do.

"Get back!" He called out and shoved the two behind him.

He sidestepped as Regulus pounced and attempted to swipe them with his claws.

"This is impossible! We should flee for now!" Torunka shouted.

"No! Regulus, please believe me! I made a promise to Ancient Fairy Dragon to protect the Spirit World!" Ruka called out.

"So I was right! You're trying to capture Ancient Fairy Dragon and misuse her power!" Regulus roared.

"That's the complete opposite of what she said!" Joel shouted.

"Something weird is going on. From what I've heard, Regulus is never like this," Giant Wall stated.

From what you've heard...wait so you haven't meet him in person? Joel thought.

Before Giant Wall could answer, Torunka said, "I feel like we're not on the same page here."

"Guys, look!" Ruka suddenly pointed to Regulus' leg.

"That's a Cursed Needle! And it's been turned to Minus," Torunka gasped.

"And what did Joel say? 'That's the complete of what she said?' Regulus has been hearing what we said as the opposite," Ruka concluded.

"Geez, what a mess. So that's what's causing his disturbance," Torunka sighed.

They turned their attention back to Regulus who was growling at them.

"You foul villain! You and your minions are defiling the Spirit World! I won't let you!" Regulus growled.

"No no, you got it all wrong. I'm not your enemy, I'm here to help you," Ruka said and took a step forward.

However, they were correct about the Curse Needle because what Regulus heard was completely different.

"Yes, Regulus. We shall take over the Spirit World."

This angered him some more and tried to pounce on them which Ruka and Torunka sidestepped and pulled Joel with them as they began to run away.

"Hey!" Joel yelped but continued on running as Regulus began to chase them.

As they were running, Ruka turned to Torunka and asked, "Aren't you a Spellcaster type! Can't you do any spells to help us out of this pinch?"

"I can't! As a child, I'm unable to do my spells!" Torunka cried.

"What can we do now?" Joel asked.

"Wait, I got an idea! If Regulus hears the opposite, so if that's the case...," Torunka stopped immediately.

"Hey, that's s*ic*de!" Joel shouted but he and Ruka also stopped.

"Boo! I hate your guts! You're stupid! Such a dumb and cowardly lion!" Torunka taunted and making a face, with his tongue sticking out and stretching out his cheeks, at Regulus.

"I think you angered him more!" Joel called out as Regulus pounced again, missing Torunka by a hair as he ran behind Joel and Ruka.

"Flattery will not get you anywhere!" Regulus snapped.

"It didn't work," Torunka complained.

"I wonder what did he heard?" Ruka wondered.

"I think it's best if we didn't know," Joel sweatdropped.

Ruka looked down at the Cursed Needle that was lodged on Regulus' foot.

Is there a way to reverse it? She thought.

Then suddenly, Regulus stopped growling and his ears and nose began to twitch.

"Something is coming," he stated.

The three of them ran and hid behind a log as four of the monkeys appeared and surrounded Regulus.

"You again," Regulus lashed his tail and bared his fangs at the monkeys.

"We found you at last, Regulus," Monkey #1 said and Monkey #2 added on, "By order of Zeman, we will capture you this time!"

Ruka, Joel and Torunka peeked out from the log, watching this all go by.

Monkey #3 turned the clock on his staff and began to say, "Be turn to Minu-," but got interrupted by Monkey #4 saying, "No you dolt! Don't you remember that he has a Cursed Needle on his foot!"

"Oh right. If minus energy meets minus energy, then it'll turn into the powerful plus energy," Monkey #3 noted.

The monkeys turned to Regulus who then pounced on them which they dodged but that wasn't his plan.

He jumped over some logs and raced away, deeper into the forest.

"Get him!" Monkey #1 shouted and the rest of them began to chase after Regulus.

When they were gone, Ruka, Joel and Torunka came out of hiding.

"Did you hear that?" Ruka asked.

"Yeah, something about minus energy and plus energy. Do you think that's how we'll be able to get that needle out of Regulus' leg?" Joel asked.

"Only one way to find out!" Ruka ran in the same direction as Regulus and the monkeys.

"Hey, wait up!" Torunka called out as he followed Ruka and Joel.

It took a while but even the monkeys themselves were lost.

"Damn it! Where did he go?" Monkey #4 asked.

"We can't give up now. He can't be far enough yet, keep searching," Monkey #1 said.

"Let's split up," Monkey #3 suggested and all of them nodded. They split up, Scooby Doo style.

Monkey #4 was walking by himself and was still searching. He heard a noise from a tree and stopped.

Ruka jumped from behind a tree and waved her arms around.

"Bet you can't catch me!" She taunted.

"Hey, you're that girl from the town! What are you doing here?" Monkey #4 asked and ran towards her.

Ruka gave a nod at the tree where Torunka and Joel were hiding behind it.

Joel turned the clock on the Cursed Needle and both he and Torunka came out from behind the tree and began to run.

"Get over here!" Monkey #4 began to chase but then everything turned upside down and he flew upwards, dropping his staff.

Ruka caught it and said, "we'll use this to free Regulus."

"Smashing hit! Good job, Joel," Torunka said in which Joel gave him a thumbs up.


Regulus has finished walking across a log that was a bridge between cliffs. Down below was gushing water that lead to a waterfall.

"I think I lost them," he sighed in relief.


His eyes narrowed and turned around to see Ruka, Joel and Torunka walking towards him. One of them stepped on a twig but neither cared to admit it was them. There were other important issues at hand.

"Regulus," Ruka said which made him growl.

She turned the clock on the staff and got on the log. Torunka got on it second and Joel got on it last, looking to make sure that the two of them don't lose their balance.

As they were walking slowly towards him, Ruka spoke up again.

"Please, Regulus. Listen to my true voice, I want to rescue Ancient Fairy Dragon as well," she said.

"Stay back! If you come any closer, you will not be spared!" Regulus roared.

He couldn't hear what else Ruka had said because the minus energy from the Cursed Needle made him hear something else.

"Regulus, if you don't want Ancient Fairy Dragon to die, then you'll have to obey us."

Enough was enough for Regulus and he jumped onto the log and bend down.

"Here it comes, Ruka," Joel wanted and she gripped onto the staff tightly.

Regulus jumped, paws outstretched and Torunka cried out Ruka's name in fear.

However, when Regulus got close, Ruka held up the staff and it touched the Cursed Needle that was on Regulus' leg.

Both clocks turned upwards and produced a small light explosion which destroyed the log that they were on which caused all four of them to fall into the water current.

(Back in the real world)

"Battle! Zeman, attack that toy dragon. Cursed Flare!" Dimark shouted.

From the staff, reddish pink beam came out of it and shot at Power Tool Dragon.

"I activate Power Tool's effect. By sending an equip spell, that Power Tool has been equipped with, to the graveyard, I can prevent my monster from being destroyed. I send Break! Draw! to the graveyard," Rua stated.

"But you will still take damage," Dimark stated.

Parts of the beam hit Rua in which he cried out in pain.

3200 —> 2500 LPS

He fell to the ground, clutching onto himself as he continued to feel pain.

He then looked up to see Power Tool Dragon was in front of him and shielded him from part of the attack. Rua's eyes widen as soon as he realized this.

" protected me from the worse," he said.

"Rua!" Ushio called out. Yusei's fist trembled and even Etho looked concerned.

"I...I'll protect you too...Ruka!" He called out to his sister.

(Back in the Spirit World)

As they were being pulled by watery arms through the gush of downstream, Torunka grabbed onto Ruka while crying out her name as he was scared.

Ruka grabbed onto Joel's arm who was trying to keep them afloat.

If this keeps up, we'll either drown or get pushed over a waterfall. There's always a waterfall in these, he thought.

Ruka trembled against Joel's arm before she heard a voice.

A very familiar and determined voice.

"Is that...Rua? He's still fighting out there," she realized.

She turned to look at Regulus who was behind them and shout, "Regulus!" She held up her arm, her sleeve down revealing her Signer mark.

When Regulus saw this, his eyes widen.

"A Signer? So she has come," he said.

"Ah! A waterfall!" Torunka cried.

"I knew it! There's always a waterfall in these types of things!" Joel cried out.

"Regulus! Help us!" Ruka called out.

The lion began to swim towards them and held the back of their shirts with his fangs.

It wasn't enough though as they shortly fell down the waterfall.

Torunka was screaming his lungs out and Joel was frozen in shock.

No no no no! This can't be happening! He thought, his pupils dilated and shaking.

Ruka was quick on her feet though and turned the clock backwards on the Cursed Needle that she was still holding onto to.

Thanks to this, all five of them stopped in mid air and began to fall upwards as the waterfall swept backwards and onto safety.

Regulus grabbed onto them with his fangs and swam to shore with the three of them on his back.

He set them down and the three took a deep sigh of relief.

"That was scary! I never want to do something like that again!" Torunka cried out.

"Well, we're safe now," Joel assured him.

"Are you ok, Regulus?" Ruka asked.

"We finally meet," Regulus said and he walked in front of them. He sits down and bows his head.

"Young Signer, I have waited for the moment for you to come since you came to this world," he said.

Ruka's face broke into a large smile and said, "Regulus! You're hearing my true words!"

Joel could feel Giant Wall shaking with excitement at this. He still wondered on what he meant by from what he heard on what Regulus was usually like before getting infected by the Minus Curse.

"You will figure that out once the time comes," Giant Wall assured him.

It better be soon, Joel thought.

"It will be," Giant Wall told him.

But just when is that?

A/N: wooooo! Very mysterious! Idk if I'll update this again before Christmas. Hopefully yes but if not, here's my early Christmas gift to you.

Any ideas on what Joel's role is going to be here?

Cya in the next one -Flare

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