Unleash da Power!

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(3rd Person PoV)

Back in the real world, Yusei, Ushio and Etho were still watching the duel with Etho getting more worried about Joel.

"It's my turn," Rua said as he drew a card. He added on, "I use Power Tool Dragon's effect to add a random Equip Spell card from my deck to my hand."

His deck was shuffling as he said this and a card came out of it.

Please let it be a card that can beat Zeman this time, Rua thought with all of his might as he took the edges of the card before drawing it with his eyes closed.

He cautiously opened them to look at the card that he drew and a wide smile grew on his face. "I did it!" He cheered as it was the equip spell that he needed.

(Back in the Spirit World)

Inside the castle, the pit that showed the tablet that Ancient Fairy Dragon was held in. Ruka stared at it and thought, I will rescue you, Ancient Fairy Dragon!

"Spellcaster," Zeman spoke up and Ruka looked at the ape.

"If I unseal Ancient Fairy Dragon and minumize her and Regulus, then her powers will be mine?" Zeman asked.

"Correct," Ruka stated in her faux voice.

"I see...but if you're lying, then you will pay dearly," Zeman stated.

"But it's true! This will make Ancient Fairy Dragon yours," Torunka pointed out.

"Hmmph!" Zeman said and lifted up his staff to point at the pit.

"Cursed Needle, release Ancient Fairy Dragon!" He shouted.

Suddenly at the crag, a staff like the Cursed Needle appeared, floating above it. Its clock then moved upwards which produced a purple aura on the tablet.

As it was doing this, the outline of Ancient Fairy Dragon began to gain flesh and color like she was being freed from her stony prison.

Ruka, Torunka and Joel were watching this happen.

"Yes, just like that, Zeman," Torunka cheered him on.

Ruka said nothing as she stared at Ancient Fairy Dragon's face. Joel also stayed silent but he gripped onto his sides with anxiousness. Could this really be it?

"What are you doing? Bring me Regulus!" Zeman roared at the monkeys and they suddenly got up and raced towards the cage that Regulus was laying in.

They opened the cage and Ruka said, "O power to control the spirits come to my hand. Regulus, come forward!"

Regulus got up and began to walk forward with an emotionless look on his face but in his mind, he was determined.

Ancient Fairy Dragon, I will sever those chains with my fangs, he thought.

As all of them were walking forward, Torunka did a little dance and exclaimed, "Incredible! Ancient Fairy Dragon is all yours, Zeman!"

As he did this however, he lost his balance and bumped into Ruka which caused them to fall. Joel quickly turned around and helped Ruka up.

He was about to help Torunka up when he got up by himself and was holding onto the staff which was switched sideways.

"Haha! Zeman sure is an idiot! We got him good," Torunka said before immediately getting shocked on what he said.

"What was that?" Zeman asked.

No way! No no! Not when we're this close! Joel thought and Ruka said Torunka's name in a slight panic tone.

The wrappings that covered the staff fell off as Torunka continued, "We're here to rescue Ancient Fairy Dragon and you haven't caught onto it, dummy!"

"Hey! What does he have the same staff as ours?" One of the monkeys asked.

"Apprentice, why are you saying such things?" Ruka asked before tripping on a stray crack, losing her balance and bumping into Torunka.

As that happened, their hats fell off and Ruka's teal pigtails were showing.

"No way! It's that girl from the town of Schwank!" One of the monkey shouted.

"She's no spellcaster!" Another shouted.

"We're caught!" Torunka cried.

"And we were so close!" Ruka added on.

"How dare you deceive me! Seize them!" Zeman shouted and the monkeys nodded and ran towards them.

Regulus jumped in however and slashed at the monkeys in the front. He picked up Ruka and Torunka up which caused Torunka to drop the staff.

Some of the monkeys chased after them while another ganged up on Joel as he went to pick up the staff.

"If it wasn't for the lad," he took off his hood as he said this, "we would have saved Ancient Fairy Dragon and have gotten out of here. I wonder if Etho misses me."

As the monkeys jumped on him, Joel swept them with a quick slash of the staff, using it like a sword and began to fight the monkeys.

"Capture them!" One monkey cried.

"I will never hand Ancient Fairy Dragon over to you liars!" Zeman roared and pointed his staff at the pit. The Cursed Needle above Ancient Fairy Dragon turned sideways and she returned to her stony prison.

"No, Ancient Fairy Dragon!" Ruka cried.

"I have a plan and I will need the staff that Joel has," Regulus said.

"Huh? Why?" Ruka asked.

"I'm going to combine the two Minuses into Plus energy just like when you lifted the curse off me," Regulus explained.

"But if you do that...," Ruka trailed off.

"There will be another explosion!" Torunka cried.

"There's no time! I have to do this or else Ancient Fairy Dragon will be sealed forever!" Regulus said.

Ruka thought about it before nodding with a determined face on.

"Joel! Give Regulus the staff! He's going to do what I did in the forest!" She called out to him who was still deflecting attacks from the monkeys.

Hmm? Of course! Joel thought.

Regulus placed Ruka and Torunka in the cage and bumped against the door so the monkeys wouldn't get in.

"Stay there," he told them and raced off.

Two of the monkeys got near the cage and stared at the two.

"Open up!" One of them said.

"We'll turn you to Minus!" The other one said.

Ruka and Torunka stepped back. You can do this! Ruka silently cheered.

(Back in the Real World)

Rua and Dimark were still dueling and Rua looked ready.

"I switch Power Tool Dragon to attack mode!" He started and his dragon uncurled itself.

"Let's do our best!" Rua told him and the eyes of Power Tool Dragon flashed red with determination.

"I then equip the equip card Double Tool D&C which increases Power Tool Dragon's attack points by 1000!" He added on.

A saw and a drill appeared on Power Tool Dragon's claws.

2000 —> 3000 ATK

"So? That's just in line with Zeman's attack points. In the eyes of a non-Signer, that bit of nothingness is all you can do?" Dimark asked.

"Don't underestimate us! Now attack, Power Tool Dragon!" Rua shouted, spinning his arm and pointing to Zeman the Ape King. His dragon heads for Zeman after he said.

(Back to the Spirit World)

"Joel, now!" Regulus shouted and Joel tossed the staff at Regulus who caught it between his fangs.

In parallel to the real world, Regulus jumped towards Zeman and Zeman held out his staff. Both of them collide causing a white flash.

"Stay out of my way!" Zeman roared as he was surrounded by a purple aura. Regulus, who was also surrounded by a purple aura, was struggling to keep the connection stable.

"Regulus!" Ruka and Torunka cried out.

"This has to work," Joel said to himself.

Regulus then looked at the pit where it was showing the crag that Ancient Fairy Dragon was trapped in.

Come back to us...Ancient Fairy Dragon! He thought and got out of the struggle. He jumped towards Zeman again.

(Back in the real world)

The parallels between what was happening in the Spirit World and the Real World were striking as Power Tool Dragon was heading towards Zeman.

"Are you planning for mutual destruction? No, that's not it!" Dimark realized.

"That's right! Power Tool Dragon can't be destroyed as long as it's equipped with an equip spell!" Rua explained.

Power Tool Dragon collided with Zeman's staff which caused two white barriers between them.

(Back in the Spirit World)

This was happening in the castle with Regulus and Zeman's staff colliding against each other with this time, a big flash appeared which destroyed the monkeys in the castle.

It produced fire as well and it roared around the room, reaching the cage where Ruka and Torunka were in.

However, Ruka's mark began to glow and made a red barrier around the two, protecting them.

Wait a minute! I'm not in the cage with those two! I'll be killed if I don't get to safety! Joel thought.

"No, you will not. Had Regulus not known about the power that has not yet awakened in you, he would have placed you in the cage with Ruka and Torunka," Giant Wall Life Dragon explained.

"Pardon?" Joel asked as the blast of the explosion blew him backwards and it would have pushed him into the fire if it wasn't for a yellow glow from Joel's arm which made a yellow barrier around him similar to the barrier that is protecting Ruka and Torunka.

Ruka noticed this but before she could say anything, Zeman spoke up.

"Don't think this is over! As soon as I'm destroyed, Dimark will have full control of the Minus Cuuuuuuurse!" He shouted and Ruka gasped.

Then, the intensity of the explosion destroyed him.

(Back in the Real World)

Power Tool Dragon destroyed Zeman the Ape King and Rua jumped in the air in celebration while exclaiming, "I did it! I destroyed Zeman!"

He added on, "and now by discarding Double Tool D&C, Power Tool Dragon isn't destroyed!"

3000 —> 2000 ATK

"Alright, that Dark Synchro monster is gone!" Ushio stated.

"Hold on, something isn't right," Yusei said.

"What?" Ushio asked.

Dimark then began to laugh and Rua asked, "what's so funny?"

"I activate my trap, Dark Matter. When a Synchro monster is destroyed, I can set two cards from the top of my deck on my field and treat them as monsters," Dimark explained and grabbed the top two cards from his deck.

He placed them on the field which had the silhouettes of Fighter Ape and Magician Ape.

"I equip Power Tool Dragon with the equip spell, Power Converter and end my turn," Rua said and a giant engine like object appeared and equipped itself to his dragon.

Dimark laughed sinisterly.

(Back in the Spirit World)

The whole room was a mess with a bunch of rubble laying around and the fire had died down.

"Regulus! Regulus!" Ruka called out, free from the cage.

"Good grief," an unfamiliar voice said and a old mage appeared, "looks like I finally turned back to normal."

"Huh? Who are you?" Ruka asked.

"Don't you remember me?" The old man asked and a familiar face flashed in her mind as she stared at his face.

"Torunka?" She asked and he nodded.

"I guess you really were an old man," Ruka noted and he laughed.

"Ruka," she turned her head to see Regulus picking up Joel from the rubble with his fangs.

"Regulus! Joel!" Ruka ran up to them, glad that they were both ok.

Regulus placed Joel down and he wobbled a bit.

"Are you two ok?" Torunka asked.

"Yes, we both are. It seems like Zeman was completely obliterated," Regulus explained.

"Really? Then where's Ancient Fairy Dragon?" Ruka asked and looked around.

"It appears that she is not here," Regulus said.

"Wait what?" Ruka asked.

"Yeah and it seems like the spirits haven't been released either. Look," Joel pointed to the tablets.

"No way but we broke the curse, didn't we?" Ruka asked.

But then she remembered something.

Wait, didn't Zeman say that Dimark will have full control of the curse? She thought.

(Back in the Real World)

"I begin my turn, draw," Dimark said while smirking.

"Young boy, I must thank you for destroying Zeman earlier," he said.

"What do you mean by that?" Rua asked, angrily.

"Because of that, I am now able to summon my Earthbound Immortal card!" Dimark said and held up his card while laughing maniacally.

"Oh no, that card!" Yusei called out.

"I release my two monsters!" Dimark shouted and his monsters flew up and formed a shell like heart.

Rua took a step back, his eyes widening with fear.

"Not to worry, since you are my opponent, your soul won't be taken," Dimark told him and Rua let out a small sigh of relief.

"I have plenty of other sacrifices. I sacrifice the souls of the spirits! Descend, Earthbound Immortal Cusillu (ATK: 2800. DF: 2400)!" He laughed.

"Here it comes," Yusei told Ushio and Etho and then the purple flames that have surrounded Rua and Dimark grew higher and blazed further.

Yusei covered his eyes while Ushio stared at the flames and Etho gripped onto his arm while Rua yelled out in fear.

(Back in the Spirit World)

In the sky where the ceiling of the castle was no longer there due to the explosion, a purple monkey geoglyph appeared.

"Look!" Ruka noticed and pointed.

But then, purple orbs appeared from the tablets that held the spirits and went up towards the geoglyph in the same way that human souls would go when sacrificed to a particular being.

"Those are the spirits' souls," Regulus said.

"What devil is trying to transpire?" Torunka asked.

"An Earthbound Immortal is trying to awaken," Ruka and Joel said at the same time.

(Back in the real world)

Sure enough, the souls of the spirits bled out from the purple flames and were shot up into the shell heart and it began to pump.

After a short bit, a beam of purple light shot out of the shell heart and onto the ground.

The ground began to shake as a large monkey with yellow lines on it appeared and held its hands up in the air.

"The Earthbound Immortal! Damn it, it finally showed up!" Ushio shouted.

"This is bad," Yusei said with fear in his voice and Etho nodded to show that he agreed.

"It's going to go for the direct attack," Etho added on.

"My great god, Earthbound Immortal Cusillu cannot be attacked by the likes of your monsters. In addition, it cannot be affected by any Spell or Trap cards," Dimark explained.

"No way!" Rua cried, shocked.

"Furthermore, the effect of Closer Forest activates. With 8 monsters in my graveyard, Cusillu gains a total of 800 attack points," Dimark explained.

2800 —> 3600 ATK

"May you curse your misfortune for ever intruding into this battle. Direct attack, Earthbound Immortal Cusillu!" Dimark shouted and his monster raised it's fist to attack.

"If this attack hits, then Rua is finished!" Yusei realized.

"Rua!" Ushio called out his name, worriedly.

"Not on my watch! I activate Power Converter's effect. By sending this to the graveyard, I gain life points equal to the attack points of Power Tool Dragon," Rua explained.

2000 —> 4000 LPS

"On the downside, Power Tool Dragon's attack points go to zero for this turn," he added on.

2000 —> 0 ATK

As the Earthbound Immortal continued its attack, Rua ran in order to not get the worse of the attack.

The monster's fist hits the ground with the force of it caused Rua to get hit by the debris and knocked onto the ground.

4000 —> 400 LPS

The smoke clears and Rua was struggling to get up as he felt very weak.

"I-I can't lose. If I lose, then Ruka will be...Ruka will...," he said.

(Back in the Spirit World)

Ruka heard what Rua was saying and muttered his name.

"Rua...he's in danger," she said.

"Hmm? What do you mean?" Regulus asked.

But just then, a white light envelops them and suddenly, all four of them started to float towards the sky.

"We're going to get absorbed by the geoglyph," Torunka gasped.

"At this rate, the spirit world will be confined to eternal darkness," Regulus stated.

"That's not a good thing!" Joel gasped.

"Leave this to me. I'll be able to use the last of my power to send Ruka back to her own world but I am not sure if I'm able to send Joel along as well," Torunka said.

"Send Ruka. After all, it's her destiny to beat the Dark Signer and Earthbound Immortal," Joel told him.

Ruka was about to protest that Joel should come with her when Regulus gave Torunka a nod.

"Joel, I sense a great power within you. Use it to return back home," Regulus said.

"Huh? A great power?" Joel sounded confused but then he felt something warm in his pockets. He took out his deck and took a card out. It was Giant Wall Life Dragon.

Is he talking about this? Joel thought and then his arm glowed yellow and in a flash, he was gone.

"Joel...he's-," Ruka didn't finish what she said when Regulus spoke up.

"The future of the spirit world rests on your shoulder. We will be behind you when you beat that Earthbound Immortal," Regulus told her.

"...Regulus...Torunka...," Ruka whispered.

Torunka then pointed his staff at Ruka and she was enveloped by a white flash and she was gone.

(Back in the Real World)

Two orbs came flying down. A red and a yellow one.

The yellow one floated where Ushio, Etho and Yusei were at while the red one floated where Rua was at.

"What in the-?" Ushio didn't get time to finish when the lights cleared out, revealing Ruka in the red one and Joel in the yellow one.

"Ruka...Joel," Yusei said.

Joel opened his eyes and looked around.

"Huh?! We're back?" He asked and Etho tackled him in a hug.

"My fellow boat boy is back!" Etho exclaimed.

Ruka had also opened her eyes and looked around. She spotted her battered brother and raced towards his side.

"Rua!" She called out and kneeled beside him. "Say something, Rua!"

Rua lifted his head and saw his sister and said, "y-you're back."

Ruka lifted him up while saying, "you fought this hard and got hurt this badly while fighting a Dark Signer." She sounded worried.

"S-sorry, I couldn't beat that guy. I wanted to before you came back. I knew I couldn't be the hero," Rua explained, his eyes beginning to water.

"That's not true!" Ruka's outburst caused Rua to look at his sister whose eyes were beginning to fill up with tears as well.

"Rua...in my eyes, you're...the best a hero could get," Ruka told him and hugged her twin tightly.

Rua looked surprised before hugging his sister back and began to sob.

Yusei watched silently as the twins were reunited and looked over at the BoatBoys who were also reunited. He turned his attention to the field as Dimark laughed.

"Looks like the pieces are all here. Quite excellent. You will fall before my god, the Earthbound Immortal, young Signer!" Dimark said.

"So you're the one who commanded Zeman to capture the spirits! I will never forgive you! For hurting the spirits and hurting the one whom I care for the most," Ruka stated.

She detached Rua's duel disk from him and said, "I'll continue the duel, Rua."

"H-hold on, I was supposed to protect you. I need to finish this duel," Rua told him.

"Thank you but don't worry, I can take it from here. I will try my hardest like you did," Ruka assured him while placing his duel disk onto her arm.

"But Ruka! If you fight him then even you will...," Rua trailed off.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine," Ruka told him and got up.

She looked over at Yusei.

"Ruka," he said and then noticed that his Signer mark was glowing. Similarly, a yellow glow came from Joel's arm and he rolled down his sleeve to reveal an unfamiliar mark.

(The quality could be better, I know 😓)

"Joel...but how?" Etho asked.

"I...I don't know," Joel admitted.

Somewhere out there, in a car, another mark glowed and Mikage pointed this out.

"Look!" She said and Aki looked at her arm.

Meanwhile, Jack was riding his D-Wheel when he felt his mark glow on his arm.

"A Signer battle is finally underway, huh," he noted.

Back the the duel, Ruka looked at her own mark before looking at Dimark with a determined look on her face.

"I won't lose because I have Rua and everyone else by my side," she stated and Power Tool Dragon floated by her with Ruka turning her head at it.

"Let's do our best, Power Tool Dragon," she told it and its eyes began to glow red. She then turned back to Dimark.

"Heh...even life points can be on the same level as cinders in tribute to my god. Allow me to show you my respect towards you, young Signer, by summoning a special spirit that I've been saving for this occasion," Dimark said.

Ruka seemed confused but she couldn't let Dimark know about her confusion.

"I activate the continuous trap, Cursed Prison! This allows me to special summon a Synchro monster on my field while ignoring its summoning conditions in defense mode. And I have the perfect monster for that!" Dimark held up the card while laughing and Ruka gasped.

He placed the card on his duel disk and a large prison like cage appeared and in chains, held a slender, blue dragon with gold armor and long, bright teal hair.

"Appear my prisoner, Ancient Fairy Dragon!" He shouted.

"No!" Ruka cried out as Dimark ended his turn.

"How does it feel? To face the very dragon that you are linked to by the bonds of fate?" Dimark asked.

Hold on, Ancient Fairy Dragon. Rua and I will save you! Ruka thought.

"I draw!" She said, starting her turn.

"I activate the effect of Power Tool Dragon which allows me to add a random equip spell from my deck to my hand," she said and a card came out from the deck.

Ruka took it and added on, "I equip Central Shield onto Power Tool Dragon."

"Awesome! Central Shield is the ultimate defense as it reduces all attacks other than towards the equipped monster to zero regardless if the Earthbound Immortal is effected by spell or trap cards. Good job, Ruka!" Rua cheered.

She gave him a nod and thought, this shield will protect me and Rua's hopes.

"I set these two cards down and end my turn," Ruka finished.

"I knew it. You couldn't bring yourself to attack Ancient Fairy Dragon but no worries. Earthbound Immortal Cusillu isn't limited to direct attacks. Very well, I will shall crush that toy dragon of yours!" Dimark shouted and he drew a card, starting his turn.

"Attack, Earthbound Immortal Cusillu! Crush the toy dragon!" He shouted.

His monster brought down its fist on Power Tool Dragon but Ruka was ready.

"I activate the quick play spell, Limiter Removal. This doubles the attack points of any Machine monsters on my field," Ruka explained.

"What?!" Dimark gasped.

2000 —> 4000 ATK

The attack went through and a large explosion was caused from it. It shook the whole area and the twins covered their eyes.

When it died down, Ushio stated, "they did it!"

Joel, who was still not over his shock about the mark on his arm, was staring at the field.

"You fools! You dare to defy such a god-like power!" Dimark shouted.

2500 —> 2100 LPS

"I won't falter so by sacrificing a monster on my field, my Earthbound Immortal will avoid destruction and halve your life points. That's why I decided to bring out Ancient Fairy Dragon!" He added on.

The cage disappeared with Ancient Fairy Dragon and a dark circle surrounded Ruka which hurts her.

400 —> 200 LPS

She began to fall but Rua caught her.

"Are you ok?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine but now the real fight can begin," Ruka assured him.

"What? What do you mean by that?" Dimark asked.

"I knew that you were going to send Ancient Fairy Dragon to the graveyard so now I'll bring my friend back from you," Ruka replied.

"I activate the trap, Respect Synchron! When a Synchro monster is sent to the Graveyard through an opponent's card effect, I can ignore the summoning conditions and special summon that monster onto my field!" She explained and Dimark gasped.

A light appeared below the twins and the chains appeared, wrapping the monster. A figure of Regulus appeared and shouted, "Ancient Fairy Dragon!" He destroyed the chains with his fangs before disappearing.

Light pink wings flapped and Ancient Fairy Dragon appeared, her eyes turning more yellow and she lifted her head and roared (ATK: 2100. DF: 3000).

"Whoa!" Rua looked amazed as he stared at the dragon before turning to his sister, "Ruka, you did it!"

She gave him a nod and both twins looked at the dragon.

"Ancient Fairy Dragon, we finally meet," Ruka said and the dragon lowered herself towards them.

"Ruka, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for keeping the promise you made on that day so long ago, thank you so much," Ancient Fairy Dragon told her.

"So that's her dragon," Ushio noted which Yusei nodded at this.

"Well then, would you look at that?" Etho noted.

"Ancient...Fairy...Dragon. She seems even more powerful than what she appears to be," Joel noted.

"Yeah so this match isn't over," Yusei added on.

"Alright so now I send Central Shield to the graveyard to negate Power Tool Dragon's destruction after using Limiter Removal," Ruka said.

"Ha! Splendid! A real Signer is although different! I end my turn so show me a real duel elected by the gods!" Dimark laughed.

"Rua, let's go!" Ruka stated and he nodded.

"It's our turn," Rua added on.

"DRAW!" The twins shouted and drew a card together.

"I activate Ancient Fairy Dragon's effect. By destroying a field spell, I can now gain 1000 life points," Ruka explained.

"What?!" Dimark cried as the forest around them began to disappear, signifying that Closer Forest was destroyed.

200 —> 1200 LPS

"Let's go!" Rua cheered.

Earthbound Immortal Cusillu then looked weaker as the field spell was destroyed.

3600 —> 2800 ATK

"Now that there's no field spell in play, the Earthbound Immortal's effect is negated," Yusei explained.

"Good job, Ruka!" Ushio called out.

"You can do it!" Joel cheered.

"I activate Power Tool Dragon's effect also, which allows me to add a random equip spell to my hand from the deck," Ruka drew a card.

"I then equip Rocket Pilder onto Power Tool Dragon and Pain to Power onto Ancient Fairy Dragon," she added on.

A large red rocket appeared on Power Tool Dragon's back and a white and gold scarf appeared on Ancient Fairy Dragon.

"Now Power Tool Dragon, attack Earthbound Immortal Cusillu!" Ruka commanded.

"Huh? Why are you attacking with the monster with the lower attack points?" Dimark asked, confused.

The rocket began to fly towards his monster, carrying Power Tool Dragon with it. The Earthbound Immortal tried swatting the dragon away but Power Tool Dragon dodged it and hit it in the stomach.

It caused a massive explosion and Rua shielded Ruka from the force of it as her life points went down.

1200 —> 400 LPS

"Why did you attack so reckless? Are you willing to accept the gods' punishment that easily?" Dimark asked as soon as the smoke cleared.

"Heck no!" Rua shouted.

"Since Power Tool Dragon was equipped to Rocket Pilder, it doesn't get destroyed and also, it decreases the attack points of the monster that it attacks by its own attack points. Power Tool Dragon has 2000 attack points so your Earthbound Immortal Cusillu loses that many," Ruka explained.

"Say what?" Dimark looked shocked and stared at his monster who now has a massive hole on its stomach.

2800 —> 800 LPS

"And since Ancient Fairy Dragon is equipped with Pain to Power, her attack points will increase equal to the damage that I took from Power Tool Dragon's attack.

2100 —> 2900 ATK

As soon as her attack points went up, Ancient Fairy Dragon let out a roar.

"My pain turns into power so attack, Ancient Fairy Dragon!" Ruka commanded.

Ancient Fairy Dragon flew up slowly to get to Earthbound Immortal Cusillu's level.

"Eternal Sunshine!" Ruka shouted.

Ancient Fairy Dragon's wings produced a rainbow kaleidoscope light which started out as a flicker before transforming into a blinding light which made everyone cover their eyes.

Ruka, however, just stared determined.

A/N: wooo! I did it! How did you like this chapter?

Also, there's something very interesting on Joel's arm 👀

I reveal the marks a while back but I didn't explain what they were or when they'll appear. Well now is the time...sort of.

Cya in the next one -Flare

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

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