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AN this is a flashback chapter sorry for all the confusing time skips in this chapter

⚠️Trigger warning: Bullying and Rape⚠️

This is just a huge flashback to Remus before he got with Logan so there is a point between him and his ex where he is raped, I wanted to write this because someone messaged me about Remus and the back story behind him and his ex and so this chapter explains that I put a warning before the scene as well in case you would like to still read this chapter especially because after the flashbacks I add a little more to the regular time line. Remus just started to go by Remus in these flashbacks. Enjoy! Please skip to bolded parts if you would like to continue without reading the triggering scene!



"Aww look how cute." Remus looked up seeing some of the cheerleaders walking towards his locker.

"Uhm, hi?" He closed the door and looked around seeing nobody else around.

"Rebecca is it?" Remus cringed and backed up.

"Remus actually." He replied. They laughed.

"Oh my god! You actually believe yourself." She grabbed his arm and pulled him towards the girls bathroom. Remus watched as a few of them stood outside the door as it swung closed. Ari took his things from him and Remus backed up.

"Stop this Ari, please I have to get to class."

"Not a chance." She got closer to Remus and he backed up.

"Ari I'm serious what the hell!" A few of the stalls opened and some of the jocks stepped out. His eyes widened as he looked at Ari and the other cheerleaders. "What the fuck are you planning!?"

"Boys, don't have vaginas." Ari walked over and grabbed hold of his arm, another cheerleader walked over and held his other arm as someone pulled down his pants.

"Oh how cute, it's wearing boxers." One of the jocks walked forward pulling down his underwear. He looked up tears in his eyes as he saw a few of the cheerleaders and jock's recording.

"See; Rebecca." He cried out as he was shoved to the ground. "You will never be a boy." Tears flowed down his cheeks as the jocks and cheerleaders left the bathroom, leaving Remus laying there to cry. Remus quickly fixed his underwear and pants and pulled himself closer to the wall. He curled himself into a tight ball and burst into tears. He heard the door open again but didn't even bother to look up.

"Remus!?" He felt someone helping him up and heard a radio. He paused looking at the teacher that was helping him to the nurses office.

"Sorry.." he mumbled.

"It's alright sweetie, we'll fix you right up." She walked him to the nurses office and he laid down for the rest of the day.

~~~a few months later

Remus decided to never speak again. After all the bullying, and after he was raped and nobody believed him, he was just done. He wanted to fucking kill himself but he couldn't bring himself to leave Logan like that. Remus sat down at their usual table in the library and pulled out his notebook. He checked his phone. Logan usually was never late...what could be happening to him? Remus went to stand up to find him but suddenly alarms started blaring through the school. His eyes widened and he booked it to the library doors to lock them when he spotted them. His eyes widened seeing Logan being dragged off by someone in all black. Tears filled his eyes, he went to step out but once he made eye contact with Logan he knew he had to stay. When he was gone Remus stepped into the hallway and looked around. People were flooding out of the classrooms and Remus saw his brother walking out with a very freaked out Patton.

"Logan!? Has anyone seen Logan wood?" Remus started gesturing at the door trying to get his attention. Patton glanced at Roman who sighed.

"Who knows, let's talk to him." They walked over and Remus signed. Door and Shadow.

"You know I can't sign babe.." Roman sighed looking at Patton.

"Neither can I but he's mute not deaf besides that he's selective mute he can actually talk he just doesn't." Remus gestured at the door and aggressively signed again.

"we don't understand you." Roman folded his arms across his chest. "Besides that I've heard you talk before so just fucking tell us."

"Roman!" Some ran over and glared at him. "This is why he hates you, you don't have to be a dick because he doesn't want to speak to you." Remus gestured at the door again and signed even more. "He said Logan was taken...by a shadow man?" Patton gasped.

"What!?" Roman cried. "YOU HAVE TO TELL THE POLICE" Remus backed away from Roman and shook his head signing again.

"He said it looks like Lo went willingly.."

"No! He would never do something like that!" Patton cried.

"Well he did, come on let's go." Roman grabbed Patton's arm and glared at Remus. Patton looked back at Remus who looked away sadly. Remus smiled at Dani.

"Thanks." He whispered. She smiled at him and nodded.

"I'm sorry he's such an asshole." She walked him over to the library again.

"He usually is." Remus gathered his things.

"Im glad you trust me more to talk to me again." She smiled softly.

"You two are the only ones I trust. I am so glad you trust me after all the rumors about me..."

"Remus, I know they wanted everyone to believe you wanted it, but you didn't. I know the truth. You, besides Patton of course, are one of the sweetest fucking angels I've ever met."

"Thanks." They talked some more and then they left the school. Remus dreaded going home all the time. God he hated his mother.


"It's Remus. Get that through your thick skull Roman." Remus growled. "I am your brother not your sister and I swear to fucking everything if I-."

"Rebecca someones here to see you!" Remus glared at the door then back at Roman.

"I hope you all burn in hell." Remus walked down the stairs and saw Mack standing there smiling.

"How cute, but black really doesn't suit you babe." Remus froze in the hallway.

"What is he doing here..." Roman came downstairs and shrugged.

"We invited him for dinner." Remus felt tears filling his eyes but he held them back.

"You did what?" He choked out.

"Relax Rebecca, now let's all go to this event and we can come back home." Remus glared at Mack as he grabbed his arm tight.

"You are riding with me." Remus shook his head.

"No the fuck I am not, I'd rather walk through the fiery pits of hell than deal with you."

"Just go and quit complaining Rebecca." His mother spat. Remus was shoved into the car and he immediately went to leave but realized the child safety lock was on. Tears filled his eyes as Mack got into the car. He looked over at him.

"How sad that you think you could get away from me. Your parents think you lied, my parents think you lied, Roman thinks you lied. Stop pretending like you didn't want it." He leaned forward and kissed Remus who immediately pushed him off.

"I DIDNT WANT IT!" Remus struggled against him as he pressed himself up against him.

"We have a funeral to attend, and after that your parents said we can do whatever we want until dinner, Remus." Remus glared at him. They drove to the funeral home and Mack got out of the truck, walking around and opening the door for Remus. Remus went to walk in but Mack pulled him back. "Sweater." He held his hand out for it and Remus pulled it tighter.

"No way in hell." Remus growled.

"Rebecca come on, take it off." Remus shook his head. Suddenly Patton walked over to them. Remus felt relief flood him. He would be okay.

~~~a few months into the kidnapping

Remus tapped his leg and started humming to keep himself distracted. Tears flowed down his face as he pulled his knees to his chest. He was trapped in this stupid dress, for who knows how fucking long and his brother was nowhere to be found. Did Roman think Remus was dead? He was probably dead himself being stuck with their mother. The door opened and Remus looked up.

"Please..." tears flowed down his face as he held his brothers jacket tighter around himself. "Let me see Logan...."

"Not happening." Shadow threw the bag of things down on the bed. "Essentials seeing as you might need them.." Remus stood up and walked over to the bag. He glared at it and then looked back up at shadow.

"You seriously think he—"

"Yeah I do. Now please just take them and be quiet. I don't need you giving birth and freaking everyone else out." He left the room and Remus collapsed to the ground holding his legs to his chest sobbing.

~~~back to a few months before he started dating Logan

Remus sat besides his boyfriend and he played with his ring finger looking at the beautiful promise ring.

"I do hope you love it dear." Remus smiled and nodded.

"I love it." Suddenly Remus was pressed down on the couch. "Hey get off, you know I said I don't want to." He leaned forward and started kissing remuss neck. "Mack!"

"Oh, am I interrupting?" Remus panicked and threw Mack off of him.

"Mom I'm sorry! He was just leaving!" Mack rolled his eyes.

"Drama queen." Remus glared at Mack.

"Oh you kids, you know that I don't want you on the couch, go up to Rebeccas room if you are going to fuck." She smiled sweetly and Remus just stared at her in horror.

"Mom what the fuck?!" She laughed.

"Go on then! Just wear protection, I don't want a grand baby just yet." Remus was dragged upstairs and into his room, the door was slammed shut and locked.

⚠️Trigger warning: Rape (skip to next bolder part to continue reading)⚠️

"Mack stop! Im not ready to have sex okay?" Mack started taking off his clothes. "Mack, stop." Mack stood before Remus completely naked..

"Come on Rebecca. Stop being a tease." He walked over and shoved Remus to his hands and knees. "If you don't want to get naked right now that's okay, but I want you to suck." Remus tried to pull away but Mack pulled him closer to his dick and forced his mouth open. He pulled on remuss hair and moved him back and forth, causing him to gag. Mack pulled out and tossed Remus to the side. "Now, strip or I'm going to do it for you." Remus shook his head.

"No." Mack walked over and pulled on remuss hair.

"Fine, I'll just do this the hard way then." He forced Remus to stand, still holding onto his hair, and unbuttoned his jeans. He pulled them down along with the underwear and forced Remus to his knees again. Remus whimpered in pain as he landed harshly on the ground with Mack still holding his hair tightly. "Nice little ride." He stood behind Remus and positioned himself. "Now scream for me, you slut." He thrusted in and Remus whimpered as he continued his pace. He stood lifting Remus up like a rag doll and threw him against the wall. "Spread your legs nice and wide." Remus did as he was told he whimpered as he felt cum fall down his leg, his own or Mack's he didn't know. Mack started biting his neck and leaving hickeys. He continued to thrust and as he slowed down he kept himself inside Remus.

"Please..." Remus wanted to get out. He wanted this to be over.

"Im not done with you yet you slut." He pulled Remus closer to his chest. "I'm going to flip you over, and I'm going to fuck you so deep, that you forget how to breathe."

~~a few hours later

Remus woke up and was absolutely disgusted. He was covered not only in his own fluids but in Mack's as well. Remus felt sick. Mack held him tight. He screamed as he felt trapped.

"I hope you like waking up like this, because this will not be the last time you wake up with me." He adjusted and smirked as he looked down. "let's go again shall we?" Remus whimpered. "I can go all day~"

⚠️End of trigger warning⚠️

~~~Present day

Remus got up from the bed and walked out into the dining room. He sat down at the table and looked around for anyone else. The door opened and Remy walked in placing some food down. He smiled at Remus.

"You woke up early."

"Had a bad dream is all." Remus played with the ring on his finger that Logan gave him.

"Let me guess, something to do with your ex?" Remy sat down. "I heard about what happened between you two." Remus looked down. "You didn't deserve that."

"Remy, are you okay?" Remy held his throat and pulled the scarf he was wearing tighter around himself to cover to marks again.

"Im going to be alright." Remy smiled at him.

"He hurt you, and you were almost killed!" Remy looked down at his hands.

"Yeah, but it wasn't Janus." Remy started to cry. "I hate when he pulls mean tricks like that."

"Has he ever..." Remus bit his lip. "I almost don't want to ask...."

"Yeah." Remy looked up at Remus then at the doors. "Just please don't tell Janus."

"Oh my god..."

"I don't want Janus to know okay? I know he'll freak out and I don't want him to feel the need to apologize to me for what shadow did to me..."

"He needs to know Remy...you really shouldn't keep something like this hidden from him." Remy sighed.

"I know you are right but it just feels wrong. Like I cheated on him without actually cheating on him..."

"Do shut up you are going to annoy me to death." They both looked towards the door to see shadow. He sat down and looked at Remus then back at Remy. "Go wake the others, now. You need to all get new instructions since you clearly didn't listen to the last ones." Remus went to get up but shadow gestured at Remy. "Him. Not you."

"I am in no way, shape or form, leaving you with any of these kids shadow." Remy glared at him. "Not after what you have done."

"Don't trust me?" Shadow got up from the chair and stepped closer to Remy who immediately pushed Remus behind him.

"Come on, just let the kids go. I will stay okay? And I won't tell Janus shit. I promise just please let them leave." Remy looked back at Remus who shook his head.

"Remy are you nuts!?"

"How sweet, why the fuck do you care so much about these damn kids?" Shadow glared at Remus.

"Well, you wouldn't understand the concept of family now would you? They are like a small family they care for eachother. I don't want to see them get hurt anymore and so that's why I care so much." Remy glared at shadow. "Besides, I care more about my boyfriend and seeing him hurt is what's really starting to piss me off."

"Oh please, don't be such a cry baby." Shadow laughed. "I can easily show him everything I've been hiding from him."


"Please shadow! Don't do that to him..." Remus stepped forward. "He won't be able to handle that."

"I don't care what he can handle or not!" Shadow growled. "Just get the others." He left the room and Remus glanced at Remy.

"You don't have to do it." Remy sighed.

"I do actually, I don't want him to know."


"Don't act like you wouldn't do the same if that were Logan." Remy walked over. "Just give me your wrist..." Remus handed him his wrist and Remy attached the handcuffs. He sighed as he walked to the bedrooms. Remus glared at his wrist as the door opened.

"He actually left you alone." Shadow chuckled. "What a clueless moron."

"Get. Away." Remus pulled on the chains but he couldn't remove the handcuffs at all. He looked up at shadow panicked.

"Are you actually afraid of me?" He stepped closer. "Or maybe it's not even me you are afraid of."

"I'm not afraid at all." Remus took a deep breathe. "Because I know Janus is watching, and I know that even if you block it out he will never let you hurt me."

"You have too much faith in him." Shadow got closer and Remus looked away from him. "Don't look away from me you little monster." He harshly grabbed remuss face.

"I refuse to believe you." Remus glared at shadow. Shadow held his face even tighter.

"Rebecca, now is not the time to act out." He smirked. Remus flinched. "Behave like the good little girl you are~" he leaned forward. "Or do I need to punish you for being naughty?"

"Touch him, you lose a god damn hand." Shadow turned to face the door and Remus looked over to see Logan standing in the doorway.

"I'll give you this time together to say your goodbyes." Shadow walked out and Remus looked worriedly at everyone.

"Anyone else actually afraid of shadow..." Remus pulled the jacket he was wearing tighter around himself.

"I wont let him do this, you know that."

"I don't think you can stop him this time..." Logan sat down and leaned into Remus. "We might have to go along with whatever he does so he doesn't kill us."

"I hate this plan Lo."

"I think for once I agree with him." Virgil mumbled.

"Guys, everything is going to be fine." Roman looked at Remy. "Everything's going to fine, right?"

"I don't know anymore...but we can pretend like it is."

"Well that's reassuring." Roman mumbled.

"I think we should work together and make sure he doesn't hurt Remus." Patton replied. "He's the only one of us that....well..."

"Can get pregnant. I know." Remus leaned back in the chair he was in. "I don't care at this point. The worst he could do to me is ruin my already badly broken brain. I don't think Janus would ever let him go that far with me."

"You really think we can get my Janus back?" Remy asked. Remus smirked.

"If we annoy shadow enough, yeah." Remus smiled at his friends. "We just have to work together."

"Alright so where should we begin?"


AN sorry for the cliffhanger lol

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