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"Wait..." Patton pouted. "Both of them are gone!?" He started to cry. "But.." he sat down in the office and shook his head. "No..."

"Unfortunately yes, and we have reason to believe that you are next..." Patton looked up.

"Why would I be? My family isn't abusive like theirs were..."

"Rebecca and Roman were not in a abusive household either." The principle said quickly.

"That you know of." Patton spat. "Rebecca, goes by Remus and he's a guy not a girl."

"You still have no proof of your theory, miss." The principle spat. Patton folded his arms across his chest.

"You sure as hell know I've been transitioned for two years now!" He growled. "It's Mr."

"You will behave while in this office young la-." Patton slammed his hands on the desk.

"I will not tolerate you misgendering me on purpose! I have been male and always will be a male student! Stop saying that!"

"We have reason to believe that because your parents allow you to prance around like this," she gestured at his clothes. "Shadow is after you."

"Then let him come! I'd rather be stuck with him than all of you!" Patton stormed out of the room. He ran into one of the teachers and their papers went flying.

"Oh wow...you were in a rush there bud." Patton wiped his face of tears and helped pick up his things.

"Sorry..." Patton smiled at the teacher.

"It's alright Patton, she giving you a hard time?" Patton nodded. "Come on, we can chat in my classroom for a bit." They walked into his room and Patton collapsed.

"She purposely misgendered me! And Remus! How rude can that bitch be..."

"I'm sorry you had to deal with her, you can stay in here if you'd like." Janus sighed. "I dont know why she's always so homophobic, knowing damn well me and her son are fucking dating."

"Language!" Patton scolded. Janus just laughed.

"You really scolding me?" He rolled his eyes. "I'm a teacher Patton I can swear if I'd like."

"Sorry...habit." He laughed.

"It's fine." Janus sat down and looked over paperwork. "So...how are you doing with the whole missing students situation? Weren't you friends with all of them?" Patton nodded and started crying.

"Y-yeah..." Patton wiped his face. "I'm worried about them...a-are they even alive? Everyone's saying they aren't and we should expect the worst but I'm just... I don't want to assume the worst I just want them to be okay I feel like maybe shadow doesn't want to hurt them and maybe he's protecting them..." Janus raised an eyebrow.

"After all the news is saying about shadow you trust him?" Janus asked as he shifted through paperwork. Patton nodded.

"I did research on people he's taken in the past up until now and it just...it makes sense that he's not hurting them but helping them get away. I just... I hope that my friends are okay and will contact me soon you know? Unless shadow told them never to contact anyone again...That is understandable after all... but I just miss them all." The bell rang for the end of the day and Patton bit his lip. "And now I need to walk home..."

"It's raining Patton. Please be careful." Janus pointed at the window. Patton sighed.

"Great..." he stood up and grabbed his bag. "Thank you for letting me stay with you all day.." Patton left the room and walked to the front door of the school. He walked out and wrapped his arms around himself as he walked to his house. He was soaking wet and cold by the time he got home but now wasn't a time to worry about that, now he was going to do research on shadow...and his similarities to a certain teacher.


"Ro?" Roman looked up from the bed and looked over at him.

"What's wrong Remus?" He asked.

"Do you think he'll let us go? He fucking locked the door I'm... I'm scared." Roman looked at the door of their 'bedroom' then back at Remus.

"I-I don't know Remus..." Remus pulled the jacket tighter around himself and glared at the ground.

"He could have given me sweatpants and a shirt so I wasn't stuck in this damn thing all night..." Roman walked over and plopped himself next to Remus.

"I'm sure he'll let us out soon and we can get you better clothes..." Remus leaned into Roman and shivered.

"It's freezing..." Roman nodded.

"Yeah, so keep that on." Roman wrapped a blanket around remuss shoulders and Remus looked at him.

"You'll get cold Ro..." Roman shrugged.

"You are the one in a dress Remus, I'll be fine." They stayed like that and Remus ended up falling asleep cuddled against Roman to attempt to keep his brother warm as well.

——2 hours later——

The door to the room opened and Remus popped awake.

"Come on you two, I've got dinner ready downstairs." Remus looked at Roman and he stood.

"U-Uhm shadow do you happen to have anything Remus could wear other than that?" Roman asked. The man looked at Remus and sighed.

"I'll have to look, but for now can you stand wearing that a little longer?" Remus pulled Romans jacket tighter around himself and nodded. They walked downstairs and as soon as they walked into the room Remus ran at an unsuspecting Logan.

"LOGGIE!" He held Logan tight and Logan looked at shadow fearfully.

"What the hell!?" Logan pulled away from Remus and glared at him.

"I didn't kidnap them-."

"YOU KNOW YOU DID DONT LIE!" Virgil growled.

"Virgil calm down..." Roman walked over and looked at Remus who was clinging to Logan. "He saved Remus and I..."

"Saved you?" Logan scoffed. "Right, like he 'saved' me and Virgil but won't let us leave?"

"Well I'd rather be here than there..." Remus mumbled.

"Remus he's not letting us leave what don't you get? Janus here is a fucking kidnapper." Logan spat. Romans eyes widened and Remus just stared shocked.

"Did you just..." Remus stared at the teacher in shock as he took off his sunglasses and hat.

"Hi Remus." Janus glared at Logan. "You are lucky I don't punish you for that."

"Go right on ahead asshole." Logan growled.

"Please don't!" Remus jumped in front of Logan. "Please..." Janus crossed his arms over his chest and rolled his eyes.

"Remus!" Janus growled.

"Remus..." Logan paused. "Oh..." he looked at Remus then back at Janus.

"Yes Logan, exactly." Janus walked over and sat at the table. "Come on everyone just eat." They all sat down and Roman looked at The table.

"Ro?" Romans eyes slipped shut and he groaned.

"Is he sick?" Logan asked. Remus felt Romans forehead and gasped.

"Ro! Ro!" He tried waking Roman up but it didn't work. Janus walked over and felt his forehead his eyes widened.

"He's burning up, I need to take him to the hospital. I expect you all back in your rooms when I get back." He lifted Roman into his arms and stormed out of the house. Remus stood up and ran for the door, falling to the ground and crying when he couldn't follow them.

"Damn it!" Remus looked up at Logan and Virgil. "H-He was trying to keep me warm and insisted he would be fine I should have known.." Logan walked over and helped Remus up pulling him into a hug.

"Roman will be alright, this isn't on you." Remus looked at the door then back at the two.

"You won't listen to him right?" Remus asked. Logan sighed.

"We don't know what he'll do if we don't..." Logan backed away from Remus and kissed his cheek. "See you soon my love."

"B-But I can't be alone I-."

"You'll be alright." Logan smiled sadly and walked back to his room. Virgil smiled sadly at Remus.

"He'll be back soon, and Roman will be perfectly okay. Believe in your brother okay?" Remus nodded and watched as they both walked away. He looked at the door one last time and sat down on the couch across from the front door. Roman better make it out of this.


⚠️TW: Hospitals: Abuse⚠️

Roman woke up and looked at the machines hooked up to his body. He groaned. How did he even get here in the first place? His eyes widened and he looked around for Remus. He panicked when he didn't see him. Oh god he's all alone with that monster!

"Finally." Roman looked over at his mother in disgust. "I was wondering where you two ran off to." Roman glared at her.

"Psycho." He spat. She laughed.

"I'm aware." She sat down. "Now as soon as the nurses say you can go home you are coming with me Roman."

"No." He growled.

"You are under eighteen, you will do as I say and you can't do anything against me." She leaned close. "And you will tell me where Rebecca is or so help me Roman I will allow those people to continue having fun with you." Roman shook his head.

"I will not tell you where Remus is." He spat. "He's safer away from you."

"She's far from safe in this world believing she's a man." She spat. "I'm going to speak with the nurse and I will take you home." She walked out and Roman sat up. He held his arms to his chest and bit his lip. Nope. No way. He had to get away from her. Suddenly the door opened and the nurse walked in helping to unhook him from the machines and she smiled.

"Just make sure to stay hydrated and eat small foods and you should be alright soon. You were very dehydrated and had nothing in your system.." Roman nodded sadly as his mother finished the paperwork to discharge him. He followed her out of the hospital and into her car.

"Now, tell me where Rebecca is Roman." She looked at him. He shook his head and turned away from her.

"Fuck off." He spat. She roughly grabbed his face and he was forced to look at her.

"Fine. Until you decide to tell us then you will stay where I place you." They started to drive and when they reached a house she dragged him inside. He fought against her the best he could with still being sick and all.

"Ah so this is your son?" The man smiled creepily. "He's got the looks of a Prince that's for sure." Roman cringed.

"Say hello Roman." His mother shoved him at the man.

"Fuck off bitch." Roman spat.

"Oh oh oh, he's got a language problem." Roman glared at the man. "Easily fixed." He walked over to something and Roman noticed it was a shock collar. "Should teach him obedience." They attached it to his neck. Roman struggled and glared at them.

"Good, have fun Roman. Remember, you won't leave until you tell me where Rebecca is." Roman shook his head.

"And I will never tell you, so fuck off." He spat. He was shocked and he fell to the ground.

"Don't worry dear, Roman will learn to tell us." He leaned down and smirked as he shoved Roman to his back.

"Bye now." His mother waved and left. Roman glared at the man above him.

"Now, let's have some fun..."


"I told you not to let her near him!" Janus ran his hand through his hair frustrated. "She hurt him and his brother and that's why I've been looking after the two!"

"Sorry Janus!" The nurse mumbled. "They called her about it and she insisted on coming in..."

"Of course she did!" Janus sighed as he sat down in the chair. "How could I have let this happen...if something happens to that kid I won't be able to forgive myself..."

"Janus here's her home address-."

"I know where they live I'm not stupid." Janus glared at the sticky note. "She wouldn't have taken Roman there anyways..."

"Just go home then Janus, I'm sure you'll find him eventually." Janus glared.

"He's still sick and you assholes let him be signed out of this fucking hospital! He's going to be fucking killed at this point..."

"Janus relax!"

"Fuck relaxing! If he turns up dead this is your fault." Janus stormed out of the hospital and to his car. When he finally arrived back at the house, it was around eleven thirty at night. He sighed when he noticed the light on in the main room. So Logan didn't make sure Remus actually went to bed so now he has to explain this...fuck. He got out of his car and walked into the house closing the front door. He saw Remus asleep and smiled sadly. "Remus?" He walked over and shook him awake. Remus popped up.

"I-Is Ro okay?" He asked. Janus sighed.

"No.." Janus sat down so he was eye level with Remus. "Your mother unfortunately discharged him from the hospital and she didn't take him home..."

"What!" Tears filled his eyes. "No that means that-."

"Relax Remus! You can't just assume the worst I'm sure he'll be okay..."

"Please keep an eye out for my brother..." Remus suddenly wrapped the leather jacket he was wearing tighter around himself.


"I'm going to my room, if you hear anything from him you better fucking tell me." Remus stood and walked out of the room. Janus sighed. These kids are a handful.


"I understand that Virgil but we can't just let him hurt Remus for not following the rules!" Logan went to leave the room and Virgil grabbed his arm.

"Lo he'll be back soon and—and you know how bad he is when you don't listen..." Logan flinched remembering how bad Janus was and looked back at Virgil.

"I know, you are the youngest here and I was definitely not going to let him hurt you after everything with your father....Remus is my partner and I'm not going to sit back and let Janus hurt him because of this stupid rules that he has." Logan stormed out of the room and saw Remus crying and storming out of the living room, pulling his jacket tighter around himself. Logan immediately looked towards the living room seeing Janus. Fueled by disgust and anger he ran into the living room and went to smack Janus but Janus grabbed his hand and threw him down onto the couch.

"It isn't what you think." Janus growled. Logan shifted and tried to pull out from under him but Janus held him tighter.

"Right because I'd believe that after everything that you've done and when you are holding me down like this!" Logan spat. Janus looked towards their bedrooms then back at Logan.

"You are really bad at keeping them in line Logan, I expected you being the oldest to be able to do so..." Logan glared at him.

"I'm only a few months older, I'm still seventeen you Jack ass. Now get off of me." Janus held him tighter and shoved him more into the couch.

"I only want to protect you kids, stop thinking I'm some bad guy." Janus looked Logan in the eyes and Logan shifted uncomfortably.

"Then get the hell off me!" He growled. Janus got closer to Logan's face. Logan slammed his eyes shut.

"Get them to listen to my rules Logan, remember." He got off Logan. "I dont want to have to force them to watch what happens when someone disobeys me." He walked off and to his room and Logan shakily got up and walked to his and Virgils room.

"Logan?" Virgil looked up and saw Logan crying. "Why are you crying what did he do!!" Logan wiped his face and sat down on his bed. He stared in disgust at the floor.

"W-we just have to do what he says..." Logan pulled his knees to his chest and sobbed into them. He usually stayed so composed but he's been stuck with Janus for over two months and this asshole has already manipulated him and threatened his friends and he wasn't about to let him do that now that he might hurt them using their weaknesses against them. His punishments might get worse and Logan couldn't even stand the first one...

***a month ago***

"I said no." Logan shoved the clothes back at Janus. "I will not let you fucking control me! Just let us go home god damn-." Janus slammed Logan against the wall and he flinched.

"I will, I saved you from that mess didn't I? The teachers were all so close to finding out your little secret. I am the only one who knows you well enough to get away with this. You aren't leaving and you will listen to me." He pulled away and Logan threw the clothes at janus.

"No. I'm done playing dress up with you! This is ridiculous!" Logan went to storm away and Janus grabbed his arm dragging him towards the couch. Logan's eyes widened as Janus slammed him down so he was on top looking down at him. Logan struggled against him. "Get off me right now!" Janus tilted Logan's face to his.

"Or you'll what?" Janus smirked. "I mean I bet you've been in some pretty interesting positions..."

"Y-." Janus placed his hand over Logan's mouth.

"Yeah, I know about that. Told you I know everything Logan. That's how I know you are barely able to keep that apartment without him being all over you... you want to go back knowing he'll hurt you? Fine....but know you left Virgil behind and I don't think you want to be the reason for whatever happens." Logan looked at Janus in anger.

"You did not just threaten him!" Logan spat. Janus leaned down and laughed.

"Maybe I did..." Janus went to get up and then paused. Logan shifted uncomfortably again. "Now remember to do as I say..." he leaned forward and kissed Logan who squirmed trying to get away. He laughed when he got off Logan and walked away. Tears filled Logan's eyes and he held his knees to his chest.

"FUCK YOU!" Logan shouted as tears flowed down his face.

"Logan you alright?" Logan looked up and wiped the tears from his eyes.

"Sorry..." he mumbled. Virgil sat and handed him a glass of water.

"You zoned out.." Virgil bit his lip. "You never did tell me what he did to you when he 'punished' you for me not listening...Lo he didn't...he didn't rape you did he?" Logan took a sip of the water and placed it down on the table shakily.

"No..." Logan shook his head. Remember not to say anything or I will find out and it won't be pretty. Logan looked away from Virgil quickly. "I dont want to talk about it."

"Oh my god..." Logan sighed. "I promise we'll get out of here okay? A-and he won't be able to hurt you ever again." Logan smiled sadly.

"As long as we are stuck here, I'm protecting you and Remus any chance I get." Logan wiped his face of tears. "I can handle anything that happens."

"Just because you can doesn't mean you should Lo..." Remus suddenly walked into their room with a frown. "What exactly do you mean 'punishments' what the fuck happened here..."

"Logan won't tell me, but Janus gets...angry if we don't do as told and he takes it out on Logan because Logan refuses to let him hurt me and Logan here won't tell me-."

"I wont tell you for your own good!" Logan spat. They all stared at him shocked. Logan took a deep breathe. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry I snapped."

"Lo..." Remus looked at Virgil then at Logan again. "Did he...did he rape you?" Logan shook.


"Oh my god..." Remus immediately held Logan tightly. "I'm so sorry Lo!"

"He knows about everything and...and he knew how to hold it over my head to get what he wanted and he knows I won't let him touch Virgil and-."

"I can not believe he fucking touched you!" Virgil growled. "The god damn nerve of this man!"

"Oh Logan..." they all froze. "you weren't supposed to tell anyone." He laughed as he stepped into the room.

"You sick fuck!" Remus growled. Janus laughed.

"Shut up." Logan shook as he watched Janus get closer. "Spoiler alert: Lo here works for me."

"What the fuck!?" Virgil growled. "Don't even try and lie to us like that you demented piece of shit!"

"Tell them Logan." Logan shook.

"I only agreed so he'd leave you guys alone..." Logan frowned. "And I swear if you break that promise and hurt any of them I will fucking kill you." Janus laughed.

"Right, like you have the balls to." Janus walked out of the room and Remus followed after him, Logan immediately running after his boyfriend.

"Remus!" He grabbed his arm. Remus stopped and glared at Januss back.

"I'm not just letting him walk away Lo!" Remus turned around the face Logan. "He can't just get away with hurting you like this!" Janus turned and leaned against the wall.

"He's over protective." Janus laughed. "I mean makes sense after what went down with Roman at that night club..." Logan looked at Janus confused then at Remus who looked over at Janus.

"How long...you only came in after...no....YOU WERE THERE THE ENTIRE TIME!?" Logan looked at him confused.

"I couldn't just interfere like that Remus, I wasn't going to reveal myself to them." Remus looked at Logan and shook his head.

"Before Janus saved me and Roman, our mother forced me to go to a club and Roman came along to protect me an-and I was raped in front of him..." Remus glared at Janus. "And apparently this asshat could have stopped them from even taking me and Roman away but he didn't!" Logan glared.

"What the fuck Janus!?" Logan held Remus and shook his head.

"Back to your rooms, now." Janus glared at them.

"I'm taking Remus to me and Virgils room since we have no idea where Roman is, I'm not letting my boyfriend stay alone knowing you could do something without me knowing." Logan glared. Janus scoffed.

"You really think I'm that stupid?" Janus turned and walked away putting his hat back on. Logan guided Remus back to their room and they climbed into the bed, Virgil laying on the opposite bed.

"Let's try and get some sleep..." Logan held Remus as he closed his eyes. He smiled down at him and played with his hair. "I love you Re."

"Love you more Lo." He yawned and held him tighter.


Virgil popped awake and glared at the door. Janus stood there and stared at Remus and Logan then over at Virgil.

"I will attack you if you don't leave right now." Virgil hissed.

"Do you want to see Patton?" He asked. Virgil glanced at Logan and Remus cuddling and stood up following Janus from the room. They walked outside and Virgil wrapped his arms around himself. Janus threw a sweater at him and Virgil wrapped himself up. "Sorry, forgot you've been in there for two months and haven't been out.." Virgil glanced around shakily as he got into Januss car. They drove silently and Virgil debated in his head running to get help. Janus had hurt Logan, and he was going to probably hurt him and Remus if he didn't do anything about it. "Now, try anything...and I will not hesitate to kill you Virgil." Virgil gulped as they pulled up to th familiar house. Virgil ran for the door and knocked. Patton opened the door and immediately wrapped his arms around Virgil.

"OHMYGOSHIWASSOWORRIED!" Patton started crying. "You've been gone for two months!" Virgil glanced at the parked car and janu disappeared into it. Patton pulled him inside. "Where'd you go?"

"S-Shadow took me..." Virgil bit his lip. "I don't know why he trust I won't do anything right now but he's letting me see you."

"Virgil, I know who he is." Patton said quickly. "He doesn't know I know but...I'm keeping an eye on him."

"No! Patton no!" Virgil shook his head aggressively. "He'll just take you too..." he didn't want to bring up what he has done to Logan but Virgil did anyways. "Or he'll just...rape you like he did Lo..." Patton gasped.

"He did what!?" Virgil nodded.

"I don't want you anywhere near him Patton." Patton nodded.

"Alright, I'll stay away..."

"Where are your parents Patton?" Virgil asked as he looked around. "It's almost eleven..."

"Probably out at the casino or something getting wasted again. They've been doing that lately.." Patton sighed. "D-did shadow say when he was going to bring you back?" Virgil sighed.

"No, not really he just came and asked me if I wanted to see you and I wasn't going to turn him down even if it was a trick of some sort I just... I haven't seen you in the two months he's had me and Logan and I was just really scared he hurt you or something..." Patton hugged him.

"All that matters to me is that he brought you to me, I've missed you so much!" Patton started to cry. "I don't want you to go... I know that's really selfish of me knowing that he's protecting you from your father but I just-."

"He may be protecting me Patton, but I wish he didn't keep us locked away like he's been for the past few months. I don't know what's wrong with this guy but there's something seriously wrong with him! He thinks he's doing us a favor by 'saving' us from whatever shit we had going on in our lives but then he punishes us and he has been hurting Logan because of it...he thinks he's some sort of savior...I-I need you to stay as far away from him as possible." Patton looked at the floor.

"So he hasn't hurt you?" Patton asked. Virgil looked at the ground.

"Other than slapping me really hard because I kept yelling at him..not really. Logan takes most of the punishment and I think at this point it's because that creep actually enjoys hurting him..."

"We need to get you all out of there... I don't care what you say I'm going to the police with this Virgil!" Patton went for his phone but Virgil shakily grabbed his hand and started hyperventilating.

"P-Patt he-he'll kill me if-if he sees them." Patton immediately got him to calm down and Virgil shook his head.

"You can't go to them...he's threatened to have me killed and please we can't do that to Logan he doesn't even know I left that damn place..." Patton nodded sadly.

"Alright..." Virgil held him.

"I'm scared, I don't want to go back there but like I said Lo and Remus don't even know I left with that monster and they probably will assume the worst when they wake up..."

"So he does have Remus and Roman?" Patton asked.

"Well he did have Ro....but he got sick so he rushed him to the hospital and we haven't seen him since.." Patton bit his lip.

"I'll talk to the hospital, only because I know some of the staff." The headlights for the car outside flashed and Patton looked back at Virgil. "Please be safe for me, and don't kill eachother." Virgil laughed and leaned into Patton's hug.

"I wont make any promises that we won't." Virgil giggled as Patton tickled him. Patton walked him to the door and kissed his lips. When they pulled away Patton had tears in his eyes. "What was that?" Virgil asked sadly.

"Sorry I know I should have asked but I....in case I never see you again I wanted to get that out." Virgil smiled and leaned up kissing Patton again. They pulled away and Virgil smiled at him.

"Love you too Patt." He hugged him one last time and walked back to the car, climbing into the seat.

"Let's get you back home." Janus started driving and Virgil flinched at the word home. His home would have been a better place to be than this hellhole he called a life now..anything would be better than being held against your will.

AN I think I'm going to make every chapter of this book long haha I hope you enjoyed this chapter! What do we think? Do you think Patton will go to someone? We we think Patton will find Roman?

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