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⚠️Trigger warnings for this chapter: throwing up/mentions of rape/non consensual touching/dead naming⚠️


Logan looked down at Remus who was asleep in his arms, leaning against his chest. He smiled and ran a hand through his boyfriends hair. The door creaked open to the room Janus had entered and Logan glanced up at him.

"I need to speak with you." Janus said. Logan glanced down at Remus.

"Right now?" Janus nodded. Logan sighed and kissed Remus on the forehead. "Wake up sleepy head..." Remus opened his eyes and noticed Janus then looked back at Logan.

"Nope. Not happening." Remus laid his head back down.

"Remus, come on please I don't want him to hurt you...." Logan whispered. Remus sat up and glared at Janus.

"Fuck you. You hurt him I'll fucking kill you." Janus just laughed.

"Quite some balls you've got there Rebecca." Remus cringed and Logan glared at Janus.

"What the hell janus!?" Logan hissed.

"Just get up and come with me." Remus grabbed Logan's hand as he stood up.


"Remus, please I don't want him hurting you." Remus frowned.

"Alright..." he glared at Janus. Logan followed Janus until they reached an empty room. Logan wrapped Virgils sweater tighter around himself.

"What did you need..." Logan glanced at the door then back at Janus. Janus folded his arms across his chest and looked at the door, walking over to it and shutting it. Logan tensed up.

"I wanted to talk." Logan moved back away from Janus and glared.

"Your idea of talking, is not exactly my idea of talking." Logan quickly said. Janus sighed.

"I wanted to apologize." Janus said. Logan glared.

"Right, so if you want to apologize let us all go!" Janus huffed annoyed and suddenly grabbed hold of logan throwing him down onto the bed.

"Fuck it." Logan glared. "You are one difficult little shit aren't you logan?"

"Get off of me!" Logan hissed.

"I'm trying to fucking apologize to you!" Janus growled. Logan glared.

"Then get off of me damnit!" Janus laughed.

"I was trying to apologize, but now? Fuck that." Logan shook his head.

"J-Just let us go!" Janus shook his head.

"Not happening." He laughed.

"P-please..." logan slammed his eyes shut. He felt Januss breathe on his neck and he whimpered in fear.

               ⚠️TW: Rape⚠️

"Not going to happen." He whispered. "I think you need to be taught a lesson, but this time...you don't get away." Janus ripped Virgils sweater off of Logan and threw it away from him. Logan scrambled to grab it but Janus was faster, Janus attached ropes to some hand cuffs wrapping the ropes around Logan's arms pinning his arms above his head. He lashed out but Janus quickly attached the rest of the rope to the headboard successfully trapping his arms above his head. Logan screamed as he lashed out with his legs. Janus just laughed and started to take off Logan's pants. Logan kicked and Janus hissed in pain.

"Fuck. Off." Logan spat. Janus wiped his face and then turned back to Logan with a smirk.

"If that's how you want to play..." he ripped Logan's pants off the rest of the way and quickly spread Logan's legs. He tied Logan down and Logan panicked.

"N-No! Let me go!" Janus laughed and when he finished tying Logan down he got off the bed and walked over to a table with a bunch of stuff on it.

"I think sensory deprivation is in order to teach you a lesson." He grabbed a ball gag, a blindfold and smirked as he wrapped the gag around Logan's head harshly tying it tight and shoving it into Logan's mouth. Logan winced and shook as Janus tied the blindfold around his eyes. Logan felt Janus run a hand down his legs and harshly spread them even wider. "Oh what a bad boy you are." Logan screamed into the gag as Janus palmed him through his underwear. Tears fell down his cheeks as Janus slowly removed his underwear and he felt Janus continue to run his hands all over his now naked body. He felt the bed move and he almost sighed in relief until he felt the bed move again and he felt himself being lifted up into a sitting position. He felt warm arms wrap around him and he screamed through the gag. Logan screamed in fear and tried to squirm but Janus held him tightly and suddenly pain flashed through his ass. Janus never went this far with him before. He must have really pissed him off. Why was he so fucking stupid!?


Logan was shaking and Janus smirked as he shoved himself even harder into him. He got off the bed and laughed. "Now that wasn't so bad..." he smirked as he laughed at his masterpiece before him. "I think I'll leave you like this and go clean myself up." He got back on top of Logan and pulled out the gag.

"Pl-please...don't le-leave me like this..." Janus laughed as he shoved his tongue into Logan's mouth and explored. He pinched Logan's cheeks opening his mouth.

"If you bite I swear to god I'll kill you." He positioned himself and smirked down at Logan.

"Janus please l-let me go back t-to Remus..."

"You talked back to me earlier and I had let it slide, I won't let you go back to Remus knowing you'd get off with him or something. That's my job and I say you can't get any pleasure anymore unless it's from me and leaving you all tied up like this will teach you a lesson."

"Bastard." He walked over and took the blindfold off of Logan who immediately looked away. Janus hissed and harshly grabbed Logan's face forcing him to look at his body.

"Pl-please..." Janus laughed.

"Pathetic..." Logan winced and Janus looked down. "Oh would you look at that..." Logan closed his eyes and looked away and Janus forced his head down. "I said look." Logan opened his eyes. "I need you to clean me up now." He smirked. "Lick me all over..." Logan shook his head violently.

"NO! YOU CRAZY FUCK!" Janus laughed again and released Logan. He licked his fingers and walked towards the bathroom door.

"Oh I was only joking around, I got enough pleasure for now..." he looked at Logan being all tied up and covered in his fluids and licked his lips. "But boy, you do look like a good meal I will have to eat you whole again soon."


"How could I just let him go!" Remus slammed his head against the table and groaned in frustration. Patton sighed.

"You didn't know Remus..." Patton placed something in front of him and grabbed his hand. "Logan's gonna be fine."

"Yeah, just stay positive Remus." Virgil smiled at him and then looked anxiously at the door.

"He wouldn't..." Patton paused. "You know..."

"Logan said it'll be alright I don't know if he's lying..."

"Is Roman still asleep?" Patton asked. Remus nodded.

"I didn't want to wake him up..." Remus sighed. "Knowing who he was stuck with he probably didn't get much sleep..."

"I mean-."

"NO! YOU CRAZY FUCK!" Remus looked towards the door and he almost cried. Patton looked at Virgil and back at Remus who held his hands to his mouth as he fell to the ground.

"Remus you don't think it's really..." Remus nodded as he started crying harder.

"Oh my god Logan...it's my fault I shouldn't have let him go!" They all curled up in a ball and held onto one another. Roman joining the hug at some point. A half hour later the bedroom door opened and they all looked towards it. Janus walked out and fixed his hat. He slammed the door shut and pulled out a key locking it.

"Wheres Logan you sick piece of shit!?" Remus growled. Janus looked at them and laughed.

"Really Rebecca?" He walked over and shoved Remus into the wall.

"It's Remus you ass! Now where's my boyfriend!? What the fuck have you done!?" Janus laughed.

"You should really be nicer to the person holding you all hostage."

"You really shouldn't be such an ass!" Remus growled. "Looks like we are all losers." Janus rolled his eyes.

"I'm going out, try anything...I'll just kill you." He walked out and Remus looked at everyone else. He listened for the steps to disappear before walking to the locked door.

"You have something up your sleeve Re?" Remus pulled out the key and nodded.

"I'm a good pick pocket." They all ran towards the door and Remus unlocked it. He knocked. "Lo...it's us..."

"Is he..." Roman paused. "Should we just..."

"I don't want to scare him..." Remus looked down. "Lo?" There was banging on the wall.

"Morse code..." Roman quickly said. "He said come in...." they slowly entered the room and Remus immediately ran towards logan, covering him with a blanket.

"Lo..." he started crying hard. "I'm sorry I didn't follow you..."

"Hey, hey no." Logan rubbed Remus on the back. "Don't blame yourself it's okay."

"Are you...able to stand?" Roman asked. Logan laughed at that. Remus rolled his eyes.

"Way to go Roman..."

"Hey, don't be mean." Logan smiled at Roman. "I can stand...can you all step out for a moment? I need to throw on clothes..."

"Oh my god-." Logan looked down at his hands.

"Lo..." Patton stepped forward and Logan immediately pulled him into a hug.

"I'm sorry..." he sobbed into Patton's shoulder and Patton looked at Remus. Remus stepped over and joined the hug.

"It's okay, we've got you. We won't let that monster near you." Remus looked at the others. Virgil was glancing at the door, Roman was trying to calm him down.

"Shit!" Virgil bolted towards the others and Roman was suddenly grabbed and pulled backwards towards Janus.

"You little shits." Remus reached out for Roman and Janus pulled him closer causing Roman to whimper. "Rebecca I advice you to stay away."

"It's Remus you ass!" Roman growled.

"Ro!" Remus stared horrified. Janus laughed and pulled Roman tighter to him.

"Come on, I bet you are a lot more fun than Logan." Janus smirked and dragged Roman from the room. The door clicked shut and Remus ran towards it.

"NO! ROMAN!" Remus collapsed to the ground and cried. "No..."


Janus let him go as they stood in the living room away from the door. Roman glanced back at it then at Janus.

"I'm not actually going to hurt you Roman." Janus chuckled.

"You hurt Logan you sick fuck!" Janus smirked.

"Yelling at me? I expected more of a fight since I have your friends, and your sister trapped in a room."

"BROTHER." Roman shouted. "Remus is my brother you fucking asshole!" Roman glanced at the tv as it turned on and his eyes widened in horror.

"Not with that chest." Roman stepped back and held his hand to his mouth as tears filled his eyes. He glared over at Janus.

"H-how did you get these!?" Janus shrugged.

"Your mother." Janus stepped forward. Roman shook his head. "She was a sick sick women. I am not going to hurt you." Roman backed up. "Roman..." Roman held his hands up and Janus rolled his eyes as he suddenly had Roman pressed against the wall.

"G-Get away!" Janus smirked.

"Cat and mouse huh? No wonder why they were so annoyed with you and wanted to either kill you or sell you off to another..." Roman shook as he tried to get away from Janus. "I think you would make for some great entertainment..."

"Screw you!" Janus pulled away and shook the remote in his hands.

"Just look." Roman looked towards the tv and saw pictures of Logan. Romans eyes widened. "Logan was a hooker did you know that?" Roman shook his head as tears filled his eyes. Pictures of Logan tied up, and being used were on the tv. Logan looked terrified in each of the photos. The next images were pictures of Virgil. "Virgil, you all thought he just had anxiety but the reason he's so scared of everyone and everything is because of the abuse he goes through at home." Images of Virgils father hitting him, Virgils mother slamming him into walls and pictures of Virgil being locked in his room appeared. "Patton was abandoned and basically left to fend for himself by his drunk parents..." pictures of Patton cleaning up empty beer bottles and throw up showed. "And then theres you and Rebecca..." Roman looked away and Janus immediately forced him to look.

"W-Where did you get those!?" Roman struggled against Janus who immediately let go. Roman looked at Janus terrified. "Where did you get them!?"

"What? Not used to seeing yourself raping another human being?"

"T-They forced me to! I-I didn't want to hurt her!" Tears fell down romans face. He shook his head. "They..." Janus hit a button and pictures of Remus appeared. Roman shook his head. "Turn it off!"

"I wasn't going to hurt you..." Janus shoved Roman backwards against the wall, forcing him to drop the knife he had in his hands. "But how did you manage to grab that knife?" Roman shook and tears filled his eyes.

"Fuck. You." He spat. Janus looked him up and down and laughed.

"Maybe later." He dragged Roman towards a door and slowly opened it. "I'm keeping you here until further notice." He shoved Roman into the room and Roman immediately tried to run but Janus shoved him against the wall. "Don't try and escape." He took a chain and attached it to Romans hands. Roman shook his head.

"Please don't hurt my brother...or my friends....please."

"See you later Roman." Janus left the room and Roman fell to the ground as he started crying harder. He was a prisoner now. And Janus was probably going to do whatever he wanted to him.


"ROMAN!" Virgil stared in horror at the door as it slammed shut. He looked over at Remus and Logan then to Patton. "Do we start panicking now?"

"Probably..." Remus backed away from the door and shook his head. "I-I can't lose him I don't know what Janus is doing to him a-and mom probably already fucked him up so much by selling him off because he didn't want to say where I was...I just-he's been through enough I-."

"Remus, Breathe." Logan walked over and calmed him down. He looked at Virgil. "We all just need to stay calm. He's fine okay?"

"Logan, how the fuck are you so calm about this?" Virgil asked. "That fucker just-."

"We aren't going to talk about it." Logan held up his hand in a shushing motion. "I'd rather just pretend it didn't happen okay? I'll be fine..."

"Nope." Patton frowned and shook his head. "Not happening, we are talking about this-."

"I'd say listen to Logan but you three are the biggest dumb asses ever so you probably won't take my advice either." Virgil looked towards the door and backed up quickly. Remus glared and stood in front of Logan and Patton.

"Where's my brother?" Remus growled out.

"As if I'd answer you."

"Where's Roman!?" Remus stepped toward him but Logan grabbed his arm and quickly pulled him backwards.

"Please Re..." Virgil looked at Logan and frowned.

"Oh no. Not happening." Virgil stepped in front of Logan and pushed him back. "Stay behind us we are not letting you go with him idiot."

"You'll do then, he'll listen to you." Janus grabbed Virgil harshly and dragged him out of the room. Virgil struggled and shook as he was dragged down a hallway.

"Let go!" Janus dragged him towards a room and opened it to reveal Roman struggling against a chain.

"Oh shut up." Roman looked at Virgil then at Janus.

"Let him go!" Janus shoved Virgil to the other side of the room and chained his leg down. "Do you not understand what that means?! Let him go!"

"Oh I'm sorry, I'm not sure what that means." Janus rolled his eyes. "He's here so you actually listen to me Roman."

"Don't fucking touch him." Janus walked over and grabbed Virgils arms harshly.

"Should I show Virgil here the things I showed you?" Roman shook his head.

"You fucking ass!" Roman struggled against the chain. Janus let go of Virgil and walked over to Roman lifting his chin. Virgil panicked.

"Let him go!" Janus smirked.

"You two are so stubborn." He walked out of the room and Virgil heard the click of the door locking behind him. He looked at Roman.

"What things was he talking about Roman..." Roman looked down. "Roman?"

"I...." Roman bit his lip. "It was things I shouldn't have seen. Personal things, about all of you." Virgil looked away.

"So you know?" He asked. Roman nodded.

"Virgil I'm not mad at you for anything." Virgil smiled at him. "You hid it from us because you didn't want us to worry."

"Hey Roman, how come you dead named remus so much? I know you actually never did around us so I just...why did you start to act like a complete dick?"

"I tried my best to pretend like I didn't give a shit about Remus, because if I didn't do as my mother said she'd hurt him more than she already was and then when my father left and she had full custody over us and things went to shit. He left and he was the only one Remus could count on not to dead name and misgender him..."

"Why didn't you just tell Remus that's the reason why? You were just protecting him!" Virgil looked towards the door.

"You don't have to say it virgil, I know.... I might not actually get the chance to say anything to Remus if he keeps us separated like this..."

"We'll find a way." Virgil looked towards the door. "And when we do I'm going to kick his ass." Roman laughed.

"Get some sleep, I'll keep watch." Virgil looked at Roman and rolled his eyes.

"I have insomnia idiot, you sleep." Roman sighed.

"Alright fine, but if he comes back wake me." Virgil nodded and looked at the door. Oh boy.


"You guys need sleep, ill keep watch." Remus pulled his knees to his chest and looked at the door.

"Remus..." Remus looked over at Logan. "Don't do anything stupid."

"Why would you assume I was going to do anything stupid?" Remus laughed.

"It's you." Remus smiled.

"Alright just go to sleep logan, you too Patt." Patton looked at the door then back at Remus.

"I'll stay up a bit longer..." Patton walked over and sat next to Remus so logan could lay down on the bed.

"Okay." Remus looked at the door then back at Logan who was falling asleep almost immediately after laying down.

"Hey Remus..." Remus looked at Patton. "Uhm...so before I told janus I knew who he was I was having a conversation with the principal and counselor and they all thought that I was going to be taken due to me being me... I....I'm so sorry for letting roman act like he didn't actually care about you in front of so many-."

"Wait hold on, back up..." Patton looked at him.

"What's wrong?" Patton asked.

"Roman was a dick. He always was. Your trying to say around people he misgendered me and dead named me but around you guys he-."

"Remus he didn't tell you why did he?" Patton asked.


"He only did it around people he didn't trust. He didn't want your mother to hurt you even more. She threatened you. Roman never wanted to do any of that he knew he was hurting you but he didn't want your mother to hurt you more than she already was..." tears filled remuss eyes.

"All this time I just assumed he was a fucking asshole...."

"Remus, he's my best friend....You really think he would ever hurt you like that in front of me? That's why at the funeral I ran away crying because he was being an absolute dick to you after I told him that needed to stop. Your mother hurt him too you know...she found out we were friends and threatened to send him away and without him there she said she'd send you somewhere you wouldn't ever come back from he was-."

"Why didn't he just tell me? I-it would have stung less..." Remus started crying harder.

"She would have known he told you that way..." Patton sighed. "When Roman comes back you can talk to him about this, because I know he said it was because your father talked him out of being a dick and I know your father told you the same but he always cared about you Remus."

"I believe you Patton, trust me we'll all get home." Patton looked down at his hands.

"If my parents even know I'm alive that is...they held a funeral for logan and Virgil after three months of searching for them-."

"We've only been here for what, a week?" Remus looked at the door. "There's no way they'd do that so quickly."

"Unless Janus made them..." Patton sighed. "It doesn't matter....they wouldn't care honestly."

"Patton...." Remus smirked. "Off topic but, you and Virgil?" Patton immediately felt himself blushing.


"I didn't expect that one to be quite honest." Remus smiled. "But I'm really happy you are happy."

"We would often hang out when I wasn't around your brother, and sometimes we'd meet up with Logan I had thought at first he didn't like me but then when he came to visit me and we kissed...yeah..." Patton giggled. "I'm so sappy." Remus chuckled.

"Definitely." Patton looked at Remus. "How'd you and Logan of all people get together?"

"Well, I met logan at the library. I didn't know he was my brothers friend but we talked about a lot of different things and he was interested to learn more about my intrusive thoughts and he didn't judge me when he found out my preferred pronouns....we hung out a lot and eventually he's the one who asked me." Patton raised an eyebrow.

"Logan, of all people, asked you out? Wow." Remus laughed.

"Right!" They both smiled. "I hate that you guys mostly kept away from my brother though, I noticed that. He was really mean to everyone I know but you guys are supposed to be his friends and-."

"Remus..." they both looked towards logan who sighed. "We didn't know what was happening at first, and why Roman suddenly had a personality switch. We didn't want to keep being friends with an asshat but we also didn't want to just...leave." Logan looked at Patton. "When we found out why he was basically avoiding us and being cold to everyone else, we agreed to sit down and talk with him but then Virgil was taken and...and we didn't have any time to talk." Remus looked at Patton.

"He's been protecting all of us not just you." Remuss eyes widened.

"Are you trying to tell me my mother did this?" Remus had tears in his eyes. "My mother hurt Roman by trying to get rid of his only friends? AND FOR WHAT!?" Patton started to cry.

"We don't know Remus, I'm sorry we never told you." Logan looked at Patton.

"We did have to fake a lot of things we did and said around Roman because we weren't sure who was watching but... I know I regret it. He really is a good person Remus." Remus pulled logan into a hug and cried into his shoulder. Patton looked towards the door.

"I just hope we get to say all this to his face..."

"Don't say that." Remus pulled away and shook his head. "He can't keep us here forever! We'll see Roman and Virgil again..." 

"Yeah, your right." Logan smiled. "We will."

AN sorry this took forever to update lmao I've been really out of it and haven't been doing the best and I couldn't think of anything to write, hope you liked it!

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