Part 27: Bheege Hoonth Tere (Love Me Tender)

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Friday 29 August 2014 8.00pm
The Taj Oberoi

Ishita drove up to the entrance of the Taj Oberoi, and then waited nervously for the resplendent valet to open her car door. She relinquished her car keys to him, then followed another smiling attendant inside the carved marble entrance, sighing in relief as she was ushered into the reception lobby.

It had been quite a feat getting away from home. She hated the lies and deceit that she was forced to engage in, but she knew Raman was right.

To tell their families the truth now would not only condemn them to parental recriminations and either a lengthy separation or a split with their parents, but also postpone their wedding and possibly imperil Ruhi's custody.

Ishita could not risk that. She wanted so desperately to be a part of Ruhi's life, to be a mother.

And Ishita also knew she could no longer stay away from Raman.

The song of love that they had started to compose in New Zealand was now in full chorus, with cymbals clashing and guitars blazing - staying away from him was no longer an option, or a choice. She had to be his. She had to make him hers.

"Welcome to the Taj Ma'am" a hostess approached her with a smile. "How can I help you"

Ishita smiled self consciously, aware of the looks that she was attracting. "I'm meeting Mr Bhalla, Raman Bhalla" she said quietly. "I don't know which restaurant he has booked us in"

"I'll just check Ma'am" the young woman walked to a computer terminal and expertly ran her fingers over the keyboard. "Ah yes, Dr Ishita Iyer? Mr Bhalla has booked the Maharaja suite, your dinner will be served there". She motioned to another turbaned attendant and murmured to him as Ishita stood, nonplussed. She had expected to have dinner in one of the Taj restaurants, the fact that Raman had booked a suite both excited and terrified her.

"Chaliye Memsaab" ( Follow me madam) The attendant came up to her and motioned for her to follow him, bowing politely before her. Ishita took a deep breath and followed him towards the bank of lifts.

8.05 PM

Ishita followed the attendant out of the lift. The last few minutes had seemed so long, each stop of the lift giving rise to waves of nervous anticipation.

But now they were finally here, on the top floor of the hotel. It was an exclusive area which only had four rooms, four huge suites which promised privacy and unsurpassable luxury.

The door to the Maharaja Suite opened as Ishita approached. Her attendant offered her another deep bow and backed off, unobtrusively, as a similarly liveried butler bowed to her from the door.

"Welcome Ma'am " he said, standing aside to let Ishita in.

Ishita had already been in a nervous state all evening as the dinner with Raman grew closer. The discovery that they would be dining in private, in a suite, followed by the realisation of the scale of the luxury that awaited her, now left her overwhelmed.

She stepped into the suite and then gasped.

She was in an enormous room with high ceilings and a massive chandelier. Picture windows ran along the length of the room, leading out to what appeared to be an equally large balcony. The lights of New Delhi twinkled outside, chinks of iridescence lightning the hazy smog of the warm Delhi night.

The room was ornately furnished. Luxurious sofas were grouped together. A grand piano stood in one corner, close to a small dining table set for two. Gilded mirrors covered the walls and carved doors led off the main area into other unseen rooms. And everywhere there were roses. In vases and bouquets, white and baby pink roses which blended in with the pure white furnishings.

"Please ring when you're ready for dinner to be served ma'am" the butler said to Ishita, bowing and retreating through the door, which he closed softly behind him.

"Raman" Ishita called tentatively, not able to see him anywhere. The lights in the suite had been turned low and the size of the room meant that the far corners were in dim shadows.

"Raman" she called again, moving further inside the room.

"Here" a voice, his voice came from behind her.

She turned slowly, in time to see him uncoil himself from a winged chair where he had been sitting.

She could feel her breath hitch as she stared at him.

He was looking even more handsome than usual today, his slim well built body encased in black, from the tips of his Paul Smith shoes to his Versace tuxedo, shirt and cumberband. Only his bow tie, in the same soft pink as her sari, provided any relief from the starkness of his attire.

He walked towards her, his heart beating faster with each step.

She looked even more stunning than he had imagined. The soft pink flattered and accentuated her curves, the sequins moulded to the rise of her chest, her pink blouse giving just a hint of cleavage. Her pink lips were parted slightly, the jhumkas on her ears swaying, drawing attention to the glossy raven locks cascading down her shoulders. He knew that the moment he touched her, he would be lost, but he had to be careful, careful not to scare her away by the intensity of the passion he felt for her.

He reached her and stopped, mere centimetres away.

She looked up at him, her heart in her mouth, her eyes shining. He reached out a hand and flicked one of her jhumkas. "Welcome, meri Jhansi Ki Rani" he drawled softly.

She smiled tremulously. "Raman this is all so beautiful. But why..."

"Shhh" he said softly. "No buts tonight, no fights tonight. Mein ne kaha tha na, aaj mujhe sirf pyar karna hai." ( I told you, didn't I, tonight is only for loving)

"Ramann" she whispered.

He put his hand out to her "Come here"

She blushed and put her hand forward, gasping as their fingers came into contact.

He grasped her hand protectively in his, entwining his fingers with hers, his thumb stroking hers as he lifted her hand to his mouth. She bit her lips as he lowered his onto her hand, kissing each knuckle with infinite care and tenderness.

"There's something missing" he said in that same husky voice, each syllable dripping with barely restrained passion.

Ishita had felt like swooning ever since she had seen him.

She knew that the era of Victorian maidens had passed into the ages, and her Raavan would probably throw a bucket of water on her if she fell into a heap at his feet, but the way he looked at her, the touch of his hand on hers, the feel of his smooth lips on her fingers, were invoking feelings in her that she did not know how to cope with. Speech seemed to have deserted her, and her eyes could see nothing other than his.

"Kya?" ( what?) she whispered, as he continued to look at her expectantly.

"This" He got down on one knee before her, one hand still gripping hers, the other taking out a small jewellers box from his pocket. He flicked open the box as she stared at him, the sudden tears filling her eyes distorting her view.

A beautiful solitaire diamond ring sparkled up at her.

"Raman" she whispered through her tears. "It's beautiful... I..."

He relinquished her hand momentarily and took the ring out of the box, dropping the box as he stood up in one fluid movement. "May I?" He asked.

"Yes" she whispered. "Yes"

He grasped her left hand and slid the ring onto her finger. It was a perfect fit. "Bina ring ka deal seal nahi hota na? " he said softly, as he kissed her fingers. "Ab deal pakka seal. You can't leave me now, samjhi?" ( The deal couldn't get sealed without a ring, could it now? Well it's sealed. You can never leave me now, understand?)

"Never" she responded, her smile lighting up her face. "Never"

The next moment, he had her in his arms, her head nestled in the nook of his neck, her arms wrapped around him. He moved his hands down to her waist, slipping them beneath the gauzy fabric of her sari to caress her bare waist. She gasped and raised her head and his lips swooped on hers.

It was a sweet kiss, one of the sweetest they had shared thus far. He reigned in his passion and kissed her tenderly, his lips tantalising, cajoling, pressing against hers momentarily, before he let her go.

"Dinner?" he asked, smiling down at her, as he slowly released her from his embrace.

She nodded in reply, even though the emotions churning in her were causing strange sensations in the pit of her stomach. She did not think she would be able to eat anything, but some distance across the dining table would probably help.

He took her hand and walked her across the room to the dining table, pausing to ring the butlers bell on the way. He had just pulled out her chair when the butler re-entered, and he took his own seat, leaving her hand with a squeeze.

Ishita was not quite sure of what they ate that night. The entire meal had such a fairytale quality to it.

The butler had lit the candles in the middle of the table before pouring champagne into the crystal flutes by their plates and serving the entree. He had then withdrawn unobtrusively.

Ishita took a few sips of the champagne at Raman's insistence.

"Don't worry" he said smiling. "I won't let you get drunk. I can't risk anyone finding out anything before we get married, aur agar tum talli hui, toh sab ja kar keh dogi" ( If you get drunk, you'll tell everyone)

"Aur aap?" She asked him. "Aap nashe mein aa kar nahi keh doge?" ( And you? Won't you also say something if you get drunk?)

"Mein toh pehle se hi nashe mein hoon Ishita" his eyes caressed her as he clinked his glass with hers. "Tumhari ankhon se har waqt peeta hoon. Aur yeh nasha zindagi bhar nahi utregi"
( I'm already drunk Ishita. I drink from your eyes all the time, and this intoxication won't end for the rest of my life)

"To us" he said huskily. "To the first of a lifetime of nights together".

He laughed as she crinkled her nose at the taste of the bubbles, then leaned across the table to kiss her briefly. "Sweeter now?" he asked as she blushed in confusion, looking around self consciously. "Ramann" she protested and he chuckled and grabbed her hand instead.

"Ok, ok, I won't. Ab khana kha lo." (Now have your dinner)

He was attentive towards her throughout the courses that followed, serving her himself, coaxing her to try a dish. Ishita pecked at her food, aware that it was tasty, but too self conscious of him, and too nervous of the unfolding night, to enjoy the meal fully.

Finally, the last course had been served, the butler had placed a coffee tray on an ornate coffee table in front of a large sofa, and had left the room.


Ishita was sitting on the sofa, the coffee tray in front of her, when Raman sauntered up.

"Locked" he said with a wicked grin, sitting next to her.

"Kya?" ( What?) She asked, pouring coffee into a cup for him.

He chuckled, his gaze lingering on her trembling fingers. "The door, aur kya?" (The door, what else?)

"Sugar?" Ishita asked nervously

"Hmm yes" he replied huskily. "Sweeten it"

Ishita opened the lid of the silver sugar bowl, and dipped a teaspoon into the white crystals.

"I don't want sugar" his hand closed over hers, forcing the teaspoon back down into the sugar bowl.

Ishita shivered as his fingers started to rhythmically stroke her hand. "Abhi abhi toh kaha tha, sweeten..." ( But you just said .. To sweeten)

"That's right" he rested his free hand on her shoulder, turning her around to face him. "I said to sweeten it, but not with sugar. Mujhe kuch aur chahiye" (I want something else)

"Raman" Ishita said nervously, as his hand moved up her shoulder to her face, softly caressing her neck, her chin, finally cupping her cheek, even as his other hand held hers captive. "Woh thandi..." ( The coffee... will get... cold)

"To hell with the coffee" He leaned over her, pressing her down onto the soft cushions of the sofa. "Mujhe kuch aur peena hai." ( I want to drink something else)

His face was mere inches from hers, his breath warm on her, it's intensity increasing to match hers. His eyes blazed fire and she closed hers, not able to meet his gaze.

A soft moan escaped her as she felt his hard body brush against hers, one hand supporting her back, the other holding her against him.

The silky fabric of his shirt was igniting all sorts of fires within her, and she clutched at it, her fingers slipping into the slight gap between the middle buttons. She felt him draw back slightly, a strangled sound escaping him. The next moment she was crushed into his arms, his face buried into the nape of her neck, his arms tight around her.

Her own hands moved into his hair, pulling and kneading as a primordial urge took over from her innate conservatism. She did not know what he intended to do, but whatever it was, she knew she would not stop him. Her heart was racing, her breath coming in gasps and her lips ached to feel him, to taste him.

She parted her lips involuntarily just as he lifted his head. He breathed heavily, whispering her name, and then captured her lips for the second time that night.

Only this time, there was none of the sweetness of that earlier kiss. None of the gentleness. This was something else. His lips plundered hers, pulling her closer and closer, his tongue inside her mouth, duelling with hers, their breath mingling, their bodies straining.

It felt like no time at all, but it could have been minutes before he pulled away. They were both breathing heavily, their arms still around each other as he stood up, pulling her up with him.

Ishita locked her arms around Raman's neck, leaning in to him again. He groaned and hid his face in her hair momentarily, before capturing her lips again.

"I want you Ishita" he said in between kisses, his hands caressing her, his mouth capturing hers before moving to her cheeks, her neck, her shoulder. He pressed kisses all over, lingering over her burning skin, returning time and time again to her lips, sucking, caressing, not able to keep away from her tenderness. "I want you so much"

In response, Ishita cupped his face in her hands, caressing his cheeks and lips softly, before moving her hands down his neck. Her fingers paused at his collar and then slowly, so slowly, she flicked open a button, sliding a hand inside his shirt. She caressed his skin, marvelling at the change in his breathing, the sudden tautness in his body. Emboldened, she opened another button, then pulled at his bow tie, slowly freeing him from its constricting bonds. Her arms went around his neck again, caressing his skin as he shivered under her touch.

"Make love with me, Raman" she whispered, her eyes holding his gaze, her body pressed against his.

"Are you sure jaan" he whispered?

"Yes" she replied simply.

He lifted her up into his arms and walked towards the bedroom.


Bheege Hoonth Tere
Pyaasa dil mera
Lage abr sa
Mujhe tan tera
Jamke barsa de ..mujh par ghatayein
Tu hi meri pyaas...tu hi mera jaa
Kabhi mere saath
Koi raat guzaar
Tujhe subah tak mein... Karoon pyaar

Sansaein aanch teri
Tan aag tera
Cheene neend meri...loote chain mera
Kaala Jaadu kare
Lambe Baal tere
Aankhein jheel teri...doore lal tere
Kabhi mere saath
Koi raat guzaar
Tujhe subah tak mein... Karoon pyaar

Aankhen keh rahi
Jo na hum kahe
Usse sun le na lab kahe
Tu na soye aaj
Mein na sowoon aaj
Tujhe dekhoon aaj...tujh mein khowoon aaj
Kabhi mere saath
Koi raat guzaar
Tujhe subah tak mein... Karoon pyaar

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