Part 29: Reprieve

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3.00pm, Saturday 30 August 2014
Republic of Cappuccino

Ishita sat opposite Bala, her eyes focussed on the coffee menu in front of her. They were sitting in a corner booth of the coffee shop, away from prying eyes and ears.

The day had passed by in a blur.

She had awoken late, and had been swept up into a whirlwind of cleaning and marketing by her mother.

Mihika had escaped to her office, and apart from a few awkward questions about the previous night ( "what was the function for? Who all were there? Invite Sita home soon") and her huge solitaire ("Costume ring? Why do you buy this cheap stuff? Don't wear it on that finger Ishu, that's the engagement finger, Abhi will give you his ring soon"), her amma had been preoccupied with her domestic concerns and Ishita had been able to pass a relatively stress free morning.

She was determined not to think about the previous night, neither about his kisses, not her own responses to him. She could not ignore her tender lips, however, which betrayed the passion which had passed between them.

She had not seen either Raman or Ruhi all morning, although Mrs Bhalla and Neelu had bumped into them in the market, both her mother and Raman's giving each other dirty looks as they passed.

Bala had arrived promptly on the dot at 3, and had whisked her away for his "talk". Mihika had arrived just as they were leaving and had insisted on accompanying them, but Bala had refused.

"Jab tumhari shaadi hogi, tab tumhe bhi lekar jaonga, chat ke liye. Lekin abhi toh sirf Ishu ki turn hai, ok" he had said firmly. ( When it's time for your wedding, I'll take you too, but for now, it's Ishu's turn, ok)

As she sat looking at the menu, Ishita remembered the untouched coffee of the night before, and her cheeks flushed as the memories of the previous night came flooding back.

"Aiyyo" she thought, biting her lips, a soft smile escaping, as she remembered how she had asked Raman to make love with her, how she had clung to him after he had changed his mind. "Kya kar rahi thi Ishita" (What were you doing Ishita)

"What will you have, Ishu?" Bala's voice cut through her reminiscing.

"Just a plain flat white please" she closed the menu and handed it back to the waiter.

"Two flat whites" Bala said quietly.

Ishita looked curiously at Bala. "Jeeju" she said with a smile."Kya baat karni thi?" (What did you want to talk about?)

Bala looked carefully at Ishita. He had been up most of the night thinking about what he would say, how he would deal with this issue.

He had been shocked and hurt yesterday when he found out about Ishu's deception, but after observing her with Ruhi last night, he had been given food for thought.

He had not agreed with the way in which his in laws had virtually forced Abhi upon Ishu, but he had to admit, after meeting Abhi, that he was the ideal match for Ishita. Abhi was mature, understanding, he knew about Ishu's past, he had children already. Their marriage may start off as a compromise, but he had started to believe, as did his wife and his in-laws, that it could turn out to be a very happy one.

And yet - he had observed Ishita briefly with Abhi. He had been present when the family had been discussing her wedding. Her face, her body language, had spoken of resignation, nothing more. Whereas with Ruhi last night, she had been happy. The look on her face had been one of utter contentment and delight. Her eyes had shone with joy.

If she had truly found such joy with Raman and Ruhi, then would it be fair to insist that she forgo her choice for theirs?  Her present happiness, but perhaps an uncertain future, with that unknown factor, Raman - for unhappiness now, but a settled and satisfactory future with Abhi?

He remembered the Ishu of 14 years ago, the vibrant bubbly girl who had won Bala's heart when he had married her sister. He had seen glimpses of that girl again last night. Did he have any right to destroy her dreams?

He had made some enquiries about Raman Bhalla yesterday.

He had known about his divorce, and he knew now that divorce had not been Raman's fault, that his ex wife had been the dissatisfied party, had run away with his boss, leaving her six month old daughter behind. He had learnt about Raman's son being taken away, and how he had changed afterwards. His son would have been the same age as Shravu, he had realised. What if Shravu was taken away from him? How would he react? How would he cope, what choices would he make? Was it right to condemn Raman for his choices?

"Jeeju" Ishita repeated curiously. "What are you thinking of?"

"Abhi is coming back on Tuesday Ishita. He is going to propose to you. What are you going to say to him?"

"I...." Ishita fidgeted uncomfortably, twisting her ring around. Just what was she going to say to Abhi?

Bala looked at Ishita, his gaze riveted by the huge solitaire on Ishita's finger.

He waited a few moments then, Ishita remaining silent, motioned to her hand.

"New ring Ishu? I don't know much about these things, but that looks very expensive"

"Nahi Jeeju, it's just a costume ring. Bas, kuch 1000 rupees ki hai, that all." ( No Jeeju, it's a costume ring. Just worth 1000 rupees, that's all) She flushed under her brother in laws even gaze.

"Really Ishu?" He reached across and touched her ring lightly. " I would've thought that Raman Bhalla would have been able to afford something a bit more expensive"

Ishita recoiled in shock. "Jeeju" she whispered. "Aap jaante ho?" (You know?)

"Haan, jaanta hoon. ( Yes, I know) But Ishita, what were you planning to do? Marry Raman on Tuesday morning and then accept Abhi's proposal the same evening?"

"You know that too? Our wedding date? Does...does anyone else know? Vandu Akka?"

"No Ishu. I haven't told anyone, not even Vandu. If I do, you know there will be trouble. Your parents will never accept Raman, Ishu. Not now, not when they have their hearts set on Abhi. You should have told them Ishita. You should have told them the day they proposed Abhi's name to you for marriage. I find it hard to believe that you would deceive everyone like this Ishu. This is not like you."

Ishita looked her brother in law squarely in the eyes. She did not like the deceit herself, but she knew in her heart that what she was doing was right for her, and for the first time in her life, she wanted to be selfish, she wanted to snatch at the happiness life offered.

'Its just's complicated jeeju. You're right, this is not like me, but maybe I've changed, maybe I want to change. And I didn't set out to deceive amma and appa, but I didn't know myself about my feelings, about Raman's feelings, when Abhi brought his proposal. Nothing was certain then."

"And now it's certain? Now you know? You're making such a huge decision about your life. Are you sure Ishu? In just two weeks?"

"Yes" she said simply, looking at her brother in law intently. "I'm sure. I love Raman and I want to marry him."

"There are so many differences between you Ishita. His lifestyle, family, his ex wife, his children, his drinking, his past, how will you cope?"

"I know there are many differences Jeeju. And I know that things won't be easy. I know that I will have to make many adjustments and compromises. I know that the families will be hurt. But I love him. Raman and Ruhi, I love them, jeeju. And those differences you spoke about, that doesn't matter when there is love. This is the life I want for myself, this is my choice."

"I can tell you love him Ishita. I can see it in your eyes. But does he love you? Or is he marrying you just to get Ruhi's custody"

"No" Ishita said passionately. "He does love me jeeju. And I love Ruhi so much , I want to help Raman keep her custody. I can't imagine my life without her now. Jeeju, Raman has been very honest with me. He told me why he wanted us to marry straightaway, and yes, that was to help with the custody. But he also said if I had any doubts, he would propose later, after winning Ruhi's custody. But if our marriage at this time can help us keep our daughter, then why not get married now? After all, we are to be married one day, so why delay and risk losing Ruhi?"

"You call her your daughter, you are doing this for her. But what about your family Ishu. What about your amma and appa? Do they deserve to be treated like this, to be lied to?" Bala asked quietly.

"No Jeeju, you are absolutely right, they don't deserve to be lied to. And that guilt is eating me up. But jeeju, I hope and I pray that my family will understand my feelings" Ishita responded quietly, but with her head still held high. " Not everyone gets a second chance at happiness, so I hope my family will understand why I can't let this happiness slip out of my grasp. I deserve to be happy too. Can't you understand, Jeeju?"

Bala sighed. He could see how earnest Ishita was, but it was Raman Bhalla he was concerned about.

"I'm trying to understand Ishu, I'm trying. Okay, fine, let me talk to him. Call Raman here"

"But jeeju..."

'Now Ishita."

Raman walked into the Republic of Cappuccino, anxiety clouding his face.

He had been going over some layouts at his office for the Mehta campaign when Ishita's call had come. She hadn't said much, just that she was in the ROC with Bala and she needed to see him immediately

He spotted them in the corner booth and walked over.

"Raman" Bala said as Raman reached them, shushing Ishita who was about to speak. "Sit down please. Ishu, give us twenty minutes. Go do some shopping, I'll text you when we are done."

"No" Ishita replied firmly. " I'm not a child, so don't treat me like one Jeeju. If you are going to talk about me, then I'm going to stay here."

Bala shook his head, smiling reluctantly. " It's not that Ishita, and you know it. You've sprung a huge shock on me, and I want to have the same talk with Raman that I had with you. You know I have your best interests at heart"

Ishita nodded slowly, then looked anxiously at Raman, clutching at his hand. "Raman?".

Raman looked lovingly at Ishita, and squeezed her hands tightly. "It's okay Ishita, everything will be okay. Trust me."

"I do" She stood up and walked away.

30 minutes later

"I'll call Ishita back now" Bala reached for his phone.

"Thanks Bala. You won't regret this." Raman said gratefully, clasping his hand, after Bala had put the phone down.

"I don't know Raman. When the family finds out I knew, there will be hell to pay. But Ishu is my little sister. I want her to be happy. And my instinct tells me you will make her happy. But if you ever hurt her..."

"I won't Bala. Jhaansi ki Rani koi kam hai kya, jo tumse panga loon?"
(isn't one Jhansi ki Rani enough why would I pick a fight with you as well?)

Bala smiled and wondered again if he had made the right decision. He had grilled Raman for the last half hour and one thing was evident to him  - Raman did love Ishita. This marriage was not just for Ruhi, and Raman did have a genuine fear that Ishita's parents would stop the wedding if they found out. The secrecy was borne out of that fear, and not to trap Ishita for the sake of winning a court case.

Bala considered himself a good judge of character and he believed he was right in his assessment of Raman. Still, there would be hell to pay when the cat was finally out of the bag. Especially with Vandita.

His musings were cut short as Ishita came rushing up.

"Raman, Jeeju?"

Raman stood up, motioning for her to take a seat, then sitting down beside her. "It's okay Ishita, Bala will help us"

"Well, someone has to help you two" Bala smiled at Ishita. "Ishu, you have absolutely no idea what to do about the mess with Abhi, and as for winning over each other's families, you two don't have a clue."

"Thank you jeeju" Ishita sighed with relief and gratitude. "But akka will be so upset with you"

"Yes she will, but we will deal with that when that day comes. Understand one thing, Raman, Ishita, I am not happy about this, I am not happy about the secrecy and the lies. But even though you didn't trust me and your family with the truth Ishu.... shh, you know I'm right " he said sternly as Ishita tried to interrupt. " Even though you didn't trust us, I will trust you, that this is right for you, and for Ruhi. For now, I have to think of a plan to handle Abhi. You two concentrate on Ruhi's custody case. When is the first court date?"

Raman squeezed Ishita's hand reassuringly, sensing that she was upset by Bala's words.
"Monday week." He replied to Bala. "We have a mediation conference then. Pathak, my lawyer, will file and serve our Affidavits on Wednesday."

"Ah, the Affidavits. That's how I found out, you know. I read them in your office Ishita"

Ishita looked up accusingly.  "Jeeju, you read my personal papers?"

"If you remember , you sent me to look for Shravu's x rays Ishu. And you should be grateful I read them. I just may be able to save you from committing bigamy. Warna tumhe toh Abhi se na karne ka chance amma dene wali nahi hai."
(Otherwise your amma would have given you no chance to say no to Abhi)

"What will we do jeeju?"

"I have a plan. Let me think a bit more about it. But you two had better lie low until Tuesday, ok. No secret meetings, no lies about Sita and Geeta. Let's not make the situation any worse than it is."

Ishita nodded, grateful that even though he was angry at her, Bala was going to help them. She trusted her jeeju implicitly, and he would be a valuable ally in the days ahead.

Bala got to his feet. "Come Ishita" he said, putting out his hand to Raman. "Raman, we will see you on Tuesday. At the court house. Just take it easy until then, huh. Ishita, I'm waiting for you at the car"

Raman glanced quickly around the cafe, then took Ishita in his arms briefly for a quick hug.

"Raman, I was so scared" she said as he released her. "How did you convince jeeju?"

"My natural charm yaar. Works on all you madrassis."

"Just be grateful it worked on jeeju, warna..." (or else)

"No or else" he clasped her hand and brought it to his lips. "Everything is going to be just fine. Now go, and I'll see you on Tuesday. As my bride"

Ishita blushed and looked at Raman with all the love in the world. "And as Ruhi's mumma" she replied.


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