Part 7 - Day 2 : Stand- off

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Ishita stared moodily out of the picture windows at the scene outside.

The storm that had been raging all night and most of the day had abated somewhat but snow continued to fall, the white flakes drifting down to add to the pristine blanket on the ground.

She sighed and continued to stare, but this time at HIS reflection in the glass. He was sitting on one of the sofas, his computer on his lap, busy with his work, oblivious to her.

It had been the same scenario the whole day.

She had come to the living room after showering to find him already engrossed in his work. She had tried to thank him but he had brushed aside her words.

"Are you feeling allright?" He had asked gruffly.

"Haan(Yes) " Ishita had replied. "Much better."

"Good" he had responded shortly. "There are cereals in the kitchen, have your breakfast and then just take it easy. I need to work."

Having being thus dismissed, Ishita had gone into the kitchen and on discovering an extremely well stocked pantry with all dry foods imaginable, had decided to make some vaada for breakfast. It would be a nice way to thank him she decided.

She had just started rattling some pots n pans when he strode into the kitchen, one hand clamping down on hers like a vice.

" I told you to take it easy" he spoke through clenched teeth. "So what do you think you're doing?"

"I'm just making some vaada, Raman"

The feel of his hand on hers sent her heart thundering again. He stared at her intently then stepped back as if stung, letting go of her abruptly.

"You heard what the doctor said." He stared intently at her. "You need to rest, not to exert yourself today. Just have some cereal. Yeh vaada khaane bina mar nahi jaogi aaj ( You wont die if you don't eat all this stuff for one day) "

"But I am fine Raman. And I just wanted to thank you. For you know, rescuing me, and for taking care..."

"I just did what anyone would have Ishita" he interrupted her brusquely. "So don't think I did anything special for you. And you can thank me by listening to me, damn it, and letting me work in peace. I don't want to have to babysit you or to have to look after you if you get sick because you are too bloody minded to listen to me. So please, haath jodhta hoon tumhara, ( I'm begging you) just take it easy today and leave me in peace"

And with that he had pushed the pots she had taken out back into the cupboard, had nodded towards the counter where the jars of cereal and milk were set out, and had then stalked out again.

Ishita had stared at his retreating back in anger.

"Pranth (idiot) " she muttered under her breath. "And here I was thinking I was wrong about him. He's still as infuriating and obnoxious as ever."

She had been hungry so she had eaten the cereal, and then walked back into the living room, to find him engrossed in his work.

She had sat in the sofa opposite him. "Now what?" She asked petulantly, addressing his unresponsive form.

"I don't care, as long as you sit quietly" he muttered, not bothering to look at her. "No physical work, no reading, no TV for 24 hours after the injury. That's what the doctor said."

"But Raman, what will I do then?" Ishita asked, aghast. "Kitni boring hogi ( It will be so boring)."

"I said I dont care" he responded shortly. " why don't you scheme in your little mind about more ways to annoy me. Or go back to bed. It's only another 9 or so hours for the 24 hours to be up. Just leave me alone, I need to work."

And with that, he had started thumping at the keyboard, ignoring her totally.

So Ishita had spent the most boring day of her life, sitting, staring and sleeping. Raman had continued to work all day, getting up only to make tea ( "I want coffee" she had told him when he brought her a cup. 'Im not your servant" he had responded. " just drink this and stop complaining") and to bring her fruit and soup for lunch ( "koi nakhre nahi chahiye. I don't want any dramas. Just eat it").

It was now around 5.00 pm and she was at her wits end with boredom. She had spent the entire say thinking of new ways to annoy him, new insults to hurl at him, but that infuriating man had not even glanced at her or spoken to her except when bringing her food and drink.

"As if I don't even exist" she thought bitterly. " Its like he doesn't even know I'm here".

Raman sighed as he shut down his computer.

He was acutely aware of the woman who stood by the picture windows, her displeasure at her enforced inactivity evident in the rigid line of her back, the pout of her bow shaped lips.

He had spent the day burying himself in work simply because he was so aware of her, because he wanted to distract himself from the fact that he was alone with her in this isolation and because, God help him, she awakened feelings in him that he simply did not want to focus on, did not want to think about.

He knew how hard it had been for her today - he had watched her from beneath his hooded eyes all day, saw her fidgeting, heard her grumbling.

But he had been determined to take no chances with her health. The mad woman wanted to make her madrasi food, well, she could make it later.

Ishita had heard the sound of the computer shutting. She turned around now and found him staring at her intently.

"Its been 24 hours now. I'm still here and still standing. So can I please be allowed to do more than just breathe now?"

Raman stood up and walked up to her.

"Do you still have a headache? Has the swelling gone down?"

"No Raman, I don't have a headache, and yes, the swelling has gone down. I can't believe this. I'm the doctor, not you!'re a CEO, so why are you acting as if..."

"Will you just shut up" Raman hissed as he clamped one hand across her lips, the other snaking into her hair to probe her injury.

Ishita struggled briefly and then shut her eyes, disturbed as always by his proximity and bewildered by his audacity. She stood still as his fingers gently stroked her forehead, then pushed softly on her cranium.

"You can open your eyes now Ishita" his voice was enigmatic.

Ishita's eyes flew open and she stared up at him. He had moved away, but was still staring at her with those intense eyes.

"Well, so what's the verdict? Will I live?" She asked flippantly, wanting to lighten the suddenly tense silence between them.

"You're lucky you never had brains, so there appears to have been nothing to damage" he responded. "But" his voice turned serious again." Just take it easy for the rest of the day Ishita. We are still snowed in here and you shouldn't take chances."

"But Raman, I feel fine. And I'm just so bored. And I honestly don't want to drink that horrible soup any more. I can at least make dinner for us." Ishita was ready to stamp her feet in frustration.

A slow smile spread across Raman's face, transforming it. "Haan, bahut awful hai woh soup ( Yes, that soup is really awful)" he chuckled. " Okay, you can make us dinner, but only on the condition that I help you. Deal?"

"Deal" Ishita agreed happily.

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