Part 88: Uss Mord Se Shuru Karein Phir Yeh Zindagi

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The Next Day - 16 January 2017
@RKB Marketing

Raman stood at his desk, looking around his office.

He had selected the office himself, a couple of months before his move back to Delhi from Mumbai, and so he was familiar with the space and the layout. And with the old staff. He sighed as he recollected that there had been several new faces mixed with the familiar ones though. Mihir had told him that they had hired many new young marketing graduates in the past three years to service their fast expanding customer base.

It was good to come to the office, he mused. The previous night at home had been strange. It had been familiar and yet not. It had been wonderful to spend time with the children of course. Ruhi, his beautiful eight year old and Adi, his dashing teenager. Both children had been quiet though, looking anxious throughout dinner, as though they were missing someone or something precious. He himself had barely eaten, his appetite dulled by medication, pain and the unrelenting questions that plagued him. He had left for his bedroom straight after dinner, but not before noticing both children rushing to the door, anxious to go somewhere. His mother was with them so he hadn't worried, going up to his room, trying to sleep.

But sleep had evaded him, and when he did finally manage to drift away, he woke up several times, drenched in sweat, his dreams bringing forth the two things that plagued his mind. The cry of a little baby and those whispered words spoken through tears - Raman, uth jao mere Raavan. So he had tossed and turned, finally taking refuge in a glass of scotch. But even that had not quietened the voices in his head and it had been good to see morning dawn, to escape from those voices, from home, and to come to this office, where he could be normal, and feel sane again.

He sat down at his desk and switched on his computer. Mihir had gone to get the dossiers he had prepared on their VVIP clients, and Raman was keen to get started with reacquainting himself with his work.

"Password" the screen flashed at him.

He smiled wryly. Well, that was one thing he remembered. He had crafted the genesis of his password the day Aditya was named, modified later to include his daughter as well. Throughout the heartache of his son's estrangement from him, the password had served to remind him that however much pain the ending of his marriage had caused him, he could not regret that fact that it had given him the two greatest gifts in the world.

Adityaruhi He typed.

Incorrect password the screen flashed back at him.

Adityaruhi2017 he tried again.

Incorrect password still flashed up.

"What's wrong bhai?" Mihirs voice interrupted his concentration, as he wondered what juxtaposition of his children's names he had chosen for his latest password.

Raman looked up in relief. "One more thing I've forgotten Mihir. My password. I always used the names of those I loved the most, but I guess I must have changed that habit as well. You always know my password. What is it.

Mihir hesitated. It's still the names of those you love the most bhai he mused. It's just that those you love the most has changed, your family has grown.

"Mihir" Raman prompted impatiently.

"Sorry bhai, I don't know"Mihir lied. "You were using a password app to generate monthly passwords. Give me your laptop, I"ll get our IT tech to reset the password. In the meantime, these are the dossiers I prepared."

He put out his hand for the laptop, handing over the folders to Raman, and then walked away quickly. Reaching his own cabin, he closed the door and then put down the laptop.

IshitaAdRuIshRaa he typed. The computer screen changed to open and to a photo of Raman's loves. Sighing, Mihir deleted the photo and put up a generic stock photo of a beach, before changing the password.

"Please remember everything soon bhai" he said to himself resignedly, as he got up to return Raman's computer. "Bhabhi and the babies miss you so much."

At Raman and Ishita's House
"Raashi darling stop crying. Kya hua meri beti ko? Kyun ro ro kar rahi hai meri princess?"(Raashi darling stop crying. What's wrong with my daughter? Why is my princess crying?)

Ishita rocked her crying baby in her arms, looking helplessly at Aarti. "Kab se ro rahi hai iss tarah se Aarti ?" (How long has she been crying like this Aarti?)

"Jab se jaagi hai bhabhi. Chup hone ka naam hi nahi leti." (Since she woke up bhabhi. She just won't stop crying)

"Mein le kar jaati hoon. Tum Ishaan ke saath raho" (I'll take her for a walk. You stay with Ishaan) Ishita looked swiftly at her sleeping son and then carried her sobbing daughter out of the nursery. She had left the babies with Aarti while she took Ruhi to her holiday music classes, and had come back home to find her little daughter crying pitifully and ceaselessly. She took Raashi into her bedroom, walked around with her for a few minutes, and then sat down on the sofa, holding her to her shoulder and rocking her in her arms. After a few moments, she realized her sobbing daughter was straining towards something and turned around to see what it was.

Raman's photo. Raashi was putting out her little hands towards Raman's smiling photo.

"Oh Raashi. Darling, my baby, I'm so sorry. You miss papa na? You miss papa" Tears filled Ishita's eyes as she looked at her little girl. How was Raashi expected to understand? Her little girl missed her papa, she didn't know the reason why he was away from them, didn't understand the complexities of the brain that Dr Kumar loved to go on about. This couldn't go on Ishita thought desperately. Things couldn't continue like this.

She needed to do something. And she would. But right now, she needed to make Raashi feel better.

She glanced at her watch. 3pm. Still three to four hours before Raman came home from the office. What was she to do? Her phone rang and she saw the way that Raashi's little face perked up for a second. Of course. Raman had gotten into the habit of speaking to the babies if they were awake whenever he called her. And that could be two or three times each day. They would break into smiles at the sound of his voice, reach out to his image if he face called her. Not hearing his voice for almost two weeks now was obviously making her child sick with yearning for her father. The phone would be her salvation. That was what she could do. But she needed Raashi's big sister to bring her idea to fruition. She picked up the phone, cutting the call which was from an unknown number and got up with Raashi in her arms. "Come on princess" she said to her tired and upset daughter. "Let's go and talk to papa"

"Aarti" she called out as she walked past the nursery. "Mein mummyji ke paas ja rahi hoon. Ishaan jaan jaaye toh lekar aa jaana". (I'm going next door. Bring Ishaan when he wakes up.) And then she took her daughter into the Bhallas apartment.

@RKB Marketing Boardroom
Raman glanced from the screen to Mihir and then fixed his gaze on the smug young man sitting beside him.

"I may have lost some of my memory Rafiq, but I haven't lost any of my marbles" he drawled. "This is what you intend to present to our clients?" He waved his hand derisively at the screen. "This?"

"What didn't you like sir?" The smile was wiped off Rafiq's face as he looked nervously at Raman. He had heard stories of his boss's legendary temper when he joined the agency six months ago, but Mr Bhalla had been very mellow and happy the entire time, had never once reprimanded him. But.... It was obvious to Rafiq as he looked at the sarcastic look on his boss's face that those halcyon days were over. Mr Bhalla had lost his memory and now he was going to lose his temper too. The old RKB of legend was back.

"What didn't I like?" Raman arched his eyebrows,shaking his head. "What is there to like about this Rafiq? It's derivative, unoriginal, uninspiring."

"But sir, it's based on the coca-cola ad" Rafiq blurted out.

"Exactly Rafiq, it's a copy. And Mr Mehta does not pay us for copies. He pays us for originality Rafiq, and that's what we deliver. Original inspiring ideas that will make customers want to buy his products, that will make them want to choose Passion Juice over Coke. Not an uninspired copy of a well known campaign that will immediately remind the target market of the competition."

"Sorry Sir..." stammered the unfortunate Rafiq.

Rafiq was saved from further wrath as Raman's new mobile rang. Raman waved dismissively at the perspiring young man and then looked at the screen. He smiled. It was Adi.

Five Minutes Earlier
Bhalla Apartment

"Ruhi beta you understand what to do don't you?" Ishita looked nervously at her older daughter, as Adi set up screen mirroring from his iPhone to the television screen.

They were in the Bhallas living room. Raashi was still clinging to her, still grizzling, but she hoped to make her baby smile very soon. Aarti had come in with Ishaan, who had woken up hungry, and he was lying on the sofa beside her. Ishita leaned over to ruffle his hair as he gulped hungrily from his bottle.

"Yes mumma. I know. I'm a big girl now." Ruhi rolled her eyes as she glared at her mother and Ishita could not help chuckling. Ruhi was growing into a mini Raman day by day, the same quick mind coupled with impatience and a generous heart laced with a mercurial anger that only her Mumma could calm down. Just as only his Jhansi Ki Rani could calm down her Raavan.

"Ready Ishima?" Adi called out. "I'll call now."

Ishita nodded and checked again that she and the babies were away from the range of the phone camera, as Adi and Ruhi sat comfortably together.

She looked at the screen as Adi face called his papa, heard the phone ringing.


"Adi, is everything okay?" Raman's voice boomed into the room over the televisions speakers. Ishita felt Raashi stir in her arms as the screen filled up with an image of Raman's face. She moved slightly, adjusting her daughter in her arms, directing her face towards the screen. "Look darling, it's papa" she whispered, nuzzling her baby's hair. "It's Raashi's papa."

"Yes papa" Adi said cheerfully. "Ruhi wanted to speak to you. Here." He handed the phone to his sister, turning to give a thumbs up sign to his mother.

"Ruhi, hello beta. Kya hua?" (What's the matter?)

"Nothing papa. I just wanted to ask you something."

"Then ask beta"

""Papa, mujhe pata hai aap ki tabeeyat thik nahi hai, aap sab kuch bhul gaye. Lekin papa, am I still your princess?" (Papa I know that you're not well, that you've forgotten everything. But papa, am I still your princess?)

Raman looked over at Mihir, a sudden chill settling over him. His princess. She was right here, talking to him, so why the fear that suddenly rose up in him? Who was he thinking of? He only had one princess. His Ruhi.

"Of course you're still my princess Ruhi." He smiled into the camera as Ruhi's serious face looked back at him.

"Then say you love me papa."

"I love you beta"

"No papa. Say I love you princess."

"I love you my princess."

Tears ran down Ishita's eyes as she saw the look on her baby's face. Raashi was staring at the screen, her eyes riveted. She had stopped grizzling and a little smile stretched her rosebud lips.

"Da" she cooed at the screen, stretching her hand out to the tv. "Goo pa aa da" her little baby voice was full of laughter, ending in a high pitched chuckle.

Raman must have heard her, as his face changed, nervousness creeping in. Again, he wondered why. Why did the sound of a baby's voice affect him this way? Make him want to hide, to run away?

"Kaun hai wahan Ruhi?" (Who is there Ruhi?) His nervousness was evident in his voice

"It's the tv papa." Ruhi said quickly, before glancing at her mother.

Ishita wiped at her tears, giving Ruhi a look of encouragement. "Carry on beta" she mouthed, before pointing at Ishaan, who had stopped drinking his milk and was staring at the screen with the same rapt attention as his twin.

Ruhi nodded.

"Papa, you love Adi bhaiya too, don't you?"she continued.

"Kya hai yeh Ruhi? Of course I love Adi too." (What is this Ruhi? Of course I love Adi too)

"Then say I love you mere chote Rajnikant." (Then say I love you my small Rajnikant)

"Rajnikant?" Raman stared at his phone. What was so familiar about that phrase? Chote Rajnikant? Did he really call Adi that?

"Yes papa" Adi's voice was heard as his face popped up beside Ruhi's. "You call me chote Rajnikant because I started to exercise and you said I look like a hero, like Rajnikant."

"He's right. Say it bhai" Mihir had cottoned on to what the children were doing, and he tried to encourage his brother to help the kids succeed in their plan.

"I love you mere chote Rajnikant" Raman said with a chuckle. "And I love you my princess, okay?."

There was a knock at the boardroom door and the young woman who had been introduced as his secretary peered in apologetically. "Your 3.30 appointment is here Sir. Mr Gupta of Club 21. Shall I show him in?"

Raman nodded briefly then spoke into the phone again. "Ruhi beta, I have to go. I'll see you this evening" And then the phone was clicked off.


"Da" Raashi called out in protest as her father's face disappeared from the screen. Ishita looked at her baby anxiously, wondering if Raman's sudden disappearance would send her daughter into tears again. But Raashi was still smiling. She had seen her faviroute person, he had spoken to her and her world had righted itself upon its axis. She grinned at her mother and then shyly hid her face in Ishita's sari.

Ishita swallowed her tears and plucked her daughter up, holding her face a few inches from her.

"Raashi spoke to her papa, didn't you my darling?" she smiled at her baby. "Raashi"s papa loves her." Raashi gave her mother another shy grin in response and brought a plump hand to her face. Ishita caught the hand and kissed it, relieved to see her baby happy after all these days.

"Was it okay Ishima?" Adi and Ruhi had also come up to her. Adi picked up Ishaan, who was waving his empty milk bottle and expertly burped him. Ishita looked at him with pride, smiling gratefully at her two older children.

"Yes, it went just fine, thank you my darlings. See how your little sister is smiling."

"But Ishima, when will papa remember everything?. Humme aap ke aur in dono ke bina rehna bilkul accha nahi lagta." (We don't like it here without you and these two)

"Soon beta" Ishita said with hope in her voice. " I have an idea. Adi, please text Mihir mamu, ask him to come and see me after work tonight please."

She looked again at her children, cuddling her now smiling daughter close. The time for tears was over. Jhansi Ki Rani was going to bring her Raavan back.

Later that Evening
Raman and Ishita's Apartment

"You want to do what bhabhi?"

Mihir looked at Ishita in surprise. He had come home with Raman, but after leaving the Bhalla apartment, had turned into Raman and Ishita's apartment, as pre-arranged with Ishita.

"You heard me Mihir. I want a job in your office. I want to be around Raman, to make him remember. I can't do that from here. I can't get close to him any other way. I need to get into your office Mihir." Ishita was determined and her voice was firm.

"But bhabi, bhai knows you're a doctor."

"Mummyji told him that I was a doctor when we saw him, yes. But he was just coming out of the coma then Mihir. I doubt he would have heard her, or if he did, that he will remember her saying that. And if he does, you can tell him he was mistaken. Tell him I am his Executive Assistant, that I was on leave today. I need to be around my husband Mihir, I need to make him remember me, remember his past."

Mihir hesitated. "Bhabhi, you know what Dr Kumar said, about not giving bhai any kind of shock."

"I know Mihir. How can you even imagine I would do anything that would harm Raman" Tears sprung into Ishita's eyes as she looked accusingly at Mihir.

Mihir looked shamefaced. "It's not that bhabhi..." he said apologetically. "I know how much you love bhai, but..."

"But what Mihir?" Ishita retorted. "I'm not going to tell him anything, but by being around him, by trying to recreate our past, maybe I can lead him towards remembering."

"But bhabi, what about the twins?"

"Aarti will be here full time Mihir. Mummyji and amma will help. And it's the school holidays, so Adi and Ruhi will be around too."

"But you'll miss them bhabhi"

Ishita smiled wryly at her brother in law, tears again filling her eyes. "Yeh sab mein unke liye kar rahi hoon Mihir. Mere bache .... unko papa chahiye. Aur mujhe bhi. I miss him so much Mihir. Yeh ab nahi hota mujhse."
(I'm doing this for them Mihir. My babies... they need their papa. And I need him too. I miss him so much Mihir. I can't do this any longer.)

Mihir was touched. He knew how much his bhai and bhabhi loved each other. It must be so difficult for bhabhi that bhai did not recognize her, did not remember their life together. He knew he had to do everything in his power to help them.

"Please don't cry bhabi" he said, putting a hand on Ishita's shoulder. "I'll do whatever you say. You can join the office tomorrow. I'll help you bhabhi. We will bring bhai back."

Uss mod se shuru kare phir ye zindagi
Uss mod se shuru kare phir ye zindagi
Har shay jahan haseen thi, hum tum theh ajnabi
Uss mod se shuru kare phir ye zindagi

Lekar chale theh hum jinhe jannat ke khwaab theh
Phulo ke khwab theh woh mohabbat ke khwab theh
Lekin kahan hai unme woh pehle see dilkashi
Uss mod se shuru kare phir ye zindagi

Rehte theh hum haseen khayaalo ki bheed mein
Uljhe huye hain aaj sawaalon ki bheed mein
Aane lagi hai yaad woh fursat ki har ghadi
Uss mod se shuru kare phir yeh zindagi

Shaayad ye waqt humse koi chaal chal gaya
Rishta wafa ka aur hi rangon me dhal gaya
Ashko ki chandini se thee behtar woh dhup hi
Uss mod se shuru kare phir ye zindagi

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