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(Two more chapters until the epilogue. I promise that will be filled with something that is supposed to be fluff.)


My Pov:

Seonghwa and Yunho smile when they see Yeosang. 

Yeosang notices that Yunho is in his werewolf form. He also notices how tired and pale they look. He doesn't say anything about. Instead he says, "Come on let's go....."

They both smile and stand up. Seonghwa had trouble, so Yeosang helps him up. 

Seonghwa was going to thank him until Yeosang started pushing his shoulder. Seonghwa flinches away and realizes what Yeosang did that.

His shoulder is dislocated. Somewhere along the trip to KQ's territory, his shoulder got dislocated and it had to be the shoulder of the arm that is currently broken.

"We can't go with your shoulder like that." Yeosang says and Seonghwa sighs.

Seonghwa nods and Yeosang starts pushing his shoulder back into place. Seonghwa bites his bottom lip to prevent himself from screaming.

Once it is back into place, they sneak out the door and make it down the hallway. They pass someone that makes them stop and turn around. 

"Hey, wait for us!" Yeosang says and the trio follow the person.

Yunho and Seonghwa both cough and sway a little. Yeosang looks at them and wonders if they are okay. He hopes that they didn't get hit with a dart. It might not have poison on it, but it isn't a good thing to be hit with especially in the neck.

Meanwhile, Yubin sighs as Yamada uses his telekinesis to play with a guard. He is so close to slapping the back or Yamada's head to make him stop clowning around. He is currently glaring at Yamada and muttering curse words until his breathe and saying that dealing with Jeong-Ja is easier than dealing with Yamada.

Luckily, Hongjoong decides to say something. "No wonder you and Mingi like each other. You two are similar. If he had your power, he would do the same thing. Hell he does the same thing without your power. He just uses his height." Hongjoong says and Yubin almost laughs.

 Yamada sighs and stops playing around. 

"I think we make a good team." Yubin says to Hongjoong with a smile on his face.

"Yeah you two sure do if you want to make Jeong-Ja and San jealous." Yamada says and starts doing what he was supposed to do a long time ago.

Yubin's eyes light up and he smiles. "That is a wonderful idea. I would love to make Jeong-Ja upset. I don't get why San would be jealous when we barely interacted with each other. Well not as much as Jeong-Ja and Hongjoong, you and Mingi, Giwon and Yeosang, Jiwon and Wooyoung, and definitely not as much as Min Sung and Seonghwa. Gosh, I would be surprised if those two didn't end up together. I mean I went in order of closeness right there. I say we interact more than Jongho and Sungmin do.....Oh and Yunho and Daehyun....naw we are at the same level...." Yubin says.

"I think you two interact more than you think. Yunho and San always followed you two like puppies whenever you guys went to hunt expect today because we had a meeting." Hongjoong says and Yamada nods.

"It is cute and disgusting...Anyway, let's go before-" Yamada starts, but is cut off by.


The trio stand up and both Yamada and Yubin stand in front of Hongjoong. 

"If something happens to you, Jeong-Ja will kill us then Min Sung would kill him." Yamada mouths and hands what he stole from the guards to Hongjoong.

"Go with him, I know how to fight....oh wait you kind of...follow my lead. Hongjoong, take what Yamada gave you and leave. We can handle this." Yubin says and pushes Hongjoong to go.

They watch Hongjoong leave then turn back around. They look at each other then nod and look away. 

Yubin smirks as he used this ice power to make the guards running towards them freezes. Yamada uses his telekinesis to knock the guards of their feet and throws them into trees. He snickers when they hit the tree and the duo runs into the territory with the same thought on their mind.

Meanwhile with the only group that hasn't split up or 'been separated', Jeong-Ja enters the building and looks around. "Are you sure this is the right building?" He asks and looks at San.

San nods and points ahead of them. Jeong-Ja and Jiwon look ahead then blink.

"The cell they would have been taken to is empty now, so Yeosang probably got here first. We should leave. You know that Yubin and Yamada can't distract them for too long." San points out.

"True, but we have to wait for Sungmin's signal." Jiwon says and sighs.

The trio look around then look at each other. "So do you guys want to go look around for stuff and if we get close to getting caught, I pause time and we get out?" Jiwon asks.

"Sure why not." Jeong-Ja says and San nods.

The trio walk around the place and try to find something to do that could pass time.

Meanwhile with Sungmin, Daehyun and Mingi found him and Mingi let them to the place Wooyoung was supposed to take him.

"I can't believe I am doing this." Sungmin says and teleports into the territory.

He takes a deep breathe and does something drastic.

On the other side of the territory, Min Sung is currently healing Jongho. Wooyoung took them to a secluded place close by to where Giwon and Jongho was found. 

Luckily for them, this place also hand some plants Min Sung could use to heal Jongho. This way he didn't have to drain his power or put a strain on himself.

Giwon is keeping a look out, while Wooyoung is getting whatever Min Sung needs.

Min Sung steps back from Jongho and says, "Now we wait."

Wooyoung nods and Giwon says, "....I swear I just saw a dude walk through a tree with a smile on his face.....I wonder if he is dead. He looks a bit sick? Naw he is probably hasn't been out in the sun for awhile. Yeah that is probably it." 

Min Sung looks at Giwon and wonder if he is hungry or something. He is always seeing weird stuff when he is tired or hungry. Wooyoung looks and gasps. He waves at the person excitedly and they wave back. Of course, this person is Junyoung.

"Sometimes I wonder if Junyoung has super speed or not. He is always....oh I see. Him walking through things is like teleportation for him. He is able to walk through thinks and think of a place then ends up there....cool....kind of ghost like, but still cool." Wooyoung says and smiles.

Giwon and Min Sung look at Wooyoung and were going to ask him a question until they heard someone mutter something.

They look at Jongho, who barely has his eyes open and gives them a weak smile. 

"Why are we here when we could be showing them who is boss?" he whispers and chuckles a little.

It soon turns into him coughing and Wooyoung walks over to him then starts rubbing his back. He sighs and shakes his head. "You need to be more careful than this."

"I am fine. I will live. This isn't that bad." Jongho whispers and yawns once he finished caoughing.

"I am tired. Wake me up when this is over. Okay?" Jongho mutters sleepily.

Wooyoung frowns and nods. "Sure, kid. You always want to sleep when the best part happens." He says and Jongho hums then fall asleep.

"I guess we should watch him....." Min Sung says and Wooyoung nods.

"So what do we do in the meantime?" Giwon asks.

"....find some water and maybe food....or something." Wooyoung suggest and Min Sung nods.

"He will probably wake up for some water soon. Plus, I am pretty sure he is dehydrated right now. Oh and we moved to you know." Min Sung says.

"Oh okay, let's go." Giwon says and they glance at Jongho.

"So who is going to carry him? I am not carrying him. I already carried him to where you found us and here." Giwon says and crosses his arm.

Wooyoung sighs and shakes Jongho waking him up. He make Jongho climb on his back and sings a lullaby to Jongho.

Once he is back asleep, he glares at Giwon and Min Sung then walks out of the place giving Jongho a piggyback right.

He leads the way to the stream nearby. Giwon and Min Sung follow close behind him.


(Jongho won't die as you can tell by the ending of this chapter. The next chapter will focus more on Seonghwa, Yunho,and Yeosang. Oh and also Hongjoong because the thing he has is important.) 

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