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―Name: Min Sung


↳ Sungie

↳ SungSung

↳ Minnie

―Age: 20

―Height: Shortest (5'4" or 163 cm)

―Languages Spoken: English and Korean

―Gender: Male

―Sub Gender: Omega

―Top or Bottom: Bottom

―Dominant/Submissive: Submissive

―Pronouns: He/Him/His

―Sexuality: Homosexual (and proud I may add)

―Personality: Min Sung is proud and happily takes on the fact that he is the only healer in the pack. His closest to Telekinesis and Min Sung is overprotective over him the most. Honestly, he is overprotective over all of the slots but he loves Telekinesis the most. Min Sung has A LOT of patience, which is a good thing since he must have it when he deals with the others. He always makes sure that the other of the pack are healthy and okay before checking himself. Min Sung is selfless and very understanding, which is also a great thing since he is the healer. Min Sung nags the other, a lot I may add. Min Sung's job as the healer is to cook and heal the others when they are wounded and/or injured. He also breaks up verbal fights, with all of that being said, Min Sung is the mother of the group.


↳ Cuddles

↳ Singing

↳ Spending time with his mom and sister

↳ Drawing

↳ Swimming

↳ Playing basketball

↳ Telekinesis

↳ Coffee

↳ Sweets

↳ Spicy food


↳ Being disrespected

↳ Being compared to someone who he knows it better than him

↳ Being teased about his dead sister and father (It happens a lot ;-;)

↳ Yellow

↳ Being alone

↳ The dark


↳ His motherly like persona is enough to be able to get through to the others to find out if they are okay and if they need any help

↳ He's caring and selfless persona actually shows people that he is sweet


↳ Another flaw Min Sung has is his insecurities, he tends to vast days on end because of how insecure he is about his weight.

↳ Min Sung also feels like he should work harder in the pack so he starts to over-work himself until he thinks he is doing enough which can last a while.

↳ Since he is very selfless he will do the unexpected for any and all of the other slots, but he doesn't do anything for himself.

―Health Issue(s)?: He has bulimia (Eating disorder) {An emotional disorder involving distortion of body image and an obsessive desire to lose weight, in which bouts of extreme overeating are followed by depression and self-induced vomiting, purging, or fasting.

[An eating disorder in which a large quantity of food is consumed in a short period of time, often followed by feelings of guilt or shame.]}


↳ Swimming

↳ Playing piano

↳ Playing basketball

↳ Cooking

↳ Drawing

―Power: Healing

―Job: Min Sung's job in the pack is to cook and heal the others when they are wounded or injured (Even if it's minor or severe)

―Face claim: yu.n_gh

―Backup face claim: yoh_x

―Slot: Healing

―Backup slot: Reserved

―Love Interest: Seonghwa

―Backup Love Interest: ---

―Request Scene:

Other slots:

↳ Min Sung gets mad at a different slot for doing something, when in reality it was Telekinesis. And when Min Sung finds out he apologizes to the other slot but doesn't say anything to Telekinesis.

↳After a long day and no one wanting to speand time with each other, Min Sung was finally able to make everyone come out of their rooms for dinner. (Like my mom *Cough cough*)

With L/I:

↳ Min Sung asks to hang out and watch a couple of movies with Seonghwa because he was bored and thought it would be fun to spend time with him. And while watching a movie Min Sung slowly starts to cuddle next toSeonghwa and when Min Sung realizes it he quickly gets up and leaves as he is blushing in embarrassment.

↳ After a couple of months of them spending some time together, Min Sung writes a love letter to Seonghwa and he folds it and puts it in an envelope. But, he didn't put his own name anywhere in the letter, so he writes Seonghwa's  name on the front and sneaks into his room without getting caught and places the letter on the other's bed. In the letter, it talks about how much Seonghwa means to Min Sung and how happy he feels with the other around. And after reading the letter Seonghwa instantly knows who the letter is from. Min Sung. (I thought it was cute :3)


↳ Min Sung has a rose tattoo on his arm to show his love for roses, and there is another meaning behind the tattoo but he never tells anyone.

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