Halloween Fright

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Inside of the house, Sinclair is shown to be with Zuri, as he helps to try and out something onto him, or rather, helping his little brother in putting on what seems to be an outfit, for a very special day that every young kid likes to keep celebrating.

"Geez, really hoping that this is the right it size for you, little bro. It isn't making you feel uncomfortable, is it?"

Zuri shook his head a little bit, as he looks up at his older brother, before he then spoke out.

"Nope, it's fine, big brother. Besides, I think this costume will fit me. Still, I want to look good for the Halloween Party that I am going to."

Sinclair nodded, as he is trying to fit on a Halloween costume of a zombie on him. As well as the fact that he has to paint his skin green in order to try and make it seems a convincing as possible, which is taking a bit. Zuri looked a little bit nervous, as Sinclair spoke out.

"Something the matter, little bro?"

Zuri nodded his head, as he then spoke out.

"It's not anything bad but...do...do you think that this costume will look good on me, since we'll be going to that Halloween party?"

Sinclair looks down at his little brother, and smiled a little bit, as he spoke out.

"I'm sure you'll look fine, Zuri. Besides, it's not like your costume is of a snowman. That would be ridiculous."

This made Zuri giggle a little bit, as Sinclair, after a little bit more time, spoke out.

"Okay, and I'm done. What do you think of this?"

He stepped aside, showing a mirror to Zuri, and he does look like a zombie in a way, one from some scary movies. This made Zuri amazed, as he spoke out.

"Wow, I look spooky. Heh, bet the kids will be freaked out when they see me like this!"

As he said that, there is an invisible visitor inside of Zuri's room, and needless to say, she is rather enjoying the sight that is before her very eyes.

Desiree smiled a little bit while she is invisible, as she sees Sinclair who is helping with his brother with the costume for Halloween. Seems like even in a day or night such as this, he still wants to help his brother. But then, remembering what day it is...October 31st, she had a mischievous thought that had suddenly entered her mind.

She went behind Zuri, and then, she appeared and made a sound.


Zuri jumped a little bit into the air, as he fell onto his back at what it was he heard. But realizes who it is, as he shouted out.


Desiree smiled a little bit, as he giggled at how Zuri had reacted. Sinclair rolled his eyes, but he smiled a little bit, since throng scared does sort of fit the Halloween theme in a sort of way. Sinclair smiled a tiny bit at the sight of what Desiree decided to do, as he spoke out.

"Yep, so fits the Halloween theme."

Zuri looks at Sinclair and spoke back, his voice shaken by his panic.

"Brother!! That's not funny!!!!"

Sinclair looks down at Zuri and spoke out to him.

"I didn't say that, Zuri."

Zuri looked embarrassed and held his hands over his face in embarrassment, as he spoke out.

"Oh, come on!!"

Desiree puts a hand over her mouth, and she then starts to giggle a little bit at the comment that Sinclair has made and of how Zuri decided to respond to that. Clearly, the brothers never hesitate to be amusing to her.

Sinclair shook his head and smiled a little bit, before he looked at the time, and spoke out.

"And it's almost time to go. Ready, little bro?"

Zuri nodded his head, as he then goes to the front door, along with Sinclair, as Desiree began to move with him as well, as she became invisible. Sinclair also brought his backpack with him, just in case. Sinclair and Zuri then spoke out.

"So, you know where your buddy's house is at?"

Zuri nodded, as outside, the sky is almost becoming dark. Sinclair and Zuri, as they walked throughout the neighborhood, passed by little kids that are wearing costumes, some wearing different ghost costumes, which are just sheets with holes in them, others looking like goblins, others look like ghouls, there are so many kids that are dressing up as different monsters, with some of them even dressing up as fictional heroes.

Sinclair and Zuri continue to walk forward, before a door opens in one of the houses, and a familiar voice to Zuri spoke out.

"There you are, Zuri!!"

Zuri looked and smiled at the sight of his friend, as he spoke out.

"Oh, hey James!!"

James smiled, and he seems to be wearing a vampire costume of some sort, completely worn a black clot , fake fangs, and pale face paint. Sinclair smiled a little bit, as he then spoke out.

"So, this is your friend, little bro?"

Zuri nodded his head, as James spoke out.

"Oh, you must be Zuri's older brother, right?"

Sinclair nodded his head, as he then spoke out.

"Yeah, name's Sinclair. Nice to meet you. James, right? My brother called you that."

James nodded, as he shook Sinclair's hand, as both Sinclair and Zuri went inside, and see a bunch of people, likely friends to James, and the friends of James' friends also appearing, having fun with some activities. In the table are food and drinks that sound scary, with one of them named blood punch, and the other called brain noodles. Sinclair sighed in a humorous way, as Desiree liked sort of curious at this, as she spoke out.

"Never thought young children would take celebrating this far."

Sinclair spoke out.

"Don't worry, those are just names, they're simply normal food that is colored in a way like this."

Desiree nodded her head, as Zuri then spoke out.

"Hey, Sinclair! Do you mind if I can enjoy the activities here?"

Sinclair shrugged his shoulders, as he spoke out.

"Sure. You can do whatever you want this time, well...except breaking stud and all of that."

Zuri smiled a bit, as Sinclair spoke out.

"And...mind if you can take a picture of me when we do the...special challenge? I really want to remember this and...even though I might not win, I want to at least remember this fun moment."

Sinclair was a bit conflicted, but he then spoke out.

"Okay, sure. I brought my camera with me so I can snap a picture of you."

Zuri smiled, as he hugged his brother, and spoke out.

"Thanks, Sinclair! You're the best brother I've ever had!!"

Sinclair smiled, hugging him in return, as Zuri runs up to go into the activities, and Sinclair smiled a little bit. Desiree also watched, and she too smiled...but she then sensed something back at Sinclair's house, and it is not good.


Sinclair looks at Desiree, who became partially visible, but not more so that the kids can't see her.

"Yeah, what's up?"

Desiree spoke out.

"I think I sense a ghost invading your home, and it is not good."

This made Sinclair stunned, but he groaned in annoyance, as he spoke out.

"Are you serious. Darn it. Mind taking me back so I can deal with what we ghost invaded my home?"

Desiree nodded, as Sinclair stepped outside and closed the door, as Desiree then grabbed Sinclair, and traveled to the house in a puff of smoke. After a couple of minutes of traveling in the air, Sinclair and Desiree are back inside of the house, the front door having a metal bowl of candy and jack-o'-lanterns at the front lit up by the candles, as both Sinclair and Desiree entered. But the moment they did, the door slammed shut on its own, and Sinclair was not happy. He looked around the house and shouted out to the darkness.

"Who's there?!"

Then, a purple fire appeared within the darkness, as the figure emerged, and it is one that Desiree knows of, and she is not happy to see him again.

Having trapped them inside of the house, is a weird Knight-Like entity with a green sword and purple cape that moves like fire, as well as wearing black as grey armor, green eyes shown inside of the helmet. Sinclair narrowed his eyes, as he then spoke out.

"Who are you...and why are you inside of my house?!"

Desiree narrowed her eyes, as she recognizes that ghost anywhere, as there is only one special type of ghost that appears at a celebration such as this. Desiree looks at the ghost, becoming visible to the ghost, as she then spoke out to him.

"Fright Knight, I knew that you would appear at this type of celebration, but never inside of the house of this human."

This made Sinclair surprised, as Fright Knight looks at Desiree, and he then spoke out.

"Not do I expect for you to side with a human of all people, Desiree. But it matters not, for you and your human ally will fall to me, so my reign can begin anew!"

This made Sinclair speak out to her.

"Wait, Desiree, you know of this guy?"

Desiree nodded her head, as she spoke out.

"I do, he's a ghost that calls himself the Spirit of Halloween, for he really likes to cause a lot of mayhem and trouble in the human world."

Sinclair clenched his fist, as he looks at Fright Knight. He then fished his hand into his backpack, and took out the ghost rifle he kept, as he then spoke out.

"Buddy, you made a big mistake going inside of my house, and now you are gonna pay for coming here in the first place. Leave, or you will suffer for your acts."

This made Fright Knight narrow his eyes, as he held his sword in reverse grip, and he then spoke out.

"You can try and make me leave, mortal!!"

He then stabbed the floor of the house, and caused the interior of the house to suddenly change, as the entire ground broke apart, showing a black void below, pieces of the floor floating in the air, but are rather a little bit far away from each other, with Fright Knight taking the chance to come at him with his Soul Shredder, while Sinclair jumped away from it. He looks at the state of the house, and this made Sinclair very angry at what it is that Fright Knight decided to do to his house, as he spoke out.

"My house!! How dare you, ya tin-plated punk!! You are double dead!!!"

He then charged at Fright Knight, as he then tries to fire the Ghost Rifle at him, who swung his sword and parried the blast somewhere else. He then tried to swing it at Sinclair, but he jumped out of the way, as he then leapt back and fired the beam at Fright Knight again, who this time got hit in the chest, somewhat hurting him a little bit from what it is that Sinclair had done. Needless to say, he is not going to respond happily to that, as he then swung Soul Shredder at Sinclair, who ran and jumped onto a platform that is floating, and began to continue to jump away from Fright Knight, who fired green ghost rays from the Soul Shredder, and needless to say, Sinclair is clearly not having the time of his life right now. Sinclair kept on leaping and jumping as fast as he can, in order to avoid getting hit by the Ghost Rays, but one of them nearly hits him in the foot, and caused an explosion that launched him off of his feet, and made him fall down into the black abyss...which wound have happened if Desiree hadn't intervened. She extended her arms and grabbed him, as she rose him up from the black void below, and he looks up at Desiree.


Desiree smiled a little bit, as she goes up and looks at Fright Knight in the eyes, as she then spoke out.

"I apologize in breaking this to you, Fright Knight, but I am not letting you take this human from me."

She then flies up to Fright Knight, as she then wrapped her ghost tail around Fright Knight, tightening around him painfully, before throwing him down into the void below, but Fright Knight is not going to be stay down, nor is he a person that is like that. No, he is a person that will do whatever it takes to win for what he desires, and no one, not even Desiree and that human he is attacking will stop him even.

Desiree then flies to a bit of the floor floating, that is close to other pieces of the floor, as Sinclair spoke out.

"Phew. That was close. If it were not for you, I'd be a goner."

Desiree smiled, as she spoke out.

"Of course. I wouldn't want you gone just yet, since I still want to hear of what your most powerful wish is."

Sinclair sighed annoyed, but is still grateful of her, as he then spoke out.

"Anyways, how are we gonna be able to take care of this punk? I doubt that this is going to keep him down for long. He'll come back up and try to continue the fight still."

Desiree nodded her head, and has a bit of a look of anger on her face, because while her opinion on Fright Knight was rather low due to being a man, before he met Sinclair and Zuri, her opinion on him became far more lower and personal when Fright Knight decided to side with a powerful ghost that threatened the lives of those in the realm lived in ever since becoming one herself, and she will never forgive him for this act of terrible treachery. She then looks at Sinclair, and spoke out.

"Sinclair, allow me to be the one to take care of Fright Knight. After all, this is a little personal for me."

Sinclair looks at Desiree a little bit, and although a bit unsure, he nodded his head, agreeing with Desiree, and thus, she will be the one that will take on Fright Knight for what he has done in the past.

Desiree flies up into the air, and she looks down to see where Fright Knight is at. The moment that this happened, Fright Knight rose up into the air, his fiery cape waving a little bit, as Desiree looked at Fright Knight, with a little bit of anger present onto her face, as she then spoke out to him.

"I have been wanting to do this for a long time, you foolish knight. Ever since you betrayed us for that Pariah Dark, I've been hoping for the day that I can finally give you retribution for putting my life in danger. I hope you are ready for the pain that I will inflict onto you, because I am not going to hold back on what happens to you next."

Fright Knight looks at Desiree, his sword gripped in his metal glove, as he then spoke out.

"Foolish Woman, you could not stand a single chance against me, for you do not have my might."

Desiree smiled a little bit dangerously at him, as she then spoke out.

"And neither do you possess the power that I have. This time...you will pay."

Desiree then flies in fast towards Fright Knight, as she then raised her hand, and turned it into a hammer, before swinging it at Fright Knight, who was hit by the hammer and is launched into a wall, making a crack in it. But Fright Knight is not one that will stand down, as he then charges at her and tried to make a swing with his sword, but Desiree moved out of the way and wrapped one of her arms like a rope around the arm of Fright Knight, as she Fright Knight is then thrown up into the ceiling, cracking it. Fright Knight then looks down, and notices Sinclair, as he is trying to recover. Fright Knight then decides to attack him in order to get rid of one lesser problem out of the way.

Fright Knight that fired Eye Beams at Sinclair, who noticed the attack, and then made a Ghost Shield with the portal cube he has in his possession after placing it on the ground. Sinclair decides to return the favor by aiming the Ghost Rifle at the Fright Knight after deactivating the shield, as the anti-ghost beam hits Fright Knight in the face, hurting him a little bit. But the Fright Knight was not one to back down from this, as he then decides to attack Sinclair, only for Desiree to turn another one of her hands into a hammer, as she swung her hammer at Fright Knight's face. This act causes him to be launched high into the air, but Fright Knight decides to make a counterattack of sorts in order to bring down Desiree. Fright Knight, as he regains his bearings, puts his hands together and began to generate Ectoplasm in between both of his hands that are close to one another, as he began to make something.

Fright Knight that made a flaming meteor of sorts, as he hurls it at Desiree, who then turned her hand into a lasso and fired it back at Fright Knight, damaging him with the power of the purple explosion.

But Fright Knight is not someone that is going to stay down after taking a direct attack like that. In fact, he is someone that is relentless in his pursuit. Desiree snarled a little bit at Fright Knight, as she spoke out.

"I see you are a coward to your very heart still. At least this human here is far more braver than you could ever be!"

This offended Fright Knight pretty badly, as he spoke out.

"How dare you say that I am more cowardly that this pathetic mortal?!"

He then charged at Desiree, who dodged out of the way, as Sinclair spoke out.

"Dang it. This is getting nuts. Wish there was a bridge across the room so that I can cover more of the area."

Desiree smiled a little bit, as she then swiped her hand to the side, and purple mist appeared, as it caused the wooden floors to piece together into a bridge, which surprised Sinclair, as he spoke out.

"Woah, uhh...thank you for that, Desiree!"

Desiree smiled, as she continued to fight against Fright Knight, who then swings his sword at Desiree, who dodged the attack, while Sinclair jumped up and began to go onto the stairs that are still here, as he ran up the stairs and steadied himself on the rails. He looks at Fright Knight, before he then sees Fright Knight firing his Ghost Ray at Desiree from his sword, who moved out of the way. But the ray was coming after Sinclair. Out of instinct and panic, Sinclair raided the Ghost Rifle and fired it at the sword beam, and he began to push the ray back, with his own ray pushing the rifle's ray back as well. Sinclair narrowed his eyes, before Fright Knight had enough and goes to Sinclair, stopping his attacks, before charging at him. But Sinclair ran up the stairs and avoided the attack, as the sword stabbed the wall, before Sinclair and Fright Knight began to fight against one another, with Sinclair punching and kicking him, and Fright Knight slicing his Soul Shredder at him, although Sinclair always ducks and avoids the attack. Sinclair then kicks Fright Knight in the head, sending him knocking down to the void below again, but Fright Knight then did something else. He then raised his hand, and summoned a dark creepy horse of some sort with sharp teeth of sort, and red eyes, and a single horn on the head.

Sinclair looks unamused and at the same time, confused, as he then spoke out.

"How come he needs a steed when he can fly? That makes very little sense at all."

Desiree looks at Fright Knight, as she then spoke out.

"Huh, never thought of that. Now I'm kind of curious."

But then, Fright Knight began to fly around and attempt to go to Sinclair, as he fired and swung his Soul Shredder at Sinclair. But Sinclair jumped and grabbed onto Fright Knight's hand, and began to punch him in the face 7 times, before Fright Knight grabbed him by the neck and threw him to one of the floating pieces of the floor, as Sinclair crashed down on top of it, as he then stood up. Desiree looking at Sinclair, as he closed his eyes.

"Guess I'm gonna need Desiree to kick this guy out."

He then looks at Fright Knight, who is going to Sinclair, his Sword raised at him and his steed, Nightmare, charging straight for him, as Fright Knight spoke out.

"Any last words, child?!"

Sinclair snarled.

"Yeah, and it is...I wish for you to freeze in the air for a minute!!"

Desiree smiled, and Fright Knight realizes what this means, as Desiree spoke out.

"So you have wished it, so it shall be!!"

She then made green mists appear out of her hand, and wrapped around both Fright Knight and Nightmare. Fright Knight was then frozen in the air, and when that happened, Sinclair grabbed onto Soul Shredder, and stabbed Fright Knight with it, and the moment that happened, both the Fright Knight and Nightmare vanished, along with the Soul Shredder, as Sinclair sat down to the floating piece of ground, as he then spoke out.

"Is...is he gone?"

Desiree nodded her head, as she spoke out.

"Yes, he is. I am honestly surprised you didn't do this sooner, wishing him away. Why didn't you?"

Sinclair looks at Desiree, as he then spoke out.

"Well, was kinda hoping to force him out of the house and let it be without needing to do it. But since he wouldn't leave, well...that was when I decide to make that wish. Only did it because it was necessary. Would be stupid to simply abuse it that quickly."

Desiree, although she was surprised at first at what he said, did smile a little bit at what Sinclair said to her, as Fright Knight is sent back to the dimension that he had tried to trap Sinclair in, but instead is trapped himself. Seems like he won't be coming back for a long time. Sinclair looked around, and saw the state of the house, mainly due to Fright Knight made it have a pocket dimension-like look with his Soul Shredder, as he spoke out.

"Geez, this is a mess. Speaking of wishes...Desiree, mind if I can make a wish that involves fixing this?"

Desiree looks at Sinclair and nodded his head, as Sinclair spoke out.

"Good, I wish the house could change back to its previous state, before Fright Knight ruined it."

Desiree smiled, as she waved her right hand, as she spoke out.

"So you have wished it, so it shall be!!"

Green Mist began to fill up the entire interior of the house, and Sinclar looks, as it blocked his vision of the house itself. As that happened, he hears the sound of breaking wood being done in reverse was heard, and after a little bit, after a minute or so, the green mist disappeared, and Sinclair sees that the house is now back to its previous state. Desiree looks around the house, and saw that it has changed back to normal, looking the same as it was before the house had been taken over by the Fright Knight. Sinclair looks around, and sighed, as he spoke out.

"Phew, at least everything changed back to normal. thank you for that, Desiree."

Desiree smiled and nodded, as she spoke out.

"Of course, I am bound to you, remember? I would fulfill any type of wish you want."

Sinclair nodded, as be then spoke out.

"Of course. That reminds me, better get back to Zuri's Halloween party. Don't wanna miss the rest of it or he'll be upset."

Desiree smiled a little bit at Sinclair, as she then hugs him a bit with a blush present onto her face. She floats up into the air, as the both of them became intangible briefly, before they became physical again, as Desiree she flies all the way to the party that Zuri is at. As they continued to fly, Desiree then looked down and spoke out to Sinclair, who she is holding in her arms.

"Honestly, you both are the first men in a long time to treat me with kindness."

Sinclair was surprised a little bit, but he smiled himself, as he nodded. Desiree hugged him close, as the both of them fly towards where Zuri is at, not wanting to miss out on the rest of the Halloween Party.


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