Unwanted Wish

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A very long time ago, many years ago in the distant past, there is a woman, who has beauty unlike any other woman. Her name is simply known as, Desiree.

Beautiful and very gorgeous, she was promised by the king of her land to have what she desires, and Desiree, she originally had it all, and even had the love of the king, who was able to give Desiree a kingdom of her own.

However, the king's wife, in her envy and rage, made Desiree flee from her husband and kingdom, and made her get out, demanding that she never returns again, or she will pay the consequences of her actions.

Desiree, in response to this, fell into a state of despair and grief, her heart broken, as she died from the ages that had passed upon her.

Having been reborn as a spirit, her youth returned in her appearance, she learned that she is able to make the wishes of others come true, and originally, she thought that it would help her gain the life that she had lost back then.

However, the people who she had made wishes with never cared about her, and cared more about what they want, caring more about fulfilling their desires them about the person that is making them, and use Desiree as a tool for their own ends, especially since most of the people that made these wishes are male.

Selfishness and greed filed their very souls and Desiree, as time went on, became embittered, as most of the people that made wishes to her were male. And thus, developing a distrust towards males, and became ashamed by their treatment, seeing them as not worth her time. At some point in the past, she had been trapped within a container, and was locked inside for years, until...in the modern times, in a town known as Amity Park, a young girl, without knowing, accidentally destroyed the container that Desiree was trapped in, and thus, Desiree, now filled with the need to cause havoc, began to use her powers to create chaos in Amity Park, until the protractor of Amity Park, very powerful despite being a child, was able to use her own power against her, and sent her away. Wanting revenge, she used the friend of the protector to make him forget who he once was, and in the process, lost his powers as a ghost. The friend, regretful of what she has done, was able to trick Desiree into bringing back his original self, after she helped him regain his original state, and thus, was defeated once again. And ever since then...she has been blows with the protector, and filled with an animosity towards all of those that are male...until one fateful day, where she has encountered a man...far different from the ones she has met.

Amity Park...

The sound of footsteps are heard, as the moon is shown to be above the sky, as the full moon covers the entirety of Amity Park. A man wearing a dark hood that fades into blue at the sleeve and black pants with white stripes, has his hands in his coat pockets, the hood over his head, hiding his face, as he continues to move forward, his fist clenched in what seems to be frustration, due to what happened at his job. He then loosened his hands and sighed, as he swept and twists his long honey-brown hair for a little bit, as he then spoke out.

"Geez, that job almost took forever. Had to clean up all the dang tables and the counter from all the wasted people that drink booze all the time. Why do they keep on doing this? Can't they just simply take the hint and learn manners?"

The man sighed, as he walked inside of Amity Park, and clenched his fist again, although a little less tight then before, as he shook his head.

"Haaaaa...okay, calm down, Sinclair. At least you won't have to deal with the ghosts on your own. But even if you do, you can still take care of it."

As soon as the man, who names himself Sinclair, said that, all of a sudden, a ghost with bright blue skin came out of a pile of boxes and shouted out.

"Beware! I am the Box Ghost! I have-"

But Sinclair swung a piece of metal rebar from his hand and whacked the Box Ghost in the head, which made him hurt.

"Ow!!! How dare-"

But Sinclair was not done, as he then began to repeatedly hit the Box Ghost with the metal piece that he held onto his hand, hitting the Box Ghost as much as he can, until he then spoke out.

"Okay, okay!! You've beaten me!! I give!!"

The Box Ghost then turned tail and flies away, and Sinclair scoffed and threw the metallic weapon away, as he then spoke out.

"Annoying punk. He does not know when to shut up and leave anyone be. Tries to be intimidating, but he is nothing but a mere joke. Wonder how long it will take for him to get that thought into his very own head."

Sinclair shook his head, as he then spoke out.

"Okay, no need to think about that right now, it's time to go back home now."

He then walked away, as he looked up at the night sky, and as he did...he remembered something that angered him, the moon reminding him of some of the worst days of his life, as he then spoke out.

"Dang it, why remind me of what these 3 tools had done."

He looked down, as he remembered the times when he had confessed to 3 woman seperate times, but each of them treated him badly, despite giving it his all in being a good boyfriend to them. One used him as a slave, another belittled him, and another emotionally hurt him. Thankfully, Sinclair got back at them, but after all that has happened, he decided that he will not go with any females for the rest of his life.

Shaking his head, as continues walking away, and as he did, he is able to go and see a house inside of Amity Park. Although...this house seems to be abandoned, as there are windows had are broken, and had to be boarded up in such a crude manner, with the walls even looking like they will collapse years later. Sinclair shook his head, as he continues forward. At least the rooftop is almost entirely intact. But as he continued to move forward...he saw a flash of light behind him, which made Sinclair turned around and see a lighting bolt, as clouds began to appear above the sky, and cover up the moon. It didn't take long for Sinclair to realize what is about to happen. He ran to the house as fast as he can, and he opened the door with his keys, before he closed it, as a loud boom was heard, water drops began to fall from the sky, as Sinclair closed the door behind him. As Sinclair rubbed his face, a voice spoke out, younger then him.

"Big bro!!!"

Sinclair took his his hood, breaking his back-length hair, and his white blue eyes, and turned to see another male, this one a boy at the age of 14, and has darker brown hair and black irises, as Sinclair spoke out.

"Hey Zuri."

Then, a loud crash was heard, and Zuri, in fear, leapt and hugged the side of his older brother, and his feature are shown. He is rather handsome, even if he seems to be a little bit rugged, with a harsh and stern expression on his face, now soften into a gentle look, as he stares down at his younger brother.

"It's okay, Zuri. We're inside the house. The lightning won't get us."

Zuri looks up at Sinclair and nodded his head, as Sinclair stepped back, and Zuri did the same, as Sinclair then spoke to Zuri.

"So, Zuri, how was school today?"

Zuri looks up at Sinclair and smiled, as he then spoke out.

"It was great!! I manage to study hard, and the teachers began to think very great of me!! Plus, I manage to make some new friends!!"

Sinclair then looks down, a little bit uneasy about this, but he shook this off and spoke out.

"Really? Well, mind introducing me to them if yoj have the chance?"

Zuri nodded his head, as he spoke out.

"Yep!! I will!! Maybe you'll like them too!"

Sinclair shrugged his shoulders, and spoke out.

"Maybe. Although I am not friendliest guy of the year, you know. Not sure if they will even want to like me."

Zuri spoke out.

"C'mon, don't say that!! I know you will like them!"

Zuri looks down, and spoke out.

"Well, if you say so."

He then looks up at the clock, and he then spoke out.

"Welp, it's time for bed, little guy. And tomorrow's a weekend."

Zuri smiled, as he then went upstairs to brush his teeth, and Sinclair chuckled, as he then spoke out.

"Hehehe...he's always has been the excitable type, ain't he?"

He smiled at first, but the smile soon dwindled, and he then sighed, before he then looked down, and spoke out.

"Kinda wish I was the same."

He then went up the stairs, and goes to his room. Surprisingly, his room is very clean, as with most of the house, in spite of the appearance in what it looks like on the outside. He then goes to his drawer, and began to put on some new clothes, after he takes off the clothes he had been wearing tonight. A minute later, and he is now in what seems to be his own pajamas, with a black hoodie of sorts and dark fluffy pants with lighter-colored squares present. He sighed, and rubbed his head a little bit, mainly his face, before he then sat down onto the bed, before he then spoke out.

"Man, kinda difficult keeping my spirits up, especially for my little bro."

He then looks at a locket that is hanging at the edge of a counter, the one that he had just taken off, before he then goes to the counter and picked it up, before he looks down at it, and it is where he sees what it is, in that he has a sort of family picture present inside of it. The picture shows of the brothers, with Sinclair being 6, and Zuri being a baby, about a month old, and Sinclair is holding him. In the picture are 2 figures that are standing behind the both of them. For the first figure, it is a female, who has honey-brown hair and black eyes on her face, and is shown to be very beautiful in her own way, a face enough to make most guys fall for her. The second is a well-built man of sorts, having darker brown hair and blue eyes, and has somewhat of a rugged feature like Sinclair, but is much more handsome then him. Sinclair touched the locket with his fingers, and spoke out.

"Mom, dad...I...I don't know what to do without you both. I just wish you were here still."

Sinclair closed his eyes, as he could not forget that night. He remembers his parents his brother, being with him, when a man came and took away their lives. The mother died slowly, and Sinclair knocked the man out with a glass bottle, and the mother only lived king enough for Sinclair to promise the mother that he will protect Zuri, a promise that Sinclair accepted, after which she passed on. Sinclair was able to get them both out, the bodies of his parents, before he blocked the entrance with gasoline and flame. However, as Sinclair was young at the time, he had no idea that the fire is able to spread. And so...when the flame began to spread onto the wood of the house, the man awakening inside of it...Sinclair...he could not forget the look of horror he had, as he heard the bloodcurdling screams, with the man being cooked alive. And Sinclair had to run away, as he was able to find this house when they reached Amity Park in a cold winter. Of course, he had encountered ghosts here...but that is not new for him. In fact, he has met ghosts before going to Amity Park, and it caused a lot of stress when raising Zuri alone, for some even made their attempts to try kidnapping him.

Sinclair sighed, as he shook his head, and he spoke out.

"Not now...I don't need this now."

He then goes to his covers, and puts the quilt over him, before he then spoke out.

"Well..hopefully I can stay awake for the morning. Don't wanna upset Zuri."

He then puts the quilt over his body, minus the head, as he turned his head and closed his eyes, and began to sleep. And yet, for tomorrow, it will be simply nothing more then another day for him in taking care of Zuri. He snuggled into his quilt, as he felt himself lose consciousness, and felt himself consumed by the darkness of his own mind, washing over him like the night sky.


The sound of a battle was heard, as green and pink rays fired everywhere, with 2 people feeling mutual animosity.

Outside, in the middle of the night, there are 2 ghosts that are fighting each other in such fearsome ways. This is none other then Desiree, and she is fighting against the protector of Amity Park, who is the one that goes by the name of Danny Phantom. Pink and green rays fired, as Danny Phantom then spoke out to the ghost of wishes herself.

"You are not causing anymore trouble again, Desiree!! Already bad enough that you do this too Amity Park a bunch of times!"

Desiree snarled, as she shouted out to him.

"Why don't you try and stop me, boy! For my power is still far beyond yours!!"

She then morphed her hand into a rope, as she wrapped it around Danny and sent him flying down to the ground. This made Danny snarl, as he then phased through the ground, and flies back to fight again. But when he flies back up, he saw that Desiree is nowhere to be seen. Needless to say, Danny is a little bit mad, due to the fact that she had fled the battle and had gotten away from him.

"Dang, seems that she had learned a bit from last time. I'll need to get ready for a fight against her a second time. But for now..."

Danny then turns around and flies away from the area in which he had fought against Desiree, and spoke out.

"I'll need to get back. Wouldn't want mom and dad to know about what it is that has made me disappear so suddenly."

He flies as fast as he can so that he does not get in trouble by his own parents. But as he flies away, he is unaware of the fact that something is coming out from a well of sorts, a sort of green mist that seems to move in a bunch of directions, until the mist then formed Desiree once again. Desiree looks up at the place where Danny had flies away from, and needless to say, Desiree seems to be very unhappy.

"It appears that he has became stronger then last time. Well, no matter, for he will not win the next time! I just need to gain more power, I need more wishes to be granted!"

Desiree then turned around and smiled, as she goes into a place that is filled with trees, and she then spoke out.

"And I know what I need to do. I'll wait until morning, so that I can continue what I wish to do! And he will not stop me!!"

She goes and vanished into the area that is filled with trees, and she turned into green mist, so that no one will be able to see her, as she prepares to lay low until morning strikes, and she will be able to continue with what she is wanting to do.


Sinclair is now shown to be outside, as his hands are in his pocket. He is at the front of his house, as he waited patiently for his younger brother to come out of his room and join him in his walk within Amity Park. Although he is not going to meet Zuri's friends yet, especially since Zuri says that they have something that is extremely important to do, he did say that they will meet with him some other day, provided that they are not going to be busy with something else, and Sinclair is curious as to what it is that they are busy with right now. He just hopes that whatever they are busy with, they do not bring Zuri into their mess, and that is if that they are planning to do something insane.

As Sinclair continues to wait, he looks down at the locket that is in his necklace, and gripped onto it, as he then spoke out.

"I hope that I am doing this right, raisin' him and all of that. Don't want to seem like I am some kind of big screw up and hurt my little bro."

When he spoke that out to himself, a voice then spoke out to Sinclair.

"Okay, I'm out!!"

This made Sinclair turn around and he looks to see that Zuri is now out. Sinclair is wearing a dark blue coat with black pants, with black strapped shoes, his jacket having short sleeves and a hood. Zuri, on the other hand, simply wore a red long-sleeved shirt with buttons at only the top front part of the shirt itself, sandstone-colored pants cargo with pockets at the sides and the back part of the pants, and wore blue shoes with black laces. Sinclair smiled at his little brother, and spoke out.

"There you are, Zuri. I was kinda worried that you would not be coming out anytime soon."

Zuri smiled, as he shook his head, before he then spoke out.

"No way, bro!! Why would I not come along and miss being with you?! Besides, I have nothing else to do anyway!"

Sinclair smiled, as he shrugged his shoulders, hands in pocket still, before he then spoke out.

"So, shall we go, Zuri?"

Zuri nodded, but then a dread thought came across his mind, and it made him a little bit nervous. Sinclair did not need to understand why, as it is obvious as to why he is feeling nervous.

"Scared that the ghost are gonna get ya?"

Zuri nodded, as Sinclair spoke out.

"Don't worry. They'll have to get past me first. They ain't landing a finger on ya, Zuri."

Zuri looks at Sinclair and nodded his head, and Sinclair smiled, seeing that Zuri is starting to feel a little bit better after what Sinclair had said to him, softly. Zuri then spoke out.

"So...what are we going to do now?"

Sinclair smiled, as he spoke out.

"Well, it is a weekend, so we get to simply just do whatever we want to do."

Zuri smiled, as he spoke out.


Sinclair then stopped, and spoke out.

"Well, almost everything, but no stealing or shoplifting, okay? You almost got in trouble once due to what happened before, and the last thing that I need is you getting into such trouble like this one again."

Zuri looked embarrassed and has a sweat leak down his head, and spoke out.

"Right, I forgot. I once tried to steal some gems because you wanted to get a gift for one of your girlfriends, and I nearly had the police come to me for an act such as that."

Sinclair narrowed his eyes at the ground for a little bit, one of the 3 girlfriends who he now hates after all that has happened appeared inside of his mind, as he then spoke out to him.

"Honestly, I think it is better that I was ever with her anyway."

He then shook his head, and he then looks at Zuri, before he spoke out to him.

"Anyway, you ready to go and have some fun, little buddy?"

Zuri nodded, as his hands is raised up into the air.

"Yep, I'm ready to go!!"

Sinclair smiled, as he spoke out.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!"

Zuri smiled, as he and Sinclair then began to walk outside, and go into the main area of Amity Park, as they go out and try to have as much fun as they can, in order for them to have their spirits lift up. After all, for all the horrible and very frustrating stuff that they had to go through, they feel like that they need something that will make them happy. But unfortunately for them...they are about to get involved with a certain genie.


In the morning of Amity Park, a certain green mist is shown to be flying around inside of the city, as the face of Desiree briefly formed within the mist, as she continues to fly around and look for more people to give chaotic wishes to. This morning, she was able to make a dozen of wishes to a dozen people, and with each wish, she felt much more stronger then she was before, much more powerful then she was before. Although she is still not as strong as she was back at the shooting star shower from before, back when she had erased the memory of Danny Phantom, thanks to his female friend. But now...now she is going to try and regain her former power, which was far more immense back at the meteor shower. She is not strong enough yet, but perhaps a few more will suffice all just for her.

"Haaa...I'm starting to get closer. Perhaps some more will suffice for me! So that boy will not be able to stop me!"

She then went to about 4 more humans, and each of them had wishes of their own, one wished for money, one wished for power over animals, one can breath underwater, and the 4th wants to be able to create candy all by himself without any problem. She feels her power grow more and more with the other additional 4 humans that she has made wishes with, but she is not able to grow in size yet.

"I still have not grown to my grandest power yet. I still need a little bit more of them!"

She then began to look around, and she then looks too see that there are 2 people, a pair of brothers walking side by side, their hands in their pockets, and Desiree, she can sense it. A lot of desires within their minds, a lot of wishes, for the younger brother at least, but the older one...he is far different. There is something in his mind that Desiree do what finds strange. She can sense that he too has wishes, but for some reason, she can feel these wishes constantly pushed back. This made Desiree curious, but she can sense that there is some great desires and wishes within him, much more then the younger brother. They shall be good use for her.

"Perfect. Here I come."

She then flies fast towards the pair, as she prepares to use her wishes on them.

With Sinclair...

Sinclair is in somewhat of a happy mood, as he smiled and looks at Zuri, who is also in a happy mood as well, much more then Sinclair himself is. Zuri was taken to Sinclair by some arcade games, look around in a museum involving rocks and minerals, including some rare minerals, and see a plant conservatory of some sort, involving the many exotic and various plants that exist around here. And Zuri really loves plants. No words can describe how much he likes them. Sinclair sighed, as he cannot help but think of the childlike excitement that he had when he saw some of his favorite plants that exist, as Sinclair spoke out.

"So, Zuri, you had a good time?"

Zuri nodded his head, and spoke out.

"Yep! And it is the best time of my life!!"

Sinclair nodded his head, as he then spoke out to him. He then walked past a wishing well, with a man that is present and spoke out.

"Man, just wished that I could just disappear by choice!"

He threw his coin into the well, and walked away. But then, the sky changed, and Sinclair and Zuri, seeing this, realizes what is about to happen next.

"Your heart's desire is my command!"

Sinclair, hearing the unrecognizable voice, turned around, along with Zuri, and sees a green mist appear out from the well, and a pink ray appeared and fired at the man, who vanished without a trace. This made Sinclair and Zuri jump back, Sinclair puts himself before his brother, and sees the green mist began to take form and mold into a humanoid shape. It didn't take long for Sinclair to realize that it is a ghost that has decided to appear within the well.

Desiree manifested her form before the brothers, and Sinclair stepped back, along with Zuri, as Sinclair spoke out.

"Zuri, we need to leave."

Zuri nodded, as he and Sinclair ran away from Desiree as fast as they can, but then, Desiree appeared before the both of them in just a split second, as they stopped in front of her.


Zuri gasped in shock, as Sinclair jumped back as well, but still in front of his brother. But he stared up at the wish granting ghost, as Sinclair spoke out to her.

"Stay back. Leave us be."

Desiree then tilt her head, a mocking smile present onto her head, as she spoke out.

"Oh silly man, you will not rid of me easily with words alone. I go away when I wish it...or if you can make a wish to me."

This made Zuri looked interested, as he spoke out.

"Really? You can make wishes, like a Genie?"


Sinclair shouted out, making Zuri to shut up, as Desiree then spoke out.

"So tell me...what is it you desire?!"

Zuri, unable to contain himself, as he spoke out.

"I-I wish that-"

But Sinclair immediately clamped his hand over Zuri's mouth, as Desiree now got mad at her other target.

"You, dare ruin my spellbinding?"

Sinclair spoke out.

"You are not putting my brother under whatever deception you have. You ain't getting any wishes from us!"

This made Desiree taken aback, as she never expected that. Then, Sinclair grabbed Zuri and ran, as Sinclair spoke out.

"Zuri, what were you thinking of trying to be tempted into this?!"

Zuri, almost afraid that Sinclair is mad at him, spoke out.

"S-Sorry, bro! I can't help it!"

Sinclair sighed and smacked himself in the head, but Desiree appears before them, determined to gain their wishes, which are very powerful in their own way, in comparison to the man that she had vanished at the wishing well.

"Ohh...play hard to get? I'll only leave when you give me your deepest desire!"

Sinclair, now angry, shouted out to the genie ghost.

"Well, what I desire now, if for you to leave us be!!!"

He swung a piece of metal, but Desiree caught it, before being kicked in the stomach, mad that she is touched.

"How dare you lay a figure on me!!! No man lays their hands on me, unless I wish it!!!"

Then, Sinclair spoke out.

"Then you can swallow your own wishes and beat it!!! Heck, I don't even want whatever you are able to give me!!"

This made Desiree confused and shocked, as she shouted back.

"Why do you refuse to give me your deepest wants and dreams?! I can wish them for whatever it is you want!!"

Then, Sinclair shouted back.

"Wishes!! Hah, I used to believe that as well, for I had wished and wished for as long as I can ramen ever, hoping that I would be able to gain what I want, hope that I would be able to complete my life!! But you know what...I realized that wishes never give you whatever you want!! Only what I myself can alone do!! So no!!"

He went up her face, and shrieked at Desiree.

"You can take your promises, take your deals, take your worthless wishes with you..."

He raised his fist, before he shouted out.


He thrusted his fist into Desiree, hoping to knock her out, although it is unlikely, considering how powerful she is. But Desiree vanished into a puff of green smoke before he fist can make contact. He breathed deeply, due to what happened, letting out a little bit of his frustration, as he then spoke out.

"And don't ever come back!!!"

Zuri then looks at Sinclair, and spoke out.

"Brother, are you sure you want to send her away? I mean, she can hopefully help us with the problems that we have."

Sinclair shook his head, as he then spoke out.

"No, we don't need someone such as her. For all I can tell, she is just trouble. She's just waiting to bait us both into a trap that we can never get out of. And besides...you saw what that guy became of him right, with what that ghost had done."

Zuri nodded his head, as Sinclair spoke out.

"If we ever seen her again, I think we should take the advice...'be careful what you wish for,' to heart."

He sighed, before he spoke out.

"Anyway, enough of that. Let's go back before the genie ghost decides to come and take us."

Zuri nodded, as he and Sinclair ran away as fast as they can, in hopes to make some distance between Desiree and them...unaware that they had started something that is complete unexpected.

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