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It was not going to just begin, their love story, no, it was going to build, and they both knew that. Sure, it didn't have to be that way, but they both had the burning fire within, that was ignited, through the imprinting.

Serena and Paul walked along with the beach hand in hand, not letting go like they were connected, but it was there, to feel the slow burn of, the journey they were going to take ahead.

The two had talked about the things they been through, within the years apart, and to say, it caused the other to hurt knowing that they had done something amazing apart, made them hold their hands tighter.

"I always told myself, to never go back to the things that once hurt me, but I knew that the only way to move forward is to face it" Serena confessed, as she walked alongside Paul, as the sound of the waves filled the pair's ears.

Paul chuckled, as he ran his thumb on the back of her hand that was connected to his," Don't go poetic on me Serena" He joked making her lightly shove him

"Way to ruin things Paula"

"Paula?" He stopped walking, as she looked at him smirking

"Yes, Paula, because you are a drama queen, back then I was always the one who was the man" She mocked.

He scoffed at her," Excuse you, but that's an insult" and she raised an eyebrow

"Really now? I mean you were the one who always cried when we watched soppy romantic films"

"Says the one who cries when a dog dies in films" He playfully argued back

She looked at him offended," Pardon me, but if you don't cry when an animal is killed off, then I would say you are heartless Lahote," She said narrowing her eyes.

"I never said that it's just- Paul stopped himself as a smirk formed on his face, making Serena suspicious

"You know, I just realized it now, but does that mean you'll have a soft spot for me when I'm him my wolf form?"

Serena let out a huff as she pulled her hand out of his," What are trying to say Lahote?" She questioned

He kept the smirk plastered on his face but Serena saw that it had a glint of a dangerous mischief in it," That if" he said slowly placing a finger on her nose," I was in my form, you'd fall to your knees" He started to laugh as he held his stomach, as she took the opportunity, to shove him to the water behind him.

He fell, as the cold water, had touched him, but since his body heat was at the advantage, he wasn't at all, affected, and instead, he took the chance and pulled her in, making her feel the cold water instead.

She let out a loud shriek, as she was drenched in the painfully cold water as she heard Paul laugh at her.

The two somehow, ended up in a wrestling war, which obviously wasn't fair for Serena since Paul was much stronger, but he wasn't using it, to play fair.

"Lahote! I swear if I get sick you are dealing with your worst nightmare!" She screamed as they continued to wrestle in the water, as there laughter filled the air.

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