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"I'm sorry, what did you say?" Serena asked as she frowned frustrated at Paul who had just told her that Sam and Jacob told the pack that they were going to fight with the Cullens, on some leech newborn army.

Paul sighed as he leaned on the railing just outside the Black household, telling Serena about what was going to happen soon.

He had been specifically told not to, especially by Jacob, but he didn't feel right lying to Serena.

"Paul, you know, you didn't have to tell me, especially, since youprobably got strict orders not to tell me," Serena mumbled, but she was so very grateful, that he felt the need to.

He turned to her and a small smile formed on his face," Well, I feel better you knowing Serena" He reached over draping an arm on her shoulder, pulling her in to lean on him," You are not only Jake's big sister, you care about all the boys, and I bet you'd want to be with Emily when we all go out to the fight"

She made a small chuckle," Jake's going to be so pissed you told me"

He turned to look at her, raising a hand to her cheek," Tell me what you really feel"

Serena looked into his eyes, as her face dropped," Absolutely, terrified Paul, I don't know so much about vampires except for the ones in the legends we always been told as kids, but 'Newborn'? That sounds like it's not just going to be a simple battle. It sounds like you are walking into your possible demise, and I know I shouldn't be thinking about that, but this all could have been avoided, if The Cullen's never associated themselves with a human"

"You're not wrong, but it's happened as much as all of us hate it, we can't turn back time," Paul replied

Serena closed her eyes leaning her forehead on his," Just be safe Paul, all of you" He hummed in response, as they stayed in silence, feeling the connection together, as they both shared the fear, and anxiety.

Paul just wanted to get this over with, so that he can focus on her, and his life, and not on spending days feeling like his life is in danger every second. He knew things were going well for him and Serena, but he wanted things not to seem set because of his life being in possible risk, but instead of showing who he is as a person, not just what he does.

"Hey, so, the guys and I are all going to spend the remainder of the week, with our family and significant others, so, why don't we spend it together?" Paul offered

Serena smirked," An entire week? Goodness, you sure are confident that I'll spend seven entire days just with you" she teased him as he rolled his eyes.

"Yes, seven days, I spend with you while you pick at everything flawed" He mocked and she opened her mouth
She playfully shoved him," Excuse you rude" He grinned, taking the moment, tickling the life out of her, as she ran around the yard being chased," No Paul! Stop!" She shrieked, as he continued to chase after her.

Billy had been at the window, looking at the pair, with Rachel and Jacob. Sure, the males didn't really like the idea of Paul, since he had hurt Serena, but they both had come to terms with the fact, that Serena was finally happy again, despite, her going to the person who had caused her the pain in the past.

Fate had some weird way of playing its games.

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