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Emily had sped into the Black property, and it alerted all the boys, as they ran over, seeing the state of the car dread overtaking them at the sight of the missing door, and lack of Serena's presence.

"Emily!" Sam shouted running over to her, as he noticed the tears staining her face

"Sere-Serena she-

"Serena? What happened to her?!" Paul yelled as he heard her name

"A Vampire, ripped the door of the car, and pulled Serena out, and she- She told me to drive off- I'm so sorry Paul"

"Em, stay with Billy and Rachel," Sam said, as she nodded, as he and the Pack shifted, to find Serena.

Paul was leading them all, as he caught the scent of Serena right away, he usually wasn't this fast, compared to Sam and Jacob, but the adrenaline was boosting his speed.

The wolves had stopped in the middle of the road, to the Vampire who had a hand on Serena's neck," I knew you'd show, but I didn't think it would take this long" The vampire said sickly amused, as Serena whimpered in his arms.

The hold on her neck tightened, as she was losing her breath from the grip, knowing it was his way of telling her to shut up, and she listened, not wanting him just to bite into her neck, or snapping it.

So, she focused on the wolves, to stop her from trying to free herself, and as she saw Paul and he stared into hers, the connection of anger was radiating off of him, that she felt it clearly.

She just knew that she was going to get out of this alive, knowing that the boys will save her.

The number was clearly the answer to how it'll turn out, and it seemed the vampire noticed, Serena was calm," One of them is yours huh?" He whispered in her ear as the chills ran down her spine. It was not helping that she could smell the strong scent of blood on him, knowing that he must have been aiming to get her and Emily as his meal.

All she was happy about, was that Emily got away safely, and despite her situation, all her mind was focused on was others and not herself, the one thing that all that mattered to her.

Leah let out a growl recognizing this newborn, being one of them that had run away, the moment the fight started," Oh, such a pretty wolf you are" He mocked to her, as all the boys growled.

Paul took the moment of the vampire focused on Leah and went for an attack, while the others joined, and the hold the vampire had on Serena, had made him throw her harshly to the ground as she slammed on the road pavement, and they could hear the sound of the impact.

The vampire had just aimed for the females for a meal, but the smell of wolves, on them, became the moment he knew was where he had messed up, but he at least wanted to die, knowing he had harmed one of there own since he had lost his mate, in the battle.

The wolves ripped him apart, as Serena's vision, blurred falling into unconsciousness, and all she could hear was the sound of Paul shouting for her name.

"Paul" was all she muttered, in the last of her last strength before falling straight into darkness.

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