Chapter 5

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deidara had just left and i was alone in the house. i sighed as i layed in bed and turned on my side looking at the wall. i closed my eyes only to see gaara and opend them again. "i hope...your well" i said softly as it turned my back tot eh wall and closed my eyes again. as i fell asleep i thought about all the things that i loved about gaara. his hair, his face. when he smiled. his voice. i loved evrything about him. yet he didnt love me. i felt a tear fall from my eyes as i slowly fell into sleep my thoughts lingering on the man that i loved.

i woke in the morning and sat up and headed to the kitchen to make gaara breackfast and stoped. thats not with gaara anymore. i looked to the floor. there was a sudden knock on my door brakeing me out of my thoughts. i headed to the door and opend it comeing face to face with deidara. he grinned "i missed your cooking already un" i smiled and laughed softly letting him in. "your really good at cooking un" he said to me makeing me blush slightly. "thank you" i said as i headed to the kitchen to cook. i had breackfast going when there was another knock on the door. "ill get it un" deidara said heading to the door. i thanked him and continued to cook. as i cooked i didnt realize that another person walked in. "why is he here?" i jumped before turning to sasuke and sighed "you scared me" i said to sasuke. he raised a brow at me. "becuse he wanted breackfast" i said to sasuke "if you want i can make you some as well" He looked at me and i indicated for him to sit just as deidara came in, sitting at the table happily. as i finished cooking i smiled putting the plates at the table for them they dug in happily and deidara absoultly made it known that he loved it. sasuke was a little harder to tell but im sure he liked it becuse he was blushing slightly as he ate it.

threw out the day i hung out with deidara and sasuke and had lots of fun. But my mind lingerd on gaara as we layed in the grass at teh training grounds, they had toght me some new stuff with jutsus and taijutsu. sasuke toght me some genutsu, it was nice to be able to learn more about ninja things. i was catching on pretty fast as well. i smiled as i relaxed in the grass with them. i layed inbetween sasuke and deidara becuse they didnt want to sit next to each other. deidara said something about sasuke being a uchiha and what not. i closed my eyes letting the sun warm my face as i looked to the sky happily. The soft tweeting of birds was a soothing sound, very relaxing. I heard deidara yawn off to my left and smiled slightly sounded like he was getting sleepy. after a while there was the sound of footsteps and i heard someone approching. we sat up and looked over to see a man who looked like sasuke, a girl with pink hair and another girl with long dark hair and pail eyes. sasuke stood and went over to the man and smiled slightly at him. "hello little brother" itachi greeted with a slight smile on his face as he did so pokeing sasuke forehead makeing me giggle slightly. deidara scoffed beside me.

i rolled my eyes at him and nudged his arm "who are they?" i asked curiously. "thats itachi, sasukes brother un." he said to me. "the pink haird girl is sakura, and the pail eyed girl is hinata hyuga hmm." he said to me. i smiled and nodded as we stood and walked over to them. hinata smiled at me shyly. "h..hello" she greeted as she looked at me. i smiled at her. "hi. im suki" i greeted and deidara nodded to hinata who smiled back at him. sakura smiled at me, "tsunades been talking about you" i looked over to her, "oh. i hope its all good things" i said nervously. deidara chuckled patting my head. sakura nodded as she looked at me. "yep. she likes how fast your learning the ways of a ninja" she said with a smile. i smiled back. "i see." i said with a happy smile as i looked at her happily. sasuke was watching me talk to the others as deidara joined in the conversation. itachi was smirking slightly at sasuke who had a slight blush on his face. i wounder why? i mentaly shrugged it off and continued to enjoy the compony of the girls and deidara. "so i want to throw a welcomeing party for you in two days." sakura said with a smile. "oh really? can i help?" i asked excitedly. "i love helping" i said happily. she laughed softly and nodded "sure" she said with a kind smile. we started discusing things for the party with deidara and hinata throwing in a cople of things. "ill put out the invitations." itachi put in halfway threw. i looked over and beamed at him. "ok" i said. sasuke caghed akwordly. " itachi" he said i smiled at him. "awesome. the more the merryer they say" i said with a smile as i was broght back into the conversation. these people were so kind here. it was.....nice...

gaara prove

I needed to head to the leaf. maybe they could help me find her. as i ran across the dessert i kept thinking over evrything that had happend, and realilzed how much of a jerk i had been to her. how much i missed her touch, and her gentle smile. her amaseing cooking, her calming sent, the way she would kiss me whenever i got home, holding her in my arms. i was stupid. I didnt tell her how much i loved her, or hold her in my arms as much as i should have. she only asked me for one thing and i said no. that one thing was to simply spend the say with her on our anaversary. how stupid could i be? to deny her of such things? i hadnt even heard her laugh for mounths... i was a terrible boyfreind, but that would change. I was going to change. I was going to let her know evry day how much i loved her, how much she deserved evrything. she was so precious and i lost her, For my own pitiful reasons. the forest came into veiw and i ran in as fast as i could. "i love you so much.. please...let me tell you how much i love you" i said to myself as i ran, ran to the one women who stuck by me threw everything, and still held that smile.

Well guys, I put up six chapter and I have fifteen done, so if you like I want comments and votes before I update again thanks!

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