chapter 8

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"Alright! Ill ask her to be mine tonight suki chan!" a certin nuckle headed ninja said to the black haird femail as he carryed the cake. She giggled. "Its about time!" She said with a smile on her face as they walked together down the street chatting as they walked together. Naruto smiled at her happily. "I hope you will be with the one you love soon too." He said to her gently. She smiled a bit sadly and looked down as they walked. "I could never love another as I loved Gaara," I said to him as we walked together, He smiled as we walked. "Maby one day." He said to me as we passed the dango shop, on the way back to the uchihas house.

"Maby,." I said softly as we walked togehter down the road. "im sure Gaara loves you." He said to me as we continued on our way. I looked down. "I dont know naruto. He never held me much, Never spent alot of time with me. Maby im being selfish?" I asked him softly as we walked together down the darkening street. He chuckled. "No your not. Your just being you." I smiled and laughed softly as we walked together still. "Besides. If he loved me, he would be looking for me by now." I said to Naruto. "Hey he might be!" He said happily as we contnued to walk down the street.

"I think I would have heard about him looking for me from someone." I said to naruto. He frowned, "I dono suki chan. Maby not. who knows?" He asked as he shrugged walking with me. As we got closer to the uchiha residence, he suddenly looked really nervous. "Hey suki chan?" He asked me curiously and stoped, turning to me. I stoped and looked at him, turning to face him now, "Whats the matter Naruto?" I asked him crossing my arms. He gave me a slight goofy smile of his, "Well... Do you think Hinata chan will say yes?" He asked figiting slightly where he was standing, I smiled at him. "Of course." I said to him happily.

He gave me a bright smile and nodded. "What should i say?" He asked now, still holding the cake. His big blue eyes looking concerned. "Just tell her how you feel. tell her you want her to be yours!" I said with a big smile. "Easy for you to say, but hard for me to do. Im nervous she will say no." He said looking down sadly, "Oh naruto. your so blind. Hinata is head over heels for you. you poor dope." I said with a smile on my face. "Hey suki..." He said laughing at my little joke. "Alright." He said with a smile. "I hope your right." He said to me happily. "Of couse I am," I said to him happily. He gave me a bright smile. Tonight he wore a black butten up shirt, with a pair of orange pants. "By the way...Is there a reason you like the color orange so much?"

He laughed a bit and smiled. "Yeah. It goes with my hair," I laughed a bit and nodded as we began to walk down the road together, heading for the house again, just chatting about what it is we wanted to do with our lives later on. He apaerently wanted to be the Hokage. He wanted to be the strongest ninja, and have everyone look up to him. Knowing this knuckle head, he would make a fine Hokage.

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