Chapter 10: Locker Trouble

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Chapter 10: Locker Trouble

When I arrived at work, I was on edge. I got home at 3 o’clock today, which meant that I had about two and a half hours to try and calm down but I couldn't. I was constantly worrying about what Grayson would do to get back at me for my idiotic stunt.

When I entered the library, it was eerily quiet. I looked around, peeking around corners as I made my way to the main room, where Grayson was quietly texting. He wasn't wearing his school uniform, not that I was expecting him to. He was leaning against the table even though there were more than enough seats available. He looked up and grinned. “Hey.”

I looked around the library, checking behind me. Was he talking to me? He was way too cheery to be talking to me. “Uh, hello.”

He laughed. “Let’s get started. How about you organize children’s books and I organize adult books?”

I just nodded as I dropped my bag onto the table, walking over to the large cart full of books. The children’s book shelf was out in the open and luckily, I could see Grayson’s every move. Like a good worker, I began organizing the books, placing them on the shelves based on the author’s name.

I took a break, my back aching from having to lean over so often. I leaned on the shelf and watched as Grayson reached up and put a book on the top shelf. I watched as his muscles flexed when he reached to put the book onto the top shelf and as a confused look found its way onto his face when he struggled to read an author’s name. “Hey, darling?”

I quickly went back to work, making it a point to ignore his nickname for me. Instead of calling me by my name, he quickly walked over to the shelf I was at. He rolled up his sleeves as he leaned on the opposite side of the counter. I quickly stood up and backed away. “What?”

He laughed, amused that my paranoia was eating me alive. “Can you read the author’s name for me?”

“Why can’t you do it?” I snapped.

He smirked. “The font is too small for me to see.”

“Well, maybe you need glasses,” I replied.

He shrugged. “Maybe, but until then, could you be my eyes?” I rolled my eyes at his corny attempt at flirting and pointed towards the top of the shelf. “What?”

“Slide the book over here,” I demanded and he gave me a confused look before he groaned and slid the book across the top of the shelf.

I looked at the author’s name and glanced up at him. “Arrington, Penelope.”

He nodded at me. “Thank you, darling.”

I just scowled at him and waited until he returned to the adult section before I continued to work.


When I finished, I grinned at the idea of free time. “Hey, darling.”

Not this again. “What?”

“Since you’re finished, can you please help me finish up the adult section?” I couldn’t see Grayson so I just sighed.


“Please?” he pleaded.


“Why not?” he whined.

“It’s not my job.”

“Technically it is, you’re supposed to organize books today and this is organizing books,” he replied calmly and I groaned as I got up.

I cautiously approached him and grabbed an armful of books. I began placing them in the spots they belonged while watching Grayson out of the corner of my eye. “That was quite the stunt you pulled during lunch today, don’t you think?”

The small amount of fear that disappeared quickly reappeared at the sound of his creepily calm voice; I turned to look at him.  “Well, you deserved it.”

He laughed and nodded. “I did, right?”

"Yeah, you did," I told him. 

"And what exactly did I do to make me deserve that?" he questioned.

"Well, not only did you peg me with a football, but you didn't deny the rumors going around," I listed, not quite finished. 

"Because they were true, we kissed at the party," he shrugged.

"So? They don't have to know that!" I told him. 

"You're the first girl to be embarrassed about kissing me," he snorted.

"No, I'm the first girl to be embarrassed about kissing a guy that I'm not dating," I told him, shaking my head at his arrogance.

"What's wrong with that? Sometimes, you have to have fun, Audrey," he told me. 

"By kissing a guy that I hate? I don't know what your definition of fun is, but mine definitely isn't that," I retorted. "My reputation is ruined."

"Life isn't about the way other people see you, it's about the way you see yourself," he responded. 

"Well, when false rumors go around, you kind of freak out a bit, Grayson," I clenched my teeth.

"What false rumors were you hearing, Audrey?" he asked. I couldn't help but notice that he didn't call me Darling. 

"That we kissed multiple times at that party, Grayson," I responded. "I don't know about you but I'm not okay with that little rumor floating around!" 

"So you're getting an attitude with me?" he asked.

"You're the one that didn't deny it when it first started. I tried, but no one believed me. They all want your word!" I snapped. I noticed that he wasn't replying. "Are you going to do something about the rumors? Or are you still set on getting revenge?" 

"I'm absolutely going to get revenge," he stated. "You embarrassed me out there."

I dropped the books and placed my hands on my hips. I was tired of being paranoid, even if it was only for four and a half hours. “What are you going to do?”

Not even bothering to glance at me, he continued to organize books. “When you’re least expecting it, I’m going to get you.”

I just waited for him to continue. “It might be at your house, it might be at mine, it might be at school, it might be at a party…who knows?”

I clenched my teeth as my hands tightened on my hips. “Just know that it isn’t going to be pretty.

“You’re being very immature about this,” I snapped at him.

He snorted. “Yeah, but you started it.”

“Says the one who pelted me with a football,” I retorted and he turned and glared at me, opening his mouth before closing it again. “Yeah, you were going to say something about me ignoring your wink, weren’t you?”

He just continued working, as if ignoring me. “Are you ignoring me?”

He was silent. “Gracie?”

I just scoffed. “I don’t care, ignore me,” I continued putting away the books.


Once I finished, I let out a sigh of relief. I looked at my phone to see it was almost 7. We only had ten minutes until our shift was over. I glanced over at Grayson to see him sitting with his head down and earbuds placed in his ears. I observed him for a minute, staring as his shoulders lifted and dropped with every breath he took.

When I noticed that it was 7 o’clock on the dot, I walked towards the library exit before I noticed him sitting there. I wonder if he’s sleeping, or maybe he’s in deep thought. I held open the large doors that let in a bit of light. I snickered as I flicked off the library light, causing the large building to go pitch black. I exited the library quickly, glancing back at the closed doors every so often.

It wasn’t until I was in my car when I noticed Grayson calmly exiting the library, a composed look on his face as if he wasn’t just encased in darkness. I made sure to lock my car doors before I began rifling through my purse in search of my keys. I heard footsteps and I turned to see Grayson getting onto his motorcycle, which was parked beside my car. I remember when I rode on the motorcycle and I blushed, also remembering how my arms wrapped around his waist tightly.

He turned to look at me and motioned for me to roll the window down. I did as requested and looked at him with an eyebrow raised. “I wasn’t ignoring you, by the way.”

He loudly revved his motorcycle and backed out of the parking lot as I screamed ‘wait.’ I wanted to ask him about the project and how I could contact him. I wasn't too keen on walking on over to his house in the middle of the afternoon. I needed to print out recipes and make a list of what we needed. We also need to go shopping for the food together. I guess I’ll have to wait until tomorrow.


I was at home, cooking dinner for myself, or as close to cooking as I can get. Upon my arrival, I noticed a post-it note on a cookbook with the words 'don't burn the house down' on it. My mother assumes that because I watch her cook, and hand her ingredients when she needs them that I know how to cook. She's mistaken because I can barely make pasta. But that'll have to do for tonight at least.

My mom and dad are working, unfortunately, and I have the house to myself. I was curious as to where Grayson went. Normally, one of us would follow the other home- seeing as we lived only a few houses apart, but he was nowhere in sight when I pulled onto the road. My phone was beside me and I waited patiently for a text from Sandra.

‘Hey,’ I looked at my phone and realized it was Carson. ‘Answer your phone.’

I sighed and waited for him to call me. I answered it after one ring. “Someone’s eager.”

I glared at the pot of boiling water. “You just texted me telling me to answer the phone!”

“Calm down, I was joking,” he laughed and I watched the water boil. If I take my eyes off of it, I might forget that it's there and burn the house down. Pasta has simple instructions: Boil water; insert pasta; wait; take pasta out of water; put sauce on pasta; eat.

I remembered the phrase about a watched pot never boiling and I need my pasta so I turned away. I averted my gaze to my French bulldog, Tobias, who was currently harassing my ginger tabby cat, Meadow. He barked at her and I frowned. “Tobias, stop.”

“Am I calling at the wrong time? It sounds like you have company,” I rolled my eyes at his idiotic remark and continued to listen.

“Tobias is my dog, you idiot. Anyway, why are you calling?” I asked.

“Whatever you say; and I called because I wanted to know if you were with Grayson,” he casually stated.

“An hour ago, yes,” I replied as I grabbed a chair and dragged it beneath the cabinet where my family kept the pasta. “Why?”

“He usually texts me to go over to his house and I’m a bit worried," he replied in an anxious voice, causing me to scoff.

“Knowing him, he’s probably off with some chick,” I replied, slightly preoccupied. I didn’t know if I should make spaghetti or elbow pasta. I decided to go with elbow.

As if a bomb went off, Carson made a clicking noise with his tongue. “You’re right, he has a date tonight.”

I frowned slightly. “Oh…that’s cool.”

“I can smell the jealousy from here,” Carson laughed loudly.

“Are you sure it’s not boiling water?” I asked as I slowly poured the pasta into the pot.

“No, pretty sure it’s jealousy. If you aren’t jealous yet, these next words are going to make you burn with jealousy- it’s that girl from the party; the one that looks like you. Well, she’s a college student! Can you believe it? She’s on vacation here with a few of her friends,” Carson continued.

I frowned deeper. “But I’m not jealous,” I wasn’t sure if I was lying or not. Why would I be lying? Is it because I’m jealous of the girl? I let out an internal laugh. Of course not. It’s probably because he’s in a relationship and I’m not, not that I’d like to be in a relationship with him- I’d rather stab myself in the thigh with a dull pencil.

“Sure you aren’t,” Carson drawled and I narrowed my eyes.

“Anyway, I need to talk to him,” I replied as I stirred the pasta in with the water.

“About?” Carson piped.

“That stupid Home Ec. project,” I replied dully.

Carson laughed. “Consider yourself lucky, me and my partner, who’s a guy; have to take care of a stupid baby.”

"Neil Patrick Harris manages, I'm sure you can, too," I propped myself onto the counter and rested my head against the cabinets; the silent house was scaring me slightly so I was grateful that Carson was calling me. "What'd you name it?"

“What?” Carson sounded shocked.

“What did you name the baby?” I asked.

He snorted. “My partner wants to name him Alec but I say Jason. What do you think?” He asked.

“I think Alec is nice,” I responded.

He snorted again. “You know nothing about names then.”

I rolled my eyes. “Of course I don’t.”

“So…do you want me to give you Grayson’s number?” Carson asked.

Before I could reply, he began reciting the number. I scowled and rushed to get a piece of paper. I waited for him to finish before struggling to remember it. Without my request, he began reciting the number again and I quickly jotted it down. “Did you get it?”

I scoffed. “I don’t even want the number.”

He laughed. “I heard a pencil against paper, Audrey; you’re not that slick.”

I frowned. “Yeah, I got it.”

Carson laughed again. “You can always call him now…to check on how his date is going.”

“No, that’s not my place to intrude,” I replied as I turned off the stove. The pasta was ready and so was the sauce.

“Fine, then it’s my place. I’ll talk to you tomorrow!” he casually stated before hanging up.

I typed Grayson’s number into my phone, nervously saving the contact. Should I call him?

I decided not to and quickly placed my phone into my pocket, going upstairs to my room to eat. Although my house was empty, I still closed my door. I put my plate onto my bed and began eating my pasta. Once I finished, I placed the plate on the table beside my bed and watched my dog bark up at my cat, who sat on my bed in satisfaction. I stared at my phone, an uneasy feeling settling in my stomach. I couldn’t help but wonder what Grayson was doing on his date. I was left to fall asleep filled with paranoia and curiosity.


I stared at the door anxiously. I haven’t seen Grayson all day and I couldn’t help but feel curious about what happened on his date last night. I know that he won’t start confessing to me about how his date went and how he’s hopelessly in love with the girl. I just hope that I can read his facial expressions and maybe get a bit of information from Carson.

After two minutes, I realized that he probably isn’t going to show up to class. I sighed and leaned back in my seat. The moment the late bell rang, the teacher turned towards her desk and started talking to us. “As you may or may not know, we are starting a new book today.”

I looked towards the door which was slowly closing due to the last entrance. I noticed Grayson slowly enter the classroom, catching the attention of a few people. He squeezed into the classroom and tip toed towards his seat, his finger over his mouth as if silencing us. He quickly dived into a seat the moment Mrs. Jackson turned around.

She curiously glanced around the classroom, looking at the laughing students. Her eyes landed on Grayson’s and they narrowed. “Mr. Carter, were you in this classroom earlier?”

He nodded, giving her a charming smile. “Of course, Mrs. Jackson.”

Unluckily for him, Mrs. J is the only teacher that doesn’t have favorites and treats everybody equally. “I don’t believe you; I’ll see you in detention Mr. Carter.”

I snorted as I glanced back at him. I appreciate you so much, Mrs. Jackson. He glared at me as he slumped in his seat. “Do you have anything to say, Ms. Peters?”

I shook my head. “No, Mrs. Jackson.”

“Then I advise you to be quiet and pay attention," she snapped before turning around. I don't appreciate you, Mrs. Jackson. I heard a snort from behind me and I crossed my arms over my chest. Why did I even want Grayson to show up?


Kyle and I walked to lunch together, seeing as we both had Spanish 3 the period before. “’s Lola?”

I turned to look at Kyle with a curious look on my face. He looked away and started examining a ‘Say No to Drugs’ poster. I smirked. “She’s fine…why?”

He shrugged. “Why not?”

I laughed. “Why don’t you ask her?”

He raised an eyebrow as I spoke. “You can always sit with us at lunch and talk to her.”

He shrugged. “Would she be okay with that?”

I nodded, trying to make it seem like one of my best friends didn’t have a large crush on him. “Sure, I mean, why not?”

He nodded, smiling widely. “Okay, besides; after Grayson’s stunt- we can’t play football outside for a month.”

I smirked victoriously. “Glad to hear that.”

He rolled his eyes as we walked to the lunch line, getting our food. “That’s the table?”

I nodded towards the eight person table that only three of us reside in during lunch. “That’s the one.”

“We’ll be over there in a minute,” he stated before walking away. Did he say we?

I shrugged and approached my table where my friends sat, speaking nonchalantly. I interrupted them quickly. “We’re having a guest.”

They furrowed their eyebrows so I continued. “Kyle is coming over here.”

Lola’s eyes brightened. “Really? How’s my hair? And my makeup? What about my outfit?”

“Your hairs fine; you’re not wearing any makeup; and you’re wearing the uniform,” Sandra stated dryly.

“Don’t be angry that Carson isn’t coming over,” I winked at her and she threw a small piece of bread at me. I frowned when it hit my face.

“Don’t be cheeky,” she simply stated before continuing to eat her food.

I sat down and watched as Kyle made his way across the cafeteria, in our direction. Sandra frowned at me. “Don’t worry; I’ll invite Carson another time.”

I noticed a few more people that were seated at Kyle’s table start to stand up, lifting their trays. They began walking over here and I panicked. Sandra grinned from ear to ear and struggled to hide it. “He’s coming!”

Carson strode towards the lunch table peacefully, joking around with Shane. Shane had one arm slung over a girl who I didn’t recognize. Grayson was trailing behind them tiredly. Their loud laughter drew the attention of the rest of the cafeteria but they didn’t care. I did, though.

Lola nearly shoved me over in an attempt to give Kyle my seat. I frowned as I went to sit next to Sandra but she glared at me. I watched as Carson sat where I was going to sit. I sat beside him and frowned as my food was slid to my seat. I grimaced as the table’s seats were all taken. Grayson was forced to sit beside me as the random girl took the seat beside Kyle. Was I really that bad?

Grayson mumbled something as he sat beside me, probably complaints of being forced to sit near me. I glared at my food that was now cold. I noticed Grayson take his phone out of his pocket and slide his fingers across the screen, most likely texting. I felt someone nudge me and I turned to see Carson giving me a confused look.

I shrugged and watched as he took out his phone. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and I grabbed it, unlocking it to see that I had a new message. It was from Carson…of course it was.

‘He really was on a date last night,’ I raised an eyebrow at the message before typing one back.

‘And I care why?’ I replied and Carson snorted.

‘He was there for a half an hour before he ditched,’ He messaged me. I wanted to smirk. The girl didn’t show up?

‘Okay and I care why?’ I replied, trying to keep my cool while inside, I was laughing like a hyena.

‘In the middle of a conversation, he got up and left,’ Carson continued to tell me. I didn’t plan on responding until I got another message. ‘He was angry because she decided to go back to college early.’

‘Still don’t know why you’re telling me this,’ I texted back.

‘I just thought you should know. Ciao,’ I let out an audible laugh as I read the latter of the sentence. Why does Carson even know what ciao means?

Grayson glared at me and I immediately stopped laughing, turning my attention back to my half-filled juice container. My phone went off again and I groaned as I checked it. ‘Were you texting Carson?’

I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked at the sender. Sandra. ‘Yeah, but it wasn’t about anything of importance. It was just him telling me about Grayson’s adventures that I don’t really care too much about.’

I looked up at Sandra and she nodded but I knew something was wrong. ‘What’s wrong?’

‘Nothing,’ she replied and I frowned.

‘If you think I’m moving in on your man then I can assure you that I am not. If you want, I can tell him to talk to you,' I replied.

She read the message and laughed before shaking her head at me. Instead of listening to her, I nudged Carson who turned to look at me, an apple hanging out of his mouth. I furrowed my eyebrows before motioning to Sandra. “Talk to her.”

“Why?” He asked me and I shrugged.

“Because I said so,” he just nodded before turning to Sandra and allowed random words to spew out of his mouth, causing Sandra to laugh. Well, that was easy.

I looked up to see Shane and the girl kissing right in the open and I wrinkled my nose and turned back to my phone. I downloaded an app that has funny pictures. I casually thumbed through them, snickering occasionally.

“What’s so funny?” the anger in Grayson’s voice was clear and I turned to look at him, a confused look on my face.

“What?’ I asked in a quieter voice. I didn’t mean to sound so timid. In fact, I’m not even scared, just surprised.

“What are you laughing at?” he asked slower.

I shoved my phone in his face and he stared at the screen before scoffing. He pushed my phone away and I smirked. “Somebody is paranoid. Think I have some embarrassing photos of you up here?”

When the bell rang, he quickly exited the lunch room- proving my theory of his paranoia to be correct. I sent Carson a confused look. He returned it with a pitiful glance.


When Forensic Science was over, I let out a sigh of relief. The class is so boring! We haven’t even done anything slightly forensic yet. All we do is read articles about it. I walked towards my locker only to be met by a large crowd of laughing people.

I brushed through them, squeezing to the opening in the crowd. My locker was a mess. It wasn’t open but there was writing all over it, including doodles. I read some of the writing, having to tilt my head sideways to read it as it curled around my locker.

‘I love Grayson Carter.’

‘Grayson, I love you.’

‘I am Grayson Carter’s wife.’

‘I’ll love Grayson forever.’

‘Talking to Grayson Carter is the best thing that’s ever happened to me.’

It was a picture of Grayson with hearts scribbled on it. There was even a lipstick covered kiss print. I wrinkled my nose. That surely isn't mine. I peeled the picture off, letting it drop to the floor. I quickly unlocked my locker, prepared to swiftly wipe off the washable marker with the box of wet-wipes in my locker.

The moment I opened my locker, love notes spilled out of it. They weren't for me, no, they were addressed to Grayson. It wasn't even my handwriting! Each read: to my husband Grayson Carter. I stared at the pile, disgusted. I heard people laughing and I quickly shut my locker and stormed out of the group of people.

I noticed Grayson smirking at me as he leaned against the wall, opposite to where I was standing. I scowled at him. I’m going to get him back. I have to. 

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