A Kiss

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Jack was fascinated by the idea of love. Love, people being in love, the things everyone did in the name or it, how simple or complicated it could be. It was fascinating.

But the bunker didn't exactly have any books on love, so Jack resorted to asking Sam, Dean, and Cas about it.

He soon discovered that Cas too, had no idea what love was or how to interpret it. The angel had a vague idea, but it was such a complicated emotion that he had a difficult time understanding it.

So now, both Jack and Cas started asking questions about love. And Sam and Dean were not exactly the best source of information on that subject.

"Love is...." Sam began. He sighed. He sucked at love. He had a curse when it came to love- everyone he loved died. "Love is complicated." He said vaguely. Jack frowned, not pleased with the answer.

"What kind of love?" Dean had questioned.

"There's more then one kind?" Jack asked, confused.

"Well, yeah." Dean offered. "There's all different kinds. Like, I love pie, and I love my family, but that's two very different things. And then there's the act of love,"

"What's that?" Jack asked. Dean paused.

"....Yeah, no, I'm not getting into that one with you. Go back to love."

"What does love mean to you?" Cas questioned. "Give us your definition, then." 

And Dean had stopped, staring at Cas with a strange, unreadable expression.

"Love..." He admitted. "Love is the reason why you wake up in the morning. Love is why you try, even when everything seems hopeless."

"Love is like fresh air when you've been underwater too long," Sam offered. "It's the hitch in your breath when you look at someone you really like and they smile at you. Love is the warm feeling that courses through you when you make that person laugh."

Cas and Jack took the Winchesters words very seriously. Jack even took notes. 

And then one day, another thought popped into Cas's head while he was in the Impala with Dean.

"Dean," he began.


"If two people love each other, how would they show it?" Dean raised his eyebrows.

"Uh," He offered. "Well, they give each other gifts, and they kiss and other romantic stuff."

"Are kisses romantic?"

"Yes." Cas thought for a moment.

"What exactly is a kiss?"

"You know what a kiss is, Cas."

"It's the meeting of two people's lips."


"And it can be done in many different ways, depending on your region."


"Well, I'm told that there is a French variation, and an Australian version."

"That's a bit different then a regular kiss."

"But what makes a kiss so important? I've never understood them."

"Well, have you ever been kissed?"

"April kissed me," Dean scowled at the reference to the reaper. 

"Then you know what a kiss is."

"No, I don't think I do. I don't understand what they're supposed to represent." Dean sighed, stopping the car outside the bunker.

"Cas, a kiss..." He struggled for the right words. "A kiss is supposed to mean something. It's a silent way of telling someone 'hey, I love you.' It's a way to express words that you don't think you can say."

".....So, was April's kiss to me a warning sign that she planned to murder me, and I did not understand?"

"No, Cas." Dean made a face. How was he supposed to explain this. "April's kiss meant nothing."

"But you said-"

"I said kisses are SUPPOSED to mean something. That doesn't mean they always do."

"Then what does a meaningful kiss feel like?" Cas and Dean stared at each other, and Dean let out a sigh. 

"Alright fine." He grumbled, studying the angel's face. He leaned closer, and Cas edged away from him.

"What are you doing?"

"Just shut up and let me do this, okay?" Cas obliged, and Dean warily leaned over and pressed a kiss to Cas's lips. The angel slowly shut his eyes, leaning into the kiss.

They broke apart a moment later, and Dean searched the angel's eyes.

"Understand now?" He asked. Cas smiled.

"I think so." He admitted. "....But I'll have to test it again, just to be sure." 

Dean laughed, but let Cas kiss him again.

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