Don't. Touch. The. Angel.

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Dean, Cas, Sam, and Gabriel were going out for the night.

It wasn't that big a deal. Dean and Cas were dating, to Sam's relief, and Sam and Gabriel were also together, to Dean's annoyance.

It wasn't that Dean HATED Gabriel. 

It's just that if the archangel happened to catch fire, he'd consider roasting some marshmallows.

Gabriel felt the same way, of course. They weren't the best future brother in laws.

The four of them went out to a bar. It was a Friday night, so the place was reasonable full. Sam and Dean headed to the bar while Cas and Gabriel searched for an empty high top table.

The trouble started almost immediately, when Gabriel bumped into a hot girl and his eyebrows instantly quirked up.

"Oh hello," He grinned cheekily. The girl giggled and smiled at him. Cas fought the urge to roll his eyes and tugged on Gabriel's arm.

"Gabriel," He urged. "Come on," Gabriel shushed him, his attention focused on the girl.

"Just a minute there, Cassie, I have priorities."


"Go find a table or something...."

"You remember who you came here with, right?"




"The moose, Gabriel. Remember your moose." Gabriel paused.

"I think he'd be cool with it." He admitted. "Good point." He grinned cheekily at the girl. "How do you feel about Chinese Chairs?" Her eyes lit up.

"Okay, NO." Cas grabbed his brother by the back of the neck and dragged him away.

"We'll talk later!" Gabriel called after the girl.

Gabriel ran off once more as soon as they claimed a table, and Cas sat alone at the high top with a sigh. He didn't understand why Sam put up with an idiot like Gabriel, and neither did Dean.

He craned his neck, trying to get a glimpse of Sam and Dean at the bar, but to no avail. And then a girl walked up to the table.

She was more modest then the one Gabriel had his eye on, but equally as beautiful.

"Hi," She smiled.

"Hello," Cas said awkwardly.

"You don't know me," She started. "But you're about to." Cas blinked.

"...Yes, that is usually how social meetings work," He frowned. Then she laughed, and the angel tilted his head in confusion.

Why did females always think he was funny when he never made a joke?


Dean had a sixth sense. No, he couldn't see dead people- well, unless they were hunting them.

He called this sense his Cas sense. He could always tell when someone threatened his angel, but not in a life or death way. More in a someone is flirting with my angel and is about to die way.

So Dean instantly whipped around as the sense kicked in, spotting Cas at one of the tables, talking with a cute girl. He let out a slight growl at the sight. He hated it when girls flirted with Cas, simply because the angel was too innocent to understand what they were doing. Flirting was a foreign concept to him. He didn't know how to politely tell them off because he thought they were just making polite conversation and really liked touching his arm.

Sam spun around at the growl, which was usually a sign that Dean was about to go rogue and murder someone. But his eyes didn't land on Cas.

They spotted Gabriel in the corner of the bar, two girls already quite cozy next to him as he grinned smugly and toyed with their hair. 

Sam scowled. Gabriel. Always the womanizer. 

But the girls seemed to sense that someone was watching them. The one talking with Cas glanced back, only to see Dean point at her, and put a finger gun up to his head, a death look on his face.

At the same time, the flirty girls with Gabriel glanced over, and Sam slowly drew a finger across his neck, a signature bitch face greeting them with the threat.

They seemed a little less interested in the angel after that.

But the girl talking with Cas was stubborn, so Dean grabbed two beers and headed for the table, sitting down next to his boyfriend.

"Hello Dean," Cas smiled. He turned back to the girl. "This is Dean. Dean, this is Gabby."

"Hi," Gabby offered, sending Dean a look that pleaded with him to leave so that she could keep talking to Cas. But Dean was protective and sly. And no one touched his angel.

"Nice to meet you," He said, trying so hard to mask the sarcasm in his voice. He slid an arm around Cas's shoulders, pulling the angel a little closer to him. "Are you two having fun?" 

"Yeah," Cas smiled, staring at Dean like he always did. "Gabby works with butterflies. We were comparing them to bees." 

"Oh really," Dean smirked. "Cas likes bees." 

"Yeaaah," Gabby's smile faded, sensing the relationship.

"He likes them a lot more than birds, if you know what I mean."  Gabby nodded.

"I think I do." She admitted. "I'm gonna go get another drink. You two have a nice night."

"Aw, okay." Cas frowned, and she walked away. "....What happened?"


"Was she-"


"Ooooooh. Oops."

"Not your fault."

"Did you threaten her?"

"Not with words."


"Hey, she walked away of her own free will. That's an improvement, right?" Cas facepalmed.


Sam was not having as much luck. He had walked up to Gabriel and the girls, but the Trickster only seemed more pleased at the prospect of having him there.

"Sammoose!" Gabe crowed. "So lovely to see you. This is Shirley and Sherry, and I'm sure they would not mind if we added you to the party, right girls?" The girls glanced over at him, and nodded eagerly.

"The more the merrier," Sherry giggled. Sam sent a bitchface at his boyfriend.

"Gabe, you understand how the concept of dating works, right?"

"Of course Samsquatch."

"And that when you're DATING someone, you can't just sleep with whoever you want."

"Exactly. Unless you're in an open, flexible relationship."

"We are not in an open relationship, Gabriel." Sam deadpanned.

"But see, if we BOTH-"

"I'm not getting involved in an orgy, Gabe, not with you, not with anyone."

"Shame. You'd be so good at them."

"Set away from the hookers, Gabriel." The trickster gaped at him.

"How dare you call them-"  Sam reached over and grabbed Gabriel by the collar, picking him off the ground and walking them away.


"Did we? I don't remember agreeing to such strict rules."

"What's strict about it? You sleep with ME and nobody else!"

"But-" Sam let him go, effectively dropping the archangel to the floor.

"I suggest you choose your next words carefully, or you'll be sleeping with NO ONE for a LONG TIME." Gabriel looked slightly afraid of the prospect.

".....But you need sleep."


"So that means you don't sleep with ME every night!"

"Are you really that big a whore?"

"No. I just get bored during the night, and I don't like folding socks or whatever Cassie does while you two sleep."

"Then I don't know, watch porn or something."

"I have."

"Then watch more."

"I've watched it all, Sam." Sam paused, trying to wrap his mind around that.

"That's not possible."

"I've been around for billions of years, Sammoose. It's possible."

"But there's SO MUCH-"

"I know."

"How do you even-

"I went by country."

"Oh my god,"

They stopped talking as a man bolted past them, Dean shortly behind, pelting the man with olives from the bar. Cas followed closely.

"DEAN! Stop it!"

"DON'T TOUCH THE ANGEL," Dean yelled as Sam and Gabriel watched them go.

"Wanna go watch Dean beat the crap out of somebody?" Sam asked.

"Always," Gabriel reached his arms up like a small child. "Piggyback ride?" Sam groaned, but let Gabriel climb up on his back. They headed out of the bar, content to watch Dean throw down with the man who had dared to flirt with Cas. 

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