Episodes I Really Want

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Just a list of supernatural episodes that should TOTALLY HAPPEN. Some are my ideas, and some are stolen from the Internet.

-Gender swap episode where Sam, Dean, and Cas get turned into girls and are played by their wives.

-Body swap episode where Sam and Dean switch bodies. That would be the funniest shit.

-An episode where Sam and Dean have to deal with a haunted daycare center, and they can't figure out who the ghost is, so they have to interview the kids and go undercover as workers at the daycare. But all the kids at the daycare are played by West and Maison Collins, JJ, Arrow, and Zeppelin Ackles, and Shep, Tom, and Odette Padalecki. Just imagine how fun that would be- Misha telling his kids to mess with Jensen and Jared in every possible way to get back at them for all the times he's been pranked. JJ and Odette clinging to their fathers as Jensen and Jared struggling to stay in character. And, just to really piss off Jensen for all the pranks, Misha convinces West to kiss JJ- Jensen just loses it. All the best bloopers would comes from this episode.

-Another episode where Dean gets caught by a djinn and we see his dream world, and how it's so different from the dream world he had the last time he was caught by a djinn. This time, Cas, Jack, Charlie, and all the others are in it.

-An episode where Sam and Dean are kidnapped, and Cas has to team up with somebody unexpected to save them. Like Garth! I originally wanted Cas and Crowley to have to team up for it, but that's not gonna happen, so why not Garth. That would be fun.

-An episode without any monsters or hunting involved. Just an episode of the Winchesters, Jack, and Cas living their lives. Maybe they take a visit to see Jodi, Donna, and the girls, and we just get a happy episode with them eating dinner like a family, playing board games, swapping stories. Just a fun, feel good episode after so many seasons of pain.

-An episode without Sam or Dean. They've been in all episodes according to Supernatural wiki, and now I kinda wanna see what an episode without then would be like.

-An episode where everybody I want back comes back and STAYS ALIVE. Charlie, Crowley, Gabriel, Bobby, etc.

-An episode acknowledging the existence of a hunter hotel. A building lined with iron, surrounded by salt, with holy water sprinklers and devil's traps under every doorway. A place with warding do powerful, demons and angels can't even get close. A place where hunters can go and rest, and have a break from their lives. A hotel where hunters can swap stories, weapons, and hunting tactics with each other, like the Roadhouse, only better.

-An episode where we see what Adam and Michael are up to in the cage. At this point, I think the torture has stopped, and now they're playing ping pong or something. IDK, what did Lucifer have for entertainment down there for so many years? The thing's probably got wifi at this point.

-An episode from the monster's point of view. Like, I wanna see a monster going to hang out with other monsters, and all of them talking about the Winchesters and how terrifying they are. How younger monsters think they're just a myth until the boys show up and slaughter everyone. An episode that shows how scary the Winchesters actually are, and how if the show were from a monster's POV, they'd be the villains.

-An episode where we get to see all our dead friends interacting with each other in heaven. I want to see Charlie, Jo, Ash, Bobby, and Ellen all in one room, okay? I want them all to be friends and since there aren't many angels left to enforce the rules, I wanna see Charlie sneaking out of her own heaven and wandering around, only to sneak into Jo's heaven so they can gossip and have fun.

-An episode that basically shows parts of previous episodes from Balthazar, Crowley and Gabriel's point of view. Those three made so many comments about Dean and Cas being together that I just want to put all three of them in a room and have them rant about Destiel and point out all the subtext in the entire show.

-An episode from the bunker's point of view. We got one from the car, one from Cas, one from Bobby, several from Sam and Dean: Now I want an episode solely from the POV of the Men of Letters bunker. Maybe we could learn more about how it was built, the people who have lived in it, why no one has just seen it as an abandoned warehouse and tried to demolish it, etc. And of course we would include scenes with the Winchesters doing all the domestic routines that we never see on camera. Maybe we could see what Cas does at night when everyone else is asleep. Stuff like that.

-An episode where Chuck comes back again, and everybody just takes a turn punching him the freaking face. And also a scene with Cas and Chuck together.


-An episode where everybody is stuck under a truth spell for 24 hours. Sam, Dean and Cas. All unable to lie, so everybody starts asking questions and all the secrets come out.

-An episode where Sam actually gets turned into a moose, and Dean is laughing too hard to help him.

-An episode where the Impala turns into a man with dark hair and light eyes and insists Dean calls him Baby, and when Dean acts all weird because he didnt expect the Impala to be a guy, Baby just shrugs and says that he was modeled after Dean's preferences and Dean just sorta glances and Cas and Sam KNOWS.

-A love potion episode where the boys accidentally drink a potion so they can only think about things they really really love and want. Sam has a burning desire to read books, and all he can think about is picnics with archangels, and he just acts really weird and doesn't understand why Dean seems so unaffected by the potion because "I saw you drink it too Dean!" But in reality, Dean just plays his music a little louder, eats pie, and thinks endlessly about Cas, but he does that all normally so neither of them notice the difference.

- An episode where these little kids are telling a story around a campfire, and everything they say actually happens to Sam and Dean.

-An episode where a gay ghost goes around haunting and annoying people until they come out of the closet. The Winchesters want to get rid of the ghost, but at the same time, hey, it's not hurting anyone, should we really- but then the ghost starts haunting Dean.

-An entire episode dedicated to Sam and Dean trying to teach Cas and Jack how to act like normal humans.

-An episode where a Dark Castiel comes into play wearing a black trench coat, and Sam and Cas want to kill him, but Dean is just unable to function the whole time because holy shit does Cas look hot in black.

-Cas. In. A. Leather. Jacket.

-An episode where Sam and Dean take Cas, Mary and Jack to a renaissance fair because "You dont understand, its tradition, we've been doing this for years" and Mary and Jack don't understand why the boys go until Cas tells them that Sam and Dean show up in character to every festival and renaissance fair to honor their fallen Queen.

-More episodes about Sam and Dean's childhood.

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