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It was Superbowl Sunday, and naturally, Sam and Dean had to watch it.

Jack and Cas had no idea what the Superbowl was, or why it made Sam and Dean go absolutely insane.

The two brothers had set up a couch in front of the biggest TV in the bunker, and they had bought tons of snacks, a lot of beer, and they were decked out in football jerseys and sat, waiting on the edge of their seats for the game to start.

"What is the Superbowl?" Cas questioned, sitting next to Dean on the couch. Jack opted for one of the recliners instead, but was equally as confused.

"It's the most important football game of the entire year," Dean explained. "It doesn't start until 6:30, but Sam and I like to prepare in advance."

"How do you even play football?" Jack asked. Sam and Dean exchanged a glance.

"Get a coat, put on your shoes and meet us outside in five!" Dean declared. Sam and Jack scrambled away and Dean turned to Cas, who was still dressed in his suit and trenchcoat attire. "Cas, buddy, you're gonna need a wardrobe change." Cas rolled his eyes with a smirk.

"Haven't I taken off my clothes for you enough times this week?" He asked. Dean's face went red.

"This is different."

"Uh huh. I'll go raid your closet."

"Change your shoes too."

"If you insist, princess."


The four boys ended up on the pitiful lawn of the bunker. It was a small area of dead grass and some discarded litter, but they shoved that aside.

Sam and Dean set up end zones using beer bottles, and Sam had somehow located a football.

"Already, we'll go two on two." Dean declared. "Since we have two newbies and two professionals, I say me and Cas versus Sammy and Jack."

"Deal," Sam agreed. 

They went over the basic rules of the game, so Jack and Cas knew what to do, and then they split up into teams.

"What do I have to do?" Cas asked, awaiting orders.

"I'm gonna tackle Sam since he's got the ball," Dean explained. "I need you to cover Jack and stop him from getting the ball if Sam's able to throw it."

"What happens if Jack gets the ball?"

"Then you try to tackle him before he gets to the end zone and scores a point."

"Got it."

"Good. Break!"

"Why did you say break?"

"Because that's what they say when the huddle's over."

"I don't think we classify as a huddle, Dean."

"Yes we do, now let's go win."


The four boys faced off. It was more difficult to play with only four people, but they made it work.

"Blue! 42! Hike!" Sam called out. He ran back with the ball and Jack ran forwards. Cas darted after him, and Sam went to throw the ball, only to get tackled by Dean.

The ball sailed off course, and landed in Cas's hands. The angel's eyes widened. He had not been trained for this.

"Cas! Run!" Dean insisted, wrestling with Sam. "Get to the end zone!!" 

"Jack! Stop him!!!" Sam declared. Cas took off running, and Jack bolted after him, laughing.

Two hours later, Dean and Cas were up by 14 points, but Sam and Jack were still determined to crush them.

"Alright, here's the plan." Sam offered. "I'll block Cas because he's like the secret weapon or something, and you distract Dean."

"How do I distract him?" Jack asked.

"I don't care."

"....Got it."


The lined up, and Dean had the ball.

"Black, 67! Hike!"He called out, taking off while Cas ran forward. The moose lumbered after him, and Jack let out a gasp and point to somewhere behind Dean.

"Dean! Look! A pie truck full of strippers!" He yelled.

"What?" Dean spun around to look, and Jack took the opportunity to run over and tackle him.

Sam and Cas were laughing too hard to continue.

They switched teams in the next game. Sam and Dean versus Jack and Cas.

It was a decent game until the last quarter, when Cas had the ball.

"Jack, go long!" He called, ready to throw the ball. Down the field, Jack was fighting to get open while Sam tried to block him.

Cas threw the ball, and Dean tackled him to the ground. Cas fell down with a shriek and Dean burst out laughing. They glanced over, only to see Jack slam the ball to the ground, the gleam of victory on his face.

"Loser," Cas declared.

"Hey, I won the first game!" Dean retorted.

"Can I get up now?"

"Hmmmm, No." Dean smirked. Cas grinned.

"You're so childish."

"No, you're childish."

"We're both childish. Now let me up."


"What, are you just savoring the fact that this is the only time you'll ever be on top?"

"Ouch, sassy Cassie." Dean grinned. "Gimme a kiss and I'll let you up."

"You are very demanding, Dean Winchester."

"Just one little kiss, c'mon it's freezing out here."

"Alright, you doofus." Cas gave in and kissed him, and next thing they knew, Dean and Cas were making out on the ground.

"So, there's all sorts of penalties and stuff in football too, right?" Jack asked.

"Yep." Sam confirmed. "You can get in trouble for being rude to an official, have an over exaggerated end zone dance, for grabbing someone's face mask, the list goes on."

"Huh." Jack offered. "And what happens if two of the players do that?" He pointed at Dean and Cas, who were still making out.

"Uh...." Sam said blankly. "I don't think they have a rule about that one."

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