G. I. Winchester

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The Novak children loved toys. Dolls, to be specific. Hannah, Anna, and the other girls were obsessed with their Barbies and all the different outfits you could put on the dolls, whereas the boys were interested in G.I. Joes.

Because, Michael and Lucifer Novak insisted, a G.I.Joe was NOT a doll.

Put together, the Novak Children had dozens of dolls, and their Dad, Chuck, was always happy to surprise them with more.

Until the fateful day that Chuck came home with two new G.I.Joe's.

They were called Winchester, Chuck decreed, after the type of gun that they carried. They were later deemed Dean and Sam Winchester so that the boys could tell the difference.

Dean Winchester was the start of the problem. The doll- because face it, a G.I. Joe is a DOLL- had blond hair and painted green eyes, and was dressed in the stereotypical army uniform of a G. I. Joe, fit with muscles, of course.

Sam Winchester was taller, and had brown hair. He was dressed in a more dignified captain's uniform, also with muscles.

The two quickly became the most popular dolls in the Novak household, and it wasn't long before the fights broke out over who got to play with them.

"MINE!" Six year old Castiel screeched, his tiny hands firmly wrapped around Dean Winchester's waist.

"No, Dean's MINE!" Ten year old Michael shot back, tugging on the doll's legs. "Dad said so!"

"MIIIIINNEE!!!!!" Castiel shrieked again. He wasn't letting Dean go without a fight, no matter how small he was compared to Michael.

Dean wasn't the only one being fought over, either.

"AAAAAAH!!!! GET OFF ME YOU DEMON SPIDER MONKEY!!!" Ten year old Lucifer yelled out, as seven year old Gabriel clung to his brother's hair with one fist, and Sam Winchester with the other. "Dad said you're too immature for the Winchesters!"

"But he's pretty!!!" Gabriel declared.

"If you want pretty, go play with one of Hannah's Ken dolls!" Lucifer threw his brother off him, snatched up Sam, and walked away happily. Gabriel scowled at his brother's back.

"You'll pay for that one." He swore.

"MINE! MY DEAN!" Castiel yelled again as Michael continued to pull on the doll.

"STOP IT!" Anna screeched at them. "You're gonna break him!"

"Then tell Castiel to LET GO!" Michael ordered. 

"NEVER! YOU DON'T TREAT HIM RIGHT!" Castiel declared. Anna grabbed at the doll, managing to get ahold of one of it's arms. She pulled at it, and instead of tugging Dean away from her brothers, the arm popped off.

Castiel let out a scream, like someone had just ripped off his own arm. Michael released the doll, rolling his eyes.

"He's broken." Michael proclaimed. "He's useless now." Anna frowned, handing Castiel the arm as he clutched the doll tightly to his chest, crying.

"I'm sorry, Cassie." She insisted. "I didn't mean to break him." Castiel sniffled, not listening to her.

"It's okay, Dean." He whispered to the doll. "I'll fix you."

So, while Gabriel jumped from a ceiling fan and tackled Lucifer to the ground to 'save his Winchester,' Castiel silently worked at a table, using a mixture of duct tape and superglue to successful repair Dean back to normal.

Michael stopped playing with the dolls shortly after that, quickly followed by Lucifer. Slowly, as the years started to go by, Hannah, Anna, and Castiel's other siblings outgrew the dolls as well, until the day that Chuck packed them up and set them in a box in the attic.

The Winchesters were not in the box.

Dean remained on a shelf in Castiel's room, and Castiel found a strange sort of comfort in having the doll nearby. Sure, it got him a ton of teasing from his siblings, but he didn't really care.

Sam Winchester, on the other hand, was carefully hidden away in Gabriel's room. Where and why, Gabe wouldn't say.

Castiel liked remembering the times when he'd play with Dean and the other dolls, especially once he entered high school, and life got a bit more difficult. 

Until one day, when a random, muscular student accidentally ran into him, knocking him to the ground.

"I'm so sorry!" The stranger insisted, offering a hand to help him up. Castiel took the hand, his eyes meeting with a handsome guy that had blond hair and green eyes. The guy smiled at him. "What's your name?" He asked.

"Castiel." He squeaked out. "Castiel Novak." The boy's smile widened.

"I'm Dean," He replied. "Dean Winchester." Castiel's jaw dropped.

A/N: I wrote a whole fic based on this oneshot, it's called the Novak Dolls, and I love it more than anyone should ever love a fanfic, it's hilarious and you should totally check it out- link will be in the comments!!

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