Lily Flowers

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Set in AU

Dean Winchester went to the cemetery every week. He felt like he had too. He just needed the visit, the place to rant, a place to sit.

The cemetery was the only place he felt he could be with his mother again.

Lawrence Cemetery wasn't that far away, so Dean walked every time. It felt weird to show up at a graveyard empty-handed, so he tried to grab flowers on the way. But it wasn't like there was a flower shop between his house and the cemetery, so he had to improvise.

About halfway between his home and the graveyard, there was a small blue house with a beautiful garden. Dean knew it was wrong, but he'd pick a couple flowers from the garden and keep walking. It never looked like anyone was home, or anyone noticed at all.

He knew it was stealing, but the garden had so many flowers. Surely he could get away with taking a couple.

So the house became Dean's go to. Every week, on the way to the cemetery, stop, steal some flowers, and keep walking.

Until the day that someone was home at the blue house.

Dean was picking a flower when the front door slammed open, and a man with messy hair and blue eyes stormed outside.

"HEY!" He yelled. Dean jumped and stumbled back.

"Shit," He swore.

"Are you the assbutt who keeps stealing my flowers?" The guy demanded.

"Uh, yes?" Dean admitted.


"I- I uh-" Dean stammered. There wasn't really a good excuse for this one.

"Why not take Joshua's flowers?" The guy demanded, pointing at the house across the street. "He's got a nice garden too, and he's a douchebag! Why take from me?"

"Because you grow lilies," Dean blurted out.

"I grow lilies," The guy echoed, studying him. "Uh huh. And let me guess; your girlfriend just LOVES it when you give her freshly picked lilies, doesn't she? I bet she just sits back and watches them DIE too."

"That's not-" Dean started.

"Bullshit," The guy grabbed Dean's arm and walked him to the sidewalk. "Alright, lead the way." He gestured down the road.

"....What?" Dean asked, the lilies still clutched in his hand.

"I'm going with you." The guy declared. "Gotta make sure this girl is pretty enough to warrant flower theft."

"Uh, actually," Dean said awkwardly.

"Just walk." The guy insisted. 

"Okay," They started walking, and Dean was left to ponder how to best tell this guy that they were headed to a graveyard. "....I'm Dean, by the way."

"Cas." So angry flower guy had a name.

"I'm sorry I stole your flowers."

"No you're not."

"Yeah, you're right."

"I know."

"They are beautiful, though."

"Thanks," Cas offered. "I spend a lot of time gardening. Joshua's stupid plants come from a store, pre-bloomed and sprayed with chemicals. My flowers are grown from bulbs and are all natural."

"That's probably why they're so pretty."

"Probably." Dean glanced over at him. He knew it was wrong, but he couldn't help but think that Cas was a little cute. His eyes were entrancing, and his hair, even completely messed up, was gorgeous. 

And the way he had stormed out and yelled at Dean made him think he wouldn't mind listening to any order Cas gave him.

Okay, that was too far.

"So what's she like, anyways?" Cas questioned.

"Who?" Dean asked.

"The mystery girl you keep stealing flowers for. Surely she must be special to you."

"Yeah, she is."

"....That's all the details I get?" Dean sighed.

"She's not my girlfriend."


"Ew, no. Family."

"Oh, okay. Do you steal flowers from other people's gardens for your girlfriend, then?"

"I don't have a girlfriend."


"It's true." Cas raised an eyebrow at him.

"Dude, you're hot and you can recognize lily flowers on sight. You're a girl's dream." Dean snorted.

"Yeah, no." He shifted awkwardly. "I don't really play for the girl's team often, if you know what I mean." 

"Really." Cas commented, looking more interested. "So you're cute, gay, like flowers, AND single?"


"Dear god," Cas muttered. "This chick is lucky."

"Uh, yeah." Dean smiled. 

They continued to walk to the cemetery, chatting back and forth, learning more about each other, and by the time the graveyard's entrance showed up, Dean felt like Cas was his friend.

And then he stopped at the entrance, and watched a confused expression cover Cas's face.

"This is it," Dean offered, heading into the cemetery. Cas followed him.

They stopped at a small headstone with the name Mary Winchester on it, where last week's lilies were lying mostly dead. Dean replaced them with the fresh flowers and stepped back, glancing at Cas's unreadable expression.

"This is my mom," Dean explained. "Her favorite flowers were lilies, and I used to just walk by and notice the ones in your yard, but then I started picking them to bring some to her." Cas just stared.

"That's.... very sweet of you," He whispered. Dean shrugged.

"I guess. I mean, it's more of a jerk move, seeing as I keep stealing your flowers."

"Yeah," They stood in silence in front of the headstone for a few minutes, before Dean turned to leave. 

"You, uh.... You wanna get a coffee or something?" He asked Cas.

"Sure," Cas agreed. Dean grinned and started to walk off, and he swore he heard Cas whisper, "That's a nice son you've got there, Mrs. Winchester." 

Dean didn't have to steal lilies after that. Cas would be waiting for him with a few carefully picked flowers every week from then on.

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