Morning, Cas

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Sam yawned, pouring himself a cup of coffee and settling himself in the kitchen of the bunker, content to slowly wake up. 

"Hello Sam," Jack greeted him, walking into the kitchen in his pajamas. Sam fought back a smirk, mentally reminding himself that they really needed to go clothes shopping for Jack. 

The kid was practically drowning in one of Sam's t-shirts, and Dean's old ratty sweatpants had to be held up with a piece of rope. 

Jack didn't seem to mind the too large pajamas though, as he got himself a cup of water and sat down across from Sam, seemingly imitating his pose.

"Mornin'" Sam replied, nodding. A few minutes passed before the sound of bare feet echoed down the hall, and Castiel showed up in the kitchen doorway.

Sam glanced up at him and nearly spit out his coffee.

Barefoot in a pair of flannel pajama pants, Cas walked into the kitchen. His hair was twice as messed up as usual, and there was a small red mark on the side of the angel's neck as he headed for the coffee pot. But that was not what made Sam pause.

Cas was wearing the robe. Dean's robe, the designated Dead Guy robe that the eldest Winchester loved so dearly.

And here was Cas, casually wearing it with no shirt on under it either.

"Isn't that Dean's robe?" Jack frowned. Cas shrugged. 

"Mine now." the angel commented, pouring a cup of coffee.

"Somehow I doubt Dean will agree to that." Sam warned, but the angel didn't seem to care.

"So far I've stolen his slippers, one of his leather jackets, three pairs of underwear, and the tiara he hides in his closet- he hasn't noticed or cared a bit."

"But this is his robe, Cas. He'll notice."

Cas shrugged.

"I'll get my way." He insisted, an impish smile on his face. Jack looked confused, and Sam coughed awkwardly into his coffee.

Two minutes later, however, a door slammed down the hallway, and Dean's voice echoed throughout the whole bunker.


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