The Story of Gabriel

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Lucifer and Gabriel had always been closer then the other angels. They were friends, real brothers. They were the ones who wanted to have fun, the ones who believed there was more to being an angel then just following orders.

But then Lucifer was thrown in the cage, and Gabriel went rogue, leaving heaven for Earth.

It would be centuries before they saw each other again, when the Apocalypse loomed over their heads. But things were different now between the brothers. After so many years in the cage, Lucifer was bitter. He wanted to destroy Michael, but he needed Sam Winchester as a vessel to do that.

Sam Winchester. Gabriel's human weakness. But Lucifer didn't know that.

Not until Gabriel had pointed an angel blade at his brother, ready to fight him or die trying just so Sam Winchester could escape.

Lucifer knew he hadn't killed the real Gabriel when they had fought. They had confronted each other later, when the gods and Winchesters were long gone.

"What was that?" Lucifer demanded. "You know how the Apocalypse is supposed to go down, Gabriel, and Sam was right there-"

"Well maybe I didn't want Sam to be your meat suit just yet." Gabriel shot back. Lucifer stared at his little brother, surprised. The last time they'd been in the same place, Gabriel hadn't cared about humans at all, and yet here he was, defending Sam Winchester. Satan smirked.

"Just like Cassie," He commented. "Winchesters have got you wrapped around their finger."

"They do not." Gabriel didn't expect them to understand. Castiel understood. Sam and Dean were just....different. There was something about the moose like younger Winchester that made Gabriel drawn to him. 

"You know how this story is going to end, little brother." Of course Gabriel knew how it would end. Michael and Lucifer, wearing the Winchesters to prom. But that didn't mean Gabriel had to like it. 

"Luci, please." Gabriel whispered. "Just leave Sam out of this."

"He's my vessel, Gabriel, I have to-"

"Take Dean instead!" Gabriel declared. "Or Adam. Hell, resurrect John Winchester and wear him to the Apocalypse; I don't care, just leave Sam out of this."

"It doesn't work like that, Gabe."

"Please, Lucifer."

"Why should I do anything for you anyways? You just tried to kill me!"

"And you did kill me! Luci, I'm begging you, please. Not Sam." Gabriel was desperate. He knew that if Sam was Lucifer's vessel, the poor Winchester would be scarred for life. He'd be tortured, and Lucifer would break him. The thought of it made Gabriel's heart ache. It didn't matter if the Winchesters hated him. It didn't matter if Sam cared about him or not; Gabriel just wanted him to be okay.

And he wouldn't be okay if Lucifer took over.

"Too bad." Lucifer declared. "The Winchesters are causing enough problems with the Apocalypse as it is. I'm not gonna mess things up further by switching vessels." Gabriel stared at him. He couldn't let Sam suffer like that.

So Gabriel did something stupid, because he was afraid. He knew he was doomed from the beginning, but he didn't really care.

He lunged at Lucifer, and they fought, until Lucifer had him bloody and pinned to the ground. 

"We were brothers, Gabriel." Lucifer insisted. "And yet here you are, fighting me over the sake of one of the Winchesters? What happened to us, brother?"

"You went to hell." Gabriel said shakily. "You got a need for revenge, and I got a need for love."

"Love," Lucifer echoed. "Nobody could love you, Gabriel."

"I know." Gabriel squeezed his eyes shut. "But that doesn't stop me from loving them." He waited for the killing blow, knowing it would come. Lucifer pressed the angel blade to Gabriel's chest.

"You won't stop trying to keep Sam safe, will you?" Lucifer questioned, even though they both knew the answer. Gabriel would never stop. Every time Lucifer would try to force Sam to say yes, Gabriel would be there to get Sam away, to keep Lucifer from getting to him.

"Never." Gabriel proclaimed. Who cared if Sam knew it or not; Gabriel was willing to die for the moose. 

But then the angel blade's weight disappeared, and Gabriel dared to open his eyes.

"Then I can't let you go." Lucifer proclaimed, before pulling back a fist.

Gabriel's world went dark.

He woke up in a cell, with Lucifer and someone else staring at him from the other side of the cell door.

"Where am I?" Gabriel demanded.

"Somewhere where I can keep an eye on you." Lucifer explained. Gabriel went to lunge forward, only to find that he was chained up.

"Why are you doing this?" Lucifer gave his brother a rueful look.

"I have to fight Michael, Gabriel." He explained. "And I can't have you interfering all the time. Sam Winchester will be my vessel for the Apocalypse, Gabe, and there's nothing you can do."

"NO!" Gabriel shouted tugging on the chains.

"I'm sorry, brother."

Luicfer and the other man walked away, leaving him alone. Gabriel continued to scream and yell after them, swearing and shouting.

"That's annoying," The man admitted.

"He should quiet down after awhile." Lucifer offered. "Keep him alive for me, Asmodeus, that's an order." He nodded.

"Of course."

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