Your Mission

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Thousands of years ago, long before the Winchesters, or hunters in general ever existed, Castiel was given his task.

He was one of the younger angels, but like all of his brothers and sisters, he anxiously awaited the day that God would come to him, and tell him what his job was. What he was meant to do.

And then that day finally came, and Chuck smiled at him, excited. He had been waiting for Castiel's turn.

"I want to show you something," Chuck told him. "Something no one has seen before, because it hasn't happened yet." Castiel nodded in awe. 

They appeared in a park, a small playground, where dozens of children ran around. 

"Where are we?" Castiel asked with a frown. The humans he knew had never looked anything like this.

"This is a playground," Chuck explained. "They will not exist for several centuries, but you will understand them one day." He looked down at Castiel. "Your mission is very important, Castiel. Do you understand that?"


"Good. Your task begins with him." Chuck pointed at a small boy, no more then two or three years old. He had green eyes and blond hair. 

"Who is he?"

"That is the boy who will change everything, Castiel. The most holy man. Michael's sword. The chosen one, if you will."

"But why is he important to me?" Castiel studied the young boy carefully as Chuck continued.

"He will not have an easy life, Castiel. He will need help. Someone to protect him, and watch over him. Someone to guide him and give him hope in his time of need. He will need you, Castiel, and you must be there for him. I once told you to love humans more then you love me, and you must love this one more then any other."

"I see."

"You are to watch over him for me, Castiel. No matter what it takes. Answer his prayers, bring him joy if he is wallowing in despair. Do whatever you need to do to save him."

"Save him fromS what?"

"Everything. From heaven, from hell, from everywhere in between- save him from himself."

"Save him from heaven? But I was told I must stay loyal to my brothers."

"That is true, Castiel, but your mission is more important then the other angels. If you must turn against them to help this one man, then you must do it. He comes first, Castiel. Before anyone else."

"Even before you?"

"Yes." Castiel was shocked. 

"But if this boy does not exist yet, how will I know when to protect him?" Chuck rested a hand on Castiel's shoulder.

"You will know, Castiel. And you must not tell another soul about your mission. No other angel can know. Do you understand your task?"

"Yes. But what is the boy's name?" Chuck hesitated.

"...You will know it when you hear it." He offered. "You are the angel of Thursdays, Castiel. Your task is more important then anyone else's. Do not fail." 

"I won't."


Castiel watched the humans after that. The other angels thought his obsession with them was strange, but he found it fascinating to watch them evolve. He watched them for centuries, searching for any sign of the green-eyed boy. For his mission. But nothing came up.

But then he heard the name for the first time. He didn't know how he knew, but Castiel was sure of it.


That meant something. Other angels were sure of it too, but no one spoke of its importance.

Castiel smiled when he noticed playgrounds were appearing. He was getting closer. His mission would happen soon.

Castiel had taken to following the Winchester family tree, since he knew it was vital. He thought John Winchester would be important for some reason, but didn't know why.

Mary Campbell also caught his eye, and when the two came together, it clicked in Castiel's mind.

And then Dean Winchester was born. And Castiel understood everything.

Although it was slightly forbidden, Castiel went to earth. He just had to get a closer look. He had to see Dean Winchester up close. 

He told Mary Winchester that an angel was watching over Dean. He couldn't help it. He thought the words might comfort Dean at some point.

Castiel also gave Dean his freckles. 

For four years, Castiel watched Dean like a hawk from his perch up in heaven. He saw the sweet, innocent boy, and didn't understand why he was so important, but he didn't really care. He liked the Winchester boy. He had a good soul, and a kind heart.

But then Mary Winchester died, and everything changed. And Castiel wanted nothing more then to resurrect Dean's mother and bring back his perfect little life. But he couldn't do that. Dean was on his own.

Castiel snuck out of heaven every now and then. He came in many forms in Dean's life.

A teacher who believed in him.

A friend he'd never forget.

A kind stranger.

A person who offered him the exact piece of advice he needed to hear.

Even a girl Dean had a crush on from time to time.

Castiel watched Dean Winchester grow, watched him live his difficult life and raise his brother.

Castiel fell in love with humanity through Dean Winchester, and didn't regret it for a second.

He cried when Dean died, and then he remembered what Chuck had told him.

"Save him from himself, Castiel. Save him from hell."

So the angel dove down, and raised Dean from perdition. And once they came looking, Castiel knew he couldn't stay away anymore.

He left heaven, and met with Dean Winchester.

He helped Dean.

He risked everything.

He betrayed heaven, and all of his brothers, for Dean.

To save Dean Winchester.

Metaron hadn't lied about that. It had always been about Dean. 

Dean Winchester was his mission. The human he loved more then anyone else.

He thought, occasionally, that he had failed Dean. But the hunter disagreed, talking to him, making him remember why he was there.

There was nothing, not even death, that could keep Castiel from his mission. From Dean.

And that angered a lot of Cosmic entities. 

But Castiel didn't care. He had a job to do, and no one could keep him from that. 

Until one day, Castiel realized that his mission wasn't what he thought it was.

He wasn't supposed to SAVE Dean Winchester. That wasn't the ultimate goal.


He was supposed to love Dean Winchester.

And he did.

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