13 - The shining stars

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Avni's POV

"I had a feeling it would be you, Neil."

I see him stiffen at my words. I gesture him to sit and he follows.

"How were you so sure of it?" He asks, shifting a little.

"Well, you see my P. A called me to inform me that you were here. I asked him, who to be specific..." I pause and then continue.

"No police officer would want to meet me at this hour. The only one that came to my mind was you." He nods understanding.

"Now, would you please explain the reason for your presence at this hour? And yes, why didn't you tell my P. A, it was you." I ask, confused.

"See, you need to be careful. Careful of your every move and the people you interact with, and the places you go–"

"What is that supposed to mean?" I ask him, interrupting.

"Let me clear it for you, I have a feeling you are not safe. I can't tell you the whole thing but I just want you to do exactly what I say and don't mind me doing things that are meant to keep you safe." He says softly.

I scoff, "What in the world are you even saying? That I am not safe? Where? Here. In my house. And what do you mean by you will decide things for me?" I raise my brows.

"Avni, I know you aren't going to understand this. Just trust me, and let me do things to keep you–"

"Why would I trust you?" I ask him and confusion crosses his features.

"See, I know we don't know each other much but I know this is best for you. You are maybe a target of someone and you aren't safe. So, to do that, I will need your cooperation. I have to make sure your bodyguards, friends and your assistant are trusted."

"Let me guess, if you know I am being a target then you probably know the details behind who is gonna do it. I don't see why the reason you are here because if anywhere, you should definitely, not be here."

"Avni, you are getting it wrong. I don't have control over such matters without proof." He says as if he wants to convince me.

"Oh I see, what you are capable of doing. Don't get me wrong, but these threats are regular. In my whole career life, I have gotten such, more than anything. You see when we choose a life where there is no such thing as privacy and constant fear of being targets, there is no going back. I chose this for myself, I can handle it well. No need to be concerned about it, you better focus on other cases." I say forcing a smile but he carries an expression I couldn't quite understand.

He stands from the couch and makes his way towards me. "I know what is important right now, you have to do what I say or else..."

"Or else..." I raise a brow standing up meeting his gaze.

"Or else I have to force it." He says in a demanding tone.

"Neil, don't show your power in front of me. You being a police officer doesn't give you any right to force something out of me, even if it's a co-operation." I snap and he chuckles.

"What's so funny to you?"

"Not funny. You make it seem like I am forcing you to keep quiet about a political matter. It's for your safety, Avni. Don't you get such a simple thing?" He smiles but soon it fades away.

"I get it, Neil. I get it. That's why, sorry but you have to leave. I am busy due to my film promotions next week and I have things to do which are much more important than this. You come here without an appointment, but you are not seeing the point that you are disturbing my schedule. I know how to take care of these matters well. I don't like to be guarded all the time. And thank you for your concern, but I don't need it."

"So I see you won't cooperate. I am leaving now, but I am not done yet. Maybe you don't care about your safety, but I do." He says with a stern face.

He turns around to leave.

"Why do you care?"

He halts before reaching the door, his shoulders rise as he takes a breath. "Protecting people is my duty." He says without glancing at me and walks away.

Fine. Do what you want. I don't care.

I turn around and make my way towards my room. I put on my nightclothes and lay on the bed thinking about what he said.

It's for your safety, Avni.

His voice rings in my ears, I try to shut it and not think about the whole thing. I don't want to divert my mind from film promotions just because of a certain threat.

I feel exhaustion creeping into my eyes. Today's events still mess with my mind but soon I feel sleep take over.

I wake up to the sound of my alarm bursting, the rays of the sun lighting up the darkroom. I blink a certain times to adjust according to the light. I feel a headache, groaning I wake up and my legs feel the cold floor.

Showering I change into comfy jeans and a tank top, I twist the knob of my door. I step out and I see no one.

What in the world!

"Lovely." I voice out.

I call a few times but he doesn't answer.

"Lovely!!!" I yell into space.

I walk down the stairs into the hallway and I search for him but there is no clue of his presence. Any of my workers or cooks are not in sight.

I feel heavy steps walking closer to me from behind. I turn around to see a man in a police uniform glancing at me with a sly smile.

"Care to explain?"

"Your P.A and workers are in the yard for an identity check." He mutters as he understands the reason for my confusion.

"And why is that?" I ask frustrated.

"We just follow orders, ma'am." He says softly.


"ACP Neil Khanna."

The name leaves his mouth and my fists clench together.

This man is really something, isn't he?

As if he heard me, his voice reaches my ears, "That's correct." He hushed, walking closer to where we were standing. I glance at his attire, the stars on his uniform shining and an aura of his that is quite intriguing.

"You really are stubborn, aren't you?" I cross my arms raising a brow meeting his gaze.

"I could say the same."


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