20 - Obsession or publicity stunt

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Neil's POV

I always wondered what a great film that I genuinely loved would be. Never thought it would be sci-fi but I was left speechless. I never watched her films. I was unknown about her existence but now I am too affectionate for her presence.

Her smile, the aura she carries, the eyes that speak a thousand thoughts in silence.

I wondered why she never kept eye contact with me intact. I never fully understood what that emotion meant. She was a true actor.

Laying on the bedsheets, I still remember thinking of Avni, but only Aditi's thoughts lingered in my mind. The letters I had of her made me feel how much of a fool I was. I was betraying her genuine feelings towards me. The way she felt for me was close to nothing that I felt for her and that alone makes me feel disgusted by myself. For the lies I never said, the lies she felt. I never knew why she messaged me that day. All of the reasons why I don't know whether I blame myself for not calling her earlier or calling her later that resulted in an utter loss for everyone that cared for her.

Tear's stained cheeks, I let out a shaky breath trying not to think about her.


"You, you and you," I pointed out at the 3 officers, "you all will be looking out at the suspected ones. Follow them and see where they go, and who they contact."

"You will check the details of call logs with Mr Shah and anyone the victim contacted in these previous months. And report to DD."

"DD, anything of help, report directly to me. We don't have enough time. Disguise yourselves. You don't have three days. Complete it in 2," I stood up, commanding.

"Sir, I have important news," DD muttered, voice low.

I dismissed everyone. "What?"

"The people you put out for Miss Avni's safety are already fired from their job."


"Sorry to inform you, sir, I couldn't quite contact her P.A. He's been ignoring my calls and we can't get out much information from one of the bodyguard's that was the medium."

"When did this happen?" I gritted through my teeth.

"Yesterday mornin–"

"And you're telling me that now? I didn't want such irresponsible behaviour DD."

"Sorry sir, but it isn't as serious as the murder case so I thought to tell you in my spare time. I was busy at the location yesterday."

I nodded, "Okay, any other important information he told?"

"No, but he did see a man entering and leaving, and since that day the atmosphere is unsettling."

"Focus on the murder case for now, and ask Officer Lee to look into it." He nodded before leaving.

Avni, you are making this real hard for me.


Author's POV

Avni was frustrated by the calls she received earlier. Neil. He called her again and again. Left a few messages to pick up. But Avni was already dealing with so much, she couldn't quite handle Neil.

Although maybe deep inside she knew he meant no harm, she resented the police with her whole heart. And that made Neil, the victim too...somehow.

Lovely received calls but he didn't pick up. Neil had his number, but Neil wasn't the one who was calling. It was DD. He was perplexed knowing he didn't bother him, this time. He was relieved as for once, he wasn't the medium between him and the Lady Don, he was working for.

"She will kill me for this," Lovely muttered to himself when he saw Neil at the entrance talking with a bodyguard.

"Hey Mr Ignorant," Neil waved at Lovely, smirking.

"Shit. Shit. Shit." He whispered, wanting to leave.

Lovely was sweating insanely at the tall man with fiery eyes that depicted a quite unique emotion. He was standing close to him. His eyes were intimidating for him, the same as they were for Avni when she saw him in a uniform one day.

"Don't be so scared of me that you dehydrate from sweating so much." Neil scoffed, chuckling that left Lovely's mouth shut.

"Sorry, si–"

"Where is Avni?" Neil asked, glancing at the area.

"Please don't meet her now." Lovely lowly whispered.

"Should've told rather than ignoring DD's calls." He taunted him. He was frustrated.

"And who came by that day? The man? Who is he?" Neil asked, impatiently.

Lovely knew the consequences of bringing up that man earlier.

Don't invade in my life, Lovely. You have a job, do it. Who he is, doesn't concern you as long as it doesn't concern me. If you really want to know, just know he is a nobody. In my life, at least. And for god's sake stop saying things that make me want to fire you. Avni burst out at him earlier, making him shook to the core.

"I don't know sir, really." He didn't lie, he didn't know the identity of that man.

"Stubborn, just like her. Guess I have to find out myself." Neil's body brushed past him. Before he could follow anymore. "Don't invade," He glared at Lovely.

Lovely's patience twitched "Don't invade," He mimicked their actions.

Both are the same.

He stumbled out of it, as he received a call from JN Productions.

Avni was trying to focus and meditate. It wasn't quite helping that she was severely angered and frustrated at someone who visited a few days ago.

Every memory was flashing by, those eyes with sadness and void, the days filled with agony and screams. Losing someone wasn't easy, and after they're gone, coping up was like a facade.

Neil experienced it now, but for Avni, she had years ago. That's when the void was lessened by Ali. She was thankful for Ali but the hate she felt for that man behind the cause of it all was not measurable.

"I hate you, with all my might. You are at fault." Avni hissed, thinking about him.

"Who?" Neil's voice startled Avni. She was not ready to face him again. Not yet. Seeing him made her lose all within her. She knew she would say something she shouldn't if he invaded and she didn't want to. Yet, he did. Invade.

She turned around, nearing him. "Oh, so firing up your men made you come here," she clapped slowly.

"Yeah, for sure." Neil retorted.

"I guess I have the force in my hands." She titled her head, "Can you shoot someone for me?"

Her sarcasm was pissing off Neil but she for a moment, was serious.

"Yes," Neil answered.

"Oh?" Avni cocked her brow; disgusting, she thought.

"The one who is targeting you, I will surely kill him for you."

Avni's disgust was replaced by no emotion. She didn't know what to feel. Why would he do it?

"Just because I called the ambulance that day." Avni unintentionally clicked a nerve, she shouldn't have.

Rage, he felt rage. He never went for her because of that. He thanked her once, and it was enough.

"Don't Avni," he warned through those eyes.

"Don't what Neil!! What else must be the reason? Sure, your friend died and I am really sorry for your loss but you came to thank me for calling that day and it was enough. I don't see a reason why you've been bothering me since. I don't know if it is a genuine reason or just some fanboy shit."

Avni's harsh words made him vulnerable. Aditi wasn't just a friend whom he knew. A bond he shared with her was pure and filled with care and love. She was his best friend. He couldn't focus on the words other than death, loss and Aditi.

"She wasn't just a friend Avni. She was much more than that. I loved her and I cared for her."

That alone made her filled with guilt.

He loved her? And I said something so bad, and so hurtful.

Neil continued, "Don't blurt out nonsense just because you have never felt a loss. You say it like this, makes my theories right. Don't comment on something that you don't feel because losing a loved one, I hope you don't ever experience." His eyes were filled with tears that threatened to fall and Avni's guilt surpassed into an emotional void.

I did lose someone I loved. Avni's thoughts were lingering all over her heart.

"And everything I am doing is my job. Don't get ahead of yourself. I am not doing any fanboy service here. You can be a victim and that's why I am here," Neil pointed at her, "standing in front of you."

"Don't. Don't be here. Don't bother me." Avni muttered bitterly.

"Why would you say that? Don't you trust me a bit?" Neil said, his voice pained.

"No, I don't trust you. What do you want? Seriously, I don't understand if this is some sort of strange obsession or publicity you try to gain or–"

Offended Neil bluntly cut her off, "BECAUSE I WANT TO PROTECT YOU."

He continues, "I want to protect you in hopes that I never lose you as I did her. You remind me of her. You ease the pain and void somehow. I don't fucking get what I am feeling but I think...I like you."

"YES, DAMMIT' I LIKE YOU." His voice was high pitched, as a tear rolled down his eye.

Neil's snap made Avni gape at him, still astonished by what he meant or if she heard him correctly. Seeing her, he knew he fucked up. But he didn't care because for once, he let out everything he wanted to. He was fuming and he said something he knew, he shouldn't.

"From now on, I won't bother you ever again. Go on and live with your delusion that this is some sort of obsession or publicity stunt."


She didn't have a chance to say something back for he already stormed out of her room and maybe her life, too.


Omg, he confessed...but at what cost?

I double updated for you guys. I know I know I am a little late bcz I was watching a sci-fi movie and forgot to publish it.

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