23 - Not a fan

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Avni's POV

I saw him near me, footsteps slow, eyes looking into mine. My arm was secured with a cast, showing I had trouble using it. The surgery went fine, it's been a month. Neil wouldn't stop visiting me, not that I stopped him ever.

I didn't want to get worked up and say things I shouldn't have. Work is on hold till I get okay but, he visits me occasionally.

There was a glee in his eyes that made my nervousness levels go up quick. He closed the door behind him, making his way towards my bed. He sat beside me, glancing my way, eyes filled with care.

"So, Miss, did you eat your dinner?" He asked amusingly.

I nodded, "Yes. Even if you don't ask, I will eat."

"Sure, because you like to eat." He teased, "Look at you all chubby," he pinched my cheeks.


"Okay, miss Hitler."

I glared at him, eyes darting on his. By the look, I could sense he was about to laugh, but he caught me off guard. His face was close, barely inches away. His gaze fell on my eyes then my lips. I gulped sensing the urgency, I leaned in close until we were almost touching.

A clattering sound emerged, causing me to jerk up, panting heavily. I looked up to see a nurse, picking up the dish from the floor and a frown on her face.

"Hey, what happened?" Neil was standing beside me, concerned.

"What did you do?" I fumed.

"Relax, I just signed the papers for your surgery." He said softly. "By the time, I came to tell you, you were already asleep or I could say dreaming." He chuckled lightly.

What is wrong with me?

"What were you dreaming?" He questioned.

"I-" I was unable to answer. Never have I ever had such a dream, plus him being suddenly here wasn't helping.

"Leave me alone."


"I said leave me alone, Mr Khanna." I glanced back at him.

His face scrunched up, "I wasn't here to drop some pity on you, Miss. Raichand. I am doing my job, I don't have any other business but investigating this case. You do you." He gave me one final glance and walked away.

Right, do your job and just go.

"Miss. Raichand, we will start the surgery tomorrow at 9. Till then, rest well and don't put pressure on your left arm. We'll have someone looking after you, so if you need anything, tell us. The nurse informed me before walking away.

I took deep breaths to calm myself. I was so pissed, not at him but myself for even dreaming of something like that.

After a while, I saw Piya entering the hospital room.

"Hey! Are you okay?"

"Perfectly fine. You see I can play cricket too."

Piya fake glared, "Come on, this is not a time to be sarcastic."

"Who started?" I pout, "You said you were busy."

"Well I was, I rushed up here to sign the papers and I agreed to overtime so I could attend you here." She rolled her eyes.

"Uh, about that–" I nervously smiled, "Neil signed the papers for me and I have a surgery scheduled tomorrow."

"Neil?" She asked, confused.

"Yeah he is a police officer, and–"

"Woahhh wait–no! I mean damn Avni, a police officer. That's amazing, oh my god!" She gleamed in excitement.

"That's not what you think."

"Oh, are you keeping secrets now?" she said, gasping. "I didn't expect this from you, Avni."

"Shut up, will you?"

"No," she grinned, "I don't see why a police officer would come and sign the papers, and that being said...you know his name too." She wiggled her brows.

I rolled my eyes, "No, not this again. You ship me with every other actor I work with. I am not dealing with it now."

"Damn Avni, that was just to tease you, but a police officer–wait, what post he at?"

"Seriously Piya?" I groaned.

"Tell me!! Piya Khurana needs assurance of whether this Neil guy is good for you or not."

"First his name is Neil Khanna, and second–"

"And second?"

"I-I don't like him."

"Bro, you stuttered. No way, you definitely like him." I glanced her way, annoyed. It was not about whether I like him or not. It was about that...dream.

"Go on with your daydreams, I don't have enough energy to explain."

"Oh, my poor baby is hurt." She neared, placing a soft peck on my cheek. "You will be soft and sound soon. I will make sure of that." She smiled, and so did I.

"Rest well, and even if he did sign the papers. I will be here staying with you."

"Thank you Piya and please don't tell Mom a–"

"Not Ali, I am going to tell him. He is your brother Avni."

"Are you gonna break the girl code?" I faked a shocked expression.

"Yes, if it's your brother Noodles." She giggled, "Also, what post is Neil at?"

"You aren't gonna give up?"

Piya shook her head.

"He is an ACP," I replied.

"Woah, wait so, he is ACP Neil Khanna. I've heard that name before." She cocked her head.

"Yeah, it's been close to 5 months since a close one died, she was related to him," I answered. It triggered something in me. The memories of him, someone I lost at an early age. Those beautiful doe eyes, shining with hope and hands entwined with me whenever we hanged out.

"Yeah, right. Aditi Oberoi. She used to run an NGO with her mom. I know because we've donated some of our artworks for charity to donate money to foundations and hers was one of them."

"Oh. So her mom runs it now?"

"Probably. I would've met Aditi if..." she trailed off. "But instead I met her mom, she is a sweet person." She smiled, pained.

"Her beautiful life awaited ahead of her. She was engaged and going to get married to her best friend–" Suddenly she looked at me, carrying a stunned expression.

"What happened?" I asked, voice low.

"Neil!! Neil was her best friend. She was going to get married to a police officer and...yeah it was definitely Neil. No way..." Piya doesn't lose her gaze on me.

I was bewildered, Neil was going to get married and Aditi was his fiancee?

"She wasn't just a friend Avni. She was much more than that. I loved her and cared for her."

Yes, makes sense why he said that.

"Did he lie to you about her?" Piya asked, softly and I shook my head.

"He told me about her. Hell, we met only because of her. I think he loved her so much that he feels me as someone like her." I look at her, "I don't understand him, Piya and I feel too confused about all of this and I can't help but take all of the frustration on him. I wonder how he puts up with that, and still try to protect me. He says it's his job, every time I snap. He's good with words Piya, and–" I sigh, "it reminds me of Vivaan."

"Okay, look. First Vivaan is in the past. He sure was a lovely guy. You liked each other a lot, but you were just 17 something," she sighed. "Sorry to say this Avni but get over his death and accept the fact that he is no more. It was a tragic trick of fate but you have Ali."

She cupped my face, "And Vivaan is probably somewhere out there with someone else, enjoying his life. Why don't you do the same? Why not move on, and not surface on the guilt that you pushed him away when he was there for you. Avni, it's true that you lost him even if he loved you, consoled you but you are his past and so is he yours. Move on, give someone else a chance. Stop being afraid that you will hurt someone you love. You are an adult, give it a try. You say you like being alone, but in reality, you do want someone who cares for you all the time. It's hard to be with you because of my work, and Ali is busy with his work too. And you won't go to Mom. Please contact her, Avni."

"I will tear up Piya, I miss her a lot."

"It's okay to cry, and it's not like you can't cry in front of her. Stop pretending to be strong all the time." I nodded at her words.

"He confessed to me." I blurted out, not caring if I should talk about it, but I guess I wanted to share with her.

"Because I want to protect you. I want to protect you in hopes that I never lose you as I did her. You remind me of her."

Am I a rebound?

"But for real you ease the pain and void somehow. I don't fucking get what I am feeling but I think I like you. Yes dammit,' I like you."

Why are you so confusing Neil?

I remember that day, vividly. Eyes teary, lips trembling and brushing his hair with his fingers. He surely did that when he was frustrated and angry.

"Avni–damn he confessed to you and you didn't tell me?"

"It doesn't matter." I shrugged.

"It does, Avni. He told you he has feelings, and what did you do?"

"It's complicated. I got angry at him telling him that he should stop bothering me and he left saying that he liked me all this time," I sighed again, "He didn't bother me for two months but today he came when I was admitted to this hospital."

"Avni, can't you see he cares?" Piya whispered.

"I can because I saw him hurt when I told him to go away. I always hurt people, Piya. That's why I think it's better to stay away from him. I–"

"No!" She deadpanned, "You won't let those excuses come in your way. You are not pushing him away." She glared, "You are going to talk to him after you get well and if possible go on a fucking date."

I chuckled, "Piya, that's not gonna happen. He doesn't like me now, I guess. After, all I did."

"Come on, we can always hope. You have a lot of fans drooling over you. At least give one of them a chance?" She smiles.

"He is not a fan."

"He isn't?" She smiles wider, "That makes it more interesting then."


"Babe, he liked the off-screen Avni. Not the one who acts onscreen with different roles and personalities. He likes," she points at my heart, "the real you."

"I am happy for you."

"How can you be happy Piya, I legit got injured."

"Oops, I forgot about it, got way too involved in your non-existent love life." She winks, "Anyways, rest well. Don't overthink okay. And about Mr Neil, I'll make sure he won't go anywhere."

"Like it will work." I rolled my eyes.

"Guess, you don't know Piya Khurana's magic yet."


Okay, so Vivaan and the person who died are two different people.

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