30 - Caught in a daze

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Avni's POV

I once, felt this embarrassment, when the whole class was gushy and you could hear nothing except the noise and then suddenly you trip and fall hard on the floor and shush, the whole atmosphere is changed. Everyone is looking at you, eyes widened and you don't know how many years later you'll still be unable to sleep because your brain likes to remind you and laugh at you.

I remember that day, and sometimes I still feel like crying over why I tripped.

Today, out of every person I've known, it had to be him.

I watched as Neil eyed her, studying carefully. She was quiet, palm still on her mouth.

Way to make it more obvious, Piya. Do something... anything?

"What did you say?" I thought I heard him chuckle by the end or was it just my imagination?

"Um...Avni, she is–" she pointed upstairs and then kitchen—Dammit—then towards the front door, "must be somewhere...right?" She looked at him, grinning but I knew she was trying to cover up.

I scanned the area, trying to think of something. I couldn't go back upstairs, that would need me, exiting from the kitchen and here I am...hidden behind the back door.

He spoke so low, I couldn't hear. I leaned in a bit more, balancing myself as I bent over. I took little steps, crouching down and hid behind the counter.

What are we playing? Hide and seek.

I ignored it. I tried to listen to their gushed voices or maybe just his. He was telling her something.

"...I need you to tell her. Will you do it?"

Tell me what?

I tried to move to the edge, gripping the kitchen counter tightly for keeping myself intact, since I couldn't use my right hand.

My hand came in contact with a glass, it fell, the smashing sound resonated and I fluttered my eyes shut.


I heard footsteps, rushing towards me. I fidgeted with my fingers, what do I tell him? I fell asleep?

You sound stupid.

I know.



I looked up, trying to seem as normal as I could. Hiding here like a little kid didn't seem like a good idea now.

His eyes shifted from me towards the shattered glass, I didn't know how many pieces it broke into.

I had a tee and shorts on, I quickly composed myself as I realised my posture and stood up.

He walked towards me, carefully, not stepping onto the glass and firmly held my left arm.

"Don't mov–" But I already did. I winced when I felt a sharp stinging pain under my feet.

"I'll clean it," Piya said.

"I told you to not move." His voice was demanding and I scoffed internally, not to irritate him more. I have done it so many times, already.

He shook his head, "You never listen."

I parted my lips to say something back. I gasped when he lifted me, his hands around my hips, his hold firm and a protective distance from my cast. I wanted to ask him what he was doing but the words on my tongue stayed there, he took me by surprise. I held his arm for support when he took slow steps and gently placed me on the counter.

"Now, don't move." He said.

I heard a gushed sound and glanced sideways, realising Piya's presence. A broom in hand, dustpan in another and then, my eyes shifted to her face, gaped expression and parted lips, she was lead by surprise too.

She shook her head and proceeded to clean the glass and I hung my head down.

"You should be more careful." I gazed at him, his eyes boring into mine. I saw from my peripheral vision, his hands were on the counter, either side of my thighs as he gave me his undivided attention.

I was caught in a daze, all I saw was him in front of me and my heart skipped a beat.

"Avni..." He said softly.


"Did you understand?" He asked.


"Were you even listening?" He raised a brow, studying my face then shook his head.

"I'm done," Piya announced as she carefully carried the dustpan and put the collected glass in the bin.

"Do we have first aid here?" He asked, glancing towards me.


Why don't you speak up idiot?!

He shook his head and turned his head towards her, "Piya, can you bring the first aid?"

She nodded and I watched her ran upstairs.



"Avni, where are you lost?" He pressed.


"Doesn't seem like nowhere to me." He took a deep breath. "Okay...listen. It's about your case." I waited for him to continue. "That day where you were shooting, someone intentionally malfunctioned with stuff. The rod was supposed to be there to hurt you in any way. Our investigation team looked into it and we found the person. He was ordered to do it... someone ordered him."

"Did you catch him?"

"I almost...did." He looked dejected but calm as if he expected something that he was going to say further.


"He died in an accident."

"What?" Shock engulfed me.

He died? Oh my god.

"The accident was not a mistake. He died because we were close to him...and he could've been caught."

"I–" I tried saying something, blinking a few times.

"It's okay. I'll find who is behind it. I have some clues which aren't suspicious but they can help, I know. I can't tell you more because you don't need to know."

"I do need to know." I insisted.

"No." He said. "It's better if you don't know. I can't risk you knowing things unless I have taken care of it."


"Please, Avni...it may seem like it's nothing, just a threat but it's serious. This person is not gonna get away with this. I've dealt with such cases and it mostly because of the targets being related to Politicians but in your case, you've never contacted any of them." He sighed, before asking, "You haven't, right?"

"No. I purposely try to avoid them." I had a reason, I hated their work and everything they do for power. I had a bad history–

"Smart." He smiled, leading me to smile as well.

Piya rushed, walking down the stairs and stood behind him. She handed him the first aid kit. When his eyes were finally onto the kit, she wiggled her eyebrows and I gestured her to shut up. She continued to mouth words, probably her hyperactive clown was getting the best of her today.

I chose to fix my gaze on him instead. He looked unsure for a minute, eyes travelling from my feet to the counter. I followed his gaze and my eyes shifted to my exposed legs.

Oh no, I have shorts on.

I understood what he was contemplating. Whether he should tell me to cross my legs so he could check my feet better or should he crouch down and examine my feet.

The former could be um–

I gestured to Piya whose attention was shifting to and fro between us, to take it from him.

She mouthed no and gave me a teasing smile. She knew why I wanted that. I glared at her and she pouted.

He crouched down as soon as Piya chose to speak. "Mr ACP, let me do it."

"It's fine." He gave her a faint smile.

"It's fine by me too but you see Avn–" She causally started and I knew where she would go next.


"Chile girl, why you shouting!" She backed away, defensively and Neil looked at me, startled for a moment before he told me to be still.

"Piya, um–you should call him back."

She gave me a confused look. "Who?"

"Him...you know." I insisted, pressing my lips together, hoping she would get the find.

"That him...must have a name right?" She raised her brows, testing my patience.

"Your boyfriend." I gritted my teeth.

"I don't have a–oh wait. Wait." She paused.

"He called you?" I nodded.

"Wow!" She scoffed. "Idiot doesn't have the time to call me. You know he is really testing my patience. I am sure he is doing this to make me go mad over him but I am going mad at him." She glanced at me. "I'll be right back." And she disappeared.

"Avni..." I looked down. "Where does it hurt?"

"You didn't know? You didn't start?"

He smiled sheepishly, shaking his head. I let out a quiet laugh.

I told him. He took out the small piece of glass and put it on the tray before running the antiseptic to the area and bandaged it.

He stood up, exhaling. "It's tough." He said.

"Taking out glass?"

"No. Listening to her." He said referring to Piya. Our eyes met and we laughed.

"She is quite of a talker." He said as he leaned his back on the counter.

"She is annoying too. Live with her for a day, you'll know."

"Thanks for the offer but I can't help but refuse it." He smiled, looking at me affectionately.

"Neil." He hummed. "Can we go somewhere?"

I deliberately, wanted it, to go out anywhere. I needed fresh air and to spend time outside. It's not every day when I have free time just to myself without having the workload on me to constantly require me and end up, regretting not taking good sleep and just enjoying myself.

I could drive out somewhere, but I didn't want to tire myself more while using my left hand. I could go out with Piya but it would require me to tell the driver to drive for us because she can't drive for her dear life.

I felt bad for wanting him to take me out. Maybe he would decline and tell me he can't. That's acceptable. He doesn't have to put up with my wishes.

"Avni." He glanced at me. "Do you really want me to take you?"

"It's okay if you're busy or want to go home."

"That's not what I asked." He looked exhausted as he said it, he was tired from work maybe.

Did I want him to take me out?


"I want to go out with you. There's a difference." I replied. "Neil...you've been doing nothing but put up with me, protecting me from someone just because you felt I might be in danger. I don't know how to thank you or even be sorry because I accused you or said some harsh things. I called you mean things. I know a sorry won't cut it but," I breathed. "I really am sorry."

"Avni..." I looked at him as he stood in front of me, again, a calm expression on his face and eyes soft. "It's fine. I don't hold a grudge against anyone. Sometimes people say things in anger or frustration that they don't mean. Cheer up, don't feel bad because of it." He smiled.

"I don't want you to go out with me just because of all the things you said. Don't think you have to return the favour by returning feelings. I don't want that. I don't want it just because you want to do it and if it's something you don't feel. Don't feel pressured, Avni. I joke around sometimes and that day I played along."

I like you.

Did he perhaps, joked around and said that?

"I joked about that date thing to cheer you up. Your friend told me you felt awful because of your surgery so I just did that."


He never meant to ask me out.

Sometimes people say things in anger or frustration that they don't mean.

So that means—

I don't know what I'm feeling but I think I like you. Yes damnit, I like you.

he didn't mean it too.

I somehow didn't like what I was feeling. He didn't like me and I thought everything he did was just because he had feelings for me. I felt like a fool.

"I didn't lie to you."

Confusion marred my features.

"I do like you." He said softly.

How did he know what was I thinking?

"You seemed lost for a moment so I knew my words may have confused you. I do like you but you don't. I don't want to date you just for the sake of being in a relationship with the famous actress, Avni Raichand. I only want that if you feel something for me. If you don't, then I'll just do my job...to protect you."

His words were soft-spoken, his demeanour composed and his eyes, glazed with different emotions. I felt familiar with what his eyes were reflecting. Was it...longing?

I know that feeling.

I felt better knowing what he felt. He seemed like someone who would let his actions speak for him but now I felt he was good with words too or maybe just honest.

I gave him a small smile. I didn't know what to say. I was bad with words, I guess. I wanted to do what he said. I didn't know about my feelings for him and it would be better to act upon something if only I was sure of it.

I shifted, wanting to get down from the counter. The counter was way too high from the ground. I hope the next property is better at fulfilling my wants.

"Should I help?" He asked in a low voice. I nodded. It was better to go with this rather than jumping on the floor and irritating the cut under my feet, more.

He slid his right hand around my waist, firmly grasping. I tried to keep my cool. His face was incredibly close to mine, his eyes fixated on the cast. I put my left hand on his shoulder as he lifted me and froze for a moment.

"Neil, put me down."

"You'll be okay with walking?" He gestured down at my feet.

"Of course. Put me down." He did.

"Ow!" The pain suddenly hit as I took a step further.

"Are you okay?"

"It stings but I am okay."

I almost, limped trying to get to the living room and took a deep breath after I sat on the couch.

"You won't let me help even if it's hard for you to walk." He stated, glaring at me.

I glared back.

"You are so stubborn." He shook his head. "Don't you dare go around walking barefoot next time."

"Are you threatening me?" I gaped.

"If it works, then yes." He cocked his head, pressing his lips into a tight smile.

I rolled my eyes.

We shared a moment of silence before I spoke.

"Are you free or going home?"

"Depends on what you're asking me." He leaned back, taking a sip of the water as he sat across me.

"I really want to go somewhere."

I probably sounded like a whiny child asking their parent to buy them a lot of chocolates from the store. Most of the times parents get caught in the cuteness and buy anything their child wants them to.

Here, the only case was whether he would get caught or I'll be the one that gets caught because he excels in that field.

"Do you have a few hours spare, Avni?"



Y'all so awesome🤧 A few days ago, Destined ranked #1 in avneil and I was like ???!!!

This was me that day, LITERALLY.

Thank you for voting and commenting :) and giving me this^ form of happiness.

A very happy Holi to everyone who is celebrating. 🌈❤️

Remember, covid-19 isn't gone yet. Please do so while maintaining social distancing, taking the needed measurements as a responsible citizen. I'll be doing the same. That way, we'll be able to get rid of and go back to our old ways soon.

Stay safe and don't catch a cold <3

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