33 - Sudden surprise

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Neil's POV

I squirm at the tickling sensation on my feet, disrupting my peaceful slumber. A thud echoes, baffling me awake. I groan, shifting to the cooler side of the pillow again when I see someone through my squinting eyes, the figure stops at the door, a presence of a small smile makes my heart happy as I realize who it was.


She hums, walking towards and sitting beside me. She caresses my hair and smiles, "Having your good sleep?"

I nod, agreeing. I so dreaded my schedule these days, it was tiring to work without a proper ounce of sleep, which seemed to put a brake on my regular healthy activities. I barely had time to take a jog early in the morning or rather gyming, which wasn't rare but quite seldom.

"You've been busy these days."

I know. So much that it inflicts my family time. I spent more time in the small apartment than home, going through cases. Last time, I don't remember work being this hectic.

Instead of voicing out my mind, I just nod at her, sheepishly, trying to assure her I was doing just fine.

I hear a small chuckle, "Wake up, you're still sleepy. Do you know what's the time?"

I shake my head. "It's three in the afternoon."

My eyes widen in shock, I jump and sit up straight and glance at her, "Why didn't you wake me up?"

"At what time were you here?"

"Probably seven in the morning, why?"

"Then, you at least deserve eight hours of sleep."

I sheepishly smile, "Thanks Bebe, who'll love me more than you."

"Well...that I'm not sure of."

I frown, "You should say, No one."

"Okay!! Now, come down... someone is here to see you."


"Before you ask who, I am going. Take your time." She walks away without another glance, leaving me to presume about certain things.

After freshening up and taking a quick bath, I change into sweats and check my phone for any important information. Fortunately, there weren't any missed calls or messages that required my presence at the office, as of now.

Not for a long time though.

You have 2 messages from Ms. Avni Raichand.

I should've expected it, the last time I met her was late after midnight, dropping her off at her home, then I remember going back to my apartment, whilst asking a quick question before heading to the meeting.

Ms. Avni Raichand
Oh, I did reach safely.   
→Thanks for the ride and I enjoyed spending time with you.
04.55 am

I smiled at the message, I couldn't help but feel light-headed about the interactions yesterday. A tingling feeling grew inside, I can't seem to brush it away, it meddles with my mind sometimes, totally distracting me.

←You know my answer, since you know my answer.
15:37 pm

I just put the device back on the bedside table and begin to stand up when it buzzes again.

Surprisingly, it was someone I didn't expect. When did she ever reply this instantly...

Not that I do too.

→I am curious, what does that mean?

I chuckled again, either she is acting oblivious or she didn't get it. He is quite dumb for my liking...but I like her anyway.

←I'll ask again, Ms. Raichand.
←What's your IQ?

I waited a moment but it went from typing to nothing then again typing...

Either she was going to get mad, worse—curse at me or something quite rare from her – she would laugh. The latter, I don't expect much. 0.01% only.

→Shut up, Neil =_=
→I didn't ask to be roasted.

Ah, I guess I know you too well, Ms. Raichand. You are quite predictable now but still...too much far away, a distance that I want to cover up and reach, finally but knowing fate, I don't wanna keep my hopes up, it is like a brisk that digs hurdles in your path or maybe just whisk away the destination.

I wonder what would've happened if fate didn't decide to take her away? What would've been happening now? Sure, I met Avni the same day, but would the further interactions would still have happened. That, I just don't wanna know.

Or maybe, I am not quite ready for an answer.

←what are you up to?

I type it out, thinking back to what she would be doing right now, I rarely asked someone their whereabouts or what they have been up to unless… interrogations. Of course.

→currently, I am watching Netflix...took a small break.

Suddenly, a certain thought kept making its way back to my head, pushing me to not push away that probability.

←you don't know my address, do you?

→um, no. Why?

←someone is here to see me, I thought it was you but I guess not...thank god.

→Oh. No, why would I be at your home?!
→thank god? Are you mocking me? I ain't that dumb.

← oh, no I don't think you're that dumb. You are probably dumber ;)

→you know what, bye.

←heyyyy! Can't you take a joke?


←anyways, I asked because I wouldn't know what to answer if my family asked about you.

→why is it that much of a big deal?
→just say, I'm a friend.

I sighed, sure...a friend. I take my friend on a date at midnight, I confess my feelings just to be a friend. Everything is for the sake of friendship. I don't mind it but...

no, I can't do it like this.

←I'll be going back. Talk to you later!

→Sure. Aren't you at the police station?

←No, not today.

→Then, if you're not busy, we could spend time together?
→Actually, never mind.

←I don't know about that. I'll get back to you if I can.

→Okay, bye! 

I exited our chat, and rushed down the stairs, stepping into the living room. I glanced at Mom, who sat in front of the television, watching a movie, maybe? A familiar voice caught my attention but before I could react, someone jumped on me from behind, startling me.

I turned around to see her, grinning, licking her lips afterwards, crimson covering her cheeks.

I squat to her level, and smiled back, taking her in my arms, "Aw, baby..."

She giggled in my arms, hugging me tightly, and pressing a soft peck on my cheeks.

"One more."

She pecked again, before pulling herself back. "I missed you loads." She widened her arms to their whole capacity.

"How much?"

"Very very very much."

"Aw, I missed you too, baby."

"Did you like my surprise?"

I masked a cute accusing aura, "Surprise, huh? Was that you an hour ago, hm? Tickling my feet to wake me up?"

She snickered, nodding, poking a thumb on her left cheek to get away from any scolding showing her all so pretty smile that melts me away, "hehe.."

"You have a benefit that you're cute and your Chachu loves you..."

She giggled, tearing away from me in a frenzy, leaving me pouting, "Where's my 'I love you too'?"

She seemed too enthusiastic, smiling and grinning from ear to ear when she hopped taking small jumpy strides towards the entrance.

I followed her small figure, only to be met with a tall, muscled and biceps on display man, who holds a raised eyebrow and a full smile.

I smiled back and we shared a brief hug as he patted my back, "Neil, I missed you."

"Your daughter missed me too."

"Don't be too much of a narcissist," he says, a loud smack landing on my shoulder, leaving me to just grin in return.

"What's up with the sudden surprise?"

"Can't I come like a whoosh surprise?"

"Sure, you can. No one's stopping you."

We casually head towards the couch and settle ourselves comfortably, when I ask,

"Where is Sara?"

"Oh, she couldn't come. She's a bit busy with her NGO work."

I press my lips in a thin line. "Come on, you guys come to India once in a while...not done."

"Sorry bro, next time. She will be right here and we'll spend more time."

We sat there for a while, chatted as he told me about his work and Sara, his wife. Mom played with that little bundle of joy while Bebe, I didn't see her, maybe she was in the kitchen.

"So, anything important?"

"No, not anything yet. But yeah, our team has to cover a political party event. I tried to avoid it, but it was Commissioner's order."

"That sucks. All you have to do is guard all day." He grimaced.

"Right, and we have cases that are more important, and a day makes a lot of difference."

I slouched back on the couch, thinking about what Avni had asked, what was on her mind. She wanted to spend time with me, so do I. She wanted me to tell them she was a friend. But for now, she really is. I haven't taken a step ahead to do anything about it.

I sigh, work keeps me busy so I can't be with her all the time. Sometimes, I have to spend days without talking, without visiting, and the most bothering thing is that incident, which happened on the ad shoot. I have to dig deeper, but there are no clues whatsoever.

Whoever, you are, I'll find you.

"Where are you lost, Neil?

I look back at him, shaking my head, "Ah, nothing."

"Come on, Neil. My best buddy, women problems, is it eh?"

"Your accent has changed so much." I stifle a small laugh. Living in a different country affects so much that I sometimes forget he was a guy who hated English. Grammar was never his thing but now he speaks English like it's just a cup of tea for him.

"I know, the more you spend time somewhere, the more you behave like it." He winked at me, before nudging me about the previous topic again.

"Not certainly, just confused. You don't need to worry."

"If you're having second thoughts that I'll declare your secret to your Dad, you mustn't worry."

"It's serious, Shaurya." I take a deep breath. "You know what happened the next day of my engagement, it doesn't quite sit with me yet."

He ponders, tilting his head, "What are you worried about? Moving on? That isn't wrong. You have all the rights. I'm sure Aditi wouldn't want you to mourn all your life."

"It's not about that. Well...it is. But I'm more contemplating about their reactions, it's not like everyone would happily accept it, given the situation."

"I'm sure they would want you happy. Why are you getting so worked up? Introduce her to family."

I chuckled at the idea, "That's another problem."

He gives me a look, "She isn't my girlfriend yet."

He backs away in disbelief, bewildered,  "Dude, that's way worse. You gotta solve that before introducing."

"I know. But I quite can't understand what to do."

He sighs, "You both like each other, right?"

"I do. Don't know about her."

He stares at me, agape as if he just lost any words, "I can't believe you, Neil."

"Well, believe me."

"Stop laughing, this shit isn't funny. It's um...dumb?? You guys, oh my god–this is insane. What happened to the old Neil?" He presses. "You never were one to be confused over a girl?"

I roll my eyes, "You are making it seem like I was a playboy or something."

"Not quite sure but you gotta speed up your game."

"Like you?" I mocked, trying to hold back my laugh.

"Nah, bro. I still remember the embarrassment." He rubs the back of his neck, nervously smiling.

"Why did you even do that?"

"To tell her I like her!!"

"Sure, without any words spoken, you literally jumped in front of her in the corridor and kissed her."


"Yeah, but why you gotta do that. You were quite the player."

He gasps, "I genuinely like her, dude."

"Your genuineness resulted in you with a black eye."

"No," he whisper shouts, "that's the worse part."

I just laugh and we eye the happy two childlike figures playing with the board games. Bebe and Sasha were quite the same.

"The part when she became my girlfriend, I never even held her hands without asking." He widens his eyes, "I wasn't quite sure what would be her next aim, least I wanted her to make me not have children in future but..." he looks back at Sasha, "look at that pretty and beautiful girl, I adore."

"You were quite the lucky man to get a woman like Sara," I state.

"Hah! I know." He winks. "Sara rather gave me a lovely child than snatching that ability away hehe."

I chuckle lightly. "You are quite the family man now."

He raises his fist, showing excitement and strength before he settled back on my topic.

"I don't wanna try your ways, please."

"Come on, brother. What if it works?"

No way in hell. I just covered her from speaking once and led her into a confined small space when she attacked me, literal pain.

"Nah, I'll find another way."

"You are no fun." He leans back into the couch, closing his eyes for a few moments.

Maybe, getting a girlfriend is way harder than I expect it to be.


Spoiler: The picture above the chapter name is gonna come to life in the next chapter🤫

[ chachu means dad's brother – either sibling or not ]


A very very happy birthday
♡ Zain ♡

Hope you be healthy and happy this year and coming more :)

I remember being head over heels for him whist naamkarann aired, I had this crazy crush on him ;) 

He was the first and only person whom I still crush on...(all thanks to Neil Khanna) hehe ❤️


Anyways, take care lovelies and wear a mask 🤺 (social distancing)!

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