35 - The pictures and the picture

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Neil's POV

I stared at her, intensely, studying her gaze that froze upon the screen. Her fingers curled into a fist resting on her side, and her eyes didn't dare to meet mine.

She was avoiding it.

When I received the call, it dwelled on me that there is more to Avni than she is letting me know.

"Sir, I have news."

"Go on."

"There is someone that I've been following these days for Ms. Raichand's case. First, I saw him on occasions where his presence was questioning. But a week ago, she met him."

"By she, who do you mean?" There was no way it was her. I didn't want to believe it. Either she was too naive or maybe something was going on.

"Ms. Raichand, Sir." He paused. "I've sent you some pictures."

I pulled away from the phone, and proceeded to open the attachment. For a moment, I was scared. Scared if there were things I neglected because of my feelings. Scared if there was a dangerous motive behind all of this, if Avni was in a situation, more unpredictable and risky than I imagined it to be.

I clicked on the image, and froze for a second. This was definitely Avni. She had that cast on, her raven black hair curled at the ends, and she was - no way...she wasn't handing over money in that envelope, right? I observed the man, he was disguised in a black hoodie, eyes stiff staring at her as he took it.

My gut invaded with a displeased feeling, I couldn't be this oblivious. But this just confirmed it. Was she acting naive? But there was no way she would let herself get harmed to this extent.

I took a breath, prepared myself for all I was about to hear next as I held the phone close to my ear again. "Information about that man?"

"It's hard to identify him based on just these photos. I've sent those pictures and a few more to check in the database."

"Check in the criminal record."

"Criminal record? Sir, are you-"

"Yes, I am sure. After identifying him, send his information over to me and check his records. Let me know if he is clean."

"Yes, Sir."

I nodded and hanged up.

I stood there, analysing this mess of a situation. I clutched the phone tight, studying the pictures over and over again.

My mind travelled back to what happened minutes ago. I shut my eyes, the frustration taking over me. My fingers automatically found their way to the picture we took on Marine drive.

Her eyes shined, looking at the camera lens with a beaming smile. I was smiling too, our faces close. I remember smiling because of the lame joke she made just before.

I sighed, I have to go back. I can't keep up with it this way. I needed answers, and today, I was going to invade her privacy. I was stuck between not wanting her to be in such a serious situation or if it was true, I didn't want her to just play me.

I called DD.


"DD, any information about the PA?"

"Um, there isn't anything suspicious. He's been having meetings with producers or people within the entertainment industry."

"Okay. Anything else?"

"Actually a few days ago, X2 told me he has been meeting with a broker."

A what- now. I was confused. This was getting hard to figure out as time passed by.

"Hitesh Avasthy. That's his name. He thought it could have been his personal property. But it's not his. It's Miss Raichand's."

My jaw hardened, I scratched the nape as the pent up frustration was now roaring in my chest.

Avni, what are you hiding?

"Okay, nothing else right?"

"No, Sir."

"Fine. Get back to me, if anything."

I looked over our photo one last time and back to the photos I wanted a decent reason for. Maybe she was just helping someone? It could've been true. But today, I wasn't going to ignore anything about her. I will find everything out. My ways.

"What is this?"

No, you aren't asking me this Avni. You know too well what this is.

"It's you."

She gave me a puzzled look, "I know it's me. But what about it?"

She just accepted it? There is no point in denying it, it's obvious it's her. What matters is how she reacts after that certain question. I will know then.

"Who is that man?"

She blinked, scoffing. "Are you interrogating me right now?"

"Just answer the question."

She walked closer, something crossed her eyes but it faded as soon as it appeared. Instead, she looked offended. "It's my business, Neil. Don't get too far with this."

"Is it about your new apartment?"

She blinked, taken aback. "How do you know about that?"

"I just know."

She was throwing daggers at me, a look of disbelief on her face. I could tell things were going to get messy now that she backed away, her face burning with anger. "Leave."


"Leave, Neil. I didn't take you to be someone who masks possessiveness with protection. I didn't stop you from protecting me but now, it seems you are just invading my privacy."

I have to invade your privacy for this.

"Is it Hitesh Avasthy? Say it's him and I will leave."

I knew this was something that would give me the answer I've been looking for. Hitesh Avasthy and this man weren't the same. If she agrees, then...

"Yes, he is Hitesh Avasthy."

..she is lying.

Why Avni? Why would you do this? Does that mean you've been lying to me for a lot more things? I trust you but everything tells me I shouldn't. I shouldn't let my heart make decisions for you. I should just do my job and leave.

But I can't.

No matter how much I try, my heart finds a way back to you. It wants to trust you and believe you. I don't know what to do.

"The least you could do was, to be honest with me." I sneered at her. Hurt crossed her features, she knew it. She knew she was lying but she wasn't stopping me. What about it was so hard that she couldn't explain?

There is no way it could work like this.

She stared at me, leaning against the kitchen counter, waiting for me to leave. I turned my back, and slid my phone back in the pocket, walking away and towards the door. I have to collect myself. I can't go back home. I will go back to the apartment.

I reached the door, opened it but before I could proceed, I heard a thud sound. Immediately, I turned to look back.


I fastened my steps and rushed towards her. She was on the floor, wincing, her cast pressed onto her side.

I slid an arm below her waist, steadying her on my lap, trying to not let her be unconscious. "Avni, are you hurt? Is your arm hurting?"

She mumbled something, voice low and lips trembling, a tear slipped from her eye, making me worry more. The nerve-wracking atmosphere earlier didn't help either. I cupped her face, trying to shake her a little so she could respond. But instead, I heard her shaky breath, the distress in her features bothered me. Her eyes drooped close each passing second, and I held my breath as I dialled a number.

"Godammit, Avni. Wake up."

God, was I too harsh on her?

I groaned at the beep on the line, the doctor wasn't picking up. The traffic in this city was heavy, so much that it would take probably an hour before they reach here.

There's only one way now.


Author's POV

When Avni woke up, eyes struggling to open and the pain in her arm that felt like bones breaking each passing second, she let out a shaky breath.

Her eyes searched for any resemblance in that dim-lit room, something that could tell her where was she. Instead, she heard the click of the door, the sound far but still near.

She winced while trying to sit up, the pain that was rarely there seemed to invite itself again as if it was just yesterday when the metal rod cracked the humerus.

"The least you could do was, to be honest with me."

The recent memory laced with frustration and hurt was growing clear every passing moment, and Avni wasn't sure why it hurt. It hurt to lie, to not be able to tell him the truth, because there are way too many secrets, secrets that were buried years ago, and Avni was keen on letting it be like that.

"Avi, there was nobody else I could go to."

Those few words kept messing with her, the light ache bubbled itself in her head. She groaned at the severity of pain that rushed through her, didn't matter physical or mental. Rubbing over the distressed skin on her forehead, she let out a deep sigh.

Suddenly, the lights flickered on, making Avni gasp and lean back due to the unanticipated movement.

She glanced towards the left, eyes resting on him, the man whom she kissed not too long ago, standing in dark brown sweats and a comfy white shirt.

There was this still moment where everything was sheer, sheer silent, just the faint echo of the ticking of the clock and their slow and unheard breaths.

"You are awake." As those words left his mouth, Avni searched for emotions that always rendered when he spoke but now, there was just a trace of it left. It was faint, but it was still there.

"Why am I here?" Avni wasn't being dumb when she asked this. She remembered feeling light-headed even before they shared their first intimate time together. Now that it happened, she tried to overlook the exhaustion that crept over until it was too hard to take. She didn't want to argue with Neil anymore because her mind was troubling her senses and the unsettling feeling made it hard to stand still. The question was, why she was anywhere but here.

A place she wasn't familiar with, but the idea that it belonged to him came faster than anything else.

"You fainted." He said.

No shit Sherlock, I know that.

Before she could ask again, Neil came closer and placed the medicine on the bedside table. "Take the capsule first. It'll help with the pain." He instructed and headed back towards the door, "Don't take anything else. Water is on the table too. Tell me if you need anything else."

All this while, Avni didn't speak a word, as if he even let her once. She just watched as he left, leaving the door ajar.

"Damn, what a hothead," Avni murmured to herself, wiggling closer and taking the medicine, all while wondering Neil was pissed just as before.

The events were so tiring that it took her whole being to keep up with them. So she just decided to ignore it. To ignore the previous discussion or fight, whatever they had, just for today.

She decided to not think of it anymore when suddenly, Neil barged in the room, startling her again.

"Your mom called." It was so swift, the way he entered and the way he walked towards the bed, tossing her phone, landing it softly on the bed that it took Avni a while to realize what he just said.

"W-what? My mom?" Avni fumbled. "Did you pick up?"

God, please say no.

Neil stopped right in his tracks, his tongue poking the inside of his cheek "No," He sternly replied. "I am afraid you take my intentions the wrong way. I am not the kind of possessive you think I am."

Avni's brows furrowed, only to realise he was still on about what she said earlier. "No, I didn't mean it that way. Just, she won't stop asking me after." She acknowledged that her statement could confuse Neil, so she tried to clarify. "Mom is not as close as Piya but she is not any less either. She won't stop asking and... teasing."

"If you knew her, you would know."

Avni frowned upon hearing him sigh. He left without saying anything back which made her chest tighten with a certain feeling.

But like any other person, she knew it will take some time to go back to normal after what happened.

It was better if they cooled down first.

And just like that, a smile crept up on her face while dialling her mother's number.

"Hey, Fanta!!"



Finally back after submissions, viva and practical exams. 🥳 A week to go before my finals start🤧

If you don't know yet, I keep leaving clues one way or the other in some chapters just because 👀 There's going to be a lot of revelations, a lot of drama and a lot of romance.😁

Anyways, thank you for waiting ♡

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