40 - pumpkin attitude

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Author's POV

The images of last night didn't dawn upon Avni until she saw herself in the mirror.

Waking up early wasn't in her plan but the chatter of birds against the window and the low rumbling in the sky made it easier to get out of the slumber she was in. She was properly sleeping on the bed with a duvet on. The weather was as irritated as it was yesterday if not more, gloomy with hazy clouds which wasn't a pleasing sight as it was more humid now. The city had a weird temperature, neither cold nor hot, it was something in between most of the time which didn't leave an appreciable impression on the people.

She shut down the curtains, heading over to wash up when her eyes landed on her clothes, messily wrinkled and her lips a little swollen. Her fingers trailed on them, a blush creeping up on her cheeks at the sudden realisation.

They spent too much time there, kissing, giggling over his pick-up lines in between, it almost was surreal. There was this beautiful intoxicating feeling that they couldn't get enough of, prying onto it again and again until they were full but they weren't quite yet. It was an overwhelming experience to feel this kind of intimacy where eyes could convey the feelings and words were rarely spoken.

To say that, it was indeed a long night.

Avni wasn't sure when they parted, it was blurry and all she remembers is him kissing his forehead before leaving or maybe that was just her daydreaming.

Suddenly, it clicked that she was too busy reminiscing those events as she stood there for the past few minutes so brushing off the thoughts, she washed up before changing into something comfy which was a wrecking task with the cast on her arm.

Down the hallway, she spotted the guest room's door open, a hushed voice reaching her ears as she got closer.

"Mom, I swear I didn't catch a cold." Neil's voice boomed as she stood before the door. "Okay, I'll come home for breakfast. Don't worry."

He turned his attention to the knock on the door, a smile flitting on his lips as he watched Avni awkwardly standing, a faint curve on her lips. He gestured her to come in, his mind twirling back to the person on the phone. "Mom, listen...I am perfectly fine. When I come home, check it for yourself." He whined softly.

Avni gawked shamelessly as he spoke, conversing in a different type of cute way with his mother, her eyes crinkling, unable to hide the smile on her cheeks.

"Okay, I'll see you. Bye."

Just as he hanged up, he eyed Avni who was staring at him albeit a little awkward, dressed in matching bear pyjamas and top, hair let open. "Good morning," he greeted, flashing her a smile.


"Does it tax you to say good?" He raised a brow, walking towards her.

"With the cast on, it surely does." She muttered, gaze flitting from her arm, back to him.

"Till when it's gonna be?"

Avni gleamed, waiting for the day. "This week," she smiled. "They'll remove it and I'll start rehab. Maybe, I can go back to shooting and quit the boring time."

"You must really hate it."

Avni nodded, pouting. "Yeah, I despise it."

He shook his head at the sudden excitement in her tone, smiling as he did. "So, what's the plan for today?"

Confused, Avni mumbled, "Um, nowhere?"

"Did you seriously forget what you promised yesterday?" He feigned shock, his palm hovering on his heart as if hurt.

"I don't recall..." Avni pondered, travelling back to the last night events, and as realization took over, she widened her eyes, "oh...the date?" Neil nodded, internally fawning over her cute reactions.

"I didn't promise that." She gaped.

"Yeah, but you agreed. You accepted. You said and I quote, "Neil Khanna, I would love to..."" His mimicked voice was shut by the soft skin of her palm against his lips. "Okay, I got that. No need to repeat, " she glared.

He chuckled, breathy and soft against her palm, quite not something Avni would find herself loving the sound of but she did. She released her palm, taking a step behind but Neil was quick to tug her wrist and pull her close.

"Did you sleep well?" Avni's face flushed with the comment and the fact that they were so close, she could feel the ghost of his lips. She gulped, "I did."

"Perfect." He said. "Seven in the evening? Are you okay with it?" His grip was firm, brown eyes gleaming as he looked into hers. Somehow, his way was asking was more comfortable than the others. It was a question and it felt like he would take it if she denied but there was something else going on in her mind and she wanted it.


"Hm...we can take a rain check too?"

"No, it's okay. I mean...if it's okay with you."

"Cool, I don't have much work today. I'll be off at five or six something." He locked his lips, eyes carrying mischief when he spoke. "I can pick you up since you can't... drive." At that, Avni glared at him, pulling back from his hold, maintaining a safe distance.

"I am sure you would love a date alone!!"

Frowning, she walked towards and out the door, him following behind, laughing, trying to get used to her annoyance whenever he teased.

"Oh come on, Miss Raichand, don't be petty."


To say that Avni was conflicted would be an understatement. Well, the date wasn't the problem but asking that someone to help her was. Piya. Taking her help was a tough task because she won't shut up, riling her up to get annoyed.

But here she was, getting different tips from her 'dont know why' bestfriend who figured out something and won't stop gushing about it.

"...I thought I won't ever see the day." She rambled on, about how excited she was for her date.

"It's not my first time."

"Of course, it's not." She gaped, putting her hands together to speak which Avni was unsure whether she was ready to hear. "I never once knew about any date of yours. Neither I met them, well leaving that pumpkin attitude co-star of yours of course, who sucked at socializing."

"Hey, it wasn't his fault. He had a tough time greeting people." Avni defended.

"Sure thing, dude." Her brows furrowed, emotions all over. "I congratulated him on the film and he said, ‘same to you’ and just because I laughed on his face, he never smiled at me again."

"Who laughs at that?"

"Normal people?"

Avni sighed, "Okay. He is not my date anymore. Why are we talking about him?"

"Right. Where was I?"

"Correct, I was thanking God that finally, you're going on a date." She beamed. "Why aren't you excited?"

Avni rolled her eyes. "You want me to jump over all the house?"

"Well, I mean... if you want..?"

"No, thanks. I'll pass."

Avni's eyes flitted to the message that lit up the screen of her phone. Neil? She expected anyone but him.

Piya noticed the change of conversation, and the way her eyes reflected disappointment before a subtle faint curve settled on her lips.

"Lover boy is coming, right?" There was a glint of sadness when she asked, something she didn't want for her bestfriend. Even though she teased her about him all day long, she genuinely wanted her to spend time for herself.
All these years, Piya saw her bestfriend going out on dates with co-stars who were just someone that liked the actress she was, her reputation, and all the jazz that came with the publicity they got. She knew that all of it wasn't serious, they went out eating and she came back all tired but still ready to shoot the next day. No one genuinely excited her, made her giddy as the boyfriend of her bestfriend but when she saw Neil, it changed.

It wasn't something that came like the blink of an eye. It happened when he visited her after the surgery, though a lot of days later, but he looked like he really wanted to see her. She saw how he looked at her bestfriend and days passed by, he was still there by her side. He was waiting for her, and Piya was happy that Avni was going out with him, finally.

"Yeah, he is," Avni grumbled, too tired with Piya's hyperactivity.

Piya grinned, "Perfect then."

"He said he'll be late. We still have time."

Piya clasped her hands together. "Oh really?" Avni nodded. "Thank god, I thought we had half an hour before it strikes seven but I guess your boyfriend knew you'll be late."

Avni gaped at her, "I barely take half an hour to get ready."

"That's the problem," Piya pointed out. "It's a date. You should at least look like you want to be there."


"Brat, don't ignore me."

"When are you leaving me alone?"

"Oh you wish, Miss Raichand."

"Don't call me that, Piya."

"Why?" She wiggled her brows. "Only ACP is allowed to call you that?"

"Oh, shut up. Don't start again."

Time passed as they bickered, while Piya managed to get Avni into something nice for a date. However, it was a tough task with the cast, but Avni managed to pull it nonetheless.

Taking one last check in the mirror, Piya pushed her slightly outside the room to wait for him. If Avni was honest, she was not ready for all this. It was too much maybe, all this make-up and the dress on top of heels. It was a nightmare. What if he showed up in a simple tee and jeans.

It would be a perfect day to clown yourself.

Avni was scrolling through the timeline, checking out news, and she clicked a few selfies which she didn't dare post because it would garner attention and she wanted to save it for later.

As expected he called earlier to tell that he will be there soon and it was almost time.

Suddenly, her phone rang and she hastily picked it up. Her heart jumping over don't know what. All efforts to calm it down were in vain. His voice came in a whisper, warm and hushed.

"I am here."


was thinking of adding the date here, but it would've been too long 😋

fluff awaits before the downfall 🚶‍♂️

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