44 - new profound feelings

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Author's POV

"Does it hurt?" He asks, observing, slowly and steadily twisting her arm.

The stretch doesn't leave her with a stinging pain like initial days, nor does it make her wince like the previous week. The thought itself brings a smile to her face, and she shakes her head.

"Now?" He presses into the flesh of the upper arm, studying her features for any discomfort.

She shakes her head again, this time, grinning from the recovery she had made.

"That's great, Miss Raichand. You're doing very well." The physiotherapist smiles, leaning over to the side to fetch his diary and write the progress down.

"You're doing those exercises before bed, right?" He asks for confirmation.

"Yes, Dr Shah. And I feel better now."

He looks up, smiling, "You seem delighted."

"Why not?!" Avni exclaims, too loud, only to click her tongue, grinning, "Sorry. I would really like to go back to work as soon as I can." And spend time with him...

He smiles again, "Of course, you are allowed to resume daily activities. However, I advise you to not get it in action, precisely, don't yank, don't carry anything heavy, especially don't move it too hastily. I hope you get my point." Avni nods. "And if there is a sting, doesn't matter how less painful, tell me as soon as possible."

Avni gets up to send him off, walking towards the entrance. He smiles again, this time faint. "Meet you next week, Miss Raichand. Have a great week!"

"Thank you. I will."

Last month when Avni got her cast removed, she had been trying everything to get her arm back to normal. Rehab was helpful, the last week showing more signs of progress than ever before.


"Heyyyy! You called me today? What's the occasion, baby?"

Avni smiles, shy. "Nothing, Maa. I just missed you."

She leans backwards, her back touching the headboard, anticipation coursing through her veins, as she recalls his last message.

♡ Neil ♡
Miss Raichand, I hope you miss me ;)
Don't forget our date today!
Dress comfortably. See ya!

I do.
I'll be waiting, heh.

There's no denying that something has happened. To Avni. Because her Mom can sense the way she has changed. The change is not drastic, it is steady. A change in which she can imagine the beautiful, genuine smile on her daughter's lips. A change in which her daughter seems to embrace the hesitation, even taking the first step to talk, to talk about her days, the therapy, and most importantly, being honest with her.

So far, Avni's Mom doesn't really remember that great of a time in which her daughter moved forward from that incident. The way she spoke, the way she got busy with her work, the way she kept jumping to other topics to avoid talking and then rarely at all. All these years, it had been just like that. It was almost like, she became a robot that had a specific task assigned to her.

A task to forget.

Not much time has passed, but the breeze entering through the window of her room is cold, and chilly because again, December is unrelenting to anyone for that matter. For the past one month, the way calls were being dialled from India to the US, just being about daily occurrences made Avni's Mom believe that, yes, her daughter could finally smile, real, and enjoy everyday life.

One of them is spending time with a certain someone.

Krisha isn't unaware of the precious soul that has her daughter's eyes gleaming, though, it's a shame, she never spoke to him or rather has seen him.

Neil Khanna. The name has been etched in her brain, courtesy to Ali, well partly, because her future daughter-in-law Piya always brings him up in something.

"God, Mom, you should've seen Avni. She's like totally whipped."

"Damn, and that ACP, he's in head over heels."

"They're so beautiful together, Mom. I could cry."

"Avni is happy. She is smiling all the time." *a sniffle* "Mom, I am happy that she is happy."

Although that did make even Krisha cry, nothing was as beautiful as that one time, when she listened to them converse. That was partly Avni's fault because she forgot to hang up, and partly, hers, but she so damn couldn't resist.

"Avni, come on, it's getting cold." She heard him whine. He sounded beautiful. "Who are you even talking to? Is it your annoying bestfriend?" At that, even Krisha couldn't help but facepalm.

These kids.

"Jesus, wait a second. You're too impatient."

"Me?" He laughed. "Speak for yourself, Miss Raichand." He was smirking, that's for sure.

"Don't you forget the night I asked you to go on a date with me. Seems like someone got annoyed by my little request between our makeo-"

"Shut up!!!"

Krisha cooed. It was then horror took over her place, because she was sure, she clearly heard a sound, something she found too private to listen to, leading to her hanging up.

As much as she wanted to know more, she didn't want to invade her privacy with her partner.

"Is it a date?" Avni let out a small gasp. Krisha smiled on the phone.


"These days you're being as annoying as Piya." Avni pouted.

"Is it not?" She smirked, knowing that Avni surely, would deny it. There's no way-

"It is." Krisha's eyes widened. T-this was-this was unlike Avni. Wow. She really was doing better.

"Have fun." Krisha smiled. "Oh, and use protec-"

"BYE!" Avni hanged up, face flushed red.


She looked over to her wristwatch. He would be here anytime. Just then, the doorbell rang, announcing the arrival of the man Avni had been desperately waiting for.

She was greeted by flowers in her vision, and then a head tilting to meet her eyes, smiling, "Hello, beautiful!"

Avni smiled, taking the bouquet of tulips, and reaching up to press a soft kiss on his cheek. "Thank you. They're lovely."

"Of course, they are." Neil entered, closing the door, and following Avni to the living room, where she happened to be busy for a minute, settling the flowers.

"I like this colour on you."

Avni turned to face him. "Which one? Red or Black?"

"Both." He grinned, pulling her in, arms going around her waist. "A deadly combination." He pecked her lips, before pulling back to admire her again.

Upon the flare black pants, she wore a woollen blood-red sweater, adorned by a silver chain with an infinity pendant, along with beautiful studs that complimented her hair pulled into a ponytail with loose waves.

All in all, she looked god damn hot. And Neil felt lucky to get to even be able to have her in his arms.

"Don't you look dashing yourself?" Avni chuckled, pecking his lips, too, and giving him quite of a smirk.

"Don't do this, unless you wanna be late."

"Let's go." Avni pulled him out of the apartment, giggling to herself.

The drive was long, because Neil took her outside the rush of the city, driving towards a destination that seemed seldom crowded.

"Where are we going exactly?"

"Guess," He winked.

"Oh! Oh."

Neil looked over at her, frowning. Did she guess it already? He raised his brows.

"A love hotel."

It was pure satisfaction seeing Neil look at her in disbelief, shaking his head, because if not for the traffic barely present, they would have surely had a dent in the back of the car, taking in how quickly Neil applied the brakes and regained his balance.

"Stop saying such things."

"Don't you want to?" Avni wiggled her eyebrows.

"You're distracting me." Neil let out a laugh. "Should I stop the car here? No one would see." He teased, waiting for her reaction. When he saw her turn to look out the window with beetroot cheeks, he bit his lip, trying to stop smiling.

Music played, silence was shared, distance was covered, and at a certain point in the journey, the destination was close by.

They held hands as they entered the art museum, with hushed smiles and gleaming eyes.

Avni couldn't remember the last time she visited a museum, it must have been a few years. The memories were blurry, but she was glad that Neil kept adding such beautiful pictures into her film of life.

"Wow, it's such a beautiful piece." Avni stood there, admiring the thrashing waves of the ocean, under the cascade of sunlight, melting into hues of yellow, orange, purple and blue.

"What do you think of it?"

He seemed to ponder for a moment before speaking, "I see a beautiful dawn, a new beginning, the reflection of clouds in the water. How even water vapour has the power to shine in the water. How nothing never not leaves an impact."

Avni smiled, "I never thought like that. It's something to wonder."

"And what do you think?"

"I see a regular day, just like any other. The sun is setting, its' different colours melting in the sky. The waves are being them, a force of nature, travelling back and forth, passing thunderstorms and causing some. They're just them, doing what they're supposed to do."

"We do think differently." Neil comments. "But we can embrace each other's thoughts as well."

They spent a good time there, clicking pictures, sharing thoughts, and just feeling content being each other's company, even, buying one of the paintings.

It was not over, Avni guessed. Because after getting in the car, they drove somewhere else, the chilly air forcing itself in, just like new profound feelings were swirling in Avni's heart.

Being with Neil was too good to be true.

But Avni assured herself that she deserved it. Happiness.

"I hope you didn't take love hotel too seriously?" Avni chuckled, unsure.

"Oh, I did." He winked at her. "And that's why," he gradually stopped the car, turning to see widened eyes staring back at him, "I'm going to blindfold you."

Avni gasped when he reached over a little to wrap that cloth around his eyes.

"You're not serious!" Avni let out a chuckle again, but this time it was intentional because there was no way, she was expecting it.

"I am, baby," Neil whispered in her ears, causing her to flush red at the nickname. It was the first time they went on a pet name basis, and Avni wouldn't lie and say she didn't enjoy it.

The rest of the ride was not long, barely more than a minute. He guided her out of the vehicle, goosebumps visible on her arms, probably because of winter, or maybe.. excitement and nervousness.

Neil slowly undid the knot, her eyes blinking a few times to adjust to the brightness, breath caught, eyes admiring, disbelief visible when she turned to face him.

He was smiling, genuine.

"A beautiful date for my beautiful date." Her heart fluttered at his words, her smile widening, and she reached to kiss him, slow, full of contentment.

"You're too lovable, Neil. I always think I can't like you enough, but you prove me wrong, yet again. Thank you so much."

It was obvious that Neil didn't expect that confession, but nevertheless, he received it, and he was happy.

"You make me happy, Avni."

"You do, too."

Before the staring in admiration contest could go on longer, Neil grabbed her by the hand, leading her to the chairs.

The view was heavenly. The sun was melting, like hues meddling in a painting. A table was set for two, before the scenic view of the beach, lights illuminating their way. It was surrounded by trees a little more than a few walks away, a villa could be seen from where they stood, lit up and faint music was coursing up till here.

With no one in sight, Avni fished for an answer. "Where we will get our food from?"

"Just a moment.." Neil said.

The sound of steps reaching them made Avni turn to look back at the woman approaching them, dressed in casual and warm clothes, and with a name tag reading 'Julie'.

"Good evening! Your food will be here in a minute. Please, tell us if there's any additional request apart from the menu decided beforehand." She chided, filling their glasses with champagne, soon disappearing with, "I hope you have a great time."

"How-how did you manage to find such a place?" Avni exhaled, thrilled.

"Trust me, it took me more than a day." Neil shook his head. "I asked one of my friends for good places. His Dad is a head chef at this brilliant beachside restaurant, you can't see it from here, but it's behind that villa," he pointed to Avni's back, "I never came here. Just heard it from her once. So I thought, why not ask for ideas. I am seeing for the first time, too." He tilted his head with a happy grin.

"I love it here. There's no one here, no cameras, and I feel comfortable, and knowing that it's you who I'm here with, I am most importantly, glad."

Avni knew, that lately, she was being honest, with her family, Neil and even herself. What she wanted, needed and cared about was making itself known, vivid in her mind.

"Now, I don't know if I can just be hungry for food." Neil sighed, stealing a glance at her, a little shook to see her smiling hard, but focused on the view instead of him.

"Don't be shy, we don't know what the night might bring!" He teased, willing to see her reaction. Only to pout, seeing her ignore it intentionally.

A few waiters bring them food sooner than expected, decorating the table with slices of freshly fried meat, and a few varieties of dishes, along with fruits and add-ons.

The time they spend is splendid, lovely just like the gazes they stare at each other with. Avni expresses the pleasure the food brings through her eyes and the way she eats. Neil watches her, glancing at the eyes, the red tip of her nose - probably from the winter air, her lips as she swipes her tongue across it, a little more than a few times, then the curve of her neck.

She notices. His gaze on her, filled with desire and a feeling she still can't pinpoint. It's always there, dancing in its wake, making itself known, but not quite revealing. He knows that his little admiring was caught, but the way his eyes stare just as lovingly, not leaving the owner of their adoration, makes her blush. She turns to look at the beach, popping a strawberry right into her mouth, knowing pretty well that his gaze never left.

They savour the food, tongues tasting the spices and unique flavours of the dishes very well, sipping the champagne throughout. They don't talk much, just here and there, sharing which dish had an impact on them. There's silence, even when the desserts arrive. With a single spoon to share, it prompts him to reach and feed her. In a single bite, her mouth fills with sweetness. He smiles affectionately, and she blushes again.


hey refill their glasses, stealing glances in between, sharing smiles as they finish their beautiful dinner date.

It's late, the sun has disappeared long ago, and the moon shines, giving the horizon the darkest blue.

"New Year is almost in a week," Avni says, catching Neil off-guard who was busy, messaging someone, but it's barely a minute.

"Right." He smiles at her, putting his phone back in his pocket. "Are you excited?"

She is. "I am. Actually, I am waiting for Christmas, and then New Year. My family used to celebrate both together. It was a nice one week festival for us."

Avni is happy. It shines in her eyes and the way she grins so wide, the December air making her blush red. Neil is captivated by her beauty, her presence and most importantly, this moment.

So, he takes the opportunity and entwines his left hand with her right, softly caressing the back of it. It's cute, the way she shies away, looking at the ground as they take a walk around.

"I don't celebrate Christmas, but if it's something that makes you happy, we can do it."

That makes Avni halt. She turns to look at him, his eyes sincere and fond, staring at her with equal love depicted in hers.

"Be my boyfriend, Neil."

Neil didn't have enough time to react as he was pulled by the neck for a kiss. His arms rested on her waist, kissing her fervent and passionate. Their tongues collided a moment later, not caring if anybody was there in the midst of their beautiful confession. She let out a gasp when he pulled her lower lip between his teeth, nibbling and sucking because he so, impatiently, waited for this damn moment.

A moment where he could call her his.

"There's no way to describe what you do to me, baby."

It was intense, hot and burning, the way they were pressed together, kissing, pecking, and then parting for breaths. There was no one else. Just them. In their little world of him and her.


Heyya everyone! This update was a little rushed because someone private messaged and requested an update. I was busy with my practical exams, so hey, if u see this, please understand my reason for being 5 days late hehe..

Also, the next update will be after the 3rd week of May because my finals end on 21st. (It was updated. So final dates are from 4 - 21)
Please don't ask me to update earlier than that because I have to focus and get anxious whenever I'm on a tight schedule :)

Also, please tell me beforehand if you want the next update focusing on...

1. continuation of this date..time spent on villa... (It can be a bit mature..or can be steamy if u like...)
2. Spending Christmas ( in detail )

If u choose the first option, Christmas will still be described though not that lengthy...

Thank you for being patient, enjoy this little chapter of fluff. ❤️

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