47 - trouble in paradise

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Author's POV

Neil can't fathom the view in front of him.

Never in his wildest dreams, he can imagine that the current situation is not a figment of his imagination, but really real.

Anxiety forms a bubble in his head, goosebumps rise like a second skin and his heartbeat escalates, rapid and nervous. The voices are muffled as his sole focus remains on a pair of eyes that are struck, glazed with a strange emotion, tense and restless.

He can feel the sweat forming on his forehead, casually dipping around the back of his neck. He rubs a hand over his mouth to quieten the bubble that is just not ready to leave him. At all.

"This is my son, Neil."

The introduction sends him ten feet down under the ground, the familiarity of it is nerve-wracking because if the woman in front of them recognises him, then game over.

His mom maintains a smile even after his lack of greeting, still a bit confused, he knows as she passes him an iffy look.

The woman looks in her late 40s or early 50s, he isn't sure, a fine line of wrinkles on the corner of her eyes as she smiles, looking beautiful nevertheless. Her straight hair flows down to her waist and he notices - her eyes are a colour of coffee brown.

He manages a smile after a moment, before they skip towards the dining table. He is well aware of the eyes on him, but he doesn't dare catch.

"Neil's very well spoken and sweet." Shweta grins. "I think he's just being a little shy."

"Oh, it's no big deal, don't worry."

The two people that stare back at him are so familiar, and he might just have a hint on how they are related to the woman, though he hopes his hunch fails him.

"Where's Prakash?" The woman asks suddenly, it takes him off-guard, the casual way of speaking, like she knows them.

"Oh, he's on the way. Just caught up with work." His mom adds, and he's reminded of the conversation from an hour ago.

"Mom...please. Is it really necessary?"

"Of course, it's Sunday anyway. You told me you are taking the day off."

"Wait, let me rephrase it for you, mom." He stared, unimpressed. "I said I'll try taking a day off. And you know my work, emergencies come unannounced. I have to go then."

"Okay. We'll see about that."

"Bebe!" He whined.

"I think our children aren't impressed with the lack of familiarity?" He nervously laughs it off at the comment, casually sending a smile to the woman who does the same before focusing her attention back on his mother, Shweta.

"Why don't we have a little introduction for the children?" He screws his eyes shut before turning a little to smile at his grandma. She caresses his hair as she takes out a chair for herself and casually nudges him to sit down beside her. He smiles, doing as he's told.

"Why am I being left out?" The voice of his father booms in the hallway before he comes into view, a leather briefcase in his left hand. His arrival brings smiles to a few faces, the atmosphere more brightened. He offers his hand for a shake before taking a seat on one of the chairs, and the casual conversation goes to the trip and their work.

The more time passes by, the more Neil feels himself crumbling down, because his denial only pushes him closer to the truth. His heart chants a name loud, beating erratically against his chest, and his eyes betray him as they catch a pair of the most beautiful ones he has ever seen. He wonders what Avni will think about it.

"I already know a few things about your daughter, but I might need some introduction if it comes to your son." Prakash smiles as they dig in, expecting an answer, the next moment he receives it.

"I'm a wood sculpture artist, Uncle." He grins, eyes glistening with a shine. "I'm staying with Mom back in the US."

Prakash and Shweta share acknowledging glances before they settle with a smile. Prakash even adds, "That's a lovely career. I haven't heard of it in a long time. Last time was when I was studying my bachelors and one of my friends had told me that his little sister likes working with wood and she's planning to make a career in wood sculpture."

"I would love to see some of your works." Shweta chimes.

"Oh, sure, it will be my pleasure, aunty."

"How does it work? Do you work with a company?" Bebe's curiosity pipes in.

"No, I work freelance. I have my own studio."

"Wow.." she murmurs, "that's great." The conversation closes off then and there, and they continue eating lunch in silence.

It's barely a few minutes before Prakash asks again. "How's Mumbai treating you? Are you happy with life here?"

Neil notices the brother nudging his sister, he knows that by now. She looks up from the table, nervous before returning a smile. "I'm content with life and yes, Mumbai's treating me quite well." She steals a glance at him before looking back at his father. He gulps down the butterflies threatening to slip off his tongue.

"Why do you keep staring at Avni?"

The question is casual, but it comes off a little louder than Bebe intends to, because she should have been whispering, considering Neil's sitting just beside her. And now, everyone's looking at him, partially stopping and waiting for an answer.

Neil shakes his head, "No, I wasn't." His chuckle is empty when he speaks again. "I mean, I- I was looking at her because," he gestures oddly, "she was talking. I was looking at Ali, too but of course, you didn't notice."

The suspicious gaze is still on him. He leans closer and whispers, "Please Bebe, you're embarrassing me."

"But you were-"

He hisses, "Fine, I was. She's beautiful and I was just admiring her beauty. Please...let this go, everyone's looking at me." Bebe looks away with a mirthful smile.

"Shweta, pass me the pickle."

Neil would be a fool to say that he didn't notice a teasing smile on his Mom's face.

"Do you like her?" She asks. And goddamn, why can't his family just announce into a microphone because at least, he would know that it's gonna be a loud accusation which is perhaps very true.

Prakash nudges her to be silent as he softly whispers, "She's probably dating someone."



My God.

Neil internally panics, how does his father know? He peers a little beside his front, and sees Avni freeze in her spot, a spoon lifted in the air, immobile. It happens fast, Avni's excusing herself and leaving the table. He knows she isn't mad, or maybe he wishes so.

"Look, you made her uncomfortable." Prakash comments, and Shweta is suddenly apologising. "I'm sorry, Krisha. I shouldn't have said that."

Krisha flails her hand, denying. "I'm sure she wasn't upset or anything. Actually, it's been a long time since I have had her visit somewhere with me. So, I assume she's just overwhelmed. You don't have to be sorry."

They nod with an apologetic smile.

"But is it true..?" Bebe starts, "The dating part?"

Neil visibly flinches, and so does Ali, probably less intense. He shouldn't have stayed back home. He should have just gone to work. Then maybe, he wouldn't have to be here, embarrassedly panicking and wishing he could dig a hole and die. But, no, apparently, God has better plans. If only he knew...

Krisha doesn't take it to heart. She hums, propping a finger under her chin, "maybe... If I had met someone through her," she grins at him, he blinks and it's gone, "I would have an instance to support your claim."

Prakash laughs, "You're talking like a lawyer."

"You're rubbing off on me." She rolls her eyes and everybody agrees with a laugh.

"Mom, should I look for her?" Ali asks after a while.

"You should." Neil nods. Maybe, he shouldn't have.

"I think it would be great if you could do that, Neil." Krisha suggests. "That way, she can be a little eased here. Right?" Right. Of course.

He shouldn't have even opened his mouth. Or, better, he shouldn't have woken up today. He should've slept the day off.


Ali glances at him with a worried look as he gets up from the chair. He assures him with a faint nod.

As he leaves, he hears a conversation going along. He takes in from the middle of the conversation, followed by a loud laugh, his father's definitely.

"You have to come to the wedding."

"Oh, we will. All of us."

He wonders if they're talking about Avni.


The clouds seem to fade in through the orange glow as the sun deems itself more closer to the horizon.

Avni shudders at the sudden wave of chilly breeze that grazed her. The sun has decided to set early these days due to the grace of winter. But there is more than an hour remaining for it to set.

She is currently sitting on the bench in the backyard of Neil's home, like that one time she had with Shaurya, Neil's Uncle's son.

The overall situation is overwhelming, quite unnerving in every sense. It was just yesterday that Ali came home and even met Neil. She didn't know she would be greatly surprised today morning. Krisha and her reunion was a bittersweet one, shared smiles and happy tears. She couldn't contain herself, the joy was unlike any other, after all, there's something so pure and loving about a child's relationship with their mother.

Well, there is something more crazy that has happened. She remembers that on the occasion of Christmas, Neil said that his Mom would've loved Avni if she met her. It is as if his words came true. Neil's family is lovely. They are decent, don't ask any over-the-top uncomfortable questions and are just so similar to her people. Teasing. 

Maybe, God blessed her, saying this is the only constant quality of all your favourite people in life and you should consider yourself lucky. 

Piya. Her Mom. Neil! And now, even his Mom.

Do you like her?

Avni can feel the faint blush rising on her cheeks. She can't believe that Neil's her boyfriend. She can't believe that she's at his boyfriend's home. She can't believe that her family is having a feast with Neil's. 

She sighs in content. 

The situation is overwhelming, but surreal.

The sudden feather-like touch makes her jump, bringing her back from her thoughts. She turns to look back but there is no one, she turns away from the view and sees Neil taking a seat beside her.

"You need to work on your reflexes."

"Oh, shut up!" Avni crosses her arms, looking away.

"Oh?" Neil gapes. "Are you mad at me now?"

"Like you don't deserve it." She huffs.

"Please remind me why am I at fault, Miss Raichand?" He challenges.

"You didn't tell me that you were or your family was planning to invite my Mom for lunch!" She raises a brow.

"As if I knew!" Neil says. "I did know someone was coming but imagine my shock when I saw you. On top of that, I didn't know you would come here with your Mom. I didn't even have a clue." He sighs, leaning against the bench. "I got confused as I saw Ali because I thought he was your friend or someone close to you but siblings? You didn't tell me."

"I didn't?" 

Neil shakes his head.

"Oh. Sorry."

"You didn't reply to my messages." Neil scoots closer, yearning to be close to her.

"Mom arrived this morning." She picks at the thread of slash cut on the knees of her baby blue jeans. "So, I was busy. I didn't have time to check the phone. I wanted to spend time with her. I don't know how long she's planning to stay. And, I have shoots lined up so…I'm not sure if I'll be able to catch up more. I'm happy but sad."

Neil intertwined his right hand with her left, softly caressing the back of it with his thumb, slowly in circular motion. "It must be hard. I understand. You miss her even when she's with you."

Avni hums, watching the flowers in the garden as she leans on his shoulder, her hair tickling his skin. "This is unbelievable."

"Very much so." Neil agrees with a smile. "My family embarrassed me there."

"Why? Weren't you staring at me?" She lets out a soft chuckle.

"How'd you know? Were you?" Neil teases, and goddamn, maybe she loves it.

"I'm choosing not to comment." Avni huffed before sharing a sweet laugh with him. 

"Your Mom was there. I- I think she knows." He tilts his head, pondering.

"Of course, I told her your name. And best believe, she's smart so probably she caught on to your innocent act."

"That's mean." 

"I am mean. Thank you very much." Avni sits up straight, pulling her hand away, and a flash of confusion overtakes Neil's features. "Anyone can see us."

"Right. Congratulations on your marriage." He mutters, nonchalant, rubbing his palms and looking away from her.

"Are you crazy?!" Avni laughs. "What marriage? And with who, you?" 

Neil takes it as an offence. "Excuse me? Are you taunting me? And what is so bizzare about getting married to me?" 

"Everything." Avni takes delight in seeing Neil getting so worked up. "The first reason is that you just became my boyfriend and that is enough reason."

"Wow." Neil scoffs. "You are really a mean girlfriend." Avni shrugs. "And I heard your Mom asking my family to come to the ceremony."

"It's not for me, definitely." Avni nudges him, smirking, "Don't take it to heart, Mr. Khanna."

"It's about Ali. He is getting married in a few months."

"Oh. Arranged?" 

Avni squints her eyes playfully at him. "No, Dumbo! He is getting married to Piya."

That throws him almost off the edge. 

"What?!" His eyes widen, so does his voice. "No way! I must keep him in my prayers then."

"Shut up." Avni giggles, watching a small smile play off on her boyfriend. "She is a little intolerable but she's not that bad."

"Little? You're under exaggerating." 

"That's not a term."

"Now, it is." He hums, throwing an arm around her shoulder and pulling her close, the spare hand moving to grasp at one of hers. He stares at her soft expression as she gazes at the flowers again, making him pout at the lack of attention. 

He takes in her brown sweater top, the cartier watch on her wrist, the casual sneakers complimenting the outfit. He breathes in her jasmine smell that is so hypnotic and heady, he loves it. He sees the red coating of the lip balm on her plump lips, pulling him in.

"I so desperately want to kiss you." 

Neil watches surprise overtake Avni, her jaw hanging open as she palms his mouth, feigning a glare. "Your mouth needs a filter."

"Please…just once."

"No! Neil, we're out in the open."

"No one cares, trust me." Neil reassures with a soft nod.

"I do!"

They both pull away and turn with bewildered expressions, heartbeat surging, only to breathe air of relief after spotting Ali.

"It's you, thank god!" Neil inhales, sharply.

"Thank God?" Ali sounds unimpressed. "Why do you think it's a good idea for romance when both of your families don't even know you're dating?" Both of them groan. "Plus, even though they may be open-minded, it's never a good idea to kiss in front of Indian parents, keep it at stealing glances, they like it better."

They make space for him to sit but he chooses to stand in front of them. Neil quirks a brow before smiling, "Congratulations on your marriage. Stay safe." 

Ali grins, swatting at his arm. "Thank you. And don't you make fun of her." He gives him a side eye. "She's lovely."

"Anyway, you both are coming in or should I just let them talk so they somehow make you both go on a date?" 

"No! We're coming." Avni stands up, pulling Neil by the strong grip on her hands. "Come on, Neil."

Neil stands up with a groan before following them through the yard and to the entrance of the house when his phone rings in his pocket. He excuses himself and urges them to go in.

Shweta's eyes find them and she takes them in the living room where all of them are sitting, chatting over things. The atmosphere is so light and filled with happiness that it makes every cell of her body jump in glee. Maybe the concept is quite bizarre but it does feel that way.

"Where's Neil?" Krisha asks, meeting their eyes.

"Oh, he just got a call." Ali chooses to speak.

Shweta and Krisha get busy sharing details about their work. Prakash says that he would like to make a donation to Krisha's NGO.

"You really like him, don't you?" Ali whispers to Avni. She nods with a faint smile. "I really do. He just makes every moment feel worthwhile. It's so easy to talk with him, although we've shared a lot of moments with silence, it just gets more comfortable each time. I think I can imagine–"

The sounds of hasty footsteps against the floor makes her halt, her eyes flit to the side, widening as she watches Neil run towards the stairs without a glance. She stands up alongside Ali. Everyone's focus deflates and goes to him. 

"Neil!" His Mom yells for him to stop but he soon disappears from their sight.

"What happened?" Prakash says to no one.

Neil returns a minute later just the same, but Avni notices the keys in his hands and the holster around the waist.

"Mom! I need to go. It's an emergency." He says, looking at them, his expression neutral but a flicker of panic surges through his eyes. His gaze trails towards Avni. "Avni, can you come with me for a minute?"

Avni looks around before walking towards him, and he secludes her to a corner. "Avni, I need you to stay right here along with your family. Don't go back home."

The alarm blares in her head, the various possibilities, the various incidents, all of the what ifs come back crawling, and the fear reflects in her eyes. "What– what happened? Tell me." 

Neil shakes his head. "I will once I see it for myself."

"No! You definitely know but you aren't telling me. My family's here. My Mom's here. You don't understand, Neil!" Avni whispers, figure shaken up, hands trembling. "Please…Neil."

Neil cups her face, gentle. "Look, you don't have to worry. I won't let anything happen to you or your Mom and brother. Trust me. Just do what I'm asking you to. I'll call you soon."

"No! I don't care about your promises or shit. Just tell me." Avni's defences flare up. "What happened? Is it that man or my Dad? Did he do something? Neil, please …I need to know. Please."

"Goddamn it, fine." Neil says, "Someone invaded your flat. I don't know anything as of now. But please…stay here. Don't you dare leave without consulting me. It's for your safety." Neil walks away to leave.

"I will come with you." 

"No, you can't." Neil retorts, gritting his teeth. "Don't make me repeat it." And with that, he rushes to leave. 

The car of the engine starting rings in her ears, before the panic of the situation ahead settles in.


"DD, what about the surveillance cameras?" Neil asks, moving around the living room as he stares at the mess of things on the floor, broken vases, cracks of window glass, everything's upside down. 

"Yeah, a few people entered the building around two hours ago, covered in masks. And someone made a fuss in the parking lot so the guard went there to see, they perfectly timed it to enter." Neil nods and DD continues on. "And they left the same way about ten minutes later. They took nothing."

"Nothing, huh?" Neil mumbles. "Well, that didn't really go well."

"What do you mean, Sir?"

"If it was a plain robbery or something, they would've taken something. Their main motive wasn't to steal something. It was to alert us."

"Alert for what?" DD's eyebrows marred in confusion. "Wait a minute…is that related to what happened at the shoot?"

"I surely can feel it." Neil confirms. "I just want her to be safe."

"She will be. We're already checking the house and the trails back to the men. I'm sure we'll find something. Don't worry."

"Whoever is it, they're on the move."

Neil calls Avni around an hour later, when the dark sky invades in, leaving behind dark shades of blue. 

"Neil? I was so worried." Avni's voice comes from the speaker, soft and trembling. 

"Avni…I don't think you should come back here until the matter's sorted. I think it's for the best."

"Neil, what are you saying? Can you please tell me something. You are being vague and it's not helping." Her voice was above a whisper, agitated.

"I just want to protect you, nothing else."

"And I want to protect my mom." She mutters. "You may know things about me but you don't know everything, Neil. Why do you think I try to keep her away from everything? My Dad turned her life upside down. You may have seen her happy today. But I've seen her at her worst. So, let me tell you, I don't care about anything else but I do care about my Mom and her safety and I will do everything to protect her even if I have to go against what you deem right."

"Are you crazy? I'm handling things my own way. I'll tell my family about the situation and you all can stay with us? I'll tell you everything I can once I come back home."

"No need for all formality, I can go to another apartment of mine. Mom, Ali and I can stay there comfortably and there's no need for you to worry, no one knows about that place."

Neil knew there was no point in an argument, Avni wouldn't listen either way, and if she knew more, she would be wary and do something herself, which could put her in danger. "Okay. But please stay at home until I come. I will send a constable and make sure everything's well."

"Avni?" Neil mumbles. "I'm sorry, okay? I know it is hard for you, I can see it. But you have to understand, I want nothing but your well. I will try my very best to protect you." Because I couldn't protect her, I lost her. I won't lose you. It's a promise.


your welcome ;)

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