Queen of the World

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Wednesday April 10

12:05 pm

Atlantic Ocean

Narrator's POV

Jesse and Alex were walking in a narrow corridor of E deck to find their second class berth, carrying their luggage. Their friend Kenneth went down to the F deck because of his low social position. But before they separated, they promise that they will chat together again during the Titanic's maiden voyage.

Now while they're looking to find their accommodations, there were lots of confusion in many languages, probably about luggages and getting lost in the corridors.

They stopped as they found their room and opened the door. It seemed exactly like the same design as Jenna's.

"I wonder if all rooms in this deck have the exact design." Alex thought.

"I guess." Jesse mentally shrugged.

Suddenly, something came into his mind; it's about their third class friend.

"Hey, Alex. Let's go find Kenny. I wonder what he's up to downstairs." He spoke.

Alex nodded in agreement. "Yeah, let's go."

And they walked out from their new room.

April's POV

In our sitting room, Jacqueline was helping me out to organize the paintings by putting on the wall. But poor her, she got distracted by staring at those beautiful, abstract artworks. I mean, they look amazing for me, too! My older brother Richard was outside on the covered deck with potted trees and vines on trellises. He just watched us organizing the paintings while taking sips of a glass of champagne.

"Those mud puddles were certainly a waste of money." He spoke through the doorway.

"I'm afraid you're absolutely wrong, Mr. Laverne. They're fascinating. Like in a dream...there's truth without logic." Jacqueline counteracted in a calm tone, while looking at a cubist portrait.

I smiled as if I couldn't agree with this girl more; she totally loves that kind of painting.

"What's his name again...?" She tried to read off the name of who made the canvas.

"Picasso." I helped her out.

"Picasso, yes. Thank you, April." She smiled.

I chuckled. "You're welcome."

I heard my brother stepping in the sitting room, with a smirk on his face.

"He'll never amount a thing, trust me. At least they were cheap." He jested before taking another sip of his glass.

I rolled my eyes as if he was being indifferent about paintings but its price.

"Oh, Richard, please. Who cares about its price? You just got to enjoy watching it as if it was like an art museum." I gently scolded.

"Well, how much money did that artist make by that painting, hmm?" He quizzed.

"Oh, artists make good money by using creativity. Anything else you want to argue with me?" I boasted in a flat tone.

I heard no response from him. Ha! I shut him down as a savage.

"No." Was all that heard from him.

I smiled without him noticing. I walked with the painting through the sitting room, just to put it on the wall.

"Good to know. Did you ask the porter to get the safe?"

"The porter will come with it in any moment."

We suddenly heard the quiet rumbling on the floor; it's the porter wheeling the private safe into the room on a hand truck.

"Put that in the wardrobe, please." Richard ordered.

"Yes, sir."

Jacqueline and I kept organizing the paintings anyways.

Kenneth's POV

I was here in the crowded steerage lounge with a beautiful woman I just met named Kristen Miller. She is actually shy and quiet unlike me but I understand how she feels to be here all by herself in the ship. I'm actually outgoing and a 'happy virus' which my old friends called me before.

But goodness, I might handle myself from gushing over her because my heart and mind can't take it! I wanted to be friends with her but I felt like her innocent beauty is pulling me from the inside. It's so attracting to my eyes.

I was showing her my drawings and she seemed very impressed about my artistic skills. I was a little skeptical of showing my sketching to strangers. But since I'm with her and showing it... I feel okay.

"Hey Kenny!" I heard someone calling me.

I turned around side to side and found Jesse and Alex approaching me. Well, what a pleasant surprise! I chuckled as I stood up from the chair.

"Hey, guys!" I smiled.

We shared a group hug, right after they greeted me back.

"I didn't expect you guys to come here." I honestly spoke.

"Well, we were just wondering that what were you up to." Jesse spoke.

"Seems like you made a new friend." I heard Alex, referring to Kristen.

"Oh, yeah." I nonchalantly nodded.

"Alex, Jesse, this is Kristen. Kristen...Alex and Jesse. They're brothers." I introduced.

Kristen stood up from the seat and greeted them with handshakes.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." She smiled.

"Same to us, Kristen." Jesse replied with a smile.

"I was just showing her the drawings I made. I'm sure she liked it." I nervously chuckled.

"You're a good artist, I can see that." She softly complimented.

I smiled as I felt a little heat blooming in my cheeks.

"Thanks, Kristen."

Thursday April 11

2 pm

Atlantic Ocean

Jacqueline's POV

I walked out to the bow of the ship, just to see the amazing view of the ocean. The warm creamy light of late afternoon sky. I stood right at the bow, gripping the railing. I leaned over, looking down fifty feet to where the prow cuts the glassy sunsparkled surfaces of water, like a sharp knife.

The wind streamed through my dark brown hair and my clothing, flapping like flags. Suddenly I heard running footsteps behind me. I turned around and there were two young men running towards the railing deck. They seemed like brothers.

"Wow, this view looks amazing!" One of the brothers spoke in an amazed tone.

"I know, right?!" The other laughed.

I smiled at those brothers; they looked so happy. I leaned far over to look down. As I looked down to the prow, two pairs of gray dolphins appeared under the crystal clear waters. They were gliding in front of it. I love seeing dolphins; they looked so adorable!

"I'm seeing dolphins over here!" I called.

"Really?! Where?!" The two ran towards the railing edge.

"Down there!" I pointed down the waters.

Some of the dolphins broke off, jumped from the waters and dove back in again. We were laughing at amazement at those dolphins.

We looked towards the sun-glittered ocean.

"Hey, I can see the Statue of Liberty over there! Pretty small, of course." One of the brothers pointed at the miniature sized statue from far away.

I saw it from far distance and yes, it is quite small. I stood up on the railing and I held the rope in my hand tight. I slowly stretched my hands wide, letting the wind embrace me. Having this experience was just inexplicable. It's like freedom coming towards me.

"I'M THE QUEEN OF THE WORLD!" I shouted with all my heart so that the whole world could hear.

Well, it might not actually reach the whole planet. But I feel like that the freedom is mine. All mine.

I whooped out of joy and the brothers cheered along with me. I feel like I'm flying all over the ocean. And I believe I can fly and touch the sky.

It was an experience that I would never forget.

Later, I felt a little bit cold so I decided to go inside but I almost forgot to introduce myself to the brothers.

"Oh, by the way, I'm Jacqueline. Jacqueline Rose Dawson. And you two?" I introduced myself to them.

"I'm Jesse and this is my brother Alex." He introduced to me.

"Nice to meet you, though." I offered them a handshake.

"Thanks. Same as us too, Jacqueline." He smiled as we exchanged handshakes.

"Ah! I knew you two are brothers! You look like each other a bit." I was so damn right that they are brothers.

We chuckled together.

"Sorry if I was acting like crazy when I shout out loud and cheer here. It feels like freedom, even when I'm in first class." I nervously apologized.

"It's okay. We're in second-class however, that feeling of flying free is also in us." Alex spoke in a smile on his face.

I nodded, agreeing with Alex.

"Wish could tell you more about me, but I have to go to warm up inside. It's bit chilly for me. I'll see you two later whether I can. Maybe I'll come back." I smiled and waved.

"Okay. We'll see you then." Jesse shrugged; the two waved at me back before I leave the deck.

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