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I groaned in sleep when I heard my phone ring continuously. I rolled in my bed and got the phone from the nightstand. "Hello?" my voice came raspy since I was still in sleep. "Yah Y/n~ah" my eyes opened instantly when I heard her panic. "Mom?" I sat up in the bed. "Why weren't you answering your phone. You scared me" I rolled my eyes at her over protectiveness. "It is just three in the morning here mom"

"Really? I should have checked time before calling you" I chuckled hearing her curse herself. "Its ok mom, but why did you call?" she sighed. "We ran in to some problems here so we won't be home for a week or more maybe" I groaned in to the phone. It's already been a week they went and I already miss them. "But I miss you guys" she cooed in to the phone. "We miss you too honey but we can't come home now"

"Alright, enjoy your time and be safe" I can hear shuffling behind her. "I have to go honey. Take care. I love you" I smiled. "I love you too" I hung up the phone and rolled in the bed. I was too sleepy to get up. After a while I fell asleep again. I was in deep sleep until I heard some snoring. Snoring? Who could be disturbing my sleep this early?

I looked up and saw a cute face. I smiled looking at him. He looks so cute and soft. He was grumbling in the sleep as his hair was bothering him. I brushed his hair away from his face. I can say for sure he is the most handsome guy I have met so far.


He is a man who I don't know. I pulled my hand away instantly.

He must have been startled too cause he opened his eyes and looked at me. "Who are you?" I got up from the bed in panic and held the bed lamp in my hand as a weapon. His eyes widened when he saw the lamp in my hands.

"Listen- " he said taking a step towards me. "I have a weapon. D-don't come near me" I warned him glaring at him. "Really?" he said in mocking voice and I hit him with the lamp but it went through him. My eyes widened at this.

"You are a ghost" I screamed loudly startling him. I was shocked when I felt his hand on my mouth. Wait he can touch me? How is that even possible? I fell back in shock and he landed on top of me. "Get off of me" I screamed hitting his chest. "Will you stop it for god sake" he yelled making me shut up.

"That wasn't hard now, was it?" he said when he got up. "What are you doing in my room?" he looked offended. "I should ask you that. How did you get in my room" I glared at him crossing my arms over my chest. "If you can't see this is my room" his eyes widened when he realized it is not his room. "Wait, where am I?"

"It is my home" I hit him with my pillow when he was about to touch my diary. But it went through him. "What are you?" I looked at him still sitting on the floor. "I am human" he sarcastically answered me. "No, you are not" I replied making him glare. "I must be dreaming" I pinched myself but nothing changed. "It should work though" I pinched hardly and winced when it hurt. "Are you done?" I rolled my eyes at him. "Maybe you are dreaming"

I pinched him but it didn't work either. "Stop hurting me" he slapped my hand away when he realized I was about to pinch him again. "Then how?" he frowned. "I don't know" he looked in the mirror and freaked out when he can't see his reflection. "I can't touch anything" he started panicking when his hand went through the mirror. "How come I can touch you?"

"I should be the one asking you that" I moved away from his hand. "Ouch" I held my leg. "What happened" I didn't answer him. "Come on get up" he offered his hand which I took after hesitating for a minute. "Are you ok?" I sat on the bed and looked at my foot. "I think you sprained it" he said holding my leg gently.

"Where is your first aid kid?" I looked at him wearily. "I had this type of injuries a lot. I can handle it" I pointed to the cabinet. "It's in the top drawer" he got up and tried to open the desk. Tried. But his hand went through the cabinet. "I will take care of it" I slowly limped to the cabinet and got the sprain relief spray out. I sprayed some before wrapping bandage around it. I checked the time and saw I still have two hours before the office.

"It is so weird" he looked at me questioningly. "I mean you can't touch anything except me" he nodded his head. "I know, I am thinking about it too" what the hell is happening. I mean out of people in the world I am stuck with him as a ghost if I can call him that. Why does it have to be me? I snapped out of my thoughts when my phone started blaring. "I have to go. Or I will be late to office" he nodded his head but didn't move.

"Aren't you leaving?" he pouted. "I can't go anywhere" I snorted. "You are Jeon Jungkook. You can go anywhere" his head snapped toward me. "Are you a fan? how do you know me?" I thought about his question. "Maybe you can say I am a fan" I mean I do listen to their songs so I can be their fan, right? "Can't I stay here for a while?" I couldn't say no to that face. "No, you can come with me if you want" I added last part when I saw how sad he was. "Thanks"

I quickly showered and changed in to formals before walking out of the house locking it. I decided to take cab since I can't properly. All the while he was following me quietly. "Hey Soojin" I greeted her when I went to my cubicle. "What happened to you?" she asked me referring to the bandage I had on the leg. "I fell and sprained my ankle" she came to my cubicle.

"Are you ok?" I smiled. "I can manage" I opened the mail and checked the work I has to do today. "You both" we smiled when we saw Eunwoo greet us more like glare at us. "Good morning to you too" he scowled. "How can you leave me with her?"

"Why weren't you enjoying her company yesterday" he glared at me making us burst in to laughter. "I hate you both" I winked at him. "We love you too" he switched on his system not saying anything.

"Y/n" I got up and saw my manager. I greeted him and he nodded his head. "I want you to go to this place" he gave me the address. "They had some problem with cameras yesterday night" I frowned. "Aren't we supposed to check the software first?" he glared making me shut my mouth.

"We already did and it seems nothing is wrong. So, go there and check the wiring and also make sure you keep this case private" I nodded my head. "Didn't you sprain your leg?" Soojin asked me when he left. "I did but I have to go. Otherwise he will kill me" I pouted packing my bag. "I wish I can help you"

"Don't worry I will be fine" I walked out slowly heading to the lift.

"Your friends seem to like you a lot" I jumped in surprise holding my chest. "You scared me" he smiled showing his bunny teeth. "They do but my manager doesn't" I sighed opening the address he gave me. "Where are you going?" I hummed before answering. "I had to check on a complaint"

I hailed a taxi and showed him the address. I thanked him when we reached and got inside the building. It was really beautiful and elegant. I am sure it must be one of the celebrities. "What happened?" I asked when I saw he stopped walking. "This is my dorm" my eyes widened at his words. So that means I met Jungkook and I am gonna meet his members too all in the span of four hours.


Hello readers... I am sorry for the late update. But I am trying to do my best on this story so it will take lot of time. Though I will try to publish frequently from now. Hope you bear with me.

Love you all...


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