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I stood there dumbfounded while Jimin was walking ahead. It was beyond beautiful. The clouds and lights that are placed in the trees were mesmerizing. It is hard to express in words. it has to be seen directly. I was in awe that I haven't realized Jimin left me.

 "Jimin" I called out when I realized he wasn't  here with me. I started looking around for him but it wasn't easy since there were lot of people there. That lady told us so many people come here for this festival and it last for a month. They perform various events and prayers throughout the month. It became hot place for the tourism. 

I was still thinking I didn't realize someone was following me. I screamed in surprise when I felt someone grab my hand. "Hey, relax its me" I looked up and sighed in relief when I saw Jimin. "You scared me" he chuckled while I calmed my heart down. "Come on, let's go together" he intertwined my hand in his and started walking. I felt blush rush to my cheeks at his gesture. I know he didn't mind it but holding his hand made me feel warm.

"Why are you blushing?" I jumped in scare and glared at Jungkook. "Why do you keep scaring me like that" he scoffed. "I told you already. You should have been used to it by now" I rolled my eyes. "Yeah whatever" he started walking beside my right. "You didn't answer my question?" I shook my head. "I wasn't blushing" he rolled his eyes. "Right and I am not Jungkook either"

"Y/n, do you know where we should go?" Jimin asked me before I can answer Jungkook. "I don't know either. That man told us this is all started here so we thought of coming here" I told him. "Maybe we should find some old monks there" he started looking around and I did the same. "How about we go there?" I pointed to a shop which was selling old antiques. "Yeah, Let's go there" he walked there still holding my hand. "Excuse me" there was an old man in the shop who was around in his late sixties. "How can I help you?"

"I am looking for a bracelet. Perhaps do you have any similar piece of it?" Jimin asked him showing the bracelet. His eyes widened when he saw the bracelet. "Where did you get it?" Jimin and I looked at each other. "One of my friends gifted me" I lied to him. "Do you know anything about this?" he shook his head frantically. "I don't but there is this monk who can help you find this" my eyes lightened in hope. "Where can we meet him?"

"He stays in temple on the hill. You can't go there now" I looked at Jungkook who was silent all along. "When can we meet him then?" Jimin asked the old man. "I can take you there in the morning" we thanked him for his help. "Where are you staying?" we told him the address of ahjumma house. "Oh, you are staying in Miss Kang house" we didn't know her name so we kept silent. "I know her. I will come there in the morning at seven and we will go to temple" we thanked him once again and left the place.

"Do you think we will find anything there?" I asked Jimin worried. "I am sure we will. Don't worry Jungkook will be fine" his smile made me ease and I nodded my head. "Since we are here, how about we look around?" I agreed since we don't have anything to do at all. "Let's go there" he pointed to a food stall and we both went there. "It's delicious" I moaned when I ate a piece of it. "Try dipping it in the sauce" he said and I did the same.

"Wow it's good" I showed him thumbs up before digging in to the food. I was enjoying so much with Jimin I forgot about Jungkook. After a while I looked around and realized Jungkook wasn't there with us. "Jimin, Jungkook is not here" I told him worried. "What?" I started panicking remembering the last time my encounter with the dark guy. "I can't see him anywhere" I started getting scared. What if he got Jungkook? I was so stupid. How can I leave him like that?

"Hey, stop worrying. How about we go back and check there. I am sure he must have left to home" I nodded my head still worried. We both went back home but he wasn't in home either. "I will go and look for him" I told Jimin after few minutes. "It is not safe for you to go alone at this time" I sighed. "I am the only who can see him" I know he want to help me but he can't. "Don't worry I will take care of myself"

"I will come with you" I shook my head. "You should rest. I will be back soon" I walked out with my coat not waiting for his reply. I don't know where to look so I started searching randomly. This place was very huge and dark. Since everyone was in the festival the streets were empty. It was giving me chills and I rubbed my arms hoping to warm myself. I started panicking when I heard footsteps behind me.

"Is anyone there?" I can't see anyone but I heard the footsteps getting nearer. "Hello Y/n" I screamed in fear when I saw the same guy from that night. "I am not going to kill you" he whispered when he saw my scared face. "Yet" he mumbled the last part but I heard him. "What did you do to Jungkook?" he chuckled which made a shiver ran through my body. "I haven't touched him yet but be careful I can kill him any time I want to"

"Who are you?" I asked him confused. "You will find out soon" he smirked before disappearing in to thin air. I stood there still in shock until I heard someone call my name. I looked to my right and saw Jungkook there. "What are you doing out alone? Where is Jimin hyung?" I couldn't stop my tears. I ran towards him and wrapped my arms around him. "Thank god, you are here" I whispered burying my head in his chest. I won't let anything happen to you until my last breath.


Hello readers... As I promised I published new chapter as Jimin birthday gift. I hope he stays healthy and happy this year and achieve everything he want. Happy birthday to our hardworking and caring angel Jimin. 🎂🎂🥳🥳

 Also, today is the day one of my best friends sister died few years back. She was like a sister to me too. I hope she rest in peace. Please do remember her in your prayers. 🙏🙏

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Love you all


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