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"What does he mean by that?" I started thinking hard about his words. If it is about Jungkook why was he asking me to be careful? If anything happens he has to be careful since he will lose the chance of getting back. But the monk was telling me to be careful. Could it about the shadow I have seen? But he also told me he will kill Jungkook not me. He doesn't mean any harm to me.

"I am not sure, but we will know when we come again here next month" Jimin answered my question snapping me out of my thoughts. "You look pale. Are you ok?" I nodded my head.

"I am fine. Don't worry about me" I smiled trying to reassure him but I couldn't help but wonder about his words. "Maybe we should go back and rest for a while" he suggested when he realized I am not in my right mind. "I think you should do that" I looked at Jungkook and saw he is worried too.

"Fine, let's go then" we made our way back to ahjumma house until Jimin stopped walked in the middle. "What happened?" he looked at his phone reading something probably message from someone. "I have to make a call" he excused himself and me and Jungkook stood there waiting for him. "What are you thinking about?" Jungkook asked me when Jimin left. "Nothing"

"Don't lie Y/n, I know you" he stared at me intently. "Are you thinking about what the monk said" I didn't say anything him but I am sure my expression gave away the answer to his question. "Don't worry nothing will happen to you. I will always stay with you" I felt different when he said those words. I know he meant nothing with that but I couldn't help those feelings which were getting too much as I spent time with him more. I don't want to be those girls who fall for guy just because he is sweet cause I know once he goes back to his body there won't be anything between us. It would be best if he doesn't know what I feel for him.

"Sorry" Jimin came back before I can reply to Jungkook. "I hate to say this but it is an emergency and I have to go back" he bit his lip frowning. "Is everything alright?" I asked him when I sensed Jungkook is tensed. "Yeah, I have to shoot some videos and Sejin hyung already scheduled the dates" I sighed in relief when I heard his explanation.

As BTS is taking are on hiatus they don't have to stay together all the time. This break gave them chance to enjoy their time as well. All the members are visiting their families and spending time on trips and hobbies. That is how Jimin was able to spend so much time with us. Sometimes they are shootings few required things managing their personal schedules. 

"I wanted to accompany you to the village but-" Monk told us to go to this village where his ancestors live. They will give me a charm which will protect me I don't know from what. "That's ok. I will go by myself. Besides I have Jungkook with me" I waved my hand gesturing to Jungkook who was standing beside me.

"Call me when you reach there" he gave me a friendly hug before leaving. I waved to him while he got in the cab and drove off to the airport. It's been an hour Jimin got the call from his manager. We came back and packed our bags to leave. Initially we were planning to rest for a while then go the village monk told us. But since Jimin was leaving I decided to start for the village too. It is around two hours from the house we are staying.

If I leave now we will reach around noon since we don't have much transport here. I took my bag and thanked ahjumma for letting us stay here. "Are you sure you will be fine" I nodded my head at her question. "I got the map and their phone number with me. Also, they were informed about my arrival so they will guide from the village entrance" she looked unconvinced. "Be careful. It gets dangerous when it is night and you won't have the signal either"

"I will reach the village by evening probably" I thanked her once again and left the house. "Where are we supposed to go?" Jungkook asked me while I was looking at the map and directions. "It says we should go the right and we will find the bus for the village in like twenty minutes" I pointed to the right and we walked towards the bus stop.

We waited for about fifteen minutes and boarded the bus. "You should sleep for a while. I will wake you up when we reach" Jungkook suggested when I started dozing off. "It's ok. We will reach soon, I will rest later" he sighed moving closer to me. Not many people were boarding the bus so we have lot of spots empty. "Just lay your head here" he grabbed my head and placed it on his shoulder. "Just sleep. I will wake you up" my eyes closed automatically and I was encircled by darkness.

I woke up when I heard screeching voices. I got up and looked around. Bus was empty and not even driver was in the bus. I looked at Jungkook and saw him peacefully. I smiled looking how cute he was looking. That was until I realized we might have missed our stop. I got up quickly and walked out to look for someone. "Excuse me" I tapped a man shoulder and he turned to look at me. "Can you tell me where we are?"

"We are in Nagiso" my eyes widened in shock. "What about Hisi village?" he frowned. "We already crossed that stop like two hours back" I cursed Jungkook for making me sleep. "Can I know when the next bus is for Hisi again?" he looked at the data on the wall which was written in Japanese. "Next one is in the morning around nine" I thanked him and went inside the bus to get my luggage. "Are we here already?" I glared at Jungkook when he asked me that question.

I am stuck with this boy for twelve hours in a place where I don't know anyone at all. How am I going to survive this without showing my feelings? 

Author Note:

Hello readers... I am getting too busy with all the stuff that I am unable to write the chapters. I will try to update more so please bear with me till then.

Let me know your thoughts and don't forget to vote while reading.

Love you all...


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