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I froze for a while due to shock. By the time I realized it and was about to kiss him back he pulled away. I pouted sadly that I wasn't able to return the kiss. "Don't you ever say that again" he mumbled against my lips breathless from the kiss. "About what?" I asked him dumbly. "Don't say sorry for that"

"You didn't hear me completely earlier" I waited for him to explain further. "I wanted to tell you that yes I don't like you. I love you" my eyes widened at his words. "I don't know how or when but I fell for you. Everything about you makes me amaze. I want to spend all the time just watching you and doing everything with you"

"I know you must be shocked to hear this but I thought you deserve to know about my feelings for you" I couldn't say anything to him. I mean how am I supposed to react to his confession? Any other girl would be screaming due to his confession but I was stuck. I opened my mouth and closed it right away. I don't know what to say. Do I like him too? If I say I like him what would happen then? A lot of questions were running in my mind that I couldn't form a proper sentence.

"You don't have to answer me now?" I looked at him. "I know it is hard to answer and I am not expecting you to like me back" he mumbled halfheartedly. I felt a pang in my chest when he said those words. I thought back to all the time I spend with him. I haven't worried about anyone except my family and friends before. Though I fell sad or pity watching someone it isn't extreme. You know what I mean right?

I smile if he is smiling. I always worry about his happiness and well being. I grabbed his hand forcing him to turn when I realized he was leaving. "Who said I don't feel the same?" he looked Jung shook. "What? Really?" I grinned at him. "Yes, I am not sure about the love part but I like you too" I don't want to lie to him and say I love him when I am not even sure about it. So, I just to settle for 'I like you' for now. "You are not joking right?"

"Do I look like I am joking to you?"I asked him crossing my hands over my chest. "You don't how happy I am" I shrieked when he twirled me in the air holding me in his arms. "Jungkook, put me down" I yelled feeling a little dizzy. "Never" he laughed making me hit his arm."Whoa" I closed my eyes when I felt him lose his balance. "You scared me"

"You almost dropped me" I glared at him when he placed me on the ground. "I will always be there to catch you so don't worry" he gave me his famous bunny smile which made me smile too. "Does this make you my girlfriend?" I chuckled at his question. "Shouldn't you ask me first properly though?" he backed up a little and cleared his throat. "Y/n, wait I don't know your last name" I started laughing loud at his realization.

"It's ok. I will be your girlfriend" he pouted cutely. "But I wanted to ask you properly" I ruffled his hair. "You don't have to. I like you too much to say no anyway" his face broke in to grin when I said that. "I don't think I can get tired of hearing you say that you like me" I smiled too. "That is true though" I intertwined my hand with his hand. "Let's go now or else we will miss the bus again"

"How long will it take to go back?" I asked him when I settled in my seat. "About an hour to airport and around two hours to get to Seoul" I yawned loudly. "How do you manage all those schedules?" I asked him when I realized how tiring it could be travelling all the time and working continuously. "You get used to it. Besides, I get to see army everywhere" I smiled watching his eyes lit up every time I mention his work. He must love his fans and his work. I listened to his stories all the time till we reached Seoul.

"Home sweet home" I yelled opening the door to my house. "It's good to be back" I mumbled laying on the couch in the living room. "You should sleep for a while. You look pale" I smiled at Jungkook seeing how worried he is. "Will you sleep with me?" he coughed at my request. "What?" I chuckled at him. "Don't be a pervert. I am just asking you to sleep not something else" his face reddened in embarrassment. "You are so cute"

"I am not" he scoffed slapping my hand away. "You should call me oppa you know. I am older than you" I rolled my eyes at him. "I am just 23 days younger than you. We are technically same age" I got up from the couch and went in to living room. "Really? You are September born too?"I nodded my head. "What are you doing?" I took the bowl from the cabinet. "I am hungry"

"I am planning to make something" I checked the fridge to see what ingredients I have. "I guess I have to go for grocery shopping" I mumbled placing the things on the table. I prepared some pasta and salad. "You should sleep" Jungkook said worried when he saw me dozing off. I ate food and sat checking my mails from work. Though it is only been two days I have piles of work. Soojin messaged me saying that our manager will be back by day after tomorrow. I will have to finish all the work before he comes.

"I need to finish this" Jungkook pulled the laptop away. "You can do it after your nap. Come on, let's sleep for awhile" he carried me to the bed and laid me on it. He got in beside me and I wrapped my arms around him. Though, it is first time I am sleeping in his arms it felt right. I dozed off without a worry in his arms. Only if things stay this way always but nothing stays always right.

Author Note:

Hello readers... I have seen lot of new readers and I am really happy for all your support. Thank you for reading and supporting this book.

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Love you all ♥♥


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