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"What do you mean?" I chuckled nervously at his words. "Didn't we promise to tell each other everything?" my breath hitched in realizing he remembers me. "But how?" he grabbed my face in his hands looking at me. "Why? Why didn't you tell me?" I felt a tear slip from my eye at his words. "I missed you so much"

"You don't know how much I missed you" I sobbed unable to control my emotions anymore. "Shh... I am here now" he enfolded his arms around me. "I thought you wouldn't remember me ever" he tightened his arms around me. "I am sorry. I was late" I shook my head pulling away from him. "It wasn't your fault"

"I never thought I would be like this with you again" I smiled looking at him. After few minutes of crying and talking we are now laying in his bedroom cuddling each other. I was laying on his chest facing the ceiling. "Why didn't you tell me when we first met?" I thought about our encounter. "The monk who helped us told me not to tell you"

"Besides you seem so happy and excited" I smiled at the past memory. "I was?" I hummed in reply. "You were talking about going on a trip to Japan with your hyungs. You were so excited about planning the trip" he chuckled. "I must have been" I turned my head to face him. "But Jimin was persistent that you will remember me"

"He knew how much I love you" my heart skipped a beat when I heard him say that. "How did you remember everything?" he rolled his eyes looking a little mad. "For the staters I felt weird around you and I also heard your conversation with Jimin hyung that night" I sat up straight hearing him. "First I thought you might like each other but then I realized it wasn't true when I heard you both"

"He was forcing me to tell you the truth" I frowned remembering the argument we had. "You wouldn't have believed me even if I told you" I mumbled but he heard me anyway. "I don't know what would have happen" he grabbed my hands playing with them. I felt happy and calm. Small things like this with him were enough to ease my worries. I always felt peaceful and happy when I am with him.

"I missed this" Jungkook voiced out his thoughts making me smile. "Me too" I snuggled in to his arms and he wrapped his arms around me. I didn't know when but we fell asleep soon.

I rubbed my face whining when I felt something on my face. I tried to turn around and sleep but whispers woke me up. I opened my eyes lightly to check who was disturbing me. I shrieked in surprise when I saw six pair of eyes watching me. "Y/n, what is it?" Jungkook must have woke up from my screaming. I didn't say anything and watched the boys in front of me. "Hyungs" Jungkook said shocked when he saw them.

"Jungkook, explain this" Namjoon calmly asked him. "Hyung we were talking and all. We kind of fell asleep" I face palmed mentally at Jungkook answer. "So, you are together now?" Jin hyung asked him. "Well..." I trailed off not knowing whether Jungkook want to tell them or not. "Yeah, we like each other" he told them directly making them stunned.

I looked at them for a reaction but they just stood with blank faces. "Say something" they all screamed something like finally. "We are so happy for you" they patted his back and hugged him. "How about we celebrate his relation?" Hoseok suggested making them cheer. "I will order some food" they all went on their ways to prepare. I looked around and realized I was alone with Namjoon. "Thanks for supporting us"

"I know the moment I saw you both you like each other" I was thankful he didn't ask me about our story. "He is like a brother to us all" he smiled looking at Jungkook who was with maknae line. "He may not seem like it but he is very sensitive. Please take care of him" I smiled understanding his words. "I love him too much to not care" I told him watching him from far.

"Hey" I looked up and saw Jimin at the door entrance. "Hi" I greeted him back. "What are you doing?" I signalled to the box which I was holding. "Jungkook gave me the bracelet which was the reason for this all" I waved my hand explaining. "I am happy he remembered everything" he sat beside me. "I am too" I told him how Mark came and he told me about all the things. The first day I properly met Jimin was when Jungkook heard about Mark. So, he knows about my history with him.

"Why didn't you tell us he came back?" I shrugged my shoulders. "I didn't want to bother you" he sighed grabbing my arms. "I told you this before too. you are like a family to us. We do care about you" I smiled nodding my head. I know he told me lot of times about it. "Are you going to work today?" I shook my head. "I worked extra last week's so I got three days weekend"

"That's great" he smiled excitedly. "We can enjoy and celebrate then" I hummed in reply thinking. "What is it?" I looked at him confused. "You look worried" I hesitated first but I told him about my encounter with that guy. "So, you mean he came back even after Jungkook got back" I nodded my head. "Also, that lady told me I will have to face him anyway"

"Since Jungkook remember me now, he might come back" he bit his lip thinking. "I don't know how to fight him but we will find a way" it's not me I am worried about. I don't want anything happening to Jungkook. I need to find a way before he comes back. I can't let anything happen to Jungkook now.

Author Note:

Hey guys... So the book is nearing to end. Probably few more chapters left. I will try to update frequently next chapters.

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