Destined By Her Dream: Shot 1

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Dreams... Everyone dreams... You dream... I dream... And then we strive hard to get those fulfilled. But this single word destroyed her and took everything away from her. She was left in a dry desert with no hopes but still, she somewhere had the courage to fulfil her dream, the dream which snatched everything from her...

Rimsha Mukherjee, a 23-year-old Delhi-based girl, had all the luxuries one could wish for, except for the love of her parents, to be precise, the love of her parent. Her mother left the world when she was 6 and her father married another woman, Natasha. And aren't the stepmoms supposed to be cruel?? (No offences, please... I was just telling about the normal circumstances... Sometimes even stepmoms can prove to be angels) Even Cinderella's stepmother didn't leave her, then how can we expect Rimsha's step-mother, Natasha to be an angel in disguise? When she and her father married after a year and a half of her actual mother's death, Natasha seemed to be the perfect mother anyone would want. But as she gave birth to her own son and Rimsha's half-brother, Ayush, the tables turned... All the attention she used to get, Ayush would get it... Natasha even manipulated her father, Anand against her and she could feel herself getting distanced from the family, especially from her father. Her face lost the charm and she used to remain confined to her room and school. The only time when she would genuinely be happy was when she was with her friends or with Ayush... Ayush considered her to be his second mother... She, at the age of 10, cared for him like he was a part of her, so delicately and so lovingly...
The next 10 years of her life were full of struggles... Her friends, whom she considered to be her best pals, betrayed her. They used her for their profits and when the purpose would end, Rimsha would be left alone, again. Even though she had everything, she still felt that she was alone... Anand and Natasha would neglect her as if she didn't exist for them. All their love was limited to Ayush... Even after all this, Rimsha wasn't jealous of Ayush or angry from her parents. She knew what a family meant, what love meant and what the bondings in a relationship mean. According to her, if her parents would have hated her, they would have abandoned her and let her to herself. But they were providing her education, a house to live in, a comfy bed to sleep on and the best thing, her guitar. The royal blue guitar, its name Gitsy as named by Rimsha, and her pillows were her confidant. She shared everything to them, from her friendship betrayals to the happy moments with Ayush. She had a love for singing and playing the guitar, a trait she got from her mother who was a state-level prize winner in singing. Rimsha's voice was so enchanting and melodious that even a cuckoo will bend its head in shame. It was so soothing. She dreamt of being a singer and this dream snatched everything from her...

Rimsha had just graduated after doing her Bachelors in Business Management. Ah! this was so against her wish and so against her dream. She wanted to complete her graduation and post-graduation in Music... But were her wishes or dreams ever considered in the house that they would be heard then? Unfortunately, she was forced to study the subject her so-called parents told her to, business management so that she could help Anand in his company. And she did so... She was the gold-medalist of her batch, the topper. But she discovered that she could no longer study something she didn't wish for. And for the first time in her life, she stood for herself against her family... But what happened made her world upside-down.

Rimsha: (begging) Please Papa... Let me study music. It's my dream, my passion.

Anand: So what can I do if it's your passion?? You know that you are the topper of your batch... Within some time, the media people will come to take your interview about your future plans... What will you say? That you will leave this field and pursue that stupid, low-class music subject?

Rimsha: (joining her hands in front of him, crying) It's not like that Papa... I have always agreed to all your decisions. Please, just this time agree with me. I promise that I will do whatever you say. Please...

Suddenly, Natasha comes to her and drags her towards herself and gives her a tight slap

Natasha: (furiously) Hey you good-for-nothing girl!! Stop blabbering stupid things. We haven't raised you and educated you till here so that you can go against our orders. If your father is saying something, then you have to do it. There's no second option. Understood.

Anand: Yes, Rimsha. Natasha is correct. Now be a good girl and get ready for the interview. The media people will arrive anytime.

Rimsha: (determined) No means no... I am not studying Business Management further. I will study music and only music.

Natasha: Don't you understand something in one time Rimsha? This music and all is for low-class people and for harlots... Not for people like the children of Anand and Natasha Mukherjee...

Rimsha:(frustrated) If you are pointing to my character, then please don't because it doesn't matter to me whatever you say. And don't you ever try to insult music. It is my ultimate wish to be a singer and I won't spare anyone who says something against music. And yeah, what did you say, the children of Anand and Natasha Mukherjee... Have you guys ever treated me like one? Arre you don't even know what's happening with me. You behave as if I don't exist for you. It's better to be orphan than to have a mother like you...

Anand: (shouting) Rimsha, where the hell have your manners gone??

And he slapped her hard and she stumbled backwards only to be supported by Ayush.

Ayush: Dad!! What are you doing?? (to Rimsha) Di!! Are you okay??

Anand: Shut up Ayush... And Rimsha, what did you say?? That it's better to be orphan?? Then from today, you are one. You are no one to us. Assume that I am dead for you and I'll believe that you are dead for me...

Rimsha: (shocked) Papa!!

Anand: (raged) Not a single word!! And I'm not your papa... Just get out of my house...

Ayush: Dad, how can you... (interrupted)

Anand: (shouting) Not a word, Ayush. Go to your room and just forget that you ever had a sister called Rimsha... (to Rimsha) And you, take your belongings and move out of this house. And please, for heaven's sake, don't ever come back to us... Just go, and do whatever you want to... We don't care...

And that was the day she was actually abandoned by her parents. Her dream snatched everything from her...

A Month Later
Well, Rimsha may regret everything she had done but not that she stood against her so-called family to fulfil her dream of singing. Now she was here in Mumbai living with her only true friend, Khushi in her apartment. Khushi was Rimsha's classmate in school and then she shifted to Mumbai to pursue her dream of becoming an Architect. On the day Rimsha left Delhi, she came to Mumbai with the prize money she got from her University for being the topper of the batch and when she reached here, she could only remember Khushi. And Khushi, without hesitating ordered Rimsha to come and live with her in her apartment. About Delhi, well, she did miss her parents for a few days but she understood that she was never a major part of their lives. The only person she missed was Ayush. Even though they talked almost every day, she couldn't help but miss him. The last month was full of struggles for her. She would do street shows and sing in the nightclubs to collect money so that she could get admission in a decent university to study Music. She would cringe when the people in the clubs would eye her lustily, but at the end, she had to do that... Who knew that singing in the nightclubs or on the streets would change her life, for better or for worse??

A few days later
Gravity Nightclub

Will you ever come find me?
Will you ever come find me?
Will you ever be mine?

Need you now, oh hold me closer
Need you now, oh hold me closer
Stop the wheels of time

When I close my eyes
You're here by my side
When I close my eyes
You're here by my side

Rimsha's melodious voice echoed in the whole nightclub and there was pin-drop silence as every day it was whenever she used to sing. It was as if everyone was taken to a magical land with her voice.

All I ever really need is your love
Nothing I could say would ever be enough

Stay a little longer with me, baby!
Won't you stay a little longer with me?
Stay a little longer with me, baby!
Won't you stay a little longer with me?

Oh Oh O...

I have been waiting for something new
I have been waiting for something new
Now I know it's for you

The silver lining to my dark cloud
The silver lining to my dark cloud
Truth in this world of doubt

One of these people was Viom Banerjee, the famous music director who was known for introducing new singers in the industry and was currently looking for a new voice for his next stage show and album. He had everything, looks, money, fame and what not. He looked towards his PA-cum-best friend, Shashant Sharma and found him flirting with a girl and he sighed.

Now that I have you, Don't let me go
Now that I have you, Don't let me go

Oh I know that time to leave has come
I'm not ready for this moment to be done

Stay a little longer with me, baby!
Won't you stay a little longer with me?
Stay a little longer with me, baby!
Won't you stay a little longer with me?

Ho-Oh O...

Viom: Shashant, I think that I've found her...

Shashant: You mean the female voice for your next stage show and album.

Viom: Yup...

Won't let go, cannot ever let go
The light of your memories
Won't let go, cannot ever let go
Every joy, every misery
Won't let go, cannot ever let go
The light of your memories
Won't let go, cannot ever let go
Every joy, every misery

Oh ho... what's this feeling?
It's just so true
Cross the seven seas
Give my life for you
There's nothing that I wouldn't do

Stay a little longer with me, baby!
Won't you stay a little longer with me, baby?
Please stay a little longer with me, baby!
Won't you stay a little longer with me?

Shashant: (sighing) Finally, otherwise I thought that you'll have to cancel the stage show if you didn't find one according to your choice. You troubled me so much this time for finding a female voice.

Viom: (scrunching his eyes) What did you say??

Don't ever leave me now
Don't you please?
Stay a little longer with me, baby
Won't you stay?
Need you here.. with me

Shashant: (raising his hands in surrender) Okay, okay... Sorry, bro. So, who is the lucky one??

Viom: (pointing towards the stage where Rimsha was standing) There she is...

Shashant: (looking towards her) Indeed she has a magical voice. (looking towards Viom) But your female lead will be a nightclub singer??

Viom: Yes, so what??

Shashant: Nothing, let's go to her and ask her.

Viom: Chalo (come)

As they got up from their seats and looked towards the stage, Rimsha had already left.

Viom: Shit!! Where the hell has she gone??

Shashant: Calm down, bro... Come let's ask the manager.

And they went towards the manager.

Manager: How may I help you, sir??

Viom: We need the details of the singer who left just now.

Manager: Sorry sir, but we can't provide someone's personal information.

Viom: (furiously) Don't you know who I am?? I am Viom Banerjee and if I wish, this nightclub will be closed within a second. Got it?? Now give me the details.

Manager: (fumbling) So..sorry Sir. She's Rimsha...

Viom: Rimsha what?? And where does she live??

Manager: She has just said her name as Rimsha... She joined a month ago and sings here on every Saturday. She hasn't provided her address saying that she doesn't have a permanent address...

Viom: Okay! Thanks!!
(to Shashant) You understood na?? Her details on my table tomorrow morning.

Shashant: (winking) Done, bro. On your table, tomorrow morning by 11...

Next Day
Khushi's Apartment

Khushi: Oh c'mon Rimsha!! Stop making faces... It's just sugar and curd...

Rimsha: (making faces) Yeah, JUST sugar and curd. And why should I eat this??

Khushi: Yaar! It's your birthday, damn...

Rimsha: Yeah... So what's so special?? I don't like my birthday...

Khushi: Oyye!! Stop your stupid talks and eat this otherwise I'll kill you on your birthday only...

Rimsha: Okay, okay... I am eating this... But, I am just going 5 km away for a street show... What will happen if I eat this?

Khushi: (sighing) Who knows something good may happen??

Rimsha: Yeah! Something good which didn't happen to me since the last 10 or 12 years... Right?? Well, leave it... I'm getting late... Bye!!

Khushi: Bye Rimsha...
(praying to God) Oh God, she has suffered a lot... Please help her and give her a life she deserves...

Half an hour later
Street show

Main jaan ye vaar doon
Har jeet bhi haar doon
Keemat ho koi tujhe beinteha pyaar doon (x2)

Saari hadein maine meri, ab maine tod di
Dekar mujhe pataa awaargi ban gaye

This was Rimsha, singing in her ever melodious voice on the streets... Who knew that a girl who was brought up in so many luxuries had to earn by singing on the streets?? Well, it was her dream that made her do so...

Haan hasi ban gaye
Haan nami ban gaye
Tum mere aasmaan
Meri zameen ban gaye

Aa o... aa...

And this is when Shashant, who was going to Viom, saw her and hurriedly called Viom.

Shashant: Bhai, she is here...

Viom: (confused) Who is there Shashant??

Shashant: Arre wahi...

Viom: (irritated) Shashant, does she have a name??

Shashant: Name, yeah name... Your next female voice, Rimsha is here on the street singing.

And this was time for Viom to be shocked... He told Shashant to message him his location and he soon reached there...

Kya khoob Rab ne kiya
Bin maange itna diya
Warna hai milta kahaan
Hum kaafiron ko Khuda (x2)

Hasratein ab meri tumse hai jaa mili
Tum duaa ab meri aakhiri ban gaye

Haan hasi ban gaye
Haan nami ban gaye
Tum mere aasmaan
Meri zameen ban gaye

As soon as Viom reached there, he was once again mesmerized by her voice. It was so soothing, but he could feel the pain behind that enchanting voice. As the song finished, he saw that Rimsha had collected all the money she had got and was leaving. Coming back to his senses, he rushed towards her.

Viom: Excuse me, Miss Rimsha.

Rimsha: Yes!! How do you know my name?

Viom: (bringing his hand forward to shake) I am Viom Banerjee, the music director...

Rimsha: (surprised) Oh My God!! Oh, My God!! You, as in the Viom Banerjee, is standing in front of me... How may I help you, sir?

Viom: Oh, it's Viom for you. I am here to ask if you can be the female voice for my next stage show and album. And in return, I will enrol you in the music academy I own. I know you want to get a degree in music.

Rimsha: Wh...what?? Me, your female voice?? Who would deny the offer?? And how do you know about me??

Viom: (shrugging) Well, being a rich person has its perks...
So, first of all, we need a bit of practice with the band and then you'll be ready. I don't think that you need much practice, though...

Rimsha: Sure, si... (seeing him glaring) Viom...

Precap: A step closer to her dream...


Author's note:
Hey there, guys!! How are you all??
Well this is the first time I'm writing something other than Swasan fanfictions and trust me, it was a great experience writing it. Initially, this was supposed to be just one-shot... But now I guess that it is going to become a three shot... So wait for the next parts.... The second part will most probably be posted by the night... The song Stay A Little Longer from Half Girlfriend is attached at the top... Do listen to it once... It's awesome...
Do share your views and suggestions and if there is any scene that you wanna see... Like, comment and recommend...
Till then,
Happy Reading!! ❤️😃

PS: This one is exclusively for big19boss on her birthday... Happy birthday, girl!!! Have a rocking year ahead... I love you, now, forever and always... ❤️ And this is the surprise I was telling you about... So how's it?? Did you like it??

PPS: Thanks iram_95 for the ideas... I love you... ❤️

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