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(I refuse to add images to other's ocs, because it's never 100% accurate. If you want an image, pm me a link to it)

Name: Tanzanite

Age: 5

Gender: Female

Hybrid of: sky/sea

sexuality: bisexual

personality: on the outside, she acts like she can do anything. On the inside, she is constantly nervous.

Looks: Beautiful purple, full skywing look, but bioluminscent scales only appear when sun reflects on them, and in total darkness the purple glow is visible.

powers: blue fire (hotter than normal fire, doesn't burn out unless with water)

flaws: may have anxiety

strengths: can fly for a long time, but still feels ain when flying for WAY too long

accessories: a carved marble dragon pendant necklace

Name: Firelight Doggo_Gal          

Age: 5

Gender: Female

Hybrid of: Sky\Rain

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Easily angered, loves insulting other dragons in her mind but is too shy to actually insult them.

Looks: Can change scales, but mostly looks like an orange\yellow\red which is slightly flickering, small

Powers: Can change scales and breath fire

Flaws: Can't focus her scale colors enough to camouflage, is small for her tribe and age

Strengths: Agile and can duck away from dragons in a fight, is a good flyer, and flies fast

Accessories: Small golden circle looped around her head and circles around her horns, no one knows what it means and she won't tell

Name: Stormbringer The_Rosiest_Raccon   

Age: 5

Gender: Female

Hybrid of: Night/Sea

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Cold and distant, she doesn't really like socializing or anything. She's the type of dragon to be so stubborn that she will sit out in the cold for days on end if it means she'll win a bet.

Looks: Deep blue with star shaped illuminated scales, she has gray eyes and a slim, elegant figure that intimidates most dragons even though she's a little on the short side.

Powers: Excellent swimmer, can breathe fire, strong and agile like a cat

Flaws: She's very stubborn and hates anyone who patronizes her. if someone says she's wrong in the context of belittling her, she will go toe to toe with them

Strengths: Clever, high IQ

Accessories: She wears a deep blue pendant necklace with a silver chain and inlay, as well as quartz flecks in it to symbolize stars.

Name: Snowfly (mine)

Age: 5

Gender: female

Hybrid of: Ice/Hive

Sexuality: Asexual, aromantic.

Personality: Extremely stubborn and unforgiving, for example if you steal her favourite fish she will claw you to death. Not a good dragon to like too much. She prefers to be background noise and doesn't contribute to conversations, unless she's being talked to. Brave and will kill if necessary. Never cries and hates the thought of love. If she finds out someone has a crush on her she will most likely laugh and then bite them. If you were crying, she'd probably just sit opposite you, and then steal your stuff and slap you. Better be wise around her or you'd end up with a million bruises.

Looks: Frosty white shiny reflective scales, with four transculent bat-like wings and gold eyes. She has a grey stinger on her tail and is way too shiny-pretty.

(art by me)

Powers: The stinger on her tail paralyzes a dragon with the cold, and little bits of frost will appear on their scales until they freeze to death. The antidote is boiling water. Normal flames won't help. Also weakish frostbreath that can cause blisters.

Flaws: Cannot control the flow of her stinger toxin yet, and is pretty rude and insulting, has bipolar disorder.

Strengths: Good at fighting and is very clever.

Accessories: thin gold chain around her neck and inlaid on the edges of her wings, plus a gold armband and a silk veil on her horns that don't cover her eyes. Also silver diamond earrings. Wonder where she got all that? Surprise surprise, her parents are extremely rich.

Name: Seafoam StratusClaws   

Age: 5

Gender: Female

Hybrid of: Sea/Rain

Sexuality: Lesbian

Personality: Shes very open and blunt about her emotions, and tends to get very caught up in daydreams and her imagination. She's endlessly curious to a dangerous extent and ends up trying to hold things like acid spitting bugs and snakes sometimes, and seems to kind of just forget the intense pain of being attacked by them.Looks: She has light, sea-foam blue colored scales with blotches of yellow, dark blue and cyan, as well as dark-green faded talons, tail, snout, spine and wings with yellow frills and a light cyan underbelly.Powers: She can change her scales to colors on the cool spectrum (Ex: blue, purple, green) on the color wheel. She can also spit a kind of watered-down venom and has a prehensile tail.

Flaws: Her gills kind of got a little messed up due to her Rainwing DNA, so she ends up coughing out a lot of water when she swims sometimes and has the instinct to breathe it in.

Strengths: Agile, and has extensive knowledge on plants and animals.

Accessories: A bag hanging around her neck filled with samples and notes on different animals and plants, a flower crown made of dandelions and grass blades, and a necklace with a turquoise stone hanging off it.

Name: Fox Dorothyden  

Age: 5

Hybrid: sea/sky

Sexuality: pan

Personality: loving, loves adventures, kind, protective

Looks: Redish orange scales with light blue seawing webs in his toes and on his back and chest (like seawings do) and blue/green eyes

Powers: animus

Flaws: not good at controlling his flying

Strengths: good swimmer

Accessories: a silver ring around his horn with 2 blue/green feathers on it

Name: Umbra - mine

age: 5

Hybrid of: Rain/Night

Sexuality: polyamorous abrosexual

personality: friendly, cannot stand arguments, tries to be helpful but ends up a little annoying


powers: mind reading, no venom though

Flaws: no venom, clumsy, offended easily.

Strengths: hire her if you have a friendship problem

Accessories: none

Name: Smoke Stack SmokeStackIsPan  

Age: 5

Gender: Female

Hybrid: Sand/Sky

Sexuality: Pan

Personality: loyal till the very end, if you hurt her friends you will perish, protective, loud when it comes to her opinions, if you respect her she will respect you, hate's the thought of being a coward, will pick fights with anyone, sticks to her morals more then the rules, can get angry/annoyed easily

Looks: bigger then most dragons her age and still not fully grown, fire yellow scales with lighter yellow under scales and sail, wings membranes are the same shade as scales but fade into fire orange at the edges, dark red eyes, dark brown horns that are curled, some scars on back and neck but not many, no SandWing tail barb

Powers: fast flyer, good stamina, hotter fire then normal, can go 3 days without eating or drinking water before she becomes to tired

Flaws: no tail barb, can't read/wright very good

Strengths: fast flyer, good fighter

Accessories: a two and a half claw long dagger that has a leather sheath the she wears on her front left arm

Name: Dragonfly Doggo_Gal 

Age: 5

Hybrid of: Silk\Sea

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Questioning

Personality: Friendly, gets tired of dragons easily

Looks: white\light blue with four wings and gills, plus fins

Powers: Can shoot water from wrists instead of silk, can breathe underwater, and swim moderately fast

Flaws: Not very strong or agile

Strengths: A good swimmer, good at making friends

Accessories: A pearl necklace and a silver earring

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